Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 9-7-2006 The iH lltop 9-7-2006 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 9-7-2006" (2006). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 314. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010/314 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILLT The Daily Student Voice of Howard University VOLUME 90, NO. 8 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2006 \\'Vl\\~THEHILLTOPONLINE .COM T "..:c BREAKING NEWS SPORTS Ve FWRENCE TO UPGRADE TO HURRICANE IDSTORY OF 1HE "Rf.AL HU" HAMPTON S HOWARD S ONE OF E OLDEST ANO GREAT· •c• ...t) TROP CAL STORM FLORENCE S PRED CTED TO PGRAOE l A EST RIVALR ES AMONG HBC S F ND OUT THE H STORY OF THE O"Nll'f HURRICANE BY FR DAY MORNING ACCORD NG TO THE NATIONAL D~ FEUD N SPORTS H GH 82, LOW 65 H GH 82 LOW 67 AC HURRICANE CENTER P~10 v ;:: E~ COURTESY CN • COM BUSA Su0101er Watkins Granted Budget Dispute Deadline Extension BY JANA HOMES M1nag111g Ed •or case has been brought agamst at First General her "in apparent response to Ye..,terda), Belinda L the 1:-:Eo complaint," and that \\'atkin' 'ubmitted a sue· the Unhersity was "not con­ cc,,ful motion to extend the tent \\ith ending her 30-)ear Assentbly Meeting time for re-.poncling to a case career," but has taken further filed again-.t her by Howard action against her. BY SEAN MOSLEY CopyCI l(Jf v.ho prcv1011sly ~n:ed as Uni\ ersity. Shc cjtes these reason:- as chief of staff for former HUSA The civil case - filed in the the motivation behind their Pre.,id~nt nnd Vic<' Presid<'nt Di~trict Court of Mal")lnnd • is attempt to seek the S253,ooo UCSA repr ·nt ll\ s B) ron St \\art and April an effort b) the Uni\ersil) to plu legal fee,., from her pc!'! r used qu st ions rq~.1 rd· Harlry )'to t of the \\ork recoup damage paid to Oa,id sonally, \\hil'h the motion said 111g llUSA's summer spend v.as performrng in planning GOOO\\in Ill ,, settlement in "appear" to be n no\ el tactic.· of 111g l,1i:.t night Ill the CoCll(•r,iJ tor the foll." :.?005. regarding a discrimina· a Uni,ersity that is regul:lrly Assembly of the sd1ool )e.ir. uc:SA repre.sent:1ti\c tion claim. a dt•fendant in emplo) ml•nt Memben. of the G<·nerc1I Ashley Denson questioned llt')HJ..... AMC P ..... lditiw The UniH'r~il) filed r:1scs." Asscmbl), v.i1ich 111clud<'s the prcscncc of Hl'SA staff in The General Assembly held Its first meeting of the year it... case ngni1i....l the former The motion includes a par­ the 'ice president of Ht S \, the HUSA oftrccs durmg the and discussed Issues with the summer budget. Director of Student Acthities tial list uf appellate en~. say­ UGSA. nnd <;SA r..:pre<>ent 1· summer. on :\ugust 10, lea\ ing \\'atkins ing said list is ·only the tip of t1H: , gathered in the digital "I, along \\ith other UGSA ing." Ferguson also hop1.•s until Sept. 6 to rcpl). the iceberg." because all of the tH1clito1111111 of till' lll:wkh11r11 l'l'Jl"• \\l'rt' lu•rc planning all .:\luhammad :md Thomas, to atlral'I more of the gen­ Howe\'er. \\'atkins asserts claims brought do not result in ('c11lt'r to dic;1·11ss is~11PS summer 1111!1 tht·n· ''erc pt'o· \\ho workl'd for II USA this eral st udl'nt body to futurc that this is insufficient time to reporkd appellate decisions. r<•ga1d111g llUSA's summer pie I didn't "-•'e." Denson said. summer, did not apply for Ger\l'ral A!:>scmbly meetings. issue answers. citing a lack of The cases they ha\'e listrd cx1wnd 1turcs. ·1 hn\c u prohlem \\ith a J>t'r­ summer housing, which "This \l'ar, this room lcgal representation and need center around various matkr:-., ·n1c relaxed fcrling in son getting S1,ooo to S3.ooo nccorcling to ~ichols is nn [digital auditorium] ,,;11 be for further record building. including intentional infliction thl' room nt the hcgmnmg of for not l>Cing here." option gh·en to those \\ho arc the room used for the "h'ole The motion said she has of emotional distress. defama· th meeting quick!) ch::mgcd, Other reps m nttendnnl'<' \\Orkin~ of the HUSA's staff year and this ,,;11 be the desig­ contacted potential counsel. tion, and sex discrimination. lls the ~cnda mo\cd to the Joined l>en.,011 in the scrutiny during the summer. nated time for each meeting," but that time is needed to According to the document 11 lJ~/\ :.?006 Slllll lllCI' hudg1•t, of the i;umrm·r stipends. HUSA also presented its Ferguson said. "\.\·e ,,;11 also evaluate the case and claims filed. these cases did not result pr~ented hv Chris C.1hhH·ll, '"rhi-. is 1wr1'011ally offon· September budgc.·t in plal·e of begin doing more PR through before they an• prepared to be in the University seeking for (lssembh finance committee.• sivc and soml'thing necds to their fall budget, ''hich ,,;11 be HUSA. retained or file an appearance. indi\'idual employees to pay chair. he clone," said USGA coordi· presented the by policy hoard Despite being pleased The motion stal<•s there judgements or settlements. It As lated in the budget, nator Armin I lnyden. -rhere at the nex1 finance committee with the meeting', outcome, ''ould be "no prejudice to further states that •there nre 1IUSA spent npproximntel) nre students ''ho aren't vali· meeting. Ferguson still has concerns plaintiff from this <l<'lay· and serious questions about the 70 pcrc~nt of thr1r l1ll11cntcd dalc.'d, "'' we need more justi· It \\,IS also unnoun('Cd, regarding llUSA summer that the time may promote merits of Howard Univcrsil) 's l11111hng tor tlw &11m111<•r 011 fication than 'planning.'" in the meeting, that tht• 200.') budget, "hid1 will also be "efficiency" for all parties. claims in this case." stull sti1w11ds. Thl• st1pr11ds of lH;SA n•presentative Spcl'ial Elel'tion guicldinl'S re' iewl'() at the next assembly as well as possibly reducing \\'atkins was assisted by HUS\ V1cc.•·Pn•sident Stc·ph1·n .:\1al'kcnzic Morris brought to \\011ld he retai1wd for this finanl'C l'<>lllmittel'. burdens on thl• plaintiff and a \.\'ashington, D.C. firm in Na ho)s Leonard Muhammad. question Nichols' prolonged year' special elections. "l tiave deep concerns courts. drafting and filing her motion, d1 01' of l)Ubft ret 0 !I, aOStenee ftom hY dfAeEs ~ur- '"With over i6o org1uuza about 70 percent pf [HUSA's] The motion reported that but their aid should not be ,111d l\rundon rhomns llS I 1ng the summer us well as and hon on campus, it 1s impor­ budget bemg used for the Watkins prevtously submitted considered a general appear­ tunt financial a(h isor, p.1r­ summer housing, a rational tant for us to come together so summer.~ Ferguson said. an Equal Employment Office ance. The extension will pro· ticulnrly, \\ere hrought into Nkhols ga\e for the stipends, that wa) we can addrt•ss some ~There \\as nothing we could discrimination and retalia­ vide time for the firm to review 1111<•st1011. Nidiols, hold· "I \\,IS 'in nnd out' this 'real issues'," said Owens in do to stop it this summer but tion complaint in the District the case and contemplate their ing rcsiderwc in l>crt\l'I', Co sununt•r," Nil'hols said. "I her address. [those items in question) it of Columbia in reference to role in her representation. o\Cr the summer. rc!'ei\'ed \\1IS planning initiatives und In her address, O"ens ,,;11 be investigated by our the July 20 termination. that In addition to being deliv· S2.ooo \\hilc Muhammad did report \\l'ekly to Dean also announced future plans financl' committee.~ ended her HO\\ard career that cred to the court, the motion nnd ·111omns both reccl\ed Guillol)" for connecting Bison Bucks to \\.hen interviewed. \'ice begin March 8. i976. was ser.·ed via electronic filing 3,03 ~6 In un intcr.iew ~ith the the Dining Dollars. President Nichols questioned The University lawsuit to the Baltimore, MD coun· K 1 ha Patton, director of Hilltop. Ow n and Nichols Ferguson, v.ho is also a the motives of the assem· alleges that Watkins withheld cil that represented Watkins programs for HUSA, nil nutted defended thclr spendmg and member of the Gentlemen of bly particular Ferguson, the essential information from in the Goodwin v. Howard to P<'ndmg the summer "ork (•xplnmi·d their d1sbu!"Scmcnt Drew Hall Social Club, was chair. the University, thus bringing University, et al case. ing for Mrr. l I.) nrh 111 Ne\\ of housing st11wnds. nmfident about the outcome "I personally feel the that about the original lawsuit. The new deadline for York, hut rccehcd $1,000 tor -\\'c had to .1ppl) for ... um· of last night's meeting. current assembly chair is aim· In addition to the request Watkins' response has been twr \\ ork \\1th II VS \ mer h011si11gjust like C\ Cl} one ''This is the first meeting ing nt impeding the process of for accommodations to facili· set as Oct.
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