Daf Digest Eruvin 18: Duo/ δύο 1 Adam Riche 1 Signature to Adam Riches’ style and the darkness he conveys is the simplicity with which he’s able to produce it, a process you can occasionally see first-hand in videos posted to his Instagram. In these you are treated to the movements of Riches’ choice of color for his signature ballpoint pen as he seemingly scribbles out loose shapes of discordant lines. From there he builds within that loose structure with more dense shading, crafting an eerie face drawn directly from the surreal discordant shadows which preceded it. Riches shows impressive versatility in his ability to create shape from the shade with varying levels of detail as some of his figures retain the more scribbled quality of their origin, looking like vacant skulls with darkened features. Others are more detailed, taking on the shadow of a man with hair and lips that appears to be looking at you from the underworld. It’s easy to imagine Riches has seen the river Styx itself. Whether you’re a lover of art and the power of simple techniques or are just drawn to the darker side of life, Adam Riches is your artist. 1 2 3 MISHNA: One may arrange upright boards [passin] around a well in the public domain in order to permit drawing water from the well on Shabbat. A well is usually at least four handbreadths wide and ten handbreadths deep. Therefore, it is considered a private domain, and it is prohibited to draw water from it on Shabbat, as that would constitute a violation of the prohibition to carry from a private domain into a public one. The Sages therefore instituted that a virtual partition may be built in the area surrounding the well, so that the enclosed area could be considered a private domain, thus permitting use of the well and carrying of the water within the partitioned area. In this specific instance, the Sages demonstrated special leniency and did not require a proper partition to enclose the entire area. For this purpose, it suffices if there are four double posts [deyomadin] that look like eight single posts, i.e., four corner pieces, each comprised of two posts joined together at right angles; this is the statement of Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbi Meir says: There must be eight posts that look like twelve. How so? There must be four double posts, one in each corner, with four plain posts, one between each pair of double posts. [The leniency discussed here regarding the wells was instituted in order to provide water for the pilgrims and their animals on their route to Yerushalayim for the Festivals.] Wells (that are situated in a public domain and are no less than ten tefachim deep and four tefachim wide and, in consequence, subject to the status of a private domain) may be provided (in order that water may be drawn from them on the Shabbos) with posts of wood by erecting four cornerpieces (each consisting of two standing boards of the prescribed measurements with their ends joined at right angles to each other) that have the appearance of eight single posts; these are the words of Rabbi Yehudah. Rabbi Meir said: Eight posts that have the appearance of twelve (must be erected), four being corner-pieces and four single posts (one between each two corner-pieces). 4 We learned there in a mishna: Rabbi Yehuda says: All inferior figs are exempt from being tithed, even if they are of doubtfully tithed produce [demai], as even if the seller is an am ha’aretz, he must certainly have already separated tithes from them, since the loss incurred by tithing is negligible, except for deyufra. The Gemara asks: What is deyufra? Ulla said: A tree that yields two [deyo] harvests of fruit [peirot] each year. 5 Rabbi Yirmeya ben Elazar also said: Adam was first created with two [deyo] faces, one male and the other female. As it is stated: Thou hast hemmed me in behind and before, and laid 5 חר ֶםצדָקָאווֹ ְָנַתֶּר ִ;י לﬠ י ַָוֶתּשַָׁת י לﬠ .Thy hand upon me ַכֶּפָּכ.ה Psalm 139:5 “You have formed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” Similarly, it is written: ,And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from the man 22 ִמן - ;הְשּׁאל ִָ ,ָםדָהא ָ ,ָםדָהא ִָ ;הְשּׁאל .made He a woman, and brought her unto the man ַוביאהלא ְִֶֶָ, - ָ.ָםדָהא Gen 2:22 “And the tzela, which the Lord, God, had taken from the man, He made a woman, and brought her unto the man” Rav and Shmuel disagree over the meaning of the word tzela: One said: It means a female face, from which God created Eve; and one said: Adam was created with a tail [zanav], which God removed from him and from which He created Eve. The Gemara asks: Granted, according to the one who says that tzela means face; it is understandable that it is written: “You have formed me [tzartani] behind and before.” However, according to the one who says that tzela means tail, what is meant by the verse: “You have formed me [tzartani] behind and before”? 6 The Gemara answers that this verse is to be understood as bearing a moral message, in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Ami, as Rabbi Ami said: Behind means Adam was created at the end of the act of creation; and before means that he was first for punishment. The Gemara asks: Granted, it is understandable that Adam was behind, or last, in the act of creation, meaning that he was not created until the sixth day, Shabbat eve. However, before, or first, for punishment, what does this mean? If you say that he was punished first because of the curse pronounced in the wake of the sin involving the Tree of Knowledge, there is a difficulty. Wasn’t the snake was cursed first, and afterward Eve was cursed, and only at the end was Adam cursed? Rather, this refers to the punishment of the Flood, as it is written: And He blotted out every living substance which was 23 גכ ִַויּ ַמח ֶאת- ָכּל - קםﬠשׁאיַה ְֲרוּ ֶַל - upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and ְפּ הםדאמדﬠ ,המדַא יֵָ ֲֵָָָָנ - ַדﬠ ְֵָבּהמה - creeping thing, and fowl of the heaven; and they were ֶר ֶמשׂ ְﬠ ו דַ -עוֹף ַהָשַּׁמִים, ִַויּ ָמּחוּ, ִמן- blotted out from the earth; and Noah only was left, and ָה ָאֶרץ; ִַויּ ָשֶּׁאר ַא…- אתּוֹ, ֲחוֶאשׁרִ ַֹנַ ֲחוֶאשׁרִ אתּוֹ, .they that were with him in the ark ֵַבָּב.התּ Gen 7:23 “And He blotted out every living substance which was upon the face of the ground, both man and cattle, creeping things and fowl of the heaven” This indicates that the punishment began with man. 7 The Gemara asks: Granted, according to the one who said that Eve was originally a face or side of Adam; it is understandable that it is written: Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the 7 ז ִַויּיֶצר ְיהָוה ֱאŠִהים ֶאת- פ,ָםﬠדָהא רָָ ָ רָָ פ,ָםﬠדָהא ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of ִמן - ָהֲאָדָמה, ִַויּ ַפּח ְבַּאָפּיו, ִנְשַׁמת ִַחיּים; life; and man became a living יּה.ח פנַָלשׁ ַויֶהְֶהדאם, ָָָי ְִ ָיַיהְדם נַשׁיּ. Gen 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed [vayyitzer] man” Vayyitzer is written with a double yod, one for Adam and one for Eve. However, according to the one who said that Eve was created from a tail, what is conveyed by spelling vayyitzer with a double yod? The Gemara responds: This is interpreted homiletically, in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi, as Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi said: This comes to emphasize that which one says to himself in every circumstance: Woe unto me from my evil inclination [yetzer] if I perform the will of my Maker, and woe to me from my Maker [Yotzri] if I perform the will of my inclination. 8 The Gemara asks: Granted, according to the one who said that Eve was a face, it is understandable that it is written: ,male and female created He them, and blessed them 2 ב ָזוּנרכ ,רהָבבּק וְ;א …,םרתָאָבְַיֵָם ְֶָָֹ …,םרתָאָבְַיֵָם וְ;א ,רהָבבּק ָזוּנרכ and called their name Adam, in the day when they were ִַויּ ְקָרא ֶאת- אםְשׁמ בָּ,םָדָ ,וְֹםי ,וְֹםי בָּ,םָדָ אםְשׁמ .created ָ.םאִהרבּ ְָָםִר Gen 5:2 “Male and female, He created them, and blessed them, and called their name Man in the day when they were created” which indicates that from the very beginning of their creation, He fashioned two faces, one for the male and the other for the female. However, according to the one who said that Eve was created from a tail, what is the meaning of the verse: “Male and female, He created them”? The Gemara answers: It can be explained in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Abbahu, as Rabbi Abbahu raised a contradiction between the verses: On the one hand it is written: “Male and female, He created them,” in the plural, and on the other hand it is written: And God created man in His own image, in the 27 זכ ִַויּ ְבָרא ֱאaִהים ֶאת- ָםבּדָהא ְ,בּוֹמְַלָצ ֶםְלצ ֶ ֶםְלצ ְ,בּוֹמְַלָצ ָםבּדָהא image of God created He him; male and female created יבּםֱאaה אאָרִ ֹ:וָֹת רקרוּנבּכ.םתא א ,הָזב ְֵָָָָָֹ ,הָזב א רקרוּנבּכ.םתא He them. Gen 1:27 “So God created man in His own image, for in the image of God He created him” in the singular.
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