Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU Hawk's Herald Student Publications 5-6-2010 Hawks' Herald -- May 6, 2010 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.rwu.edu/hawk_herald Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Hawks' Herald -- May 6, 2010" (2010). Hawk's Herald. Paper 125. http://docs.rwu.edu/hawk_herald/125 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hawk's Herald by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Fray and Four Unpaid internships: Year Strong perform Legal or not? See pages 6 and 7 See page4 The student"newspaper of Roger Williams University Bristol, R.I. 02809 Thursday, May 6, 2010 Double and triple majors get single diploma Bayside courtyard Amanda Newman graduate. The simple answer to that Business Manager is "When a student graduates, they receive a diploma with their primary packed with partiers As graduation rapidly ap­ degree printed on it," said Daniel proaches, there is a lot of anticipa­ Vilenski, University Registrar. Stu­ Kelleigh Welch was and how they had tion about jobs, new beginnings, dents also receive a copy of their of­ Editor-in-Chief the ability to throw it. and life after college. However, ficial transcript. "It was freaking there are also a lot of questions But if a transcript is also re­ Following the end awesome,'' senior about diplomas. ceived, then what is printed on the to a successful Spring David Pullman said. It seems there has been some student's diploma? Weekend, students left "Best Bayside all confusion regarding exactly what it "The diploma just says the de- the fireworks display year," a male freshman over the bay and is that a student receives when they See DIPLOMA on page 5 said. headed back to their "I think that it took rooms to begin their us four years and we fi­ evening of "informal nally did something Spring Weekend cele­ right on t,his campus," Fonner LAPD Police Chief to speak at graduation brations." What began senior Will Boshes said. Allison Collins "He is probably the most iconic as a simple gathering However, from an News Editor and respected law official in the of students drinking administrative perspec­ country," Nirschel said. outside their room in tive, the incident was a The former police commissioner Bratton reduced crime and im­ the Bayside 2oos, so­ lot better than it could of the Boston and New York police proved racial relations in several cializing and listening have been. departments will speak at Roger communities, Nirschel said. to music, eventually es­ "In this case, we Williams University's May 22 com­ "There's a natural symmetry caladed into hundreds were lucky," Dean of mencement ceremony. with him,'' Nirschel said. of students dancing Students Kathleen Besides being a the commisioner Bratton is the chairman of Al­ and drinking until ap­ McMahon said. "There of both of the major police depart­ tegrity Risk International, a security proximately 1 a.m. It are a lot of safety is­ ments in the north east, William J. solutions firm that provides inves­ was a large, unorgan­ sues. What you often Bratton is the recently retired police tigative, analytic, consulting and se­ ized outcfoor gathering see are beer bottles chief of the Los Angeles police de­ curity services to businesses. that had not occurred being thrown, people partment, according to University The university's main require­ for a few years on the being cut or hurt, phys­ President Roy Nirschel. ment for a commencement speaker RWU campus. ical damage to prop­ addiemiller. us Bratton will receive an honorary is that they have made "singular con­ Most comments by erty, and excessive A photograph of William J. Bratton, degree from RWU at commence­ tributions in their field," Nirschel said students included how BAYSIDE page this year's commencement speaker. ment. See BRATTON on page 5 incredible the party See 4 www.hawksherald.com -r ·, ·1 Page2 Nrews May 6, 2010 Community news and investigative reports News Briefs RWU recognized as one of the top 'green colleges' in the nation A letter from Si>t~receh(e RWUFA'!~ Kelleigh Wekh committee they do signif- riculum," Yonan said. "I'd Editor-in-Chief icant efforts." love to see a sustainabil- The RogetWdUa~s UniVer-­ Bon Appetit was also ity major in the future For efforts made to praised for its sustainable that involves an interdis- the editor sity Faculty As~atfo.p ~~ create a more sustainable work, including spending ciplinary study." granted six award$< tip:to campus, Roger Williams $1 000 to.fuU"tfme;R~~Sta­ more than 80 percent of "This sort of green 1 University has been their budget on local and mentality is in demand by dents who areg~~ng in the spring semester of that named one of the "Top organic foods. employers today, and by 286 Green Colleges," ac­ To the staff of the Hawks' Herald and the academic;year, ha.ye.at­ "Obviously there are educating students, they RWU Community, tended RWU fqr at ki!ast two cording to the Princeton things you can't buy lo- can bring sustainability semesters and wh'o Review. Each college cally," Yonan said. "But into their future jobs," hav~ added to this guidebook As the semester comes to a close and earned at least 90 R\.VO whenever possibly (Bon Byrne said. students begin to shift their focus from aca­ credit hours. The RWUFA was reviewed based on Appetit] does buy local." With this new recog- their conservation and demics to the summer, I would like to take a awards are based on aca­ "Bon Appetit does a nition, RWU will still con- moment to thank the staff of the Hawks' demic performance, finan­ education efforts, and fantastic job of getting tinue its sustainability their overall work to cre­ Herald 20090-2010 for the hard work they cial need, and contribution students aware of food efforts in the future. Ac- have done this semester. to the campus and local ate a more sustainable waste and carbon emis- cording to Yonan, Univer- environment. In my four years on the paper, I've wit­ community. These awards sions," Byrne said. sity President Roy nessed multiple redesigns and staff transi­ are given without regard to According to Byrne also empha- Nirschel has signed a rwu.edu, RWU was cho­ tions, and I can honestly say that this year age, gender, race, sexual ori­ sized the use of RIPTA President's climate agree- has been the best year on staff. I am proud sen based on multiple passes as a strong effort ment to become 80 per- entation, cr~d, na~ional ori- to know that each week members of the sustainable efforts, espe­ to remain sustainable. Ac- cent carbon-neutral by gin, or; 9;~~!).ility. community anxiously wait for the newest cially with the student-led cording to Byrne, in the 2050, a task that Yonan group of Eco-Reps. issue, knowing that the quality and content Our i.009/2010 reciplents' 2007-2008 fiscal year, says can be done. "Our 'greenness' 100,000 rides made by "There are two rea- of the paper has surpassed past years. are~ I have received multiple compliments Jessie Aid$'! ,;; 11.CAS goes way beyond the faculty, staff and stu- sons why being a green Canola shuttle," Scott from members of faculty and staff about Kristie Schmitt - FCAS dents prevented 88 met- campus is important," the quality of our work, and hope to see it Yonan, Assistant to the ric tons of carbon Yonan said. "First, it's the Samantha M~ier - Business continue in the future. Juliana Fernandes - Architec­ Vice President of Student emissions into the atmos- right thing to do. It's bet- Affairs and Special Proj­ I would like to personally thank Allison ture phere. ter for the environment. Collins for her work on the redesign, which Sydney Schoof, -Architec­ ects Manager, said. "It's kind of a small And second, it makes fi- According to Yonan, she created over the six weeks of Winter ture thing, but it helps add nancial sense to be Break. Without this new look, the paper Sarah Greenlaw - Education the University has made up;'' Byrne said. green." multiple efforts to make would not be at the point it is today, and it The guidebook also To help in the sustain- has given us an opportunity to solidify our RWU a more sustainable emphasized the creation able initiative at RWU, campus. For example, purpose on this campus. Beyond the re­ JI of a new study abroad students can participate design, Allison has taken on multiple re­ Public Safety now has a program to Turkey, which in everyday tasks to re­ Corola, Prius and Gem Car sponsibilities to assist me as Editor, and was made possible by the duce their own carbon without her I know that I would have not RWU offers youth saiUng to reduce carbon emis­ U.S. State Department's footprint, such as shut- sions, solar panels have been able to handle everything the paper summer camp Bureau of Educational ting lights off when they threw at me. been placed on top of the and Cultural Affairs. This leave the room, shopping I am also very excited to announce the This summer, Roger Architecture and Engi­ program will specifically locally, using public trans- neering buildings, and the focus on the study of sus- portation and recycling. editorial board for 2010-2011. This group Is Williams Un~versity will open young, but they show strong promise and up fts waterfront property student garden outside tainability from a global The RWU bookstore also understanding of how to run a newspa-per, to youths aged 12-16 inter­ MNS has recently been perspective, and focuses sells a book titled The and will be able to keep the University in­ ested in taking sailing les- planted and will be har­ on classes "related tour- Green Book, which ex- formed in an efficient and creative way.
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