BOOKS ETAL. may exist in the animal kingdom, but it is not BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY introduction also presents a succinct histori- clear that sequencing alone is sufficient. cal overview of ideas concerning reliability The second difficult issue is that Lieber- and deceit in animal communication, which man’s account places too strong an emphasis An Honest and should prove valuable for students seeking on the basal ganglia, to the exclusion of the Deceitful Review to gain perspective on this sometimes highly cortex. In part, this may be due to his criticism contentious field. of universal grammar. He claims that propo- Katherine E. LeVan and Noah Wilson-Rich In an innovative organizational scheme, nents of universal grammar equate dedicated three subsequent chapters consider signaling language “modules” with localized cortical hese words are signals. Their sole systems located at three positions along a con- structures such as Broca’s and Wernicke’s purpose is to convey information to tinuum that ranges from overlapping to oppos- areas, but I do not believe that either Chomsky Tyou, the receiver. But should you ing evolutionary interests: “Signaling When or Pinker has actually made that claim. trust these words or view them skeptically? Interests Overlap” focuses on communica- Although Lieberman demonstrates that With The Evolution of Animal Communi- tions between related individuals, “Signaling neither region is dedicated to language, in the cation: Reliability and Deception in Signaling When Interests Diverge” considers signaling process he appears to go too far and Systems, William Searcy between the sexes, and “Signaling When discounts a substantial body of evi- The Evolution of Animal and Stephen Nowicki pro- Interests Oppose” concentrates on interchanges dence for cortical involvement Communication vide a fascinating perspec- between competitors. The authors’ account is in language. Even if no cortical Reliability and tive on the honesty of signals strengthened by their use of a uniform frame- region is actually dedicated to lan- Deception in in animal communication work across these chapters, each of which guage, many clearly contribute to Signaling Systems systems. Their contribu- begins by reviewing theoretical models and it and, by most accounts, play more tion to the Princeton series then explores a few relevant signaling systems important roles than subcortical by William A. Searcy and Monographs in Behavior in detail. The reviews of the illustrative signal- Stephen Nowicki structures. Consequently, some and Ecology is a timely ad- ing systems are organized to consider several discussion of these contributions Princeton University Press, dition to research on the important questions: Do receivers respond to would have helped to balance the Princeton, NJ, 2005. 286 pp. focus on the basal ganglia. None- $85, £55. ISBN 0-691-07094- 6. Paper, $39.50, £26.95. theless, Lieberman’s emphasis on ISBN 0-691-07095-4. the basal ganglia highlights the fact Monographs in Behavior that subcortical structures are un- and Ecology. doubtedly an important, if under- appreciated, component of neural language circuits and may provide an evolu- tionary link to our prelinguistic past. Discussions of language tend to start from the assumption that it is a uniquely human trait without antecedent in the animal kingdom. Toward an Evolutionary Biology of Language forcefully challenges this as- sumption. Lieberman brings together a wide range of evidence from comparative anat- omy, physiology, neurobiology, genetics, neuropsychology, and linguistics to illumi- nate the protolinguistic abilities in other species. Specific aspects of his arguments Signaling at a nest. Studies of social communication in animals often use social insects such as the are certainly contentious, but his basic European paper wasp (Polistes dominulus). premise is compelling: Although the indi- vidual traits necessary for language can be evolution of animal signaling systems. Searcy these signals? How reliably do these signals found in other animals, it is the unique (the University of Miami) and Nowicki (Duke convey information? What costs do these sig- combination of these abilities in humans University) offer a comprehensive yet concise nals incur? What evidence exists for deceptive that yields language. review of what we currently know concerning use of signals? Each example is carefully signal reliability in animals, enriched with reviewed and thoughtfully discussed. Searcy References many in-depth examples. and Nowicki do an outstanding job of present- 1. M. H. Christiansen, S. Kirby, Trends Cogn. Sci. 7, 300 The book starts strongly by explicitly set- ing evidence concisely yet accurately; they (2003). 2. N. Chomsky, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (MIT Press, ting forth necessary definitions (e.g., signal, often include data figures reproduced from the Cambridge, MA, 1965). reliable, deception) and by providing a original research papers. We especially appre- 3. M. D. Hauser, N. Chomsky, W. T. Fitch, Science 298, 1569 detailed yet accessible explanation of ciated the recurrent reminders of how difficult (2002). 4. T. Q. Gentner, K. M. Fenn, D. Margoliash, H. C. Nusbaum, biological signaling models. The useful it can be to gauge what specific aspect of sig- Nature 440, 1204 (2006). naler quality is (or is not) reflected in a signal. 5. W. T. Fitch, M. D. Hauser, Science 303, 377 (2004). Also, the authors give thorough consideration The reviewers are at the Department of Biology, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, USA. E-mail: noah.wilson_ to the many potential categories of signal costs CREDIT: JOYCE GROSS/CALPHOTOS CREDIT: 10.1126/science.1132135 [email protected] (including development, energy, and perform- www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 314 10 NOVEMBER 2006 927 Published by AAAS BOOKS ETAL. ance costs as well as costs imposed by third- authors provide to illustrate in these four chap- The Evolution of Animal Communication party receivers). ters, which are heavily biased toward birds. will serve as a wonderful reference for any At the outset, the authors defend their Contrary to the (possibly deceitful) cover researcher looking to understand what is cur- focus on communication within rather than illustrations, the book includes relatively few rently known about the reliability of animal between species, yet the chapter “Honesty examples of signaling drawn from inverte- signals. In addition, it provides an accessible and Deception in Communication Networks” brates, amphibians, and mammals. This entry into a large and wide-ranging body of convincingly demonstrates the importance emphasis is somewhat understandable because literature, usefully highlights the many gaps of considering the broader social environ- the authors’ own research interests provide in our knowledge, and points out fruitful ment in which signaling occurs. The study them with considerable expertise on avian sig- directions for future research. The book also of communication networks expands the nals, and it also reflects the fact that much provides an excellent basis for a seminar course scope of dyadic animal relations (i.e., par- research has been devoted to understanding at an advanced undergraduate or graduate enting, mating, and aggression) in a way the reliability of bird signals. However, the level (2). Trust us. that includes eavesdroppers who act upon absence of insect signaling examples seems the signals meant for the primary receiver particularly unfortunate. For example, the References and Notes 1. P. McGregor, Animal Communication Networks (1). These third-party receivers may exert exclusion of social insects (the epitome of (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2005). additional selective pressures on signals signalers and receivers with overlapping 2. The book formed the basis of a seminar course at Tufts and thus affect signal reliability at evolu- interests) is puzzling. Furthermore, although University, and we thank the organizers, P. Starks and S. Lewis, and our fellow students for many insightful tionary equilibrium. Searcy and Nowicki discuss a wide variety of discussions. Arguably, the book’s principal weakness signaling modalities, they give little considera- lies in the limited range of examples the tion to and no examples of chemical signals. 10.1126/science.1135747 NOTA BENE: FILM tured laureates. The physicist Ahmed Zewail (Chemistry, 1999) Some Noble Causes from talks about topics ranging from his femtosecond research to using education to build understanding between cultures. Environ- Nobelists mentalist Wangari Maathai (Peace, 2004) considers persistence, deforestation, and erosion. Varmus addresses disease and health ctor and filmmaker Turk Pipkin’s independent film disparities. Two of the laureates are no longer with us: Joseph Nobelity opens with a question: How can we secure the Rotblat (Peace, 1995) discusses the need for clean water, and Afuture for the next generations? Beginning with images of Richard Smalley (Chemistry, 1996) argues for nuclear disarma- his own children, Pipkin expands the picture to view children ment. In light of current events—the technological boom in India around the globe. The film presents nine recent Nobel laureates side by side with a growing water deficit and the issue of the who discuss what they consider the major problems currently con- nuclear capabilities of North Korea and Iran—their statements fronting humanity and the solutions remind us of the valuable wealth of knowledge they left. that they propose. These contemporary Amartya
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