CHESHIRE COUNTY CHAMPIONS - SEASON 1997-98 V NORTHUMBERLAND SATURDAY 10TH APRIL 1999 KICK OFF 3PM MESSAGE FROM TETLEY'S BITTER Tetley's Bitter is very proud to be entering its second yeor os the title sponso r of the Tetley's Bitter County Championship. This sponsorship forms part of a comprehensive 4-year sponsorship programme undertaken by Tetl ey's Bitter that benefits English Rugby Union at ailleveis of the game, from the nati onal team right through to grass raots level. The Tetley' s Bitter County Championship is one of the oldest competitions in Rugby Union . This year's final will be the 99th County Championsh ip Final in a competition that continues to enhance player development and provide the opportunity to play rugby at a representative level. Th e County Championship has a strong and loyal following, is immensely competitive and every year the players relish having the chance of playing in th e Final at Twickenham . Last season, Cheshire beat Cornwall in the Final of what once again proved an exciting and hard fought tourna ment. May 1wish ail the teams competing in this season's Tetley's Bitter County Championship the ve ry best of luck. l À \~~ Doug Clydesdale Marketing Director Carlsberg-Tetley Brewing Ltd 1 1 CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION County Champions Season 1997·98 co 0') 1 ...... 0') CHESHIRE z 0 (J) v «w (J) 1 NORTHUMBERLAND (J) Z at 0 -a.. Chester R.F.C. , ~ 1 « ::I: on l' u Saturday 10th April 1999 1->- Z ::> K.O. 3.00 pm 0 u CHESHIRE R.F. U. COUNTY CHAMPIONS 1997 - 1998 T~am and officiais: 8ack raw left to right; Mike Briers (coach), Stuart Dodd s. Len Davies (coach), Rad Elli s. Lukc }·Icwso n. Ian Kenn edy. Steve Dorrington. Mike Hill. Ti m Wasdell. Dave Craddock, Mali Kirk. Stuart Bee ley. Steve Swind ell s. Andy, Whallcy. Helin Oï-Iare. Roger Bl ake (Chairman ofSeleclOrs). Front raw Jeft to right; Cam bel Bail. Malll'ioskin s. Mike Blood. Simon Wright, Richard Hughes. Kevin Brookman (CapLI, A~dy Yatcs, Alex Guest. Murray King, Nick Bri ers, Geoff Joncs. Mark Dorrington. RESVLTS: v. Leicestershire Won 38 - 18 v. Cumbria Won 18 - 13 Quarter Final v. Lancashire Won30- IO v. York shire Won 33 - 12 Semi Final v, North Midland s Won28- 12 v. Cornwall Won 21 - 14 Final Team Captain: Kevin Brookman Cheshire Rugby Football Union A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT On behalf of the Cheshire RFU 1would like io warmly welcome President Jim Coulson, players, Committees and supporters of Northumberland to Hare Lane , home of Chester Rugby Club, in our Cou nt y town. The facilities here are first ciass and we thank Chester President Arnie Smith and his com mittee for the use of them . A weil earned win against a strong Lancashire team by 23 - 7 on Ea ster Monday, has given our side further confidence to make progress in thi s year's championship and show that our victory at Twickenham was weil merited. Condolences to Jamie Greenlees in breaking his leg and hope he makes a speedy recove ry. Cheshire's strengths over the last two seasons are due to a team picked mainly from the cream of New Brighton and Manchester and playing together regularly. Our sincere thanks go to their clubs and our selectors so weil led by Chairman, Roger Blake. Nothumberland have always provided Cheshire with strong opposition 1 am sure that they will be seeking to reverse their narrow defeat by Duram last weekend , by 17-14 and a close game IS ln prospect. We welcome our officiais today RFU referee Ralf Francis from Buckinghamshire, assisted by RFU touch judges Keith Williams and David Farrimond and hope you enjoy your time with us. Thanks once again go to David Palin Sports for kit sponsorship over several seasons and to Tetiey Bitter for their continued support of the Cou nt y Championship. ln a fortnights time we make the long trip to Darlington to play Durham, the last game in our group, whoever comes out on top will have a home game in the quarter final, a great incentive for ail involved, one which Cheshire will strive to achieve again. ! look forward to seeing as many supporters there, as possible, to cheer on our team. Dave Wright, President C.R.F.U. CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION Officers for Season 1998 - 99 President: D. P. WRIGHT Tynron Cottage, West Road , Noctorum, Birkenhead, Wirral L43 9UH Senior Vice-President: D. 1. ADAMS Vice-Presidents: J. N. LENTON, A. G. de B. MARRS, D. EWING, M. J. LORD R.F.U. Representative: G. C. COX Hon. Secretary: D. 1. ADAMS 7 Beaumaris Drive, Thingwall, W irral L61 7XP Hon. Asst. Secretary: A. G. de B. MARRS 24 Westwood Road, Noctorum, Birkenhead , Wirral L43 9RQ Hon. Treasurer: M. COHEN 10 Marlborough Drive, Tytherington, Macclesfield SK10 2JX Chairman Schools Committee: B. DAVID Chairman Colts Committee: D. EWING Chairman U.21 Committee: J. M. YOUNG Chairman Youth Committee: 1. CHARNOCK Chairman Mini & Junior Committee: G. M. PUGH WEtLL TACKLE ALL YOUR FINANCIAL NEEDS Look c1osell' imo the full range of expert financial services offercd bl' the Cheshire and l'ou will find wc offer mueh mOre than l'ou might expect. For example wc offer: FlNANCIAL ADVICE SERVICE... a no obli ga tion service ta hcJp j'ou makc sound financial decisions. INSU RANCE... ta protect you, j'our family and your home. TRAVEL MONEY. .. American Express Trave Uer's Cheques and also foreign currency. To find out more simpll' comact our Custamer Service Cemre on: PREE rH@NE 0800·243278 THE CHESHIRE BUILDI NG SOC I ETY CHESHIRE T AK I NG C f\RE OF Y OU R I N TEREs T s Chief Office: Castle Street, Macclesfidd Cheshire SK I I 6AF "Ih: so':;":!}' rc pn;scnts onl}' C(;U !\hrkctÎng Croup, llll:lIllx: r:- of \\'hÎch :I re rcgul:llcd by the 1\:r.'\011:11 IIl\'CMIlH;11[ Al1thoTUr _!lIlI/ Of 11\'\ RO. li)l" Iii\; :lSS lIr:IIlCC. l'cn .,i~ )IJ .~ :lIId iIlVcstnu; l1l.~ . t\ 11 )' lin,nu.:ia l :\ dvi..:c g ;VCl1 wi ll rd:l\c onl)' 10 the prOlhu': b :\Ild :-.cr" i ù:.~ of du.: Sm:il:r\' .lIld CG U . CHES.HIRE; vs NORTHUMBERLAND Blue & White Hoops, White Shorts, Blue Socks Green with Red and Yellow Hoops, White Shorts, 15 Steve Swindells Manchester 15 Paul Singleton Percy Park 14 Mike Blood Manchester 14 Andy Crompton Medicals 13 Paul Brett New Brighton 13 John Fletcher Tynedale 12 Richard Hughes Manchester 12 Trevor Kirkup Alnwick 11 lan Kennedy New Brighton 11 Alan Moses Tynedale 10 Rod Ellis Manchester '/ 10 Michael Baskerville Percy Park 9 Simon Wright New Brighton 9 Simon Clayton-Hibbot Tynedale 1 Mark Dorrington New Brighton 1 Mark Watson Ashington 2 Andy Yates Bracknell 2 Willy Barton Berwick 3 Steve Dorrington New Brighton 3 Paul Winter Tynedale 4 Nick Allot New Brighton 4 Dave Morley Blaydon 5 David Craddock Manchester 5 Ross Taylor Tynedale 6 Geoff Jones New Brighton 6 Angus Nelless Morpeth 7 Kevin Brookman (Capt.) New Brighton 7 Andy Robson Tynedale 8 Stuart Beeley ~ New Brighton 8 David Guthrie (Capt) Blaydon Replacements:.- Replacements:- 16 Nick Briers Camberley 16 Simon Manners Alnwick 17 Marcus Coast New Brighton Blaydon n 17 Ben Cosby-Ross 18 Matt Ellis Manchester 18 Liam Casey Percy Park 19 lan Davies Winnington Park 19 Richard Parker Tynedale 20 Karl Davies New Brighton J' 20 Soa Manukia Tynedale 21 Tim Wasdell Chester 21 Andy Clarke Morpeth Referee: Ralph Francis (R.F .U.) Touch Judges: Keith Williams (R.F.U.) & David Farrimond (R.F.U.) Prel11ier Printers Tel & Fax 0151-630 6296 We are pleased to be associated with aH sections of Cheshire R.F.U. and wish them every success today and in the future. Unit 31, Wirral Business Centre, Dock Road, Birk enh ead L411 JW rfÎf> fl(j ~flTBOOTLINER KEEP YOUR VEHICLES SHOWROOM CLEAN TAILORED BOOTLINERS AND WATERPROOF SEATCOVERS FOR MOST MAKES OF HATCHBACK AND ESTATE CARS For more information cali our 24hr Brochure Hotline 01516395396 http://www.hatchbag.co.uk North of England Invitation School's Sevens SUNDAY 12th MARCH 2000 BIRKENHEAD PARK FC. For details contact Graeme Marrs Tel: 0151- 23 6 3 19 1 CHESHIRE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP The Individual Membership is open to ail and supports County Football at ail levels. It gives Iree entry to Cou nt y matches and to the Finals 01 the Cheshire Cup. Plate and Shield Competitions and use 01 the Individu al Members' bar. Members can also apply lor International Tickets through the County. APPLICATION FORM Name Address Telephone No. Membership Fee E12 Club (if any) ................................................................... Complete and return to David Wright. Tynron Conage. Noclorum, Birkenhead, Merseyside L43 9UH or Dennis Western, White Cottage. 1181rby Raad, Heswall, Wirral L61 6XO Cheshire Rugby Football Union FI XTURES SEASON 1998/99 COUNTY RESULTS March 24 N. Wales (Friendly) at 7.30 p.m ................. Wrexham W !il - 1 0 April 5 Lancashire . ....... New Brighton 1,,/ h ~7 10 Northumberland ..... .. ................................... Chester 24 Durham .. ...... ....... ............... ...... Darlington UNDER 21 's February 21 Northumberland .. .. .Home W 1.. 1 - " March 7 Durham . ... ........... ... Hartlepool Rovers w i;l~ i } 17 Cumbria . ..................... ..Home W 2. '1 - ,-; 21 Yorkshire ......... .. .... .... ....... ....... Hull /...7~ï (. 31 Lancashire ... ... .... ... ...... ... .... Home SCHOOLS (Under 18 and U16) October 19 Final Trial U1 6.. ...... ... ..... November 15 Staffordshire U1 6 & U1 8.. .. .. Away 17 Yorkshire U1 8 .. .... .....................................Awa y 22 Yorkshire U1 6.. .. Away 29 Lancashire U16 ... ... ... ... ........ ....... .. .. .. ............... Away December 6 Cumbria U1 6 ................ ... ... .. ........................ Home 9 Lancashire U1 8.. .............. Away 13 Durham U1 6.
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