LOOKING AND LISTENING long i.«h (Calif.), »«nd«y, j«n. la, 1«3J THI MIK-TUIOHAM—Pan »-T KLAC-570 KECA-790 KFOX-1280 •••• KNXT Chanml 2 KECA Channel 7 KFI-640 KHJ-930 KFAC-1330 I Iff KNBH Channel 4 KHJ Channel 9 KMPC-710 KFWB-980 KGER-1390 Premieres Take Spotlight; | f| KTLA Channel 5 KTTV Channel 11 RADIO KBIG-740 KNX-1070 KVOE-7480 KLAC Channel 13 • FM KLON'88.1 KFOX-102.3 KNOB-103.1 Hawthorne Back on TV MONDAY, JANUARY T2, 1953 MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1953 WITH JOHN FREDERICK KTTV (11) Town Halt 4:00 P. M. KMPC— Dance Time to 12 KHJ—Tello-Test 4:00 P. M. Party (part 2) 10:39 KECA — Footnotes & Music KNX—Ma Perkins Premieres on radio and TV|Galbraith replaces Lundberg on <NBli (4>— Chcl Milan! KNXT (2)— Calif, Living KLAO—Gens Norman liHJ— Could This Be You KGER—Tommy Baird KTLA (5;— Movie Th't^r; KHJ (9)— Amateur Boxing KF1—Lite Beautiful KNX— Club 15 10:30 along with appearances of stars!the station's 10 o'clock news. "Anon Equad" Wilmington Bowl 77:00 A. M. KMFC—Johnny Grant KGER — John Brown KFI—Strike _lt Rich KECA (7) — Al Jarvis o*30 ' KLAC (13;— Mike Hoy , KECA—Mary M. ilcBrlde seems to take the spotlight today Art Baker's "You Asked for KHJ (9)— Star Time KNXT (2)— Lux Video ll:lfi KHJ—Fulton Leivis Jr. KTTV (111 — Nancy Dlxon Theatre: "Two for KNXT (2)— Larry Itevens KFWB—Red Rowc Rancho so let's get right into the news of It," KECA (T) at 8 p. m. presents KLAC (13) — Time for MU- Tea." Brian' Aherne *V£IJA C"V'~-i"nn'is ; ,tNtw«> News: Jimmy KFOX—News: Musicale «ic, Bob McLaughlin KNBH (4)— Voice of Fire- 11:30 10:00 P. M. KFAC—Son* Recital the airwave entertainment. its most unusual gimmick to- 4:10 stone, Eugene Conlty KNXT C2>— Art Llnklelttr KFOX—'News KFI — Rlchfield Reporttr KGER—Helen Markham KNXT (2)— Search tor KECA (71— Famous KNBH M)— Foody for KFAC—Masterpieces KECA— News: E. C. Hill Eloise McElhone and Walter night. Dr. Charles Grover of Den- Tomorrow Pliiyhoust ; ' ' "Counter- Thought, Lenore Klnji- KC-EH—Commuter Car s*. KHJ— Answer Man 10:45 KTTV (IK— Movieland plot," Man A.don «ton KHJ—Jan Oarber Kiernan are starred in "Sparring ver, Colo., shows a wax likeness Mat. :• "Loud Speaker,"- KFW&— Larry Finley KTTV (3li— LcRjon Wr«- KECA (7)— Noon Movie: I KFI—News; 'Burrltt KNX— 10 o'clock Wire KNX—Guldlnj? Light Partners" on KECA-radio at 8:30 Kay Walker • tlinjt;: Warren Bockwln- o«d edw le (oh*, ••*•, bock, neck, m«<l<i- KFOX— Variety In Revut KGER—Rev. leRoy Kopp of a woman who'was murdered. Jt'-e, Bobby Manaoitff "Bank Alarm, V Conrad Wneeler p. m. It's a battle of wits with Nagel •Imort Imtont Memo* relief wltd INIAY wSere ttlker - KHJ—Frank Hemingway KFAC — Crossroads 10:56 Tltis victim was never identified JCNX'T <2>— Mike * Butt KLAC U3J — Movie Nlsh1 t KGER— Dr. E. F. Webber each contestant slugging it out. KHJ (9J — Gene Norman II: "Almost a Bride, ' evMtxxW felted. Mew e*eewy IKHAf teeMm e. • KFOX—Music 10:15 KECA—Whlsperinr stree and he is asking viewers if they -4:4.1 Shirley Temple ; 12:00 NOON 4:30 KFI — A Joy Forever on the verbal line with problems KNXT (2) — Tim McCoy'i KNXT (2) — Garry Moore .aj;; etrength comblivaDee e* identify In^rujltoti reccfilied KMPC—Bolero Time KECA — Frederick Ballcs 77:00 A. M. that confront the average person, [know her. A couple of trained Wild West - 9:00 P. M. KNBH (i)— Big Payoff " fcr Ughetl medical eertwrlHei lor pain raDevliif Kite*. KECA—Nancy Holme KHJ— Frank Edwards KFI—Double or Nothing KNBH (4)— Gabby Hayes 12:li> KHJ—Curt Massey Time KNX— Kenneally: Harmon KHJ—Ladies Fair Dwight Cooke premieres his bears and a champion top spinner HLA.C <VJi— Dr. Ernest KNXT (2)— I Love T.ucy, KNXT .(2)— Air Force I No-Hiik Gvaipnt-i* KNX—Untold Story; Haw- JU:;i(> KNX—Second Mrs. Burto "Interview With Asia," a series also do their acts. C. Wilson <4:BO> Luc hie Ball. D, Arnaz j Try IN RAY. 5 dayi. If no thorno'i Mallbag (4:36) KFI — Repeat Performance KFOX—Rhythmic Age 5:00 P. M. KNBH <4>-M«t the KNXT (2) — Calif. Living 4:15 KECA — Music from Moon KFAC—Masters Miniature of broadcasts on KNJC at 11:45 Press. Hobt. A. Taft .K..N.tUi l» — Welcome ••tra- lighted wilK qvlck red'tF from __k—Frank Bincman KHJ — Reoorters Roundup, p. m. dealing with the Asiatic Wrestling on KTTV (11) at CNBH (4)— Film KTLA (5)— Roller Derby velers, Tommy Bartlett ditcomForl of ochn and point I—Sam Hayes Sen. Kennedy CD-Mass.) 11:15 <TLA (5)— Playcrallerj KECA (7)— Feature Film KHJ iM)— World Wews: KNX— Philip Norman KECA—•Whe' n Girl Marrlc conditions. Cooke willl discuss 8:30 p.m., and the main event KLAC U3>— Webster "The Quitter," Charlie Suspects Wanted ...your money bock. 5:00 P. M. KFOX — Jesse's Fenced Inn ----KNX—P- Jerr. y Mason Webfoot GrapewJn KLAC (13)— Hollywood on AT AIL DRUGGISTS Ctlf THIS «EMINO« COUfOH KGER— When Dnv is Done KFAC—Folk Sonza the Far East with the leaders.of headlines two young grapplers, CIS 0:30 TV. Betty White KFI—Art Baker: 3>. Bishop Kl'M — Hlywd News (Iu:(i5> KGER—Sunshine Mission various nations. His first subject Warren Bockwinkle and Bobby KNBH <4> — Jump Jump KNXT (2)— Red Buttons I2H5 KMPC— News; Sports 11:30 fi::it) KNBH (D— Hobt. Mont- KHJ (»)— Movie Matinee: KECA—Elroy Hlrsch 11:00 P. M. tonight is President Slpidio Qui- Managoff. Pat Fraley, Karl iNBH <4) —Howdy Doody gomery Presents: "The 13th Guest," Helen (Adverllsement) KHJ—Bobby Benson KFI— llth Hour News KFI—Ev'ry Day rino of the Philippines. JTLA (SJ-Zcowboy Thrills "The Closed Door," Parrlsh KNX—Edward R. Murrow KHJ — Larry Chatterton KECA—Hits & Encore. Davis, Vic and Jerry Christy, KECA (7)— Ladies Charlton Heston, Jan KFOX—Sunshine Mission KNX— News: Scoreboard KHJ—Queen lor a Day Matinee, Jack Bourke Miner 7:00 P. M. ' KFAC—Sunset Serenade KFOX — Music KNX—Nora Drake Johnny Demchuk, Danny Savage, <TTV (11) -Cartoon Time KTLA (5)— Your Town, KNXT I.-21— Strike it Rich KGER — Brother Clarence KFOX—Tempo of the Tinn KLAC (131— 'Jeleventure Mayor Bowron KNBH <4>— Kate Smith Beware Coughs KFAC—Music Hall KHJ (9)— Kins of RIni KECA (7)--MercedCi KFI—News 11 US KGER—Lulh. Bible Schoo Matt' Murphy and Buck Davidson KMPC—John T. Flynn KFi — Frances Karwetl 6:00 />. M. GaKr.ey's KJtchen . KECA—Vu-Eil Flnkley KHJ — CrowelPs Nest 11:45 are also billed. OJBH (4j— Peanut Circui 10:00 P. M. KTTV (11)— Cinema Chef: From Common Colds KNX—Tom Harmon KNX — Merry-Go-Round KFI—Bob Hope Show yECA. (7)— KBCA News "Secret* of a. Sorority KFOX—Let's Go to Town 11:30 KNX—Brighter Dav KHJ (91— Action Theater- KNXT (2)— KNXT Newi Girl," Mary Ware KGER—Weather (5:23) KFI— Walllngton at Clro'l KGER—Dan Gilbert SPECIAL ATTRACTION "Crooked Trail."' KTLA (5)— Teleforum, That HANG ON KECA — Ecldie Gomez Orch. i ' Johnny Mack Brown Dr. R. von KJetu Smld KNXT (2)— Bride * 5:30 KNX— This I Believe, 11:40 If you would like to meet the JKTTV (11)— Welsh at the KLAC OS)— Movie NlB.lt' Groom Crcomulsion relieves promptly because KLAC—News: LA Today )2:00 NOON Airport III: "Flesh and Blood." 1:45 KFI—Voice of Firestone, 11:45 men and one woman who will it goes into the bronchial system to KiVX — Dwlght Conke, Asia, KFI—Farm Reporter 6:15 Richard Todd KNXT (2>— Search for help loosen and ixpel germ laden Eugene Conley (Philippines), Prcs. KECA—Noontime News KNXT (2) — Dan's the Man 10:30 Tomorrow KMPC—Stars of Son2 Qulrlno conduct the affairs of this nation KNX'I C2J- O.ronoscope phlegm and aid nature to soothe and KECA—Chct Huntley KHJ—Slil Fuller, News v Eric A. Johnston 2:00 P. M. KNX—Bill Kenneallv for four years, at least, you may ii.<7.| • V* ens KNXT (2)— Love of Life heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial KHJ—Wild Bill Hlckok 12:00 MIDNIGHT KFOX—Lunch in Rhythm KNBH (4)— Jeweler's KNX—The World Today do so on KTTV (11) at 7:30 p.m. /£NXT f2t fVlllI> RM H Showcase: "Rocking Ki\art 14) — .Bill Slulla KFOX—News KLAC— Alex Cooper to 6 KFAC—Luncheon Concert KTLA I'll ' TRA Jiuwards HorRe," Jimmy Lydon, KECA (7) —News: Jar-is membranes. Guaranteed to please you KFr— Mldr.lc-li! Fiver KGER—Songs lor Lunch "March of Time" sent camera Gladys Georce Movie: "Crimson Ro- or money refunded. Creomulsion has KFAC—Viennese Varieties KMPC— MldniKht Serenade KTTV dl)— sherlfl John .KGER—Tab. Benedictions 12:15 crews to see the cabinet members KLAC (13)— TeleDauer KECA (7)— Hank Weaver mance," Eric von Stro- KECA— MIUnlKht News KHJ (9J— Nswsp. ol Air heim stood the test of millions of users. 5:45 KF.WB— Larry Finley. to 4 KFI—Roncl of Lit* and President-elect Dwight D. 8:45 Kli.i iU)_ Maraa Weiss •• KLAC—Sam Baiter KNX— News; Hawthorne KECA—Paul Harvey KNXT (2)-Table at Clro'. KLAC (13)— "Over the • •KMPC—Hits of Today KFOX— Bill Johnson Show KHJ—Cedric Foster Eisenhower. Those you'll see and iSsS &-5£v7hoSr KECA (7)— Moonlite Counter," Dick Haynes CREOMULSION "KECA—Bob Gnrred, Newi KFAC — Music to 6 a.
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