, , - -, -~ r- ."lIO. J~. t" ,;;...,.• '. , t.'~l'~ ."-." January 27, 1968 SWAHAJyA 21 U.P. LETTER: His greatest achievement is no doubt the consolidation of holdings, in which ,'COALITION ON VERGE OF BREAK - UP he takes immense pride, but compared to what Punjab had done in that matter, LUCKNOW, January 15: Chaudhury longer pressurise him as it had been UP's record 'is poor. That was because Charan Singh, the Chief Minister, .has doing. Hence it took the offensive and the law had to be amended several frankly admitted that the Samyukt passed the resolution, partly as a threat times, and those in charge of" it 'did Vidhayak Dal coalition is on the verge to Mr. Chanin Singh. and partly 10 not know which Act they' had to of break-up, Even the Jari Sangh, the appease the Communists and the SSP, enforce.' major partner in the coalition, which who had left the coalition. Mr. Charan Singh has now brought . has been' backing him silently, has pass­ In the event of Mr. Charan Singh forth an Economic Police Force to check ed a resolution asking him to behave. stepping down, there is nobody else who the activities of blackmarketeers and to Otherwise, the' resolution said, someone can command the respect of all the inem­ see that businessmen' adopt better more acceptable to all the members ot bers and can be voted leader. The only methods in their transactions., The new the coalition should be chosen as the tWo persons mentioned are Mr. Ugra force is to consist of 20 deputy superin" leader. Sen of the SSP, and the present Deputy tendents, 40 inspectors and 50 sub­ 'What provoked the Jan Sangh was Chief Minister, Mr. Ram Prakash Gupta. inspectors, headed by an inspector­ the manner in which the Chief Minister Even the Jan Sangh is not wholly in general or a director. or director-general. exercised his right to reallocate the port­ favour of Mr. Ram Prakash, for he The scheme also includes a special folios after the resignation of two SSP belongs to the extreme wing of the' Jan agency to check· tax evasion. Mr. ministers and two deputy ministers., In Sangh, the RSS, and even among Jan , Charm}' 'Singh is himself not a staunch the process he took away some of the Sanghis many do not like the fanatical believer in controls.· On many occasions important portfolios from Jan Sangh policie~ of the RSS. Mr. Ugra Sen he has chided· the members for their ministers. Mr. Tambeswar Prasad, who would be more acceptable than Mr. Ram zeal for conti'ols, State trading in food had hitherto handled Irrigation and Prakash, but he lacks stature and ex­ and rationing.' He once told the Assem­ Power, .was given finance, a portfolio 'perience. Whether the present crisis bly, "The very members who now cla­ 'that does not give much scope for re'sults in the Chief Minister's exit or mour for State trading in foodgrains strengthening the party. The Jan Sangh not, it will do one good thing: it will will not ask' for it. the moment it rains minister was velY much annoyed and establish the freedom' of action of the and there 'is a bumper crop." The started a pen-down strike in the office. head of the Government. special agency that he has created will • • Since he refused to sign papers, they undoubtedly impose more control and , had to be passed on to the· Chief In the midst of aU this, the. Chief duplicate the work of the ordinary Minister, who in turn insisted that ,1 Minister has been busy planning some police, and like all controls it will result CIlief Minister has every right to re­ far-reaching changes in the administra­ in harassment of the public. In bring­ allocate the portfolios without consult­ tion. Mr. Charan Singh has -good .ideas, ing forth such a measure the Chief ing the party. The Chief Minister exer­ but the manner in which he tries to Minister has once. again shown how un­ cising this right without consulting his implement tlIem creates complications. practical he can be. colleagues or party has ample precedent in UP. When Mr. C. B. Gupta was the GUJARAT LETTER: Chief Minister, Mr, Govind Sahai, who , was handling Youth Affairs and Hindu, SENAS AND LINGUISM HERE, TOO Religious Endowments and Jails, found • • after his return from a trip to the UN . RAIKOT, January 15:' Regionalism from Ahmedabad, as an evil projection that the Jails portfolio had been taken and linguism are appearing in Gujarat. of a non-Gujarati monopolistic group. -away from him even without the cour-, Student and youth leaders have, form­ The Janata Parishad has already begun teEY of informing him, and he learnt of ed a "Sardar Sena", to safeguard the mass agitation on the Narmada Project, it through the newspapers. interests 'of Gujarat and to combat ex­ the gas award, rations, etc. The Sardar After 'the exit of the SSP from the ploitation by non-Gujarati and mono­ Sena has come when the Left Commu­ ministry, the Chief Minister was polistic groups. At the first meeting a nists are preparing to create trouble. obviously on the offensive. He took resolution was passed deprecating the It will be little wonder if they contrive two Independents into the ministry, one failure of the Gujarat Government to to drag the young and impulsive leaders of them being Mr. Akhtar Ali, the for­ protect the interest of Gujarat in the of the Sardar Sena int~ their agitatIon. mer Swatantra member who resigned N armada and the ~as price questions, , The General Secretary of the Gujarat from the cabinet when the party leader, and" conderimed the Union Government Arya Yuvak Sangh has demanded the Mr. Bhanu Pratap Singh, took strong for adopting a stepmotherly attitude to­ removal of English signboards from exception to Mr. Ali's stand. The Chief wards Gujarat. The sponsors of the. offices by the 26th of January and their Minister did not consult the members (If Sena threaten civil disobedience to acti­ replacement by Gujarati or Hindi sign­ the coalition before taking in Indepen­ vise the State Government. The irrltifi­ boards. The volunteers of the Sangh dents, nor did 'he take the approval of tive here was taken chiefly by the stu­ will launch an agitation to remove Eng­ the Jan Sangh before he promoted a dents. Democratic-minded' sectioJ;ls of lish signboards" after the deadline, if deputy minister to the cabinet. Mr. the public and Swatantra leaders have necessary. Charan Singh's contention was that expressed disapproval: The Janata Pari­ Sri H. M. Patel, President of the since the Independents had al~ays sup­ shad, which is the handmaid of the Left . GUlamt Swatantra Party, has deplored ported the coalition, there was no need Communists, has lauded this adventure the formation of Senas, describing them to consult the party. ,The Jan Sangh of these impulsive youths, and has sup­ as unconstitutional and against the saw in all this the determination of the ported the proposal of the Sardar Sena rights of linguistic minorities." Sri Patel Chier' Minister to assert himsel( It leaders to prevent publication of the emphasized that there "is a Coristitution found to its dismay that it could no Times of 111dia and another daily paper which guarantees fundamental rights, , " . .
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