~ . ' ' HEll Nfld. Skies 'J By BAILEY'R, FRANK A DELUXE CO'~ ~\.~!T TUESDAY, October 4. ~~ ..\~ ' IY'IU" ·. ~~~ . ·. Sunset today . , . • • • . 5:34 p.m . ....~ ·lttJ$}, -at' o-\ ~. ~ THE DAILY NEWS Sunrise tomorrow • , . 6:05 a.m . ~:l• t..~"' . ~ .• )'P Moonrise today .. .. ..5.41 .p.m . .:<> ........ " ....~. •y ,, . v .. Full Moon today ........ 6:47 p.m. TIDES Terra Nov.a •. • ·· ·:--------------------------- Hiflh .. , .•.•• , , 6:43 a.m. 7.04 p.m. :.J; ....,.·:.,..4vol. ~7. No. 220 ltiE DAILY NEWS. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1960 (Pric:e. 7 Cents} Low . , . • • • • • • • 12:35 a.m. 1:02 p.m . ..... ~---------------------------....:..--------- • • HUSSEIN WARNS .REDS TO Calls For Eisenhower STAY OUT OF ARAB WORLD To Meet Khrushchev 'Fl.•· ~Ill. TON RI>SSER here to ren!firm that we reject I abuse of many kinds from the ---·-·--------~ t:!liiTED NATIONS, N. Y.-AP-lndia's Prime Mini· l':\11'1-:D :-.IA'I'IONS, :'\.\'. C\P communism." I U.A.R., and recalled the Aug, 30 'ster ~ehru Monday still professed hope for an Elsenho,rer· 1\hg Hussein or Jodan Th Soviet premier walked out assassination of Haz.za •ll E " :\!ond~y, I Pr~mier Khtushchev meeting despite a notable lack of enthusiasm ~('uscd the Sol'i~l Union of trY· of tl~e assembly before Husse!n' M~jali which Jord~n say~ was In· WI OJOJ \ in·• to wreck tlw United N~tions, spoke, and did not hear Hussem stJgated .by ;orasser s rcg1me. frmn either of the cold war camps. ?.nd the United Arnh ilctmblic o! deliver this castigation of Soviet Then, m direct. refcr~nce .to the I Nehru told the united Nations that President Eisen· ~·:~·!:in:: to dcslro)' his ll<>shcmit, t~ctics: role of the SDV1et Umon m th~ , ChristmaS k;t~··dom. "Yet nhnost from the very, Middle East, he added: I bower "has not "''holly rejected the idea." He asked the Gen· VICTORIA CCPl- Archbishop 1 era! AssP.mbly to pass the resolution he and four other neu· 1:·; a s1'1l'rth to the !lll·na!ion birth the Sol'iet Union has sought I A PARALLEL r.r::1•rnl :\~.·•·mhly, q,,. 24-year· to destroy the United lliations, to "The policy of the Soviet is to Harold Sexton of the Anglican ' tral learlrrs have proposed, calling for Eisenhower to meet ol·l deo:crt n:onarch ;~i<l he saw hampct' its deliberations, to block i split friends. The United Ara1> Church of canada says he is go ' with Soviet Premier Khruhchev to ease world tenslont. ' ing to enjoy Christmas day in 11 p:n;:~llcl in the actil·itics o! So· its decisions, ond by t•owdy ta~ i Republic is seeking to domina~-~ 1 , ict l'rrmil't' 1\hrnshche\' ~11d 1ics and petulant walkouts to de·' our part of the world. There ts . the traditional manner despite ' "I have felt as if I was being: He backed the G~neral Ass em· l'.. '..H. President ~:11<S~r in the mean the representatil'es of the significant parallel in these two . the fact that it falls un a Sunday buffeted by the icy wir.ds of the • hly's guidelines on the Congo, but ,\r«h ,•,orld. Security Council and the General' aspirations." ' this year. cold war," the Indian leader: prop~sed a special .!heckup to The young ~ing, nis ~light fi~· ,\s~cmbly." · I He said he would welcome. : The head of the An g I i c a n leader said. "Coming from a i make sure all Bc!;:ian troops me. dr:·,,scd in a eo·tsetTatirdy Similarly President Nnssct· was words of friendship from the ' church in British Columbia said · warm country, I have shil'ered 1l ha\'e pulled out in accord witil t~ilored blue lmsil;ess Htit. was not present to hear Hussein's at·, United Arab Republic but that · in a sermon Sunday the editors : occasionally at these roid blasts." UN policy. He said m1ny tho US· :~.·~omp:mierl to the ··•1strum br :ack on the United Arab Rcpub· i he did not expect ar.y at the of the British Lord's Day Observ·' Nehru listed a con\inuation ofi ands of Belgians are still there. 1 1 ~ towerin:: mili:ar)' aide dressed lie. · : United Nations. ' · ance Society's magazine Joy and disarmament discussions as the' He once again favored admis· .\!'ill; Light seem "to be <'arrying ri· U:O:'s number one duty. "If it; sion of Red China t.~ the U~. in kha!;i uni~orm and pink But U.A.R. Foreign ~linister 1 h~2~dre,s. M?.hmoud Fawzi listened as Hus· ' gid ideas of Sunday obserl'ance : fails in this, the United Xations' called for admission of Commu· Jtt:JECTS rmntt'XIS~J · scin declared that the aim of the j too far." 1 fails in its main purpose," he' nist ~longolia and for UN con· Ta:dn~ the a;~cmh!y spotli;!h! ll.A.R., "our sister state, ap-, Convicts The magazine appealed to Brit· said. : sideration of the Algerian rel'olt, ,ll'o.t ~Iter :\hl'tl>hC!I('\. the .lor pears In be our deslructio~." I 'ons to postpone all Christmas Clothed in natir~ garb and cajl which France contends is an in· dani;m lc:ull'r <lrclarcd "I am lie said Jordan was subJect to merrymaking to Boxi•16 Day this for his major U:-.1 .1ppcarance. · ternal French matter. -· .. -.. -__ ,, ... ---------------··-·-1 yrar. C\chru also ranged broadly orer; Khrushchev, U.S. s~cretary of Stabbed "S1•nday, the Lord's day, ~hquld other top issues before the inter·' State Christian A. Herter and· he the happiest day in Cl'ery national organization. othe1· major delegates stayed in REIDSVILLE. Ga. tAI'l-Two week and I trust that .he fcast.nf He opposed ·weakening or the their seals for the 50·minute ad· [{old Suspects In : Christmas will be all the more I::-.~ exctutive and fai'Ol'ed a go dress by the Indian !~adcr. who [com· ids were stahbed to death, joyous !his year just because it slow approach to re·:ision of the carries enormous prestige in th~ falls on this day." . present L'N setup. world body. ·a n k Rob be rz·es i and two other~ IVOll!\ded early I NE\\ YORK-IIulian Prime nlimster J~waharlal Nehru ----- :Monday in t1 riot at the stat~ ' is ~huwn at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel here Sept. 27th. Nehru B I prison here. The riot was quelled I ,..a~ continuing in his effort to thaw the cold war by talks ~I<JC\'I'RE:\L , CPl- Provincial, une 11·us believc1t to be in Mex· 'quickly after guards ~ushed to I ~·i'h leadr.rs of East and \~~st. In what. ~e has described as ,P.M.'s Mother police arc holdii~J: tive suspected · ico and another described as a' the barracks after hearmg shouts 'imbibing the atmosphere bel ore dec1d1ng which way to I members of a gang, believed to "parl·timc, small· time wrestler." I and then cries of pain. I swing India's prestige.-UP! Photo. Nikita ~hallenges ha,·e stolen nearly ~0.000 in a · One of the holdups blamed on · ----------- I Improving series of recent bank robbel'ies in the gang was a $6.000 robbery p t M 0 Qurhec. • :\-lay 12 at the Canadian Bank of Labor ar y oves Toward SASKATOON rcPl-:llrs. Mary ~!asked and arm~d the gan~' Commerce branch in Scotstown, Florence Diefenbaker, 87 • year· ol eight men and one woman is I Que. Fh·e people were reported . old mother of Prime Minister Dag To Quit Post lllle~ed to ha\'C held up. fOlll''in\'oh·ed in the holdup which re· a.·ggest Post- War cr.·s·ls 1 Diefenbaker, Monday showed b;mks in the last 'four months. 1 suited in a spray of subma· :favorable signs of process in her UNITED XATIONS. l'i'.Y. rcpt ASKS AD~IISSJON The arrests were 'l!ade during: chincgun fire when a b~·stander . hattie against severe lung in lee· Premier Khrushchev mounted a· Speaking a;ain :\londay night. th~ weekend hut information wns, took a shot at the getaway car. 1 !ly ED SIMON icy as well as the French and' Although Britain's NATO role t' · powerful new o!lcnsh·e ~londaf: Khrushchev reiterat?t! his will 1 I IOU. D H '·. ld d. t t E' I withheld until :llonda:.. to avoid , Canadian Press Staff Writer Portuguese colonial policies. : is not covered by items on Wed- Her condition still was critical : aga1~st ag . ammars•.JO M !ngness o. mee '1s~nnowcr on Y tippin~ orr the man brlicved to· A Banque PI'Orincialc branch: SCARBO R 0 UGH, England One or the most controversial' nesday's defence discussion, one and the prime minister has not; r~~ mto a defiant rebuff !rom the: 1f.~he pres1dent ~~~m1tt~d that t~1e be th~ ,::ang's leader. , at Coteau Station was held up 1 (CPl-Britai~'s Labor party Mon-1 issues expected lo arise from the! of Gaitsken·~ chief points against made known any plans about, U:-.1_ secretary.gcneral. , . fh~hts o~ the l·- and ~B-17 IC· Thwarted several times in thci! the same day by two masked gun· day opened 1ts llilnual conference ! conference is a ban -the· bon¥': unilateral ism is his contention leaving here. He ar;-ived Sunday: Khr~shchev cha!lenged .lam- 1 c. on n a I~ san c ~. plm es \I'N-: nttempts to capture the inan, po , men who escaped with $5,600.
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