Fredonia Baptist Church Record Book D Transcribed by Marsia Painter with Wendy Straight [Transcriber’s notes are placed in brackets.] Last names and years are set in bold font. Rules and Regulations For the Government of the Fredonia Baptist Church and its members, as adopted August 6th, 1864. Sec. I. – Meetings for Business. 1. Meetings for business shall be held at such times as may be designated by the Pastor and Deacons. 2. All such meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer. Sec. II. – Dismission. 1. It shall be the duty of every member in regular standing, upon moving to the bounds of another Church of the same faith, to give a letter of dismission and recommendation thereto, and to present themselves there for membership. 2. Such Letters shall be valid only one year from the date. 3. The names of those persons from whom no information can be obtained(?) for two years, may be erased from the record. Sec. III. – Discipline. 1. Any member neglecting to walk with the Church in Gospel for twelve consecutive months, without proper excuse, shall be subject to discipline. 2. Cases of personal grief between brethren, shall be conducted according to our Savior’s rules as given in Mathew XVIII. 3. It shall be the duty of the Deacons, with such other persons the Church may from time to time select, to undertake a similar course of labor with those who may be accused of immoralities requiring censure or exclusion. 4. If on impartial investigation, it shall appear to them that such charges are unfounded, they shall make no report of it to the Church. 5. Otherwise they shall lay the case before the Church for action in such form as to them may seem best. Sec. IV. – Letters of Occasional Communion. The Church Clerk is authorized to give a letter of commendation to any member in good standing whenever requested by such member, for the purpose of traveling or transient residence. Section V. Besides the duties already mentioned (§III.) and the usual duties of Deacons, it shall also be their duty to make personal inquiry as often as once a year into the spiritual condition of each and all the members of the Church. In force 1870, January 1st. Standing Resolutions of the Fredonia Baptist Church. 1. Resolves, That the Church Clerk be authorized and empowered to give letters of commendation to any member of the Church, in good standing and full fellowship, whenever requested by such member, for the purpose of traveling, or transient residence beyond our limits. Passed November 7, 1852. 2. Resolved, That letters of dismission and commendation, given by this Church, shall be valid for one year only from the date. Passed March 14, 1856. 3. Resolved, That any member absenting himself or herself, and neglecting to walk with the Church for twelve consecutive months, without proper excuse, shall be subject to discipline. Passed March 14, 1856. 4. Resolved, That no business matter of the Church, or Society, other than the granting of letters of commendation and dismission, or the reception of members, shall hereafter be introduced, entertained, or acted upon in any stated Covenant meeting of the Church unless permitted by a vote of two thirds of all the members then present. (?) Sept. 14, 1869. 5. Resolved, That the Pastor and Deacons be authorized and empowered to call Church meetings whenever they shall deem it necessary for the transaction of the business of the Church. Passed March 10th, 1857. 1870. In Church meeting held April 6th, 1866, the Deacons Bro’t: David Barrell Joel Traverse Thomas B. Sweet & Samuel S. Crissey And Brethren Eber M. Pettit Washington Crooks Joseph C. Sweet & Almond Z. Madison, Clerk, were duly appointed the Executive Committee of the Church, pursuant to (?) 3rd Sec. 3rd of the Rules and Regulations, on page 301 of Ch. Bk. No. 1. The Records of Ex. Committee relating to Church discipline &c are kept on a small book, which see. (?) April 6th 1866. In Church meeting held March 22nd 1870 after various remarks and discussions in relation to the late irregularity in the Sunday congregations as to uniformity of rising during the singing caused by the request of Rev. C. Thompson, made without knowing the resolutions of the Ch. previously passed, and in force: On motion of Bro. D. Barrell Seconded by Bro. L. B. Grant: Resolved that during service on Sabbaths, that Congregation remain seated at the first singing, and arise and stand at the second and third singings. Passed March 22nd 1870. Resolved, That the first quarter in the year, (?) for the Am. Bapt. Missionary Union Second quarter, do do. Home Missions. Third quarter do do Bible Publication So.y Fourth quarter do do Ministerial (?) Passed by ex. Com. & recommended to ch. Jany 11, 1870. Adopted by Chh. Feb. 5th 1870 A. Z. Madison Ch Clk 1881 Copy of a Resolution presented by Br. F. B. Palmer at close of Covenant Meeting March 5th 1881, and then adopted unanimously by the Church. “Resolved, That the Pastor, Deacons and Clerk of the Church, be a Committee through whom requests for admission and dismission shall be presented; and that all other business not specially provided for by the Church, shall come through the Executive Committee of the Church, and that any business presented by the Executive Board shall not be discussed in any meeting in connection with a regular devotional meeting of the Church nor acted on if any one expresses a desire to discuss it.” Foreign Missions Collection in Feby Ministerial Education in Mch Am Bap Pub. Society in June Ministers Home in Aug. Home Missions in Oct. State Conventions in Dec Randolph Home 1870 Rev. Chas Thompson (?) still a supply January 1st 1870. Covenant Meeting. Present, Rev. Charles Thompson & few Brethren & Sisters. Clk. Prevented from being present. The day stormy. The usual exercises of the Covenant meeting occurred and adjourned. Covenant meeting Feby 5th, 1870. Present Rev. Chas. Thompson & Rev. A. Wheelock, 12 Brethren & 32 Sisters. Opened by Prayer, Reading, Singing. Remarks of Bro. Thompson followed by Brn. & Sisters. Clerk read letter of request from Bro. Evert Hawlers(?) for letter of dismission & commendation to the Baptist Church lately organized at Belle Range(?), Iowa. Resolved to grant request. Also a letter of commendation & dismission given to Sister Abbie Eaton from Bap. Ch. of Forestville. Resolved to receive her as a member with us on same. Resolved that the communion service hereafter, be attended at one O’clock P.M. Resolved that the plan recommended by the Ex. Com. For Collections for benevolent objects be adopted. (see Ex. Committee Record Book) Jany 11 Resolved to dispense without(?) ending Solicitors around this present quarter as we had(?) by(?) (?) & Col. (?) Closed with Doxology & Benediction. A. Z. Madison Clk Sabbath February 13th Rev. C. Thompson gone to supply the Bap. Ch. Stockton, and administer the Sacrament. Efforts to procure Rev. Chas. N. Gradenburgh(?) or Dr. C. W. Armstrong of N. & Fr. School, to preach, or J. Hamilton Jr. to read a discourse all failing, the Ch. Clerk, read a sermon, lately preached at Elbridge by the Pastor there and published in the Examiner & Chronicle. A. Z. M. Ch Clerk Covenant Meeting March 5th 1870 Present Rev. Chas. Thompson, Chn Rev. A. Wheelock, and 12 Brn & 31 Sisters. Opened with prayer by Chairman. He then read in (?) and offered remarks. Then remarks by Brn & Sisters. More than usual interest was manifested, and united desire for the revival of God’s work, that men might come to the knowledge and the acknowledgement of the truth. Closed Covenant Meeting by singing one verse, (?) by Bro. (?) and the benediction. After the retirement of Sisters, on (?) own (?) , a Church meeting to (?) was(?) opened, Bro. Thompson in the chair, Rev.(?) A. Wheelock and(?) Executive Committee, (?) in the case of Covenant(?) Meeting(?) (?) residence(?) is(?) (?) in the to as one of(?) the(?) . [Transcriber’s Note: Most of the second half of page 11 is indecipherable.] bring disgrace and scandal on the Ch. and religion. Brn. Wheelock & Jos. C. Sweet visited her last week. She did not deny the Charges, but appeared indifferent, and said “Nobody cared for her, and she cared for nobody.” After this as they talked with her of the consequences, she appeared some more pliable and promised to come to the meeting today and confess her faults and reform her life. She had failed to fulfil her promise to appear before the Ch. as the brethren expected she would. After hearing explanations from both brn Wheelock & J. C. Sweet, On motion of Bro. E. M. Pettit, seconded by Bro. S. S. Crissey, Resolved that the hand of fellowship of this Church be withdrawn from Sarah F. Fuller alias Opal(?) for her unchristian conduct as substantiated against her. Brethren present in this meeting Revs. Ch. Thompson & A. Wheelock, D. Barrell, E. M. Pettit, W. Crocker, Henry Morrison, T. B. Sweet, G. W. Lewis, Geo. Tate, J. C. Sweet, S. S. Crissey & A. Z. Madison. On motion, Resolved to adjourn. A. Z. Madison Ch Clk 1870 Pursuant to notice given in Church Sabbath Morning March 20th 1870, by Rev. A. Wheelock, Chn. Of the Executive Committee, A Church meeting was held Tuesday March 22nd, 1870 in Lecture Room. Present Rev. A. Wheelock, Moderator, Isaac H. Damon, Eppenetis Winsor, A. Z. Madison, L. B. Grant, E. M. Pettit, Thos. B. Sweet, David Barrell, Rowland Porter, S. S. Crissey. Moderator called on Bro. T. B. Sweet, who offered the opening prayer. Moderator then, as one of the Sub. Committee of Exec. Com. stated the first object of this meeting to be to take action as to engaging a Pastor for the ensuing year from the first of April, and that Bro.
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