MAPS 9049-3017-13R FINAL REV 0 FLORA 29/10/2014 73 516000 526000 536000 546000 7530000 7520000 GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Zone MGA 1994 GDA Imagery Source: © Harris Corp, Earthstar Geographics LLC © 2013 Microsoft Corporation Legend AUTHOR: RD CHECKED: JN DATE: JUL-13 PROJECT NO: 3017-13 M River; Creek KARRATHA a rble Survey Area ay !! G B hw ar g r R WESTERN HUB RAIL LINK FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENTS i !! e DAFWA Land Systems H o a l a a t t MALLINA d BGD - Boolgeeda land system - Stony lower slopes and plains below hill systems; not degraded or eroded. s N CLIENT: FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD a o MARBLE ! BRO - Brockman land system - Alluvial plains with cracking clay soils supporting tussock grasslands. o r ! t C h t BAR HOY - Hooley Land System - Alluvial clay plains supporting a mosaic of snakewood shrublands and tussock grasslands. s e e r n JUR - Jurrawarrina Land System - Hardpan plains and alluvial tracts supporting mulga shrublands with tussock and spinifex grasses. W LAND SYSTEMS H th i NEW - Newman land system - Rugged ironstone ridges, plateaux and mountains; hard spinifex pastures in good r !! g o h to excellent condition; no erosion. N w PANNAWONICA a PLA - Platform land system - Dissected slopes and raised plains supporting hard spinifex grasslands. y NULLAGINE !! ROB - Robe land system - Low limonite mesas and buttes supporting soft spinifex (and occasionally hard spinifex) grasslands. MAP 1 ROC - Rocklea land system - Rugged basalt hills and dissected plateaux; poorly accessible, not degraded or eroded. nutarra Na W SCALE1:95,000 @ A3 TAB - Table land system - Low calcrete plateaux, mesas and lower plains supporting mulga and cassia shrublands itt j Driv en Kari ini e and minor spinifex grasslands. o 01234km om R TOM ! WNM - Wannamunna Land System - Hardpan plains and internal drainage tracts supporting mulga shrublands and oad PRICE ! woodlands (and occasionally eucalypt woodlands) 486000 506000 526000 546000 566000 586000 606000 7540000 7520000 7500000 GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Zone MGA 1994 GDA Imagery Source: © Harris Corp, Earthstar Geographics LLC © 2013 Microsoft Corporation LEGEND AUTHOR: RD CHECKED: JN DATE: 06-13 PROJECT NO: 3017-13 M WA Herbarium River; Creek KARRATHA a DEC Threatened Flora Database rble ay !! G B hw ar Conservation Code Conservation Code g r R WESTERN HUB RAIL LINK FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENTS Survey Areas i !! e H o l a ^ a ^ Threatened ^ Threatened a t ^ t MALLINA d DEC Ecological Community Database s N CLIENT: FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD ! ! a o MARBLE ! ! Priority 1 ! Priority 1 o r ! t !!D TEC (Vulnerable) - Themeda grasslands on cracking clays C h BAR t ## Priority 2 # s e # Priority 2 r e n TEC Administrive Buffer W DEC DATABASE SEARCH RESULTS $ H $ Priority 3 $$ Priority 3 h t i r !! g Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) o h "" Priority 4 "" Priority 4 N w Regulations 2004 (WA) PANNAWONICA a y NULLAGINE !! Schedule 1 Areas ! Environmentally Sensitive Areas MAP 2 uta an rra W N i SCALE1:350,000 @ A3 tte arijini Drive no K 0 5 10 15 km om R TOM ! oad PRICE ! 516000 526000 536000 546000 7530000 7520000 GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Zone MGA 1994 GDA Imagery Source: © Harris Corp, Earthstar Geographics LLC © 2013 Microsoft Corporation LEGEND AUTHOR: RD CHECKED: JN DATE: JUL-13 PROJECT NO: 3017-13 M River; Creek KARRATHA a rble ay !! G B hw ar g r R WESTERN HUB RAIL LINK FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENTS Survey Area i !! e o H a l a a t t MALLINA d Pre-European Vegetation (DAWFA 2012) s N CLIENT: FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD a o MARBLE ! o r ! 18 : Low woodland; mulga (Acacia aneura) t C h t BAR s e 29 : Sparse low woodland; mulga, discontinuous in scattered groups e r n W PRE-EUROPEAN VEGETATION ASSOCIATIONS 82 : Hummock grasslands, low tree steppe; snappy gum over Triodia wiseana H th i r !! g o h 175 : Short bunch grassland - savanna/grass plain (Pilbara) N w PANNAWONICA a 178 : Hummock grasslands, grass steppe; hard spinifex, Triodia basedowii y NULLAGINE !! 567 : Hummock grasslands, shrub steppe; mulga and kanji over soft spinifex and Triodia basedowii MAP 3 uta an rra W N i SCALE1:95,000 @ A3 tte arijini Drive no K 01234km om R TOM ! oad PRICE ! 516000 526000 536000 546000 7530000 D U C K C R E E K !Ma !Vf !!IB !!Ft !!Ma !! !!Ps !!Ps OH Ma s ! !P !!!! n ! ! !!G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Ma ! !Gn a v !Ao ! a !!IB !!Bb !!Ft !!M !!S !!Vf ! !!IB !!Ft !!M !!Ps s !!P !!Ft !!Ma !!So ! !!Ps !!Ps !!Gn !!Ma !!Ps ! !!Po !IB ! !!Dl !!Ft !!Ma !!IB !!Cc !!Ma !!Po 7520000 ! !!Po !!Ma GDA 1994GDA MGA Zone 50 Imagery source: supplied by Fortescue Metals Group Ltd AUTHOR: RD CHECKED: JN DATE: JUN-13 PROJECT NO: 3017-13 LEGEND M KARRATHA a rbl WESTERN HUB RAIL LINK FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENTS ay !! e B Drainage Introduced Flora hw ar !!Ma Malvastrum americanum ig !! R H l o CLIENT: FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD a Unsealed Road o ta A Argemone ochroleuca MALLINA d !! Po s !! Portulaca oleracea a MARBLE Vehicle Track o !! C Bb t BAR !!!!!! Bidens bipinnata Survey Tracks !! Sv s !! Setaria verticillata e W PRIORITY AND INTRODUCED FLORA Survey Area Cc h !! Cenchrus ciliaris t ! So r ! !! Sigesbeckia orientalis o N Priority Flora PANNAWONICA !!Dl Datura leichhardtii ! !!Vf Vachellia farnesiana NULLAGINE ! !!Gn Goodenia nuda (P4) !!Ft Flaveria trinervia MAP 4 Indigofera sp. Bungaroo Creek (S. !IB ! van Leeuwen 4301) nutarra Na W SCALE1:90,000 @ A3 itt j Driv Oldenlandia sp. Hamersley Station en Kari ini e !OH o 012345km ! (A.A. Mitchell PRP 1479) (P3) o m R TOM ! oad PRICE ! !!Ps Ptilotus subspinescens (P3) 511000 513500 516000 518500 521000 523500 526000 528500 7527500 ElAbCf b a EvAcTt AiTw ElAbCf RL1 ElAbCf RL1311 !! RL1342 !! RL1310 !! ElTwSg EsMeTl !! EvAcTt EsMeTl AiTw 7525000 !! !! EsMeTl AeTwEl RL1343 ElTwSg ElTwSg RL1309 RL1305 AiTw !! AiTw EsMeTl !! RL1307 EsMeTl AiTw !! RL1306 RL1304 7522500 !! AxSsTw EvAcTt 7520000 RL1336 !! EsMeTl AiTw RL1302 RL1303 LEGEND ! ! ! !! AxSsTw ! Quadrat Locations Drainage RL1308 EvAcTt Survey Area RL1301 !! !! Vegetation Mapping AaTwSg Acacia aptaneura low woodland over Triodia wiseana, Eragrostis xerophila, Sporobolus australasicus mid hummock/tussock grassland with Senna AiTw glutinosa subsp. x luerssenii, A. tetragonophylla mid isolated shrubs AaTwSg AeTwEl Acacia exilis, A. pruinocarpa and Senna glutinosa subsp. glutinosa mid open shrubland over Triodia wiseana and T. epactia mid open hummock grassland with Eucalyptus leucophloia subsp. leucophloia low isolated trees AiTw Acacia kempeana, A. exilis and A. ancistrocarpa tall open shrubland over Triodia wiseana mid hummock grassland with Eucalyptus leucophloia subsp. 7517500 leucophloia low isolated trees AxSsTw Acacia xiphophylla and A. aptaneura low open woodland over Senna stricta, Eremophila forrestii subsp. forrestii, A. tetragonophylla mid sparse shrubland over Triodia wiseana and T. epactia mid open hummock grassland ElAbCf E. leucophloia subsp. leucophloia, C. hamersleyana and Acacia citrinoviridis low open woodland over A.bivenosa, Androcalva luteiflora and Petalostylis labicheoides mid shrubland over Chrysopogon fallax, Eulalia aurea and Themeda triandra mid tussock grassland ElTwSg Eucalyptus leucophloia subsp. leucophloia low open woodland over Triodia wiseana and T. epactia mid hummock grassland with Senna glutinosa subsp. glutinosa, S. glutinosa subsp. pruinosa and Acacia marramamba mid isolated shrubs EsMeTl Eucalyptus socialis subsp. eucentrica and E. leucophloia subsp. leucophloia low open woodland over Melaleuca eleuterostachya, Acacia exilis mid sparse shrubland over Triodia longiceps, T. wiseana mid hummock grassland EvAcTt Eucalyptus victrix and E. camaldulensis var. refulgens mid woodland over Acacia citrinoviridis, Gossypium robinsonii and A. pyrifolia var. pyrifolia tall shrubland over Themeda triandra, Eulalia aurea and Enteropogon ramosus mid tussock grassland 50 Zone MGA 1994 GDA Imagery Source: supplied by Fortescue Metals Group AUTHOR: RD CHECKED: JN WESTERN HUB RAIL LINK FLORA DATE: JUL-13 PROJECT NO: 3017-13 VEGETATION TYPES SCALE:1:50,000 @ A3 AND FAUNA ASSESSMENTS 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 km CLIENT: FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD MAP 5a 528500 531000 533500 536000 538500 541000 543500 546000 7532500 b a 7530000 RL1340 EsMeTl ElAbCf ! ! RL1322 AxSsTw RL1339 ! ElAbCf ! !! AkTwEl RL1325 AkTwEl EsMeTl !! ExElTt RL1321 RL1328 ElTlSg RL1338 !! EgAaTw RL1341 !! RL1331 EvAcTt !! TwElAs ! !! ElAeTw Em ! !! RL1327 RL1323 TwElAs RL1326 RL1333 RL1320 ! !! ElTlSg !! ! RL1324 EgAaTw AbTw !! EgAaTw RL1337 Em !! RL1330 RL1314 EsMeTl ! !! !! RL1318 AbTw AxSsTw RL1329 ! !! 7527500 AiTw lAbCf ! !! RL1319 RL1332 !! RL1316 ! AxSsTw !! RL1317 !! RL1334 ! ElTlSg AkTwEl !! ! EsMeTl ElAbCf AaAaTw RL1313 RL1315 AcAlTt ! EsMeTl AiTw ! ElAeTw ExElTt RL1335 ElAaTm AeTwEl !! AiTw ! EgAaTw ! RL1344 RL1311 !! RL1312 !! RL1310 !! ElTwSg LEGEND RL1309 !! Quadrat Locations 7525000 !! Drainage Survey Area AeTwEl Vegetation Mapping AaAaTw Acacia aneura, A. aptaneura and A. pruinocarpa low open woodland over A. atkinsiana and A. tetragonophylla tall sparse shrubland over Triodia wiseana and T. epactia mid hummock grassland AbTw Acacia bivenosa, A. exilis and Stylobasium spathulatum mid sparse shrubland over Triodia wiseana, T. epactia and T. longiceps mid hummock grassland AcAlTt Acacia citrinoviridis and Eucalyptus xerothermica low open forest over Androcalva luteiflora, Petalostylis labicheoides tall sparse shrubland over Themeda triandra, Dichanthium fecundum and Eulalia aurea mid closed tussock grassland AeTwEl Acacia exilis, A. pruinocarpa and Senna glutinosa subsp. glutinosa mid open shrubland over Triodia wiseana and T. epactia
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