S13656 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 30, 2003 feel his loss so acutely here in this 2002, police qualified the murder of U.S. POLICY TOWARD CUBA body. But his voice still echoes in this Hector Arturo Diaz as a hate crime. Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I rise Chamber, and his spirit and fierce dedi- Mr. Diaz was shot in the back by an ac- today to address an issue of great con- cation to justice live on. What so many quaintance, Justen Hall. At the time, cern to me—the ban on travel to Cuba. of us loved about Paul was that unpar- Mr. Diaz, a transvestite, was dressed in Last week, the Senate scored an im- alleled passion he had for doing what female clothing. portant victory in the fight to bring was right. That still inspires me today, I believe that Government’s first common sense to U.S. policy toward as it inspires so many others. And it is duty is to defend its citizens, to defend Cuba. We voted by a wide margin—59 to just one more reason to be thankful to them against the harms that come out 36—to suspend enforcement of the trav- Paul, and to honor his memory. of hate. The Local Law Enforcement el ban. The House approved the same I think of Paul often as issues come Enhancement Act is a symbol that can amendment in September, also by a before the Senate about which he cared become substance. By passing this leg- so deeply. Earlier this month, as we ob- wide margin. islation and changing current law, we The wide margin of victory reflects served Mental Illness Awareness Week, can change hearts and minds as well. I thought of all Paul did to advocate the majority of Americans who want for mental health parity throughout f an end to the travel ban. his time here, and what a vital con- Over the weekend, editorial writers tribution he made to getting affordable 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF UNITED from a diverse range of newspapers medical treatment to people suffering STATES HOLOCAUST MUSEUM noted and applauded our victory: the from mental illnesses. I have been Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, to- Wall Street Journal, the New York proud to support this issue when it has morrow, the United States Holocaust Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the come to the floor, and last week I Memorial Museum will mark its 10th Orlando Sentinel-Tribune. joined the entire Democratic caucus in anniversary. More than 6,000 Holocaust Let me offer just a few quotes: the urging the majority leader to take up survivors and family members will Chicago Tribune says: and pass the Senator Paul Wellstone visit the museum this weekend to help In an age of very real terrorist threats, Mental Health Equitable Treatment commemorate the museum’s important Cuba hardly makes the list. For the Depart- ment of Homeland Security to redouble its Act of 2003. We must ensure that men- contributions. Together, these men and efforts and tie up more money and personnel tal illnesses are treated the same way women comprise a living legacy of the in enforcing the travel ban against Cuba—as as other physical illnesses by insurers. Shoah. By sharing their memories, the president proposed two weeks ago—is an Paul also fought to stop U.S. compa- these courageous survivors can help en- incredible waste of resources. nies that move their headquarters to sure that such evil is never again per- The New York Times points out: ‘‘tax haven’’ countries to avoid paying petrated against any people, anywhere. The proper response to such outrages as U.S. taxes from getting Federal pro- America is a land of immigrants, and the Castro regime’s roundup of dissidents curement contracts. I am proud to be a our history demonstrates that we are and writers earlier this year is to seek to part of the effort to move that forward. stronger because of our diversity, not overwhelm the island with American influ- I also am proud to help carry on Paul’s in spite of it. But we can only live up ence. work in the fight for a good public edu- to the promise of our diversity if we And the Orlando Sentinel argues: cation for every child. Paul believed, as recognize the inherent rights and free- The ban on U.S. travel is futile, self-defeat- I do, that every child is entitled to a dom of all human life. One of the most ing, a waste of scarce resources and incon- good education no matter his or her powerful ways we can remind each sistent with other American policies. circumstances in life. He called this other and our children about the im- These papers spoke out in favor of ‘‘equality of opportunity.’’ I was proud portance of this fundamental principle the Senate’s actions because they rec- to work with him on the issue of stand- is to ensure that the Holocaust is never ognize that the current policy has been ardized testing. He and I agreed that forgotten. a failure and because they know that over-testing of our public school stu- For that reason it is fitting that the engagement with Cuba is the best and dents is not the cure-all for public edu- Holocaust Memorial Museum is located most effective way to bring democratic cation. I hope that my efforts to return on the National Mall. Visitors to this change to Cuba. authority for decisions about how often cherished landmark can see the Dec- In my view, the Cuba travel provi- to test students to the States and local laration of Independence, the Wright sions should not even be subject to con- school districts will, in some small brothers’ glider, and some of America’s ference. The House and Senate have way, build upon Paul’s legacy of fight- most treasured art; all of them vivid passed the same amendment; there is ing for a level playing field for all stu- reminders about the capacity of the nothing for conferees to discuss. dents. human spirit and the promise of man- There are many Members of this These are just a few of the causes kind. Yet it is just as important to body who have worked hard to ease the Paul worked on, and just a few of the teach young people and remind adults ways that he lives on in this body, and embargo. Any Treasury-Transportation about one of the darkest chapters of in the lives of the countless Americans conference report that does not include human history. Although the Holo- he touched through his lifetime. We the Senate and House-passed language caust was a terrible tragedy that can still hear his voice echo in this is unacceptable, and we will look at all stained all humanity, it must never be chamber, urging all of us on to build a procedural options to stop this from more just world. Let us honor Paul’s hidden from view. happening. memory by heeding his words, and car- The Holocaust Memorial Museum That said, I fully expect this amend- rying on the great work of our dear plays a special role in teaching our ment to become law. Despite recent in- friend. children and grandchildren about this correct reporting, none of the sup- dark chapter in world history. This porters of this legislation believe that f haunting permanent memorial will en- we can’t accomplish our goal of lifting LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ACT sure that future generations will learn the Cuba travel ban. OF 2003 about this tragedy. And I have to say here that I do not Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise Survivors and liberators of the Holo- believe the President will veto this today to speak about the need for hate caust have a unique opportunity to bill. Of course, the Cuba provisions crimes legislation. On May 1, 2003, Sen- share the stories of this awful period. I have overwhelming support, but the ator KENNEDY and I introduced the thank them for having the courage and appropriations bill itself passed the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement dignity to survive the horrors of the Senate 90 to 3. The administration Act, a bill that would add new cat- Holocaust, and for having the bravery knows a veto could be easily over- egories to current hate crimes law, to share their experiences with others ridden. sending a signal that violence of any so that it may never happen again. I do believe that pro-embargo forces kind is unacceptable in our society. Their contributions will help all of us see the writing on the wall. Momentum I will describe one such crime that build a better America and a better to end the embargo is clearly building. took place in El Paso, TX. In April world. We have had a year filled with success. VerDate jul 14 2003 23:42 Oct 31, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30OC6.199 S30PT2 October 30, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S13657 Several months ago, Senators ENZI, As Mr. Flake has written, Fidel’s three The proper response to such outrages as DORGAN, and I introduced legislation, most obvious failures are ‘‘breakfast, lunch the Castro regime’s roundup of dissidents S. 950, that would permanently lift the and dinner.’’ The more Americans are able to and writers earlier this year is to seek to travel ban. There are 31 cosponsors of travel to Cuba, the more will be able to see overwhelm the island with American influ- for themselves the suffering that Fidel and ence—corporate and cultural—and with that legislation, and we are adding new his commissars have wrought.
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