^ w x ^ b fS ttT lEtfntMa H m ilb Mra. Dorothy Tedford o f 189 Blreh atreet left laat evening for Benefit ShoV\ To Show^ilm IlibontTown Ooldaboro. N. to Join her hua* Heard Along Main Street Tires and Tubes Certified band, Pfc. Frederick Tedford who Barw d Ro«d Brtdg* Onb la ataUoned at Seymour Johnson For^ied Cross t. Mary’s Held, training at the Air Oorpa on Some o f Manchester*g Side Streets^ Too __ attbt at tlM horn* Mr. By Local Ration Board I mechanical achool. Mra. Walter LaUajr and an- I aa aranlnf ot eontraet. Tba Capacity C>oyd Attract­ A wave of lestic bartering in^been carrying on denpite many Unusual Movie to Fol­ DurinF the week ending March 4>Veigh, 130 Pearl street, one tire; Group No. 8 the Memorial M for the armlnc war* Mra. Manchester is iwing. It all handicapa. 19 the following certiflcaiee were Joseph hicnsegUo, 80 School street, 1 Martin and Walter Lailajr, Hoapital Women’a auxUlary, Mra. ed by Entertainment at came, about due H o,^e food ra­ "It could happen here." What low Lenten Vesper, iMued by the local War Price and one tire; Earl R. Nevers, throe D. M. Caldwell, leader, will meet tioning. Some peoplSL like tea, a different story it would be if tires; Stephen J. Pongrantx, 498 Monday afternoon at two o’clock The South Metl^dlst." Service at the Church. Rationing Board for tires and Oottlon Dlmlow. of South Wlnd- others like butter; stUV^ere are enemy planes did glide out of the East Middle turnpike, oiM t in ; at the hoapiUL Members of. Group many who woidd give theh: right sky and drop some bombs. There tubes: Denver F. Schroder, 252 Siast Mid­ ^'koK, formarly of M ancha^r, waa 1 will Join them. A capacity crowd filled thh hall arm for a pound of coffee buts.de- Tomorrow afternoon gt five StVan a fareweU party Saturday would be further crying when it New truck tires: William Ostrin dle turnpike, one tire; Fred M. of the South Methodist church test tea. So—what happens ? was found that the tbwn had ac- o’clock, following the Lenten sky. 182 Bissell street-three Ures. I*«y**i Bolton road, two ,yMilnf at tba hoipa of Haua- agency springs up by ‘phone. Just VOL^L^tiC NO. 146 »WHii of S84 MbkOe tumptka, aaat. Sunset Circle of Rebekah Past last evening to r the Red ;epted the fact that there would Vesper service at .. St. Mary’s Recap truck tires: H. Olln Grant, ' ********** ^ Tyrrell, 862 every^y talking: Woodland street, one tire. Mo waa proaanted with a pan and Noble Grands will meet Monday Benefit entertainment.^ The pro­ o bombings. church, the dociimentary film en­ U. S. Poetoffice, one tire; South­ evening at the home bf Mrs. "Mrs. Jones has an extra pound If'th e present system (not per­ M oeil aat and a puraa of money. titled “Education for Tomorrow,” ern New England Telephone Comr Emma Lyons Nettleton. AssisUng gram opened writh the ainging of coffee which she will trade for fect byxany means) was not in pany, 278 Main street, two tires. X tU M BUirp'orth Hlfh aehool ha lund of tea." will be shown in the Parish House. yWks Drive Wedge the hostess will be Miss Ruth Por­ the National Anthem. For this the effect, cari''^e imagine the confu­ alajrad baakatball and alao on the Passenger Grade I tires: Thomas Many Make Errors Russians Capture ter, Mrs. Marion Straughan and children’s chorus of South church s. Brown has a pan of short­ sion that wbqld exist if a hand­ The film was shot on the campuses Armstrong, 14 Ashworth street, If XSen IMmufactura team of Hart* Miss Florence Taylor. The enter­ ening Nvhich she will trade for a i o f Hobart and William Smith col­ was arranged on the platform and ful of men haa>»M given up many two tires; M. Lutke, 215 Henry £■ Jud. laliara ha waa amployad aa tainment committee la Mra. Maud pound o l butter.” evenings of their ome to put dver leges in Geneva, New York, during In Mailing Her^ |^ Chaain( dark. He left Monday. street, one tire; Charles Marr, 19 0 Norton and Mra. Ellenor Rogers. the ainging waa accompanied by Slater^usie doesn’t eat acids so i the defense syatem/NThere is no 1942. The leading roles as well as Trumbull street, two tires; Kenneth Frank Kenney at the piano. Rev. she’ll trad^som e pineapple for a ' glory for anyone connected with all others were played by members W. McAuliffe, 56 Starkweather Postmaster Grant reporte/that ^own of Durovo; Into Axis Defense; ' Chartaa >laac aaya the weather Auxiliary Gertrude E. Rockwell W. Ralph Ward, Jr., piutor of the can of aalmm the defense council. On the con­ of the student body. Incidental street,* two tires. there are many errors^/^itade In to be batter after March Many a d e ^ la made at social music was furnished by the Passenger Grade II tires: David of SUrkweether atreet and Auxil­ church, welcomed the people and trary there is a lot of abuabvbe- mailing letters in Manchester. He when the moon ahanyea. , ^ affairs anci we X)ote that cans of cause' of disrupting the non School's Cantorum of the colleges. Armstrong 1023 Tolland turnpike, says that In many Cases a per­ iary laabdla M. Kaaavage of 136 this and that are\TOing carried to w -a f Bissell street, who recently Joined spoke briefly of the Red Croas business and home life. It could b^ As the title implies, the film em- two tires; Patrick Berk, 88 Home­ son mailing a aperidi delivery let­ work, and then presented Harvey and fro where womhn meet. (asizes the importance of male stead street, one tire; Armond J. ter fails to place.^e usual postal Make New Gains Mra. Jana d eary of th* Modeme the WAACs, are receiving their real, anytime, and it might be a basic training at Fort Oglethorpe, "Longfellow” Olson, radio an­ Just the other day\a member of lot closer than one realizes. students obtaining, as far as pos­ Dancosse, 185 Autumn street, two stamp on the tetter thinking that • ------------------------------------------ ------------ ure Prisoners iiaauty Salon, who wha Injured a local family innocently dropped sible, ilieir college education dur­ Ga. nouncer, who acted as master of The tremendous amount of de­ tires; Tho'hrtas England, 270 Oak the special ^X ery stamp along bNak a (o and irho baa bean at St. ceremonies. hint that .they had plenty of tea ing wartime by enlisting in re­ street, one tire; Gilbert Flckett, 9 is aufficlei^Instead of the letter Battle for Donets River tail Involved 'requires the many ■ f L vlbanda'a hoapital, Hartford, alnce, Program Presented at home and they were a^aid that serve corp^Npf the armed forces Anderson street, one tire; Sylves­ being delivered speedily It is re­ Danger Seen <blo be diaelwrgad tomorrow. Her Boys visiting the Mary Cheney before it could be used up I^might services tp take these matters up Line Southeast of About 1,400 Italians after a day’s work. All"1ire volun­ and . remaining:, in college until ter Fitzpatrick, 31 1|2 Charter Oak- tu r n e d ^ the sender. ■ ^ iy o ama Injured In an accident. library the next two weeks will be Mr. Olson then presented the deteoriate in aome way. Within called by the government. following numbers: An instru­ teer worke^. They are, as a'm at­ street, two tires; Stanley J. Gar­ In smother case a person will Kharkov Grows in Fe­ No Weakness Food Dollar interested In the model of an 18 five hours eight persons called their Women too, shoilld help to se­ rett, 169 McKee street, two tires; mail''a letter to be sent air mail In Souvenirs Taken; British Press foot sloop, recently Completed by mental quartet from the local home to find out what couId\be ter of fact. Just as concerned t TlM Children of Mary Sodality, Over safety of their familiei aa cure the future of tibetal roucation Frances Hathaway, 108 Birch Vfi wl]will not put on the proper rocity; Advance Made Full-Scale Attack on Gordon Vetrano of Garden atreet, Anti-Aircraft Band; Miss Gene traded for a little bit o f old .couX- by completing their college street, one tire; Walter O. HetUn- Lstnount of stamps. This also means Cut in H alf 't t St. Jamea’a church, will receive from plana and Irawlnga con­ Walton, an excellent whistler who try brew easentiala. the ones who sit at home and Of Explosion Seen in Nazi nunlon In a body at the 8:30 umble. courses in wartime. g^r, Gleason,,street, one tire; Hary delay. It is also aghinst mailing In Face of Repeated Mareth Line; Ameri­ tained In a bdok at the library. waa accompanied by Miss Connie vey Q. Howe, Olcott drive, tw I tomorrow. to Popular Film 68 6 regulations to use an air mail The model is nearly five feet long, Kehler, both of whom ‘‘Longfel­ When one stopa to realize that Urea; Ruth Lessner, 21 C ^ l .. Nazi Counter-Attacks. can Column . Within Little goes to waste these day's. This film was shown recently in envelope to send an ordinary let­ A t Atlanta and the Vetranoa hope to build a low" invited to take part In a ra­ clidiian defense Is subject tp Drive, four Urea; Mary H /M c - ter.
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