• H OMECOMING G UIDE PAGE 10 ENT WEDNES DAY, O C T O BER 08, 2003 ISS U E 0 6 V O L UME 98 Veekend attacks handled effective]y "Definitely other male-on­ male assaults have occurred on campus," Sarver added. SU officials are examining From a 2001 survey con­ nee hall security procedures ducted by the Student Health two students were allegedlv Services, 3. 7 percent of the ii} assaulted in their dorm MSU female population [200 mer the weekend. students] will be assaulted in his is a tragic situation. an academic year. "This only xtremelY upsetting to us," includes actual penetration, not atlw Co no\ er director of attempted," said Sarver. sit) rel.tt1om at \!SU. "We Sarver discussed some popu­ ourselH•s on pronding a lar misconceptions about sexual vironment." as ault. "Most people are afraid -ve.1r-old \'mnie Dale Red of dark alleys, parking lots, and a freshman livmg m the walking alone. But overwhelm­ tone residence hall, alleg­ ing, attacks and assaults hap­ ntered four rooms on his pen indoors," said Sarver. "90 and sexually attacked two percent of the victims know the e residents in the rooms. perpetrator. Rape is not about ay. Red Star faced his court sexual attraction. There is ng ,ind was Lharged with intent to assault, and it is about dony count of sex \,·ithout power. It is not about sex, but .nt, one misdemeanor count having your way." ual as5ault. and four felony The VOICE Center has been nts of burglary. _.. Photo by Charlie Capp Johnstone/Mullan, located on College and 8th, was the site ofthis weekends disturbances. Two victims flooded with calls since the Ve are really proud f the were allegedly sexually assaulted by another resident incident, but Sarver said this Resident Life csponded, s normal after such an assault. ver said. "Ke\ r cop le '\\ere When the alleged victim taken," said Con. ·er, adding that !so look111g at !Jc ties IS UC~ allers are concerned with what aware earl}. tell W( \\ere arrived at the desk, the Resident the alleged assa t.. s do ha\e t--.lSl' such a' the !o(.ks resid nts 0 do to be safe. oordmated." Director was already present officials examin ; res1denc.e '1a11 door> and interna ·oced rt:s. "'vVe want them to be more Dne of the alleged "Ktims, and aware of suspicious activ­ security proced rt:s. \\e L01Til11UnlL t ll vi th informed and aware. Rapists wishes to remam anony­ ity at the residence hall. The "We have a 1g, respons1b1l­ other, .ind the propn, e look like normal, everyday , said that he woke up alleged victim said that campus i ty in providing 1is :>afe em iron people \\ere mforIT But we people. The stereotyped ideas d Star m hb room earh police were called while he was ment," she said. are a'kmg 1f the resp nsiveness of who, where, and how assaults day morning. Red Star was at the desk. A flyer rcmindmg res1 w s tnough.' occur are not how they actually d out of the room, and the "I couldn't have been the first dents to lock doors was is:>ued l hw.t1an Sarve1 he VOICE happen," Sarver said. "Domestic d victim knocked on Red person to report this [to the front by Resident L t last \\'eek and C enter Coordmator :v!SU, said violence and rape occurs at the door soon al u to -::onfront desk]," the alleged victim said. slipped under ·t 1denb' doors. that J'though the m,l e-on-maJe same rate in gay communities as After rece1\ ng no answer, "The R.D. acted really quickly." "More CJ SCIOU>l1es> in aspect of thL a kg I incident it does in straight communities, leged \'ictim '\\ent to r~port Conover said that front desk all dorms 1s l nain concern," has brought 1t mon :ittention, no more or no less. We encour­ he thought Ill be a pr<mk procedures involving the incident Conover stressnl, "and educat­ the fau 1s that r. ~ in cam us age not individual students, but e front SK downstairs m "went smoothly." ing students about good safrt} occurs more ofter han one riay the community as a whole to "The proper steps were precautions as well. \\'e are imagme. deal with this." SU Army ROTC wins Ranger Challenge at Hyalite ~ ANDREW BISSON points po sible in a 3000 square GUEST WRITER meter course within 90 minutes. Upon completing the course, Montana State University's each team set off on a 10 kilome­ Army ROTC Bobcat Battalion ter forced march, which thev were captured first place honors at the required to complete as a team. 2003 Ranger Challenge competi­ After crossing the finish line tion. This year's competition of the !OK march, c,1dets par­ was hosted by MSlJ at Hyalite ticipated in the disassembly and reservoir on Oct. 4. Teams from reassembh of the l\l-16 rifle. five unh·ersities part1Cipated in All ewnts were timed and points the competition, which comisted were awarded to each team based of six e1 ..mb. on speed and precision. Each team, consisting of nine The Bobcats claimed first cadets, started the day by taking prized with <l total or 1607 points the Army Physical Fitness Test. .rnd the L'l\l Grizzlies were close This eYent was consisted of push­ behmd in second place with 1580 ups, sit-ups and a t~\'o-1111le run. poillls. Third pl<1ce went to Boise After completing the APFT, cadets State L'niversit) with a srnre of undertook the Hand Grenade 1365, and BYll-Jdaho and Idaho Assault Course, a challenge that State University rounded out the tested both accuracy and speed. competition with 1105 and 869 The Stream Crossing com­ points respective!)·. petition was third on the day's "Though we had home field agenda and measured the cadets' ad1«111t,1ge in this year's competi­ ability to construct a one-rope tion, the cadre did an excellent bridge and move their team job 111.1king sure that .ill teams across. After completing this had an equal opportunity to win," _.. Photo courtesy of Andrew Bisson event, the cadets moved imme­ State Univt!rsity Army ROTC Bobcat Battalion, consisting 9 cadets, races against other said Bobcat team captain Luke 115A~ontuna ef 111the10 kilomt!fa race. The team took first place in the competition. diately to the orienteering course Laliberty. "Our hard work and where each team found as many dedication paid off." 2 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 08. 2003 NEWS Resurgence of political groups as semester begi MATEO JARA sometim<'s the) don't h.ffe the usu.ill)· get 111\ olwd in c.1m­ Bretl <;..:handJc,on, pre~idcnt out aml \"Ole," s.11d 'ich.111dl1 ,l\·enu<'S the\ 1wed to get 111vnh·cd," p.11gn' after the prim.in clcLtlllns of \l'il \ l nllcge Demon.1h, l'h< Colkgc I>cmou.1h .1m E F OM ''H WRllf R s.ml Lee. Registering hdp' st u­ .m· held. 'ihe s,1id the College s,1id the College I kmoa.Hs ,lt ( nllegc Rcpublic.111s both hen "ith the peak <lf th<' do:nts mnrc <·.1,1h find them RcpubltL.111\ usu.ilh get im oh ed ;\JSLJ .ire ''nrking to get stud<'nh mrnlvcd in the "Gct-Ullt· 1..amp.1ign .. ca .. on .1 k\\ months Lee s.1id thL RepubltL.ln' ,1re in L.1mp.11g1i- through gener.il inn)h ed .111d members moti' ,1ted \ 'ote" L.1111paign later in the ,1\\,1\, political org.111i1.lliom tln re,1d\ lll st.lrl workmg .1g.1111 L.1111p.1ign t.isk., like puttmg up to get th<' dub gomg tlus \ <.H 111 order to promot<' st u c,1mpu' .ire r,111\'mg th<'lr num " \\t''n:: 1ust out therL' t<l get signs fo1 1...rnd1dates ,111d di.,tnb­ The College Demon,1h' go,11 b to poht1c,1l .1cti' i>m. ber' in pn::p,1r.1tio11 for .1 lit'\\ th<' consen ,1t1w word out ... and uting literature -,ho" 'tutknts that politics n:JllY <;d1.111dksn11 'aid th.tt to WM ol inYoh·emcnt at :-.lontan,1 to get student> politicalh .1Lt1vc," Lcc o.,1id she would like do J!fed them, S<handlcson sJid. tl\·clv, mo't likeh ,11 the en State Cnivcr,ity. she s..iid. "\ \'o: ,1ro: taking 'teps to her Lh.1pter of the College S..:h,mdkson <,Jtd their plan l.muarr the College Demo \.:(()rding to the Student nuke .. ure \,·c h.1ve members." Republican., to \\Ork on the to do th.ll is to blanket the cam­ .ire pl.111111ng on h.i' ing b\1011 Activities Office, there .ire onlr "We haYen't had mu<h of a n,1t1onal level, part1npat111g in the pus with information about their up m the '>LB "ith inform; two officialh registered politi­ ch,111ce to do official ,1dn·rris­ Bush reelection campaign when orgJnization. .1bout e.11..h of the I 0 Demo< cal org,1t111.1tion ... Two of them, ing." The club h.1d a booth at the time comes. chandleson said the group presidenti.111..and1d.ites. the College Democrats .rnd the Catapalooza ewnt at the st.1rt "We're definitely lookmg at has alrcad\' started plannmg "\\e arc going to do a It the College Republicans, h,1w of the ye.1r. "\\'e signed up 52 getting a lot of studenb involved e,·ents for thi:. semester and next from local government to already held meetings this year, people who have been interested here Jt f\ ISU," Lee said.
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