• PRINCETON, N. J. No. Case, ' ^'^^T' No. Shelf, .Scciio" No. Book;"..:_ -^ BX 9053 .H4 1843 Hetherington, W. M. 1803- 1865. History of the Westminster : HISTORY ' or the'^^*-. - WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY DIVINES BY THE REV. W. M. HETHERINGTON, ATJTHOR OF THE "HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND •'MINISTBR's FAMII-Y," &C. NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY MARK H. NEWMAN, 199 Broadway. 1843. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTBODUCTORY. Page Importance of the Westminster Assembly, - - 13,14 Quarrel between Henry VIH. and the Pope, - - 15 Cranmer's Suggestion, __-_-- ib. 1531 Henry styled Supreme Head of the Church, - - - 17 Effects of the Power thus Assumed, . _ - 17,18 Six Articles of Religious Agreement, _ - - - 19 Reformation promoted by Edward VI., _ . - 20 The Liturgy and Book of Ordinations, - - - - 21, 22 1550 Hooper refuses the Episcopal Vestments, ^ - . 22 Articles of Religion, ---,---23 "Bloody Mary," and Persecution, - - - , 24 « Frankfort Troubles'"—Contests about Ceremonies, - 25-27 Queen Elizabeth—Act of Supremacy, - - - 27 Renewed Contests about Vestments and Ceremonies, - 29 1562 Convocation—Close of Reforming Period, - - 30 General View of the Grounds of Controversy between the Court Divines and the Reforming Party, - - 31-83 Despotic Injunction of the Queen, - - - - 34 Suspension of those who refused to Conform, and who, wishing greater Purity, were now called Puritans, - 35 Remonstrances of Foreign Churches, = - - 36 1566 The Puritans begin to form a separate Body, - - ib. Chief Differences between them and the Church, - 37, 38 1567 Their first Communion interrupted, - - - - 39 Parliament attempts to interpose, but in vaia, - - 39, 40 State of Religion in England, 40,41 Associations for Worship, Discipline, « Prophesyings," 41 42 Cariwright and Whitgift, , . - - , - 1572 First Presbytery constituted in England, - - » 43 1^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Grindal interposes, but in vain, ----- 44 Puritan Writings prohibited, ----- 45 Rise of the Brown ists, 46,47 Whitgift's Articles—High Commission, - - - 48 1588 Bancroft's Theorj' of ;itrc divino Prelacy, - - - 49, 50 The Martin Mar-Prelate Tracts, ... - 51 Attempt of Parliament to interfere—Sufferings of Puritans, 51, 52 Controversy on Sabbath-keeping, _ . - . 52 Growth of Arminianism among the Prelatists, - - 53 King James—The Millenary Petition, - - - 53, 54 Hampton Court Conference, ----- 54 Bancroft and the High Commission, - - _ 57 Civil Liberty manifestly endangered, - - - . 58 1616 Rise of the Independents, or Congregationalists, - 59 1618 The King's Book of Sports, ib. The King's Despotism begins to rouse Parliament, - 61 Accession of Charles L, ------ 62 Despotic Principles of the High Church Party, - 63 The Parliament begins to defend Liberty, Civil and Re- ligious, ...----.- ib. 1633 The Book of Sports revived, - - ". " " ^* Continued Contest between the King and Parliament, 65 Laud's cruel Treatment of Leighton, Burton, Bastwick, and Prynne, .-_..-- 66 Hampden and the Ship-money Tax, - - - -66, 67 The Emigration of Hampden and Cromwell prohibited, 67 Laud reaches the climax of Prelatic Usurpation, - - 68 Abortive attempt to force Prelacy on Scotland, - ib. 1640 The Long Parliament called— Its vigorous measures, 70, 71 Laud and the Earl of Strafford impeached, - - - 71 Prelatic Controversy—Smectymnuus, . - - 72 Parliament declares its own sittings permanent, - - 74 Protestation of Parliament, ----- 75 The King in Scotland, 76, 77 Remonstrance of the House of Commons, - - 78 Impeachment of the Bishops, ib. The King attempts to seize the five Members, and then leaves London, __----- 79 1642 The Royal Standard raised at Nottingham, - - 80 Bill for the Abolition of Prelacy, - - - - 81 Ordinance calling the Assembly of Divines, - - 84 Outline of Scottish Affairs, 87 Reflections suggested by the preceding Narrative, - 93 CHAPTER IL MEETING OF THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY. 1643 List of the Assembly of Divines, - - - -97,98 First Meeting of the Assembly—Its Theory, - 99, 100 L TABLE OF CONTENTS. /,«i Page General Regulations of the Assembly, - - - loi Baillie's Account of its Order of Procedure, - - 102 Prelatic members of Assembly, - - _ _ 104 Fasts and Sermons of the Assembly, _ - _ ib. Intercourse with the Church of Scotland, - _ - 105 Deliberations respecting a League or Covenant, - 106 The Solemn League and Covenant, - - - 111 Remarks concerning it, - . _ _ . 115 Parties in the Westminster Assembly, - - - 116 Episcopalians, .-_.-_. ib. Presbyterians, - - - - - - - - 117 Independents, - - - - - - - 118 Erastians, -__-.-.- 120 Remarks concerning these Parties, - - _ 123 The Scottish Commissioners to the Assembly, - - 121 Characters of Henderson, Gillespie, Rutherford, and Baillie, 125 Numerous Sects in England, ----- 128 Causes of these numerous Sects, - - - - 129 Effects on the Assembly and the Kingdom, - - 132 Political Independents—Toleration, - - - - ib. CHAPTER II THE INDEPENDENT CONTROVEKSY. Order to frame a Directory of "Worship, - . - 135 Deliberations concerning Office-bearers in the Church, 137, 138 Concerning the Office of Apostles, . - - - 139 Concerning Pastors and Teachers, or Doctors, - 140 Concerning Ruling Elders, - - - - - 141 Concerning Deacons, ------ 143 Suggestions respecting the Supply of Vacant Charges, 144 1644 The Subject of Ordination introduced, - - - 146 The Struggle between the Parties begun, - - - 148 Proposition of the Independents concerning Ordination, 149 Consent of the Congregation to, or Election of the Pastor, 151 Alterations made by the Parliament in the Doctrinal part of Ordination, successfully resisted by the Assembly, 152 Directory for Public Worship, ----- 153 Form of Church Government and Discipline, - 154 Opposition made by the Independents, - - - ib. Their " Apologetical Narration"—Extracts, - - 156 Answers to that Work—Antapologia, - - - 164 Remarks on the Independent Controversy, - - ib. The Arguments on both sides stated, _ - . 165-170 Admission of a close approximation, , - - 171 *' Many Congregations under one Presbytery" debated, 172 <t tABLE OF CONTENtS. Pase Remarkable Debate between Selden and Gillespie, - 172, J 73 Nye's argument against Presbytery censured, - - 174 Admissions by the Independents, _ _ _ . 176 Debate on Congregational Ordination, - _ - 179 Suspension from Sacraments, and Excommunication, - 180 Committee of Accommodation, - . - . 182 Proceedings of that Committee, . - - _ 183 Reasons of Dissent by the Independents, - - 185 The Assembly's Answer, ------ 186 Reasons of Dissent, and Answers, or Grand Debate, 191 Independents requested to state their own Model, - 192 They decline, and publish '* A Copy of a Remonstrance," 193 Answer to this by the Assembly, - - - - ib. Committee of Accommodation revived—Abandoned, - 194 Remarks on this Controversy and its consequences, 195 CHAPTER IV. THE ERASTIAN CONTROVERSY. Preliminary Remarks on the Erastian Theory, - - 200 Selden's Hint respecting Excommunication, - - 203 His Argument on 1 Cor. v. 4, 204 Selden's Argument on Matt, xviii. 15-18, - - 205, 206 Answered by Gillespie, - - - - - 206, 207 Whitelocke's Argument and Suggestion on Divine Right, 207 Firmness of the Assembly—Successful, - - - 208 Whitelocke and the jus divinum Claim in Parliament, 210 1^45 Conduct of Parliament on the Suspending of Ignorant and Scandalous Persons from the Lord's Table, - 212 Selden's Argument on that Subject, - - - 213 Whitelocke's Argument, - - - - - - 214 Remarks on these Arguments, - - - - 2l6 Ordinance about Suspension, &c.—Erastian Clause, - 219 Petitions from London and the City Ministers, - 220 1646 Ordinance for the Choice of Elders—Erastian Clause, 222 Remonstrance of the Scottish Parliamentary Commis- sioners, --- 224 Haughty Conduct of the English Parliament, - - 226 Petition of the Assembly—How received, - - 227 The Parliament's J«5 fiiinnum Questions, - - 227,228 The Assembly's Deliverance on the essential element of the Controversy—Firmness of the Assembly, . 229 The Assembly prepares Answers to these Questions, 231 The jus divinum Treatise by the City Ministers, - 232 Outline of Political Events, 233 The King retires to the Scottish Army—Altered tone of Parliament, • ib. tABLE OF CONTENTS. Vll Page Erastian Clause removed from the Ordinance for the choice of Elders and erection of Presbyteries, - 234 The King in the Scottish Army—Negotiation's, - 235 Vindication of Scotland from the accusation of having sold the King—True state of the matter, - - 236-239 1647 Removal of obstructions, and erection of Presbyteries and Synods, 239, 240 Negotiations with the King—Votes of Parliament con- cerning Church Government and Toleration, - 240 Preparation of the Confession of Faith, - 242 Not the slightest Erastian modification admitted, - 243 Presented to Parliament—Scripture proofs required, 244 1648 How far ratified by Parliament—What alterations sug- gested—What topics recommitted—Remarks, - 245 Literature of the Erastian Controversy, - - _ 246 Theories of different shades of Erastianism, - - 247 Coleman's Sermon, -..-.. 249 Gillespie's Brotherly Examination, .... 250 Controversy between Coleman and Gillespie, - - 251 Gillespie's Aaron's Rod Blossoming, _ . _ 252 Rutherford's Divine Right of Church Government, - 254 Treatise by Apollonius, ------ 255 Concluding Remarks on Erastianism, - - - 256 CHAPTER V. conclusion of the vstestminster assembly. 1647-8 The Catechisms composed, - ... - 257 Inquiry concerning the Authorship of the Catechisms, 259 Departure of the Scottish Commissioners, - - - 260 1649 Dissolution of the Assembly, 262 Ratification of the Westminster Assembly's
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