COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSY LVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY , APRIL 25 , 2006 SESSION OF 2006 190TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 26 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILLS The House convened at 10:30 a.m., e.d.t. INTRODUCED AND RE FERRED No. 2624 By Representatives T. STEVENSON, THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE ARMSTRONG, BAKER, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, (MATTHEW E. BAKER) PRESIDING CRAHALLA, CREIGHTON, DENLINGER, GEIST, GINGRICH, GOODMAN, GRUCELA, KOTIK, O’NEILL, PRAYER PALLONE, PAYNE, PHILLIPS, PISTELLA, PYLE, SAINATO, E. Z. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TURZAI, WALKO, REV. T. GLEN BAYLY, Chaplain of the House of WATSON and WILT Representatives, offered the following prayer: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of Shall we pray together: the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for aggravating circumstances in the sentencing procedure for murder of Our graci ous Heavenly Father, we come before You today to the first degree. recognize Your presence in this place, to honor You, to give You thanks for Your many blessings. We recognize that all Referred to Commit tee on JUDICIARY, April 25, 2006. good and perfect gifts come down from You, and we want to give You thanks today. We than k You for the nation that we No. 2625 By Representatives HARPER, ARMSTRONG, live in, for the freedoms that we share, and we thank You that LEH, YOUNGBLOOD, CRAHALLA, BELFANTI, BEYER, those who founded our nation and the leaders throughout our BOYD, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, GEIST, GINGRICH, history have always recognized Your presence, the need to rely GOODMAN, HARRIS, HERSHEY, KILLION, LEDERER, and trust upon You, and so we would conti nue to do that today. McILHATTAN, MILLARD, O’NEILL, PALLONE, RUBLEY, May You give guidance and direction to this session of SCAVELLO, SIPTROTH, SOLOBAY, SONNEY, STERN, business and to the work being done in this legislature. We pray E. Z. TAYLOR, THOMAS and TIGUE for the President of our nation today, President Bush, for our Governor Rendell that You might be with them and g uide them An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of and grant them protection and mercy and wisdom. We pray for the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for bail, our national Congress that You would guide that body, and now fines, costs and restitution. be it today with the members of this body here, we ask for their needs that You might meet each one, and again we ask for Referre d to Committee on JUDICIARY, April 25, 2006. wi sdom and guidance. We pray that each thing that is said and done in this place No. 2626 By Representatives DeWEESE, PHILLIPS, today would be to honor and glorify You and to be to the CASORIO, BEBKO -JONES, BELARDI, BELFANTI, BEYER, benefit of the people of Pennsylvania, and so we pray this in BUXTON, CALTAGIRONE, COHEN, CRAHALLA, GEIST, Your holy and righteous name. Amen. GEORGE, GERGELY, GILLESPIE, GINGRICH, GRUCELA, KOTIK, LEACH, MANN, M YERS, NAILOR, O’NEILL, PALLONE, PARKER, PAYNE, PISTELLA, SAINATO, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SHANER, STABACK, THOMAS, WALKO, WANSACZ, WILT, WOJNAROSKI and YOUNGBLOOD (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the visitors.) Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for agg ravated assault. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, April 25, 2006. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the approval No. 2627 By Representative FLICK of the Journal of Monday, April 24, 2006, will be postponed until printed. An Act amending the act of October 6, 2005 (P.L.319, No.59), entitled, “An act amending the act of June 24, 1976 (P.L.424, No.101), entitled, as am ended, ‘An act providing for the payment of 902 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL —HOUSE APRIL 25 death benefits to the surviving spouse or children or parents CIVERA, COHEN, CORNELL, COSTA, CRAHALLA, of firefighters, ambulance service or rescue squad members, CREIGHTON, CRUZ, DALLY, DeLUCA, DENLINGER, law enforcement officers or National Guard members killed in the performance of their d uties,’ further providing for death benefit DeWEESE, J. EVANS, FABRIZIO, FAIRCHILD, FICHTER, eligibility and for definitions,” further providing for retroactivity of FRANKEL, GEI ST, GEORGE, GERBER, GILLESPIE, death benefit eligibility. GINGRICH, GODSHALL, GOODMAN, GRELL, GRUCELA, HARHART, HARPER, HERSHEY, HESS, JAMES, Referred to Committee on VETERANS AFFAIRS AND M. KELLER, KENNEY, KILLION, KOTIK, LaGROTTA, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, April 25, 2006. LEACH, LEDERER, LEH, MAJOR, MANDERINO, MANN, MARKOSEK, MARSICO, McILHATTAN, McILHINNEY, No. 2628 By Represent atives WATERS, DONATUCCI, McNAUGHT ON, MICOZZIE, MILLARD, R. MILLER, PARKER, THOMAS, BELFANTI, BOYD, CORNELL, MUNDY, MUSTIO, NAILOR, O’NEILL, PALLONE, CREIGHTON, DENLINGER, FABRIZIO, GOODMAN, PAYNE, PETRARCA, PHILLIPS, PICKETT, PISTELLA, HALUSKA, HARPER, KOTIK, MANN, PISTELLA, PYLE, QUIGLEY, RAMALEY, READSHAW, REED, SAYLOR, SIPTROTH, SOLOBAY, STABACK, TIGUE, REICHLEY, ROHRER, RUBLEY, SAINATO, SANTONI, WANSACZ and YOUNGBLOOD SATHER, SAYLOR, SCAVELLO, SCHRODER, SEMMEL, SHAPIRO , SIPTROTH, B. SMITH, S. H. SMITH, SOLOBAY, An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relat ions) of the STABACK, R. STEVENSON, T. STEVENSON, STURLA, Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for immunity E. Z. TAYLOR, J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TIGUE, TRUE, from liability; and providing for false reports of child abuse or neglect. WALKO, WATSON, WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD and YUDICHAK Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, April 25, 2006. A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to extend No. 2629 By Representatives BARRAR, ARMSTRON G, the Medicare Part D prescription drug deadline to December 31, 2006. BEYER, BOYD, CALTAGIRONE, GOODMAN, HERSHEY, McCALL, S. MILLER, NICKOL, PRESTON, PYLE, RAPP, Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN R. STEVENSON, E. Z. TAYLOR and WRIGHT SERVICES, April 25, 2006. An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, further providing for reports CALENDAR to Department of Education and for financial reports. BILLS ON THIRD CONSIDERATION Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, April 25, 2006. The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 2058, HOUSE RESOLUTIONS PN 2835, entitled: INTRODUCED AND REFERRED An Ac t amending the act of October 6, 1998 (P.L.705, No.92), known as the Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity No. 723 By Representatives MANN, THOMAS, ARGALL, Expansion Zone and Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act,” BALDWIN, BEBKO -JONES, BELARDI, BEYER, providing for licensed facilities and licensed gaming entities eligibility; CALTAGIR ONE, CAPPELLI, CLYMER, CRAHALLA, and making a related repeal. DENLINGER, DeWEESE, FICHTER, FRANKEL, GEIST, GEORGE, GOODMAN, GRUCELA, HERSHEY, HESS, On the question, JOSEPHS, KOTIK, LEACH, LEDERER, LEVDANSKY, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? McGEEHAN, MELIO, MUNDY, NAILOR, PALLONE, PARKER, PAYNE, PHILLIPS, REICHLEY, RUBLEY, BILL TABLED SAINATO, S AMUELSON, SAYLOR, SEMMEL, SHANER, SIPTROTH, B. SMITH, SOLOBAY, SONNEY, TIGUE, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the WALKO, WILT, WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD and majority leader. JAMES Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker , I move that HB 2058 be placed on the tab le. A Resolution directing the Department of Environmental Protection to identify and implement policies which encourage the use of cu rrent electronic waste recycling programs and expand existing On the question, programs. Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY, April 25, 2006. BILL REMOVED FROM TABLE No. 727 By Representatives PERZEL, ADOLPH, ALLEN, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the ARGALL, BAKER, BALDWIN, BARRAR, BEBKO -JONES, majority leader. BELARDI , BELFANTI, BENNINGHOFF, BEYER, Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker , I move that HB 2058 be taken BIRMELIN, BISHOP, BOYD, BUNT, BUXTON, off the table. CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, CAUSER, CAWLEY, 2006 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL —HOUSE 903 On the question, BILL REMOVED FROM TABLE Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the majority leader. * * * Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker , I move that HB 2203 be taken off the table. The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 1705, PN 2281, entitled: On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? An Act providing for health care coverage for the treatment of Motion was agreed to. people with bleeding disorders. On the question, * * * Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 2283, BILL TABLED PN 3295, entitled: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the majority leader. Penns ylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for information relating to other persons in contact with children. Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker , I move that HB 1705 be placed on the table. On the question, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? On the question, Will the Ho use agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. BILL TABLED BILL REMOVED FROM TABLE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the major ity leader. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker , I move that HB 2283 be placed majority leader. on the table. Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker , I move that HB 1705 be taken off the table. On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? On the question, Motion was agreed to. Will the
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