rsi SINGLES SLEEPERS ALBUMS MICHAEL JACKSON, "SHE'S OUT OF MY ROBBIE DUPREE, "STEAL AWAY" (prod. KENNY ROGERS, "GIDEON." Kenny LIFE" (prod. by Jones) (writer: byBunetta-Chudacoff)(writers: Rogers issittingontopofthe Bahler) (Tom Bahler/Senor/Yel- Dupuis-Chudacoff)(BigEars / world. From modest beginnings as low Brick Road, ASCAP) (3:36). Chrome Willie / Gouda / Oozle- asingerwiththeFirstEdition, Released in response to airplay, finch, ASCAP) (3:21). An array of Rogers has emerged as a mass after two --=1's and current with twinklingkeyboards, a jaunty phenomenon. His audience will love the rising top 15 title cut of the beat and Dupree's custard - this LP, including the duet with Kim "Off The Wall" LP. Might be the smooth vocal dress up this sim- Carnes. UnitedArtist LOO -1035 mother of them all. Epic 9-50871. ple tune. Elektra 46621. (8.98). TERIDESARIO,"HEART OF STONE" THE S.O.S. BAND, "TAKE YOUR TIME (DO FRANK SINATRA, "TRILOGY: PAST, (prod.byCasey)(writer: Car- IT RIGHT) PART 1"(prod.by PRESENT & FUTURE." This is un- bone) (Resurrection, BMI) (3:25). Sigidi)(writers Clayton-Sigidi) doubtedly the most ambitious proj- Inhot pursuit of her =1 duet (AvantGarde, ASCAP/Interior/ ect Sinatra has ever attempted and withKC, DeSario takes center Sigidi's, BMI)(3:15). An under- itis a milestone in his own career stage and puts her pipes to the stated funk backdrop plays with and in the history of pop music. He test. The energetic chorus of this textures while melodic elements isnothing short of brilliantin the pop -rocker bounces out of the shineonthisAtlantagroup's various contexts. Reprise 3FS 2300 grooves. Casablanca 2256. debut. Tabu ZS9 5522 (CBS). (WB) (20.98). BARRY MANILOW, "I DON'T WANT TO JOHN & ARTHUR SIMMS, "THAT THANG GENESIS, "DUKE." Lastyear's WALK WITHOUT YOU" (prod. by OF YOURS" (prod.by Costan- And Then There Were Three" al- Manilow-Dante)(writers:Loes- dinos)(writers:Simms -Simms) bum went gold, and Genesisis ser-Styne)(Paramount, ASCAP) (Pub. not listed. ASCAP) (3:16). again clearly on target with a rec- (3:44). Manilow dusts off an old Take a common theme like loveord that will appeal to both their 0standard, brings out its fine grain at first sight. interpret it through oldest fans and their new, rapidly with lots of studio polish, and un- the hip jive of funkese, and you expanding following. Wrapped in an veils the tune in 1980 pop -A/C have the essence of this record. absolutelybeautifulpackage.At- style. Arista 0501. Casablanca 2251. lantic SD 16014 (8.98). THE ISLEY BROTHERS, "GO ALL GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS, "LAND- SANDRA FEVA, "THREE TIMES A MAN" Litt' E tECiry thet LORD" (prod. by Ashford -Simp- (prod by Camillo -Barker) (writer: THE WAY." In the past few years, son)(writers: Ashford -Simpson) Richie)(Jobete / Commodores two distinctive musical personalities (Nick -O -Val, ASCAP) (3:44). No- Ent., ASCAP)(3:17).Thehit have come to represent the Isleys' body likes their landlord, right? "Three Times A Lady" finds new sound: driving funk and seductive, sensuous ballads. Both are put on Wrong! In music andverse, life through a gender switch and Gladys,thePips,Ashford & Feva's lullaby -gentle delivery. display here, led by the title cut and Simpson make nim a corner- Cathedral organ adds a spiritual "Don't Say Goodnight." T -Neck FZ stone of love. Columbia 1-11239. effect. Venture 122. 36305 (CBS) (8.98). AmericanRadioHistory.Com AmericanRadioHistory.Com / I / / LL CIL APRIL 12, 1980 Warwick Wins Prize Mfr. Shipping Figures David Geffen To Head New Label At Tokyo Festival Released by RIAA; TOKYO - DionneWarwick's In Partnership with Warner Comm. "Feeling Old Feeling" has grabbed Units, Dollars Down By SAM SUTHERLAND the grand prize at the ninth an- NEW YORK - Manufacturers' LOS ANGELES-Asylum Rec- music holdings alluded to plans nual Tokyo Music Festival. War- shipments of phonograph records ordsfounder DavidGeffen is forpossiblelabelacquisitions. wick will receive a 3 million yen and pre-recorded tapes in 1979returning to active music trade Recalling an attempt to purchase purse along with her trophy. The hit 683millionunitsnet afterduty as head of a new, as yet EMI, Ltd.'s music sector in part- second -place gold prize was returns,calculated at$3.6761 unnamed record company being nership with Geffen, Hirschfield shared by Karla Bonoff's "Trouble billion suggested retail list price, formed in partnership with War- thendescribed the new WCl/ Again" and the Dooley's "Body according to the Recording In-ner Bros. Records and its parent, Geffen label. Language." Both winners receive a dustry Association of America. WarnerCommunications. The AccordingtoGeffen,"I've trophy and 1 million yen. In releasing the figures which label should make its official de- made adealwith Mo (Ostin, Silver prizes, worth 600 thou- indicate a 6 percent decline in but in about a month. Warner Bros. Records chairman) sand yen anda trophy, wereunits and an 11 percent dip in Geffen himself confirmed the and with Steve Ross (WCI chair- awarded to Claudja Barry's "You dollars from record 1978 levels,deal when reached last week by man) to start a fourth label for Make Me Feel the Fire," Rumikothe RIAA market research com-RW, but disclosure of the newWarners, which will be distribut- Koyanagi's "Laim Light" and Shi- mittee emphasizedthatactual venture came unexpectedly via a ed and marketed through Warner geru Matsuzaki's "Wonderful Mo- consumer purchases in units and Los Angeles Times interview with Bros. Records, but entirely ment." Amii Stewart received the dollars probably were higher than 20th Century -Fox Corp. vice separate with respect to financ- mostoutstandingperformance manufacturer shipments. chairman AlanHirschfield, who ing, which is virtually unlimited." (Continued on page 45) (Continued on page 40) in reviewinghiscorporation's Geffenwillalsohaveauto- nomyinallartistacquisitions and contractual negotiations. As Labels Back NARM Gift -Giving Push; for initial signings and any key staffappointments,theformer See Program as Key to Unified Industry agent and personal'manager By SAMUEL GRAHAM porate the slogan and the "Gift dot i's and cross the t's yet." termed any announcements II LOS ANGELES-While plans to of Music" symbol developed by Chrysalis Records president Sal "premature." Formal announce- implement the program have in NARM into their advertising and, Licata echoed those sentiments ment was, in fact, originally many cases yet to be specific- in many instances, merchandising when he said, "We're doing ev- planned for later this quarter. ally determined, a recent Record plans,some manufacturersare erything we can to make it work. Industry veterans familiar with asco- World survey indicates that rec- plainly concerned about just who It'stime the recording industry Geffen'spriorventures founder of Geffen -Roberts Man- ord labels are united in their sup-will foot the bills that will inevi-understood that an album or a agement (later renamed Lookout port of NARM's "Give the Gift oftably be incurred if the campaigntapeisa very inexpensivegift, today still Music" campaign, unveiled at the is to be successful. and in turn we have to alert the Management, and headedbyRoberts)andthen Association'srecentLasVegas Logisticalproblemsnotwith- consumer to that.It came out at of label, standing,however,labelsare NARM that 12 percent of our architect the Asylum convention. won't be surprised at the execu- Advertisingand/ormerchan- voicing full support for the pro- business is gift -giving right now," dising and marketing representa- gram. A typical comment came (Continued on page 45) (Continued on page 30) tives at alllabels contacted ex- from Vic Faraci, vice president/ pressed their enthusiasm for the director of marketing for Elektra/ new campaign, most of them re- Asylum Records, who said, "We N.Y. Transit Strike Has Minimal Impact marking that "Give the Gift of are absolutely behind it. I don't Music" is an ideal vehicle through necessarily want to commit to us- On Record, Club and Theatre Business which the entire music industry ingit(the slogan and logo) on By DAVID McGEE& PHIL DIMAURO can work together toincrease everything we do, but we areII NEW YORK - Earlyreports Record retailersfor the most visibility andrevenues.Butal- committed in general. We simply from New York's record retailers, partfoundbusinesstobe as though most labels plan to incor- haven't had a specific meeting toclub and theatre owners indicate usualin the strike's early days. that a strike called early TuesdaySam Goody Inc., Korvettes, Alex- morning (1) by the local Transport ander's and Disc -O -Matallre- ReC°rdlltuld .L.L.ILLL1L7-2.; Workers Union and Amalgamated ported good activity in the stores, mink Transit Union has thus far hadwhile King Karol's business was a minimal impact on the city's down slightly. Among the hardest Albums Singles entertainment -orientedbusiness. hit were the small store owners: 220.0 - On the whole, record sales main- industry veteranSy Bondy, for 200.0 atBondy's 180.0 tainednormalseasonallevels, example, saidsales 160.0 while club and theatre attend- Record Shop were "off consider- 140.0 - ance was in many cases appre- ably"despite the storehaving 1 20.0 ciably above expectations. lowered its prices in an attempt 100.0 - .8 However,virtually everyone to attract customers. Should the 80.0 contacted by Record Worldstrike go on, Bondy added, he 60.0 - agreed that a clearer indicationwould be forced to lay off per- 40.0 --I 1 1 1 of the strike's effect would come sonnel. "There's nothing for them 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 4/5 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/223/ 9 4/ after the weekend, when Fridayto do," he explained. "I just can't The Record World Sales Index is based on a broad cross-section of quantitative sales data reported through Sunday totals could be carry them.
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