
SPRING 1961 VOLUME2.NUMBERl SOUND and VISION broadcasting INFORMATION + PRACTICE + TECHNIQUE Ed.itor P. R. BERKELEY, A.M.I.E.E. Produttion P. E. WELCH The Editor welcomes article suggestions ard correspondence with a vicw to publication, but cannot be responsible for opinions exprcssed, or statements made by authors from outside the Marconi Orgarization. 'SOUND azd YISION' broadrasling is published three times a year, in Spring, Summer and Winter by the Broadcasting Division of Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited Chelmsford, Essex, England. SOUND drd VISION broadcasting VOLUME2.NUMBERl CONTENTS TV Western Series Produced on Tape page t Converted to Television page i[ Technical Facilities for Sound Effects page 11 Filling that Screen page 16 The Operation of Transmitters irr Parallel page 20 A Survey of Simplified Image Orthicon Operation page 27 Staff Training in the B.B.C Page 34 The I.T.A Traiiring Scheme page 39 Translations in Spanish and German page 41 FRoNT covER: Jason Evers ln Wrangler, the first TV Westem to be produced on Videotape, using Mark IV Cameras. Desigrcd. and Prodrced b1 Lnndon Tlpogra2hical Designers Limited. Prixted in Great Britoin by John Wright 6 Son"s Limited of Bristol r--I }ur Con.tribLttor,s Jr\NII'iS r\. S( l{ lll,lil'i is a grrtlurtc ol I lu rvr rcl ( iladLratc Sclrool ol llusilcss AdDrinistlirti(rr urrcl \as att ndvcrtisiDg irccourrt cxccutivc attd \itlr a Hoil),',',oocl tirleDt rgcrxy bclirlc .joiniDg l'ararrourrt in 191;7 as Vicc l)'csidcnt urrcl as (ictrcral Mlutager of I)araDoult Suusct Cor-Porutior in tlre sPr-ing ol t95iJ. Scltullic acquired, ir rcldition, tJrc ul:ulirg-cnrcnt of Strtion li-lLA and l)lranrount's lir,c tclclision lircilitics. Hc is an lrclcnt lcivtrrtc ol VidcotaPc Iccordirrg arrcl Iras erlrrilucd l)rranrourrt'l'V l,l.oduc, tions' iiLnulrs Stagc ri n ith Autpcx telcvisiort r-ecolrlels arrcl u itlr Mlrcotri \'Ialli IV currrlr':rs. P. ll. ller/,tlt1, P. R, llliltliltl.lr), A.M.l.l.l.l.l, crlitol ol' this jour.na1, .joirrr.tl ...,.... Xlarconi's iD llltJ(i lnd llils Lrcerr coruc|rrctl Nitlt trarrsrrritter ar](l televisiott clcvckrlrrrcrrt firr thc Ittiljolit-v ol lris tiDrc rvitlt tlrc .'. Conryuny. FIe is a spccialist in tclcvisiol strtiorr desigu atrcL s_\,stcrrts |lat u i r r g_. lf. C. BltOOliljl't, A.M.l.ll.lt, joiucd tlrc Il.l].C irr llt5 ls xn Assistant Iluintenancrc lilgirrccr- in thc Lorrdon (lontr.ol lltxrrrr. L) 19{,1 he bccrnlc Clhicf Instnlctol'in tlrc lcnll' lirr-rlccL lingLn- 'l'hotn cerirrg l rainirrg l)cprrtulcnt ancl, clur-irrq ltis st:r1, irl tl)at clcl)irrt- I hni'trrl tt rreut, \\r'otc thc lJ.ll.C's lilst l,)rruiuccring 'I'r-aining \Ianual rvhicii bccanre thc lrandbooli tbl thc trailirg of stall on all aslrcts 01 B.13.C strrdio cngirrcct'ing lfxcticc. In 1J] 1,8 lrc bccaDr(l an AssistaDt k) thc SllpcrintelldcDt llDgiDecr, Sourrtl lJr.oaclcast- i|g, \hich lxrst lrc lreitl r ltil 195u. Irl ll)55 l)c spcnt a br'Lcf spcll il ('yplus to l'c(lcsiljn ard lcbuikl thc ironrbccl strrdio urd tlirlsnritk'r statjon ot tlrc (,11rus 13r'oa<lcastitrg Scr-t'ice. Chirrlcs Broolicl ttxrh up his plescnt appoirrtrrrelt as lir rginccr.-iu-Clra rgc, LoudoD (Sour)d), irr 195s. (]. E. Prrrlitptott llOW;\RI)'l'llONl.-\S's srrcccsslirl carr,cr in .joLrr.nalisrrr, adr,cltisirg, r'adio ancL teli:r'ision sclilrt *r.iting alcl pr.oclLrcirrg, and lilnr 1>r'odrrctiorr ar:rply qtulify Irirn firr lris positiorr as l\{arragirrg l)ilcctor ol AlJC'fclcvision l-td, !\lrich lrc lras hclpccl to l-ruild rqr liortr snrtlL bcgirlrings in Il.)55 to olc of tlre 'big 1bur" tclcvisiorr l)logrrllnc cnruputries irr tltc Urritcd liirrgdont. 'l'. ,t [,t.t,, r W. J. \IOIt(iOM, 13.Sc.(1,)rg. ), \I.l.l.l.l,l, r\.C.(i.t, bonr irr l'll,nrouth irr 11)01), servcd ar l-lectlical l,)ngilccrirrg itpprcl)ticc- ship il l{NI l)ocliyald, I)cvor4ror-t. Hc uor a Wlritnor.th Schohrslrip arrd spcDt lJ at thc City allcl (iuilcls (linginecr- )'cirrs I'ctt tttthor tt t I Iuslu:s iug) (lollcgc in London, ald joinccl tlrc Marcoli Corupany iu 193i1, sillcc $lrcn Ire lras tvot'licd otr tlrc clesigD of br.orclcast aDtl col DrutlicatioDs tl'allsnrittcf s. III 1950 Irc bccarrrc cltici of thc CorlParr,l,'s 'l'r'ansurittcr Dclclopnrcnt Group arrd lras bccn rcspcrlsible fbr thc dcsign o1' nrany high-pou,cr transnritters. [l i9b6 lrc bccarnc C]ricl' 'I'ranstr. itter Dngincer'. ll. C. llttntdt On the Air rrr: plorligiotts nttt' at rrltlcll llt'oatttltstillu arcl tclcvisiotr strricts ttsc Lll) l)l'ollrilllllll(' rlrtclial is a tottstatrt cltalltllgc to lll!lllilgc- -l-hollras), rrrcnt (trrrPltasizcd ltcrc lt-\' Ilorytl'cl birt, iu ucklition, tltis t'xlxtttclirrg ilrtlLrstr.l rt'tlttitcs tltott: rncl rrorc tctlrnicltl alrtl sltt'tittlist lorlicrs to ht'c1r t)tc lrrogrartttrcs lttltttittg, Ovt'l' lltttl alrovc tlle trailt- i;rg of stafi to irtrpl'ovc thcir sliill, thc tttaltttlitctttrcr too carr ltcllr b1' rrrlltirru the opcr;ttiotr of tJtc ciltrip- Ou (int riltutors continutl llrcnt I)r()rc siltltlc. 'l-hc " ltattc[s-ot] " opr.'t'lttioll of tllir ( tirs r' ,.r', irr (;. l'1. I'r\tt l lN(i l ON, It Sc, ,\'\1.1 1'l l'l, .ioirrccl N{itr-corri's irr Vl,r'k I\ irttl, i. 1u'i111 1illJ8, lrlrcrl ltc attcrrll({[ lt clrtttsc ol ltch rltccd trltitllrlg lirr post- Irt tlrc ct'catiott of a progt;ltlItllc, tltc rellttiotlshilr gr-aduate crtgirrcr:rs rt tllc Nfurc(nri Collcgc bctucerr lrcrlirrrttcrs, proclttttiott stal-i atrcl tcclrrrical A, r-"ri,rr.l' cttgirrcct llc lllts crrrittl ottt Iltttcll rvot-li otl " crctl is a subtlc ottc arrcl clttt ltartll-1 i'r'cr illclLttlc tltc nricrorrtc teclrrri<1ttcs allcl tltl asttt_cltlcllts and ott l'NI tetlio, 'lclc- I lou rttttt lt "opcratiottltl cr- IaclaI aDtl tclcvisiott. lrr llllil lrLr \as a1tIXritrtccl Chicl ol crlrripnrcnt clcsigtttt'. cvtl' visioD Stttdio Dcvcloprlrt'rtt (ir-ottp atlcl ill 1i)5(i llc bccillllc pcricrrcc " ltc uta.t' tl-ct, tltc clcsiglrcr clttr ltlrrtllf irc llal't 'I'elevisiorr ls ('lricrl I)cptLty Chicf l)tgincct. His appoitrtrrrcnt of the pr-oclLtcti()tr tcalrl lirr lottg t'ttotigll rcall-t ttr )-rrginccr-, L'itortlcastitlg I)ivisiorr, rl:rtts tl1)lrr 91]rcl Novcnlber, absorb all tltc retlttirctttettts. Nor, .iLrclgilrg lly sotrrtr 1959. ol our cotrcspotrclcttcc, tlots tltc bt'olrclclstirlg ctl.gillccr st'c Irttrt:lt of tlrc rcst oi llis oltt org;tttizlt- 't'. \1,\\'l,lt, 13.Sc.(lirrg.), ,\.Il l.llll, lrs ecltrtrtttcl at lltc nlar)agc to Iiing's School, Hrtrorv, atrcl rl tllc lbl,r'tcclr rtie , ['olttlorr, rrlrttc' tion ! hc olrtrirctl lris rlcg^rct in l'lltttlical l'itrgirrcct itrg' Hc .ioinctl \\'ltcrc tt'clttritrrl ptt'tirrtllarrcc is iltvolrccl, tlrc tlc'- ilr l1)'l's ils .l gril(ltlalc ctlgiltcct atlcl llrs lrccrr \\'itll \'Iarconi's slgnct is rLsttallt' rts trititrrl a .iLrclgt ls ittr-t olltt'r llrorclelstittg I)ivisiorr sitxcr 11).io Stilrlirril^ itr tltc \rHli l latrs- rtc rcacl spccilitrttiolls rtItitlt scetlr nritlcr Ittojut (irottp, llc Ilrs sl)clrt solll('tilllc on illstalllttiott eng^irrccr (lltlrotruJr rDd corrtrn(ts, arxl $lts rl)])oirrtccL ( lli(rl ()l Sillcs irl 1115i to havc bcctt proclttccd bl lralr'ilrg last tcrtr's tolcr- allccs ) lltt tltcrc itrc tllatl,\t asl)ccts rvllcrc Irogtlltlltllt' I'l',NN1'l l l IOItN1'l llLr(;lll'lS slrrrtL'tl lris lrlorcltastirrg cirrtet' pcoplc Inie)rt bc t'rpiftt'tl to rrslt lirr bcttt'r'tircilltlcs llrc Wcst oi lilglirrrcl ill lllll5, as r ll.ll.Cl-l alls l'r'otlLrctt itr to casc thcir pt'otlrtttittrt pt'oblctlrs. \\'c uoLtlcl itrt;tgirrc Ilrt lr'us stxrtr cltgagccl irl tvcr'-1'111i11g lirrrrl Ilar'-lrlitirtu trr tlltt a tclcr'lsiott prtlclLtt r:r's ctlLtilltllt'llt llclrtlaclrcs ltt slortirrg (orrrlt)clttlrrics. l'lar'll ill llr" rr:rr_ lr. lxtrrllc Hcad oi tltllitllv tllit lolllttltlc lirgr_anrtrrcs irt tlrt Wcst of l )lg^lltrlcl, atltl sLrlrsctlLrt trtll' l)ircctor', tllc l)rcscllt statc o1'tl)c art itrc \TitirlLr lllst urtcl l)irccror, Nt* l)tllri Ollicc. llt rctttr-tred ttr slnclol s, trrllibach gcttirlg irrto l)roglilllllllc sortrlcl ;ttlcl bclirrc trliitlg I-rglarrcL irL 1:) l; ilrr(l \\'ils llcrttl ol l)ltstcln Sclr'icc thc problcrt of tttatcllittg iltsct'ts il'otrt tclctitlc Otrt ru1l iris atttl cxParrdiltg post as llcacl ol Strttl'l'rrtitlilrg' |rcsdtl yrrocluccr rtc litrt>tr saitl "rlois,l' clltltet'lt tttc ligltts", ( rr,lriclr ls sootr trtrctl. \\'lrlt tlo otltt'rs tlrirrlti It. ('. liAltNI,\^-, O.R.l'1, \l.l l'l.ll, .loirrtcl tlrtr ll l:l as a tlltttl \\ll() \\llllts tlltttcta t]tlttltltls N{lrilrrcrlrn(c I)tlgirlccl itt \lrl l1rli5 llc Nlls lostc(l t() tlle Wc lottt[ct'it tltc l.lnrpirc l rilrrstllittirrg Statiotl rlt I)ilvclltl'.\'' ll llllslcl-l-illc 1o tllc to bc' "blrtli borcs uitlt .jttst rttr or-/ort suitclt" lclcrisiott Sttr(lios irr l1)li7' Alerartch-ir I'rtlrrcc ( puuc 27 ) is tltinliiltg of thc storl' ot tltc to.-r' u lticlt cotr- tltc rrltr llc Lrccltttlc sc'tliol cltgitlccr rl n \4ilstcl- l)rrritrg slsts ol suclt a bor sitlt rt protltiltcttt slitclr lllrcllccl Strtiorr of tlrc (l.l'l.l'l ststcrrr' " " Lrprvurtls, of coitlsc. \\'llcll sl itcllccl rltl, tlte Il Mur'ch tl.t'ls ltc tctttttlc<l to ,\1r'xltlltll-a I'ltlirce as strrior o \ cngirrcct'ilt clrrlgc of tllc tlilllslrlittcrs, sLrlrsullrcnt),1'1() Stltt('l lhx crttits a rvltirrittg Itoise, rrtttlt's a bit, tltctr ilt a ColdficLl 'frauslrittirrg Slrtioll irr .Jlrl\' 1j)l1) ls r\ssistillrt icrv rtotttcttts tltc licl opetrs a littlc la,r' and l Itrtrtl ('lrlrge crrrll' 1115I -I-llcrc l )rtginccr-ir r-Cltat'gc: l')rginccr--itt slips out to switclt tlrc tlring ofl agailll trtttst ln N{arch 1955 lrc tllc Irrdcpcrrdt'rtt'l ck'r'isiorr ioirrcrl '\trtlloritl' bJ' a clcvicc.
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