American Rabbit Breeders Assn. 5/4/2011 PO Box 5667, Bloomington, IL 61702 309-664-7500 [email protected] Rabbit Showmanship General Note to judge: Judge the contestants actions and knowledge- Do not judge the behavior or condition of the rabbit Step A'ctions pts Terms pts pts Proper support Carry Maintain control 5 /s Correct pose for breed Pose 3 Breed, Compact, Cylindrical, Full Arch Introduction- greeting/name, Step back Mandolin, Semi-Arch, Commercial 2 /s Check both ears Mites, Canker, Carriage, Thickness, Color Ear~ 3 2 Read tattoo Torn or Missing Portions, Fur Covering /s Smooth motion, Proper control Turn over 5 Rest weight on table /s Properly open eyes Ey~ 3 Proper Color, Blrndness, Wall eye, Moon Eye 2 Not forcing open Weepy Eye or Signs ofConjunctivitis /s Proper hand position Snuffles, Nasal Discharge Nose Show both nosbils 3 Foreign Spots or Colors 2 Check inside legs for nasal discharge /s Proper hand position Teeth 3 Malocclusion, Buck teeth, Wolf Teeth 2 Show upper and lower incisors Peg Teeth, Broken Teeth /s Check straightness of legs Broken, Extra & Missing Toes Front FeeV Legs Check toenails, pad & dewclaw 3 Mismatched, White, Missing Toenails 2 Proper thumb position Bone Density, Dewclaw, Pads /s Check under jaw & chest Abscess, Tumor, Abnormalities Belly Check abdomen & sides 3 Pigeon Breast, Blemishes, Mastitis 2 Smooth and complete coverage /s Check straightness of legs Broken &Missing Toes Rear FeeV Legs Check toenails and hocks 3 Mismatched, White, Miss·ng Toenails 2 Proper thumb position Bone Density, Straightness, Sore Hocks /s Proper position of rabbit and hand Buck/Doe, Vent Disease, Hutch Bum Sex 3 2 Expose vent/ penis & testicles Split Penis, Descended Testicles in Intl Si /s Extend tail, Move side to side Wry, Dead, Bobbed, Broken Tail 3 2 Examine underside Color, Straightness /s Return to pose, Smooth motion Density, Texture, Sheen, Luster Fur Proper control, Stroke coat from 3 RolJpac~. Flyt;,ack, Rex, Standing, Wool 2 tail to head to show fur type Undercolor, Ring Color, Surface Color, Molt /s Final pose, Head, Ears, Shoulder Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Balance Judging Chest, Midsection, Loin, Hindquarters 10 Condition, Finish 5 Comments Rump, Breed specific (markings/color) Did not use word "Nice"I /4 Show coat/ Apron/ Long sleeves Humane treatment/ controls anima' at all times Overall Smile, Hair neat 5 Good eye contact, Follows directions 5 Presentation No rings, No dangling jewelry, No gum Thanks judge /4 Knowledge Answers to questions 10 /4 Judge Total Score 100 Comments: ,.I ' .... Rabbit Showmanship Steps o Remove rabbit-from-its cage and bring to the table • Be sure to close the cage! • Introduce yourself and your rabbit to the judge • Optional-4 point turn before thejudge • Pose your rabbit on the table perthe breed standards with the left ear facing theJudge • Read the ear tattoo • Check ears for mites/cankers, etc and check the neck • Flip your rabbit onto its back and then............ • Check the eyes • Check the nose • Check teeth, feel all ofthe molars, too. Check the teeth using a "U" shape grasp along the head keeping YQUr hand away f,:_om the_front ofthe mouth to avoid getting bit. • Check front feet, check straightness offront legs, pads of feet, hocks, count toenails • Check back feet, check straightness of legs, pads offeet, hocks, count toenails • Check sex ofthe rabbit, show and tell thejudge what it Is • Tail-check for breaks, straightness • Flip your rabbit back over on its feet and pose again • Check your rabbit's back, sides, neck area • Check under the rabbit for abscesses, hernia, etc. To do this, with your left hand, grasp the rabbit's scruff_ With your right hand, start by feeling the jawofthe rabbit and feel all the way under the rabbit. Have your hand come out the tail end of the rabbit. • Pose your rabbit again and examine the fur. Blow 3 lines down the back and sides ofthe rabbit to see unaercolor offur.Run your fianas up your raooits 6ack-to indicate rurtype andlocnecl<­ for molt. Show your hands tojudge (shouldn't be rabbit hair/fur on your hands) • Optional-checktail again here or Instead of when the rabbit is on its back • Return the rabbit to its natural pose • Pose it again • Read the ear tattoo again • Waitfor the judge to ask you questions • Return rabbit to its cage being sure to properly put the rabbit back in its cage and close the cage. The Judge may still be judging your handling skills! Wear long sleeves. Should be in official uniform of the organization including wearing a belt. Avoid nail polish (distracting). Remove earrings and otherJewelry. Keep hair pulled away from face. Good eye contact with the judge. Make sure he sees you doing each step ofthe routine. If he doesn't see you perform a step, you may not get credit for itl r---------------------~----------------------1----------------------r---------------------, I I I I I l~r · . Satin i s11verFox j_ J!~!~ i.,,._I Silver ! I I I I . I I I I I - . 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