June 25, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1237 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PROVIDE VETERANS WITH BEST PAYING TRIBUTE TO TAMERA school education. After graduating from Bell HEALTH CARE AND HIGHEST BICKETT Street High School, he enrolled at Allen Uni- COMPENSATION versity, where he received the Bachelor of HON. SCOTT McINNIS Arts degree. He later received a Master of Sa- OF COLORADO cred Theology degree from Boston University. HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER Called to preach at the age of 12, Bishop IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF LOUISIANA Byrd was licensed to preach at the age of 17. Wednesday, June 23, 2004 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES His ministry included pastorates at Macedonia Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to AME Church in Seaford, Delaware (1954– Wednesday, June 23, 2004 take this opportunity to pay tribute to the life 1959); St. Paul AME Church in Hamilton, Ber- and legacy of Tamera ‘‘Tami’’ Bickett of Pow- muda (1959–1966); and Macedonia AME Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker I rise today ell Butte, Oregon. Tami bravely battled the Church in Camden, New Jersey (1979–1984). in the spirit of Independence Day to recognize Storm King Mountain Fire outside the town of He also served as Presiding Elder of the New- the will and strength of our men and women Glenwood Springs, Colorado in 1994, but suc- ark District from 1966–1967. in uniform as they fought in wars past and cumbed to the blaze along with thirteen fellow Bishop Byrd was elected the 105th Bishop continue to maintain our commitment to de- firefighters while working to protect the City. I of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at mocracy throughout the world. Our veterans personally served as a firefighter and under- 1984 General Conference and was assigned are living examples of the ideals of our found- stand the risks they face each and every day. the 14th Episcopal District. He initiated numer- ing fathers and it is those same ideals that are Witnessing the awful inferno that fateful July ous projects under his administration—one in inspiring a new generation of veterans. day, I know Tami and her comrades battled particular was the Frank Curtis Cummings More than 300 years ago, the first genera- the fire with the utmost courage and valor. Health Clinic, which was built in Monrovia, Li- tion of American veterans fought a war to es- With the tenth anniversary of the Storm King beria. tablish our sovereignty. Along with our inde- Fire approaching, I believe it appropriate to During his tenure he presided over the 16th, pendence came the understanding that Amer- recognize the sacrifice Tami and the Storm 13th, and 5th Episcopal Districts, where his ica would need protection, and we would need King Firefighters made on behalf of a grateful mission continued to be saving souls for the a constant military force to ensure the preser- community, state and nation. building of God’s kingdom. His motto is ‘‘Un- vation of these freedoms. Americans an- Born and raised in Lebanon, Oregon, Tami less souls are saved, nothing is saved!’’ swered the call to duty, and the willingness of was a competitive athlete in high school, par- Bishop Byrd holds memberships in the our troops to boldly go into harms way in the ticipating on the cross-country and volleyball NAACP, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and defense of democracy has not wavered. teams. In her senior year of high school, she the Royal Lodge of Scotland. As our nation’s veterans volunteered to risk represented her community as a Strawberry Bishop Byrd is married to Theora Lindsey their lives for our protection, our country and Festival princess. Tami joined the U.S. Forest Byrd. They are the parents of four. its leaders have an obligation to provide them Service in 1988, and was a Squad Boss for Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues with the care and resources they need and the Prineville Hotshots, an elite group of fire- to join me in paying tribute to Bishop Vernon are entitled to once they retire. Veterans have fighters who specialize in wildland fire sup- Randolph Byrd upon his retirement from the made significant, personal sacrifices and have pression. She enjoyed the challenging rigors Bishopric. He has provided tremendous lead- earned the very best we can offer them. of fighting fires, even when injuries sustained ership for the AME Church, and his long his- Yesterday marked the 60th anniversary of on the job made her work difficult. She was a tory of educational leadership and service will the GI Bill, an important step our leaders took dedicated member of her crew, and received influence future generations for ages to come. to recognize the commitment we owe our vet- a great deal of satisfaction from helping oth- AME founder Richard Allen would be deeply erans. Because of the GI Bill, our veterans ers. Above all, she was devoted to her family proud of his Episcopal descendent. were given assistance with the costs of a col- and friends. f lege education and helped with the purchase Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to rise before A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF 2004 of a home or business. this body of Congress and this nation to pay LEGRAND SMITH OUTSTANDING A lot was done, but there is still much to do. tribute to the life and memory of Firefighter Tamera Bickett. Tami personified the Hotshots TEACHER AWARD WINNER LOLA Health benefits need improving, the Widow’s COLLINS OF PARMA, MICHIGAN Tax and Disabled Veterans Tax need ending credo of Safety, Teamwork and Profes- and education benefits should still be ex- sionalism; putting herself in harm’s way for un- panded. We cannot increase their costs for familiar people and places. She made the ulti- HON. NICK SMITH health care, and we must not cut funding to mate sacrifice doing what she loved, and I, OF MICHIGAN their system. along with the Glenwood Springs community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the State of Colorado are eternally grate- Wednesday, June 23, 2004 George Washington said ‘‘the willingness ful to this brave young woman. with which our young people are likely to f Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, edu- serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall cation is the key to our Nation’s future pros- be directly proportional to how they perceive TRIBUTE TO BISHOP VERNON perity and security. The formidable responsi- the veterans of earlier wars were treated and RANDOLPH BYRD bility of molding and inspiring young minds to appreciated by their nation.’’ Our nation’s vet- the avenues of hope, opportunity and achieve- erans served and protected us, and they in- HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN ment partially rests in the hands of our teach- spired the soldiers who responded to the call OF SOUTH CAROLINA ers. Today, I would like to recognize a teacher after them. They fought for our country, for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Parma, Michigan that significantly influ- continued prosperity of our government, and enced and motivated exceptional students in once their service has ended, they should not Wednesday, June 23, 2004 academics and leadership who were winners have to fight the government for the benefits Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the LeGrand Smith Scholarship. they deserve. pay tribute to Bishop Vernon Randolph Byrd, Lola Collins teaches fourth and fifth grade at I call on my colleagues in Congress to con- one of eight legendary leaders of the African Parma Elementary in Parma. She is credited tinue to work together to provide veterans with Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) who will with instilling in students an enthusiasm for not the best healthcare and the highest com- be retiring at this year Quadrennial Con- only these subjects, but also for life. As one of pensation, as it is the least they have earned ference in Indianapolis, Indiana. A native of her students, Kelli McCarrell, said, ‘‘She for their years of service. South Carolina, Bishop Byrd received a public showed me how to be who I am, and not be ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 07:28 Jun 26, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JN8.066 E25PT1 E1238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 25, 2004 afraid of experiences. Because she was my Springs community and the State of Colorado TRIBUTE TO BISHOP FREDERICK teacher for two years, she watched me grow are eternally grateful to this brave man. HILLBORN TALBOT up. Both of these years, she encouraged my curiosity for life and my energetic passion for f HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN knowledge—it is her influence that has helped OF SOUTH CAROLINA me become who I am today.’’ The respect and CELEBRATING GALESVILLE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratitude of her students speaks well of Lola’s SESQUICENTENNIAL Wednesday, June 23, 2004 ability to challenge young minds and encour- age them to always put forth their best effort. Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Lola Collins’ extraordinary work as a teacher HON. RON KIND pay tribute to Bishop Frederick Hillborn Talbot, has challenged and inspired countless stu- one of eight legendary leaders of the African OF WISCONSIN dents to move beyond the teenage tendency Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) who will of superficial study and encourage them to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be retiring at this year’s Quadrennial Con- ference in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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