THE Hardware Ltd. VOlE 'WEEKLY PUBLISHED BY AND FOR THE 3 Issue No. 8 - Circulation 1300 UNDERGRADUATES OF WATERLOO Wednesday, November 7, 1962 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE F 0 U R I N p • M • R A C E Liberal Socred PC Poll Shows rm Platform Platform Platform Liberal Victory The four major policy planks These are the policies of the IThe Platform of the Social Credit The Progressive Conservative plat­ the Campus New Democrat's Libe1al Platform for the W.U.C. Party for the Model Parliament form for the coming Model Parlia­ A Poll, recently conducted by ~am for the coming Model Model Parliament. is as follows: ment is as follows; the Cord, in which one out of every Parliament arE> Welfare, Education, 1. External Affairs: Join the Or- 1. Abolition of Capital Punishment five students were asked which way 'oreign Policy and Economic policy. ganization of American States, 1. Legislation to encourage free en- 2. Government Drug Testing they intended to vote, shows the Campus leader Pout Macdonald full support to the United States terprise, and to restrict monopoly Agertcy · following results for the Model emphatically that Medical in the Carribean and Cuba. - either private or state. 3. Bursary Programme Parliament elections today: :are is a right and not a privilege, 2. Defense: No nuclear weapons 2. Pay-as-you-go government and 4. Repatriate the Canadian Con- a New Democratic Govern­ for Canadian forces. the achievement of a balance stitution Liberal .............. ... ....... 32% will institute a complete Medi­ 3. Trade: Application for member- between consumption and pro- 5. Revamp the Senate Conservative .... .......... 28% SNOWFALL care Plan. ship in co-operation with U.S.A. duction. 6. Increased Foreign Aid New Democratic Party ........ 18% Old Age Pensions will be increased in an Atlantic Trading Com- 3. The establishment of a programme 7. Maritime Expansion Programme Social Credit ............. ....... 2% 743-4757 $100 a month, on a need basis munity. to increase aid to underdeveloped 8. Encourage Expansion of Tourist Undecided ............................ 20% Pe~~>ion plans in places of employment 4. Unemployment: Lower corpo- nations. Industry by Creating Loans will become portable. ration taxes and accelerate de- 4. Franchise to all over 18; senate 9. Training of Unskilled Workers Since the "Thalidomide" tragedy preciation allowances for capital reform a01.d the establishment of 10. Cooperation with Provinces to las emphasized the need for greater goods to encourage expansion a Ministry of National Security. Create a Portable Pension 'ntrol of the Drug Industry, a of industry. 5. A foreign policy which would Scheme opposing parties. New Democratic Government will 5. Economic Measure3: Amalga- enable Canada to act as a force Only economic planning, by taking !!I up an adequately staffed Drug mation of arm!'d forces. for peace an j to fulfill her respon- advantage of population and geo­ Control Board to test all drugs enter­ 6. Education: Establi~h a ;:cholar- sibility as a Western ally in the Addison graphy, can place Canadian industries illg the market. ship and bursary fund for uni- struggle against Communist ex- at a par with those of U.S.A. and In Education, the New Democrats versity students. pansion. Visits WUC E.C.M. he believes. He feels that rill enact a University Student 7. Justice: Revise the penal system 6. Canada's membership in the Or- our volume of trade with the US lA blistance Act paying tuition costs of Canada. ganization of American States. John Addison, Liberal MP from must be increased by lowering lor 1tudents maintaining a "B" 8. Elections: Reduce the voting 7. Full sovereignty over the con- York North recently visited W.U.C. tariffs. average. Students with a passing age to eighteen in general stitution; and the adoption of a He spoke on the need for future He quoted part of President s mrage will be eligible for long term, election~. flag and emblem. planning of our economy and closer Kennedy's inaugural address that 10 interest loans. relations with the U.S.A. it was "not a question of what A New Democratic Government Mr. Addison said that we, as the country can do for the individual, rill provide a comprehensive re­ citizens of Canada, will soon have but what the individual can do for the trlining program-including day cour- to make vital decisions concerning country." He also encouraged all 1!! during the summer to use High our future. He noted what he felt those present to take a stab at School facilities readily available. are the major inadequacies of the politics. Federal and Provincial govern­ aents will study a program of combining Separate and Public school co. taxes, with a fair system of appor­ Folk Concert Will Be A First For WUC tioning the same. On Saturday, November lOth, The evening concert features The All Universities regardless of their Kitchener's first folk concert will Wayfarers, a folk group who had affiliations will be eligibJe for Pro­ be held at Waterloo University Col­ their beginnings at Waterloo Col­ vincial and Federal grants. Socred lege's new auditorium. The con­ lege; David Wiffen, reputed to b~ New Democratic Foreign Policy certs are being produced by a present Canada's greatest blues singer and il based upon increased international ~----.-.:.,~ and a past student of Waterloo Col­ Andy Bregg, Canada's greatest banjo. 10-Qperation in many fields and in­ lege. The collegian i;: Roger David­ virtuoso. The evening concert is. cludes: more aid to the undeveloped son, an arts student, and the ex­ entitled "An Evening of Folk Songs .."' countries-including formation of a student is Arnold Torneck, chairman Canadian Peace Corps, continuing of this year's Mariposa Folk Festival's Tickets for the children's concert to participate in NORAD and NATO, successful children's concert. are 75c, the evening concert $1.50. joining the Organization of American The first concert, Saturday after­ Tickets are available at Charcoal States, and greater co-operation with noon at 1:30, will be a children's Steak House, Ross Klopp Men's the United Nations. concert featuring Peter Kastner, Wear, Chicken Nest Restaurant, Economic policy will include a a folk artist who has a great deal Waterloo University College Book complete investigation of the cor­ of experience in children's programs Store and the Ontario Agricultural porate and income tax structure :i I,. on the concert stage, radio and College and Ontario Veterinary Col­ of Canada, by a board composed POUT MACDONALD, NDP JOHN HARRIS, PC television. lege in Guelph. of Civil Servants, prominent busi­ DesSIIlen and Professors of Economics. Rewmmendations will be acted upon by a New Democratic Government. Toronto Rabbi-Emeritus To Speak At Assembly A National Economic Planning Dr. Abraham L. Feinberg, nation- Japanese and Negro residents of is the most prominent Jewish pulpit for CBC, and was a regular panelist board will be set up including both ally-known religious figure and Rabbi- Canada. He is regarded throughout in Canada, and the oldest Canadian on the program Q.E.D., Station covernment and businessmen to co­ Emeritus of Holy Blossom Temple, Canada as a leading champion of Jewish congregation west of Montreal CFTO-TV. ordinate economic planning and Toronto, will be the speaker for the progressive ideas on questions that In September, 1961, he retired from He was one of the founders of the further economic development. Religious Assembly, Tuesday, No- deeply concern the Canadian people. the active Rabbinate to devote Canadian Council of Christians and The platform will also include a vember 13, 9:50 a.m., in the Audi- Dr. Feinberg was born in Bellaire, himself to writing, lecturing and public Jews, and served on the Board of national flag and anthem for Canada. torium. The subject he has selected Ohio, a mining town on the Ohio service, especially for disarmament Directors of the Toronto Symphony for his presentation and the discussion River. He graduated from the and peace. Orchestra, and other organizations. History Meet which will follow is "The Warfare University of Cincinnati with post- The Rabbi was named in a poll He is also on the General Council The first regular meeting of the State- and You!" graduate work at the University of by "Saturday Night" magazine as Zionist Organization of Canada, and Wt!C History Club was held re- As Chairman of the Toronto Chicago and Columbia University, one of Canada's seven greatest for some yEars acted as National cently in the Games Room of the Committee for Survival, Rabbi Fein- and was ordained as Rabbi at He­ .preachers. Co-Chairman of the Joint Public ltudent Union Building. The club berg is nationally known for his brew Union College. He is a member He is the first Rabbi to receive Relations Committee of the Ca­ president, Mick Haston, presented vigorous leadership and courageous of Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scho­ an honorary Doctor of Laws degree nadian Jewish Congress and B'nai a constitution which had been drawn defense of the cause of peace. He is lastic fraternity, and also studied from the University of Toronto; he B'rith. up by the club executive. The con- deeply involved in the Canadian music at the American Conservatory is al&o a Doctor of Divinity. Rabbi Feinberg returned recently ~· stitution was discussed and then Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. in Fontainebleau, France. He contributes a column regularly from a mission of peace to London; ratified . The rest of the meeting Also he is Vice-President of the To- He served as Rabbi in Niagara to the "Globe and Mail" and has Berlin and Moscow. Dr. Fein­ was primarily devoted to planning ronto Association for Civil Liberties, Falls (N.Y.), Wheeling (W.Va.), written articles on many subjects berg will be on Campus at 8 p.m.
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