Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 12579-UG STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT REPUBLICOF UGANDA Public Disclosure Authorized TRANSPORTREHABILITATION PROJECT VOLUMEII MARCH8, 1994 Public Disclosure Authorized Energy & Infrastructure Operations Division Public Disclosure Authorized Eastern Africa Department This document has a resticted distribution and may be used by reipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwis be disdosed without Wodd Bank authorization. IOR OMCLALUSE OLY REPUBLIC OF UGANDA TRANSPORT REHABILITATIONPROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS VolumeU GENERAL: 1.1 EstimatedSchedule of Disbursements,all projectcomponents MAINROADS COMPONENT: TABLES 1.2 Upgrading,RegraveliingfRehabilitation of Roads, DesignStandards 1.3 Four Year Road MaintenanceProgram (FY95-FY98) (List of Roads) 1.4 OutlineTerms of Referenceof TechnicalAssistance 1.5 TrainingEquipment/Audio-Visual Aids and InspectionVehicles 1.6 Progress ReportingRequirements 1.7 Project MonitoringIndices 1.8 Main Roads Component,Cost Estimate 1.9 Main Roads:Annual Road MaintenanceCosts CHARTS 1.10 OrganizationalStructure: Mnistry of Works,Transport and Communications 1.11 Establishmentof Ministryof Works,Transport and Communications, Directorateof Engineering 1.12 MainRoad Component- ImplementationSchedule This documenthas a restricteddistribution and may be used by recipientsonly in the perfofmnee of their officialduties. its contents may not otherwisebe disclosedwithout WorldBak authorization. RURALFEEDER ROADS COMPONENT: TABLES 2.1 PopulationData for the Four ParticipatingDistricts, by Countyand Subcounty 2.2 CompleteList of FeederRoads per District:Kapchorwa, Mbale,Palissa, Tororo 2.3 PriorityRoads per District 2.4 Feeder Roads to be Improvedand Maintainedin each District 2.5 OutlineTerms of Referencefor TechnicalAssistance Posts and key GovernmentPersonnel in the Field Annex- Proposalfor ContractorEquipment Leasing and Management 2.6 Cost of Trainingand TechnicalAssistance; Cost Estimatefor ProposedNDF Funding 2.7 Number of EstablishedPosts filledor vacant in Project Districts- July 1993 2.8 SummaryInformation on DomesticContractors 2.9 Project District,Revenue and RecurrentBudget Estimatesfor FeederRoads. MOLG: Rural FeederRoad MaintenanceFunding, FY91-FY94 MOFEP:Projected Feeder Road CounterpartFinancing 2.10 Yearwise Breakdown of Feeder Road Maintenance Costs (US$ millionand ProposedFinancing Shares) 2.11 Summaryof FeederRoads Rehabilitation Program, in kms per activityand cost in US$ and Ushs by Districtand year 2.12 Cost Estimatefor Four Year RoutineMaintenance programs, 1994-1998,by District 2.13 Cost of FeederRoads Component 2.14 PerformanceIndicators CHARTS 2.15 OrganizationalStructure of MOLG 2.16 OrganizationalStructure of the EngineeringDepartment, MOLG 2.17 DistrictOrganizational Chart 2.18 FeederRoads Component:Implementation Schedule RAILWAYSCOMPONENT: TABLES 3.1 RailwaysComponent, Estimated Project Costs 3.2 ProjectedDisbursement Profile for RailwayComponent 3.3 List of URC PriorityInvestments 3.4 PrincipalPerformance Indicators 3.5 Termsof Referencefor SpecialistAdvisers 3.6 LTRCOrganization Chart 3.7 ImplementationSchedule, Railway Component TRANSPORT PLANNING COMPONENT: 4.1 Costs of TransportPlanning Component 4.2 Termsof Reference 4.3 ImplementationSchedule, Transport Policy Component SELECTED ORGANI7ATIONAL AND FINANCUALASPECTS: 5.1 ImplementingAgencies and DomesticPrivate ContractingIndustry 5.2 FinancialAnalysis: Local Authoritiesand URC 5.3 SupervisionPlan MAPS 1. UgandaTransport Infrastructure ^-'9! FeederRoads to be Improvedand Maintainedin each District (Programfor Years 1 & 2, and 3 & 4) Appendix1.1 Pa&eI of 1 UGANDA TRANSPORT REHABILITATIONPROJECT Al Components Estimated Schedule of Disbursements Fiscal Year and End of Semester Cumulative Disbursementsat End of Senester USS'000 1995 December31, 1994 June 30, 1995 14,000 1996 December31, 1995 June 30, 1996 29,300 1997 December31, 1996 June30, 1997 47,700 1998 December31, 1997 June 30, 1998 62,700 1999 December31, 1998 June 30, 1999 73,100 2000 December31, 1999 June 30, 2000 75,000 Appendix1.2 Page1 of I UGANDA TRANSPORT REHABILITATIONPROJECT Upgrading, RegravellinglRebabilitationof Roads Design Standards Temain Flat Rolling Hilly Design Speed 90 kph 80 kph 60 kph CarriageWidth 6 m 6 m 6 m ShoulderWrdth 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m MinimumHorizontal Curve radius 315 m 240 m 125 m MaximumGrading 3% 5% 8% Road Crossfill (a) Carrageway 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% (b) Shoulders 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%h Appendix1.3 Page1 of 2 UGANDA TRANSPORT REHABILITATIONPROJECT Four Year Road Maintenance Program (FY95-FY98) List of Roads L Priority I Paved Roads Name Length (k) Kampala-Bombo(non-urban part) 21.01/ Bombo-Wobulenzi 14.01/ Kampala-Gayaza 20.11/ Gayaza-Namulonge 9.4 Namulonge-Kiwenda 12.0 Kaampala-Mukono 22.0 KyambogoEstate Road 3.8 Kampala-Entebbe 34.0 EntebbeAirport 5.0 KampalaJct-Mubende Bdr 48.0 Mityana-MubendeBdr 15.0 Mubende-Kitanga 18.0 Kitanga-Myanzi 50.0 Myanzi-Mityana 18.0 Wobulenzi-Luwero 18.0 Luwero-Nakasongola 53.0 Nakasongola-Kafuibridge 55.0 KafiuBridge-Rwekunye 19.0 Rwenlwnye-Kigumba 12.2 Kigumba-KaummaBridge 56.8 Total 504.3 IL Priority 2 Paved Roads Gulu-Bobi 18.0 Bobi-Kamudini 44.0 Kamudini-Karuma 16.0 Lira-Ayer 20.0 Ayer-Kamudini 44.0 Total 142.0 1/ to be resealed Appendix1.3 Page2 of 2 mL Priority 1 GravelRoads Name Length (km) Nebbi-VurraJct 70.121 Pakwach-Nebbi 60.12/ Vurra Jct-Arua 2.02t Arua Jct-Vurra(Customs Post) 16.0 Arua-Wandi 16.02/ Olwlyo-Pakwach 52.02/ Karuma-Olwlyo 55.02/ Kayunga-Nabuganyi 20.021 Sironko-Muyambe 50.02/ .Myambe-Namalu 29.0V1 Namulu-Morinka-Lokapei-Nadunget 122.02/ Muyambe-Kapchorwa 31.0 Kapchorwa-Suam 78.0 Atiak-Numule 39.02/ Moyo-Laropi 18.0 Zirobwe-Wobulenzi 25.2 Agwata-LiraS. Border 54.0 Laropi-Atiak 64.0 Atiak-Gulu 67.0 Gulu-AswaRiver 40.0 Aswa River-Acholibur 42.0 Busunju-Kiboga-Hoima 1502 Total 1,100.4 2/ to be regravelled Appendix1.4 Papg1of 4 UGANDA TRANSPORTREHABILITATION PROJECT Outline Terms of Reference of Technical Assistance L Objectives 1. The purposeof the technicalassistance is to assistthe Ministuyof Worts, Transportand Comnunications(MOWTC) with imprving road maintenance planning, orgnization and operations andto train MOWTCstaff/local contactors in roadmaitenance. IL Scope of Technical AssistanceServices 2. Thetechnical assistance staff willconsist of a roadmaintenace managment engine (team leader),a roadmaintenance engineer, a contractmanagement advisor and a taining advisor/mstructor. The individualswill assist and advise the MOWTCin their respectivefields, and cany out clasroomlon-the-Jobtaing of MOWTCstaff/local contractors. The particularfunctions of the technicaleperts are describedbelow. IIL 3ob Description A. Road Maintenance Management Engineer (Team Leader) 3. The road maintence maagement engineerwill assist and advise the Chief Road MaintenanceEngine/Principal Engineer (Planning) on all aspectsof highwaymaintece planning, organizion and operations,and will overseeand coordinatethe activies of the technicalassistance team. In particular,he will assist MOWTCto: (i) reviewand updateMOWrC MaintenanceManagement Manual for use on the project, includingall reportforms, standardmethods of workdngand maintenancestandards; (ii) reviewand update the existingMOWTC Maintenance Management software; (iii) design and implement a cost accounting system for the proper performance of road maintenane work; (iv) carry out annual road inventoryand conditionsurveys for the planningand progranunmgof road ma;itenance, (v) carry out annual road traffic counts and collect other data such as axle loads, origin and destinationdata and traffic forecasts; (vi) carry out annual equipmentinventories and conditionsurveys of both force account and- conactor resources; Appendix1.4 Page2 of 4 (vi) developannual work plans; (viii) esinate resourcesand budgetrequirements for the exccutionof the annual workplans; (ix) identify,supervise, monitor and controlthe executionof the works by the establishmentand operationof a maintenancemanagement system; (x) producemonthly/quarterly prWress reports; and (xi) provideon-thejob trainingof MOWTC'sstaff for carryingout the abovetasks. 4. 'Me expert fillingthis position shouldbe a well qualifiedhighay engmeerwith 15-20 years experiencein road design,construction and maintenanceand, in particular, with at least five years previous experience in road maiteance planning, management, contr formulaion and administratio; and should have previousexperience in orgazg and conductingtraining programs for staff. Fluencyin writtenand spokenEnglish is also required. B. Road MaintenanceEngineer 5. The road manenance engineerwill assist and advise the PrincipalEngineer (Operations) in road maitnance organizaion and operations, and will provide on-the-jobtraining of MOWTC stafflocal conactors. In particular,he will assist MOWTCto: (i) cary out annual road inventoryand conditionsurveys for updatng inventoriesof the road network; (ii) idei for each road sectionthe type and amountof work requiredfor adequatemaintenance and translatesuch worksinto specifictak in terms of routine/periodicmainteance; (iii) cary out annual road taffic counts and gather other data such as axle loads, orgin and desfinationdata and trafficforecasts, (iv) establishperformance standards and proceduresfor routineand periodicmainance involving an appropriatemix of labor and equipment; (v) instl a system of cost accountig procedures to determinethe cost of individual road maintena operationsand the total cost of
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