. ..... 05-127 M abo Stat« BlBl»*»rlt«V Sootity»ty (‘ , v:-, . r r - . ; : ; , ; feio-ltoi-Jnia»nrD»»i» Dr. (>~3-68» • I ........................ i ' , , S iW m b ' ■ ,. * •••'-ri..- ....... *» * f / ■_ ' 1--. 7 ^ Weatherier ☆ Fin al ☆ ' Fair, Warmerpmer ■ - Edition i a p e r ’ ^ ” 7 M agic V alley’sty*s H onom e N ew spaper . ; TEN CENTS VOL. .65, NO. <6 ' ^ . ■ V. TWlSj FALLS, IDAHO, FRIIFRIDAY. MAY 31, 1968 ' , -r , G r<>ati t IF r e ni c c h h ^ r ii k k e e W aa v v e e I s E a s in g U n d e r r C o• u u n n t e r mn e ai s u r e s • PARIS (AP) TheThe Rtcat Ot!Other big . key IndustflcsIndustries PrcnPremier Edgar FaureB remains beebeen minister, tor.. economic'and Institution - of temporary • ■ F rcrcnch strike wave seemed.lose em ed .to showed'hoshow signs of a.break,•break, bul as mminister of agricullure.lure. ; plaplanning, was'namedcd interiorInterior momonetary-controls to protect the ' "• be .receding today , under tife the .i.solidarity of thc strikerstrikers had ThereTh • were {ive notable n>i»minister with'controlll over lhC|VallhC|Value of th^tranc.^sent _ • ' ^ • I-----" t - coucountermeasures—-of—“Presfdentfbfen-~Pre3fdenffbeen~broken-anrf"(^te“ -mcrvemcnf mCTvemcnr chan,changcsr-Chrisftan~FolJcher?"Jn» jUcher?-Jn» polpolicc: ------ r ^ '• " ftTrcftTrca^"^ IhousfriBF ofpfcnclv ~ . ' -AA ., ChaCharles de Gaiillc. Theie chief of was toward norma'lcy.’cy.’ Union tcridteriorNminister was dropped:■opped: So _ ,TTw.o...gasojine comtpaiilcs panies an-:an-^mei men _m,arching _ through Paris' •' state, foUowing UP hi.slis dissolu- Icadileaders said thev were:e Tcady|toready] to were Louis Joxe, justiceice minis-rninls-Bou lilriister of deliver; gasoline 10. t'ans 5crvli;c,der w" - — lion of tlie National "AssemBlyTA.ssemblyi^ rcopreopen talks on w age: hikes Ior ter; Georges Gorsc, minister of dell .. •. i 9 n B i ' nannamed a new Roverhment.mcnt with still idle millions. inforinformation: and Francoisicols Miss- staistations. Activity In the AlsocclAlsaccl .-Ji.-jt was too early to tell the'iilll- iB jM Georges Pompidou baclciclt as prc- MiMilitary units which-hadir had been offc,' minisCer for sportsports aridand regregion of eastern'France'ra n c e was.maw as.m ate"b u tco m c,' b u f Ilnc.s .w ere' ' " ._ im ccL ___ • - . on rmaneuvers returnedcd lo thcirtheir youthyoutl 'affairs. Alain Peyrcfilte.PeyrefiUc. rrfcpoctcd6p almost back: to normal, .drawn-after.drn two weeks of qhaos • kgil^ Reports of a- back-to.workick-to-woTk basebases; .an d v.;ere reported:portcd ' on educationcdiic; minister, resignediigncd last excexcept for the railways.ways. Mail ancand tensiqns-appcarcd eased. mo'movc;nent flowed in fromffom,ilil .all ^1^gl^sta^s.^^.T ' . week.wecl< . _; ' ,\Y.vY8s;dcliy.CXCd8 ! in-Angoulcmgoulcme, e, inl.Inj. TheT 77-year-old‘ cbicf'of state, ' ‘' T ' t ~ 1 ' ft—Me'urice —The-first-round-of-electidns-forMlidn9-forfiouth-c6^iFal-^Franco,_for-Uhc-rcji fiou c,_tor-ahc;rcjo^ng4cWsUcallKltot-hi«ja»— ^ . RivRiviera. The^e covcrcd.•cd. mostly Cou>Couve de Murvillfi becamc:camc min- a newnc National Assemblymbly was firsfirst llrtie in two. weeks.ccks. SomeSomc ignignation, ,had said Thursday h& ' small plants qr partialal resump- istetister of finance and1 economic set forf Jung 23.-• woiw orkers w ere"asking; tor police;-,woipolice;-,would rcfnaiq-ln office to com- tion of activity in o th er•r fields.,,fields., affniaffairs': Michel DoBre;eiLOUtgolng Loutgolng RencRc CapUant,. a lett-winR';protectionleft-winR';prc to thwartI effortsclforts of-batof-bat-art-attcmpt by "totalitarian. - However, Automobilessiles Peu- finaifinance minister, , succeededsuccccded GaulllstGaul who crUidzed!d pompl-imilpompi-imllltant strikcrs- tor-keep-keep them corconmupfsn" ro tnke oVef the . __ geot S.A.% announced it will re- Cou'Couye de Murville as foreign dou last, week, was‘namedlamed 77us:us: offdff’lhc-}ob— ----- L___________ jAlrlkeboundlIaW nation.- Georges sum e work next T u e sd;d a y a t-n ll minimintHler.— ------------------------------------------------lice-mlic c - ittislcrc____________ jJC■ - E>e Gaulle's* appealal tor sup^oisup^ompidou, his executive, officer ^ h III its plants in the Pattis'at^is area, PiPict-ro M cssm er wasIS returned RaymondRa MarccllTn7, “anan ind^ porport, coupiea Wi(h~hls'dlssolu^as-bls'dissolu^as—head—of-the-govemmcijts-:— Mulhouse and Vesoul. as cdefense minister and former pendentpend Republican who has tioiUon of the Nationalil Assembly I stayedsta on in the premiership. River^Rises .. , / H-VietJIkaigi_^ ------WAYNETTOrtAPJ^E s d------- s^ m sit^ s ' jIn Lotiisimisville ' rampaging Passaicic'River ' River • A — —continued to rise today, ^ i l l . threatcninR additional flood-_ m ■lEr^^On^il. mg“tnat oireaoy has lorccd^ 1 '■'the evacuation ofrn several ^ . G U mb^oM b ^ o ore^'€ Than 400 thousand residents. Flv.e deaths, including By TERENCE P. HUNT.,HUNT ly League of Kentucky,cky, a mili- wew< are,'’ Mrs. James Groves H Saigon * ' , those of four small children, LOUISVILLE,l ( Ky. (AP)y. pv ■ _ tan t group com poseded of-o r teen- toldtoi a news conference., w ere attributed lo the flood-lood- Arrcsts-Iny^rr( Louisville's WestWf«!tVnd End agers and young adults,idults, were Her son. James, 14, and Ma- . 'By-'GEORG^ESPERSPE R . lng,;:,which—sta te - civil-clvi . de- ^llroclimbed to more than-400-ioday’ 7oo-todav f."«>no'’8 ^even a rresteded when po- thithias WasbinRiori' Browder,. 19, ^ ■ 1 - SAIGON (APr —’VlerV le f Cong fcfcnse Qfficial.s tcrrhcdrmed -the■ th e " ■5s''^police'■5^'^, and voluntcer-Nirrr Noffrn egro Stopped a : s,cven-caren-car cara- wiwere'shot and killed Wcanesday - trotroops pressed -hardd on two wworst to hit New Jerseyersey this marshals tried lo cope rit.Kwith van heftding:from-the-West-Endle- West-End nightnii fn whaf poIHe-sald-wcrV--- ’ "5 into the east sectidnI btot thetho city, lootinglot incidents, TOE STARS ANO STRIPES ^went up during Memorfsi-Dajr-irerfal-Pay services' ‘niursday at'TwinIt'Twin sidessld of Saigon todayY in a new ctcentury. scattered .tooting andid Isolatedisolated q ' Dawkins. 2J, . Falls Cemetery and moremore thanth a n 1001 people were on handand for the occasion. Boy Scoutsts from putoutburst of fighting min thc capl- ,•• Damages were expectcd<pected to incidei\isinci, of sniping. lawkins, 25, . Browder, was shoi by thebwn- Troop No.^7 omclate<l.,Aid., A roll cac a ll of veterans .who gaveive th eir llveilives In tive w arsjv ^ s re_ad« d dur-taLandj.Wd u r - t a l P_encmy rockets)ckets land- _' s^soar Irtto the millions.oos. Police,p, trying to work.without-, 1, s'l'I®I; Robert Sims,, ..21,,.2l, wwere ere eer r of a liquor slbre, w. J. Ber- Ing Ahe ccrtrtony. Thee Twin FallFalls ceremony was one ot thousandthousaods held.across the nation..latlon.. ed northwest of SaiRon’sjn’s sprawl- " Thg-hardesfhlt area was help bf Nationala Guards-^,S rd ^ - charged with breachi of peace.-- geger,-“ who‘ 'Was-: chared -with ■ -------------- - , I' — jjjping-T-an-Soh-Nhut-air-base.*-base.-------------------------u>Ift-theJjissaic-RWcr-Basin.;^ a s in___ _ .me„-.iirresled-«bout--l(K)-)ier-t-_100_ p e r- ^,,_Tfie-lroubiei{IutiiTBitht:TQ.Mrth BItht:TQ.Mnh rn'm anslaugh te r and-^fcleascd-lat-^ - ■ Other ‘’enemy fdrccjt;cs trained a& cluster.of residential-com-ntlal com- ,.^q^.005 ^ Including 2a juveniles,.ivenlles,. inIn coconsecutive olshl off rtclolrtcial dis- er on a iS^OOO bonJ;"Grovci"was big Russian guns‘J ^ir the first nmunltles 20 m ilesi ‘'westwest otof ',he,he predominantly Negro'NcEro' secs ororder in the city eameme-dospite dospite.a a kiWiled by Palrplman Charles r c . tim e :0 ii.nllied.bases_1inn the ccn- New York City. • .- ilon .durlng a .nlne-hour_j>erlodlour period Pl'plea tor calm* froniI the-mothertho-mother Noe.._NO;..Ni actlon . was taken Negotiatoriitors Clash OverOvt WaysO Itrnl highlands. , ■.......... .— The rioodlng'began"Wed--igan .Wcd- endending at midnight TfiiTrsKy” hur^y. ' ' of-a“ teen:ager killedd iri'thiri'lh e vlo^ a{ag ainst-ihe officer.—------------- ;___ There "were .no Immediatemediate de- nnesday night followingjwlng tor- . Most w ere.charged withwith'dl»r-lence. 'dlsor* ]c; _ Some 2,000-National Guards- ry ■ tails on the newosl rbckeratiack”jckeratiack” --r'--rcniial-rains-that- struckstruck’tho' tho dcrly conduct' 6 r breach of “We appear to everybody‘vervhodv to ™mcn:rcmalnod-dn:the perlhieicr— near—Tan-^on-Nhut------ —• ,— .- —n_jiQ£ihc.rn_acca_oLlheJtaie.h e J ta ie -----___-_ pea -----------------------------------------stop-lhls-dlfiordet-before-olhBat E 91 T~Cl'X“‘ Enemy pressure ,waa-maln, w aa-m ain----------------- ^ —.y-— ------ - 7-TwcHeadprs-o^Ihfc-Black-UnI-t Black-Unl- mmothera.-and-fathers-suHei^as » Of De-EseaDsealating VietVietnam War “ -----------------.. reached;-thV?Pffwovre_.aay_l}C;___ ... •. ..... tained as North Vietnameseinamese and ----- ^----- ' ' ............— — ' ' . • • . V’j ' U;S. neRotiatdrs'^mcrleC 'Tdrfdr the *,‘ V' tween .M aj^rKenneth' 'A, B ^ JO H N M. HIGHTOWER'OWER cicurb. the. contllct. He said thcthe The_ meetinj; lasted, tjirce V.' ise-flre talks '* f • /- h \m . fit Schmied and mtlitaril Negroes AP Special Correspondentondent 11Unlled States' Is the “aggres- hoursh( aiid’4S minutes andanil ended j,, cease-fire talks t n Q T who agreed to volunteer as mar-,. PARIS’. (AP) - U.S.J.S. and s<so r” In, Vietnam and mmust u st end \vWith- an aRreemcnt to meetm eet ^ ng^^s conference,rencj^foday (oday XAOinir&l ihceaNilThi^ »ha}5; ' ----- North’ Vietnamese-: negotialorsegotiators tlthe-bQmbIng.*nd..QlhciUnllitary.lUnllitary. againaj Jiext-WednjCsday...—y— •.—'r-th 'r-tho-sccond-hlgJftst'-^Vlrt'iCong ■ - ^ theinseIViBs‘,VA7blfg-T«mrcny7ps:— ■■ clashed today, over-ways'jbrlys'ibrde-operations de-"6 against the'Northha ~ Nprth Harriman. returning(ig to thcthe evc\ er to defect, Col.
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