This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. /115 . ( . ; 1?~l~gets I· Hele~o~ . foundation ·· Tax-exempt group defines the iskues .I lly T~~ Associated Pre~• WASmNGTON- A tax-exempt i·r 2A ~ . WiCHrrA EAGLe FridaY, May 26, 1995 , foundation created by Bob' Dole raised $4 million last year and has begun spending it on projects use­ ful to a presidential campaign - polling, Issue papers and televi­ sion ads. The head of the Better America Foundation said the group iS not di­ rectly asSisting Dole's pr«lSICllenltta! campaign. · But he aclmo·wledll•~ the group solicits· . L~~te : l~dg~; Committe.; 'chalrma~ Pete ~~~ni~i, R-N.M. (left), and Senate Malority Leader iob ::1: Dole's' ideas, . +•d the future of Amer1ca'i ch1l.dren are at .take as lawmakers try to balance the budget. shares its work Wedne~ay with him imd· meets regularly · with his Senate staff to "see · 1rax cut eliminated as Senate . where the foun­ dation can help." "Yes, there might be some Dole hears approVal of'budget plan I things we do that Dole talks about in the campaign," said Executive 1· ly The Auoclated Preu . passage of the spending plan savings f-;:om Medicare, Medicaid Director Jim Whittinghill, who aWASHINGTON - Republican would be delayed until today. and welfare. Farmers, students, served on Dole's Senate staff for slnators abandoned their effort to Democrats said their amend- veterans and urban mass transit eight years before moving to the eO,Sure that t.axes will be cut in ments were designed not for de- systems would receive less aid foundation. "At some point it's t'eir balanced-budget plan lays but to draw contrasts be- and scores of other programs - hard to separate;" · V'kdnesday. ~s the, Senate neared tween their .owit priorities and including the Department of Com­ Under. federal tax laws, the. at proval of a landmark GOP out- those of Republicans. One by Sen. merce- would disappear. foundation cannot advocate · the li e for shrinking government and Barbara Boxer; D-Calif., requir- election of a particular candidate. · etminatirig the deficit. ing that 90 percent of the tax cuts The affiliation between the foun­ iSlx days after the House adopted go to people ~arning less than dation and Dole allows the· GOP a ~imilar outline, the Senate edged $100,000, fell by a mostly party- presidential hopeful to _receive in­ t!tward' blessing its blueprint for line 54-46. · · direct support - access to poll re­ k~~g and reshaping hundreds of A day after Sen. Phil Gramm, sults and issue studies - without pfograms and erasing annual R-Texas, was defeated in an effort Going different directions? Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and House Speaker Newt Gingrich having to limit contributions and sllortfalls by 2002. Senate Republi- to insert tax cuts into the budget, meet reporters on capitol Hill Thursday to discuss the federal budget. Senate Republicans passed their identify donors, which . he would cans said their measure would several senators said Dole had version of a seven-year budget outline on Thursday. Uke the version previously passed by the House, the have to do if the money were con­ s4ve nearly $1 trillion over the concludetJ that a second attempt Senate budget resolutlon would end deficit spending In seven years. Unlike the House, the Senate did not tributed directly to his campaign. ·.n~xt sexen years; the House ver- would fall short as well. Unlike the Include any tax cuts In Its budget plan. /lA Among its polling ·efforts, the shm claims $1.4 trillion in savings House, many Senate Republicans .foundation asked voting~age Amer­ ~ cause · it aiso includes a tax cut. keen on eliminating the deficit say icans to rank issues in order of im­ · ·[Senate Majority Leader Bob tax cuts would make it harder to portance to them. Such polls are of­ D~le, R~Kan., had cleared the Sen- balance the budget. ten done by polltlcal candidates. atte's decks.of:other major action, "There's· no need to run the risk • Many of the foundation's top Q~ping the budget's approval of unraveling the coalition of sup- employees previously worked on wbuld dominate evening television port for final passage" for the bud­ Dole's Senate staff or for his polit-. nfs cov.e~age. · But Democrats get, said Sen. Thad Cochran, R- leal action coiruriittee, and at least w re forcirig votes on dozens of Miss. one now works for the Kansas Re­ a imdments; arid a peeved Dole Both the House and Senate publlcan's presidential•campaign. .:ayounced late Wednesday that would . extract the bulk of their The aide, Royal Roth, had.been deputy finance director of· Cam­ l paign ·America, ~e . political ac­ tion coDunittee sterte<I by Dole. In January; Roth's role as the foun­ dation's fjnance director was an­ nounced. And in March, he turned Friday, May 26, 1995 THE WICHITA EAGLE 9A up on the pa)Toll of Dole's presi­ dential exploratory committee. about helping to create a third party Verney said there are a number "What you have .is the very real If the two major parties fall to deliv­ of practical reasons to avoid pursu­ possibility that there can be con­ Perot invites Clinton, Gingrich, Dole to meeting er on significant economlc or gov­ Ing a third party. He said, for exam­ flicts. of interest," said Josh Gold­ ,i ' ernmental refonn and he bas been ple, It would be difficult to prevent stein, director of the Center for Los ~eles Times/ . er Bob Dole to attend hls organlza- ney. But lurking Ln the background the president A Perot official sai.d noncommlttal about whether be bas ending up with "Lyndon LaRouche Responsive Politics. "This is go­ Washmgton Post Service tion's meeting Ln August. ls the question of Perot's own politi- Gingrich has accepted, but hiS ruled out another run for president or David Duke as Senate candidates ing to undermiile the Idea of full .9i'tW ASmNGTON - Ross Perot an- The purpose of the Aug. ll-13 cal future and the Issue of whether spokesman said It ls not on the offi- Ln 1996 . on your ballot" He also said that disclosUre of campaign funding.'" WUricid plans Thursday for what Dallas gathering of United We Stand UWSA should attempt to fonn a c1a1 calendar yet OLnton has not yet But Verney said Thursday that unless there were a way to 8$\lre Dole created the foundation in adequate funding, third party candi­ ~\d b&Ome the first major debate America Js to establ.lsll a set of third party. responded,but White House officials while a third party option is attrac­ February 1993: Its pilrpose; as ~e1996 campaign, Inviting Pres!- priorities and principles for measur- Dole has accepted and his pres!- said the Lnvitatlon ls under consider­ tive to many Americans, including dates would have difficulty compet· stated in the .articles of incorpora­ UWSA members, It may be unwise lng against Republicans and Demo­ ~~t Clinton, House Speaker Newt ing candidates Ln 1996, according to dential campaign officials see It as a atlon. tion: '"to promote and advocate· ~~ arid Senate Majority Lead- UWSA executive director Russ Ver- rare opportunity to appear opposite Perot has talked in recent months to pursue It crals in general elections. values and pr:inclples espoused by the Republican Party. " · ·-- Contl,nued from Page 1 · conflicts · of interest,". said Josh Goldstein, director of · the Center for · Responsive Politics . "This is going to undermine the. idea of full diselos~e of.campaign funding." . ~[e created the foundati!)n . in Feoruary 1993.. Its purpose, as ' ,. stated i,n the :articles of. incorpora­ tion: ."to promote ~nd advocate . values and principles espoused. by 1 1 ~- .... • . ,:· '~. 1. · · . Hutchinson News_' :fr~d~y. May 26, .i99.§ p_ ave_2-_ .' Ute Republican Party. ' •· 1 - ~ "' ~ 9 · Internal Revenue Service · rec- DOIC foun.:.dation·j·ust: hanpe· ~to aid . ~. Dole · -- ~~~in~~~n!~e~;;~~:a~~~n~~~r~~: . :r. pfans. In 1993, Better America re- ~.~'I • . By DaVid Morris Dol.e's presiaential 'ciunp'aign. Th~: affiliation between the- at least one now workS fo7 the . ' ported .raising $235,000 but-told the . - Aaaociat.ed Press Writer he acknowledged the group · . foundation and·Dole allows the Kansas Republican's presiden- I IRS . it expected to raise ,$U.5 mil· Bu~ lion in 1994. WASHINGTON - A tax­ solicits Dole's ideas, shares its · GOP pre'siden~ial · hopeful to 1 tial can1p~gn. , . 1 With the help of a stylish broch- ·exempt foundation created by work with him and m~ts regu- recei'(e iricijrect support- access . Th~ rude, Royal ~th ~ had 1 ure that in.cluded drawings of Dole; Bob .. Dole larly. with his Senate staff tO to poll ~sults and issue studies been a~puty fin~ce ~r. ~f. ' 1 R9nald Reagan, 'George Washing- raiSed $4 "see' where the. foundation -can .. :... without having to limit contri­ . Camp11,1gn Amenca, the politi" I ton and Richard Nixon the founds­ million last help." . butions and' · iden~ 'donors, cal action conimittee sta,rted ~Y ·. : • tion eclipsed ita goat' and raised 1 year and has "Yes, there· might be so~ whichhe-wouldhavetodoifthe Dole. ·In -January of this ye~. more than U million. , begun sJ)end­ thinss we do that Dole talks· money 'were contril:mted direct- Roth's roie as the l'oundiitioit's Ita latest filing shows It . had ing it on pro­ . about in the campaign," said ly to his campaign. finance director w!ift'announced. spent nearly $l.5 million through jectS useful Executive Director · Jim Among.its polling efforts, the $d in March, 'lie tUrned up on .
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