r^^-CTvw. >c Z T7) 2^ ,sC^^ i %^ ..,^K.JU H^ l^ofW. I f^ f\« ./. i. 3/ Owners of Gra«llc MSS, MSS.V-XXXI. Deposited in the Librazy hy the su(»3«saors of the Agent for Major MoLatiohlan, of Kilbrlde. MSo, T'- The prapazrty of the Hl^land A XUVX, Agricultxiral Society of Scotland •nd deposited by the Society in the Libraxy. ]CSS.XXX\ni- The property of the Highland LII. Society of London, and deposited ly the Society in the Library, MSS.LIII- The proper^ of the liij^land A LW. Agricultural Society of Scotland. MBS.LXVI- The property of the Hij^and A LXXI. Agricultujr&l Society of Scotland. WIG others are the prop rty of the Faculty, For Dencriptions and naaes of aimers of the MSS. ••e Poeras of Ossian^. 1807, vol. III.pp. 566-75, 'ii ■n o on \ i ^ S^'^^^M.. AJv^lt- n^^iu..^..jf^ GAELIC MSS. IN ADVOCATE C I LIBRARY No. of Page of i^o. of Page of MS. ' atalogue 1 MS. Catalogue 7ki, 106, 180, XVII. 50. 186, 188, 130 XVIII. 51. II. 6, 108, 187. XIX. 136, 200, 204 III. 17. x:^. IV. 23. XXI. 53. V. 79,, 103^^., x:.3, 20o . yjcii. ^•^ VI. ;-4, 110, 181. XXIII. 55. VII. 84, 112, 177, :o^.iv. ^4 J.79, 181, 187] XXV. r p. 85 VIII. li:., 195. XXVI. 5:, 87 IX. 26, 113. vXVII. 57. 26. i XXVIII. - _ y 138 XI. 3].. XXIX. 88. XII. 35. XKX. 115. ..III. 41. XXXI. 30. XiV . 4 J . X.'LXII. PJ.7. XV. 138. XXXIIl. ■X . XVI. 134 . X}rxiV. 13 3 . ^0 . of rage of ' ^0. of leige. of MS. Catalop;ue CatEilogue XXXV. 2ai. LI. Ico XXXYI. r^, -^.,142, LI I. 127 205. L11X . 158 _.WLV II . LIV. /IXXVIII. ^18,146,179, 206. LV, 101 128, itXXIX. 206. LYI. LVII. 207 -.1 ^c., 119. ,.'I1I. .,172, .II 189,19;":. LIX. IbL. XLIY. 1^2. LXI. .74. loV LXII. ,192,210 XLVI. • /■ i.IIi. ALVII. J6 . LXiV. /ILVIil. J8,124,15:i, XJ-4.J-. « • ■ -) — > ./ .> , _L ,-. -J: No. of Page of No. of Pag'^ MS,. Catalogue. MS. Catalogue jji-VIl, ::-■?. L^OLXVI. 260. '■7 ...^..vViT. : . LXIX. 2-:xS. LiGaviii.. LTLXXIA . LXXI. "^ • , i . LLKIII. c:48. XCll. •^^- ' • .AS . XCIII. .,XiV, 248. ZCIV. 264. LiiCVII, 243.. xc^y:. 2G4. L CVI-"-. ^•_L . • .:4. j-JCIX. 24^. XCVIII.. 2G4. (■^ y.^ -^J • LXXKI.,. c 265 . ^^^^^. a.^. —V■^ 1 • CI. LXXXIII. oil. , LXXXIY. i :f ITV i UiV. 2,6. ^ 1 ^^^./w- ^&<UXi^ A^vJuf^J) /»- vrj.^ ?, ■ A A ^1»«3^ ■ VJfci^:>4' ,*>♦ , ><V?*^i«M**^ iJ*^? ^ v» ;^, A ^^ i^,^«*4Aw&-*H ^ Ai^v****^ . I A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS IN THE ADVOCATES' LIBRARY EDINBURGH, AND ELSEWHERE IN SCOTLAND FCLCUHJAI d /^oLVoca{je.i • - iiiAahu. BY DONALD MACKINNON, M.A. PROCESSOR OK CELTIC LANGUAGES, ETC. KTC. IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Compiled at the instance of JOHN, FOURTH MARQUESS OF BUTE, through whose liberality it is published ■A EDINBURGH PRINTED BY T. AND A. CONSTABLE PRINTERS TO HIS MAJESTY AND PTJBIJSHBD BT WILLIAM BROWN, 5 CASTLE STREET 1912 PREFACE IN issuing this Catalogue, I beg to acknowledge the courtesy and kindness which I have received from the owners and custodiers of the Manuscripts herein described. In particular, my grateful thanks are due to the Curators of the Advocates' Library for the exceptional arrangements kindly made by them which enabled me to read their large collection of Gaelic MSS., and to the Keeper of the Library and his staff for the courteous manner in which they carried out these arrangements. The frequent references to Mr. Standish Hayes O'Grady's Catalogue of Irish MSS. in the British Museum show my indebtedness to that excellent work. In reading the Medical MSS. of the Scottish Collection, the Chapter on Medicine, etc. in Mr. O'Grady's Catalogue was of much benefit to me. I have also received willing aid from Professor Kuno Meyer, LL.D., now of Berlin, in a variety of ways. DON. MACKINNON. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, March 1912. a 2 I CONTENTS INTRODUCTION, PP- 1-4 MSS. IN ADVOCATES' LIBRAKY A—MSS. I-LXV CHAPTER I. MEDICINE, ETC., pp. 5-71. MSS. II, III, IV, IX, X, XI, XII, xiii, XIV, XVII, xviii, xx, xxi, xxii, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXXIII, XLI, LX. II. RELIGIOUS AND ECCLESIASTICAL, pp. 72-105. MSS. I, V, VI, VII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXIX, XXXI, XXXVI, XXXIX, XL, XLVII, XLVIII, XLIX, LIV, LV, LVI, LVIII, LXIV, LXV. III. HisTORr AND GENEALOGY, pp. 106-28. MSS. I, II, V, VI, VII, VIII IX, XXVIII, XXX, xxxvi, xxxviii, xxxix, XLI, XLII, XLIII, XLIV, XLVIII, XLIX, L, LI, LII, LV, LVIII. IV. LEGEND AND LORE, pp. 129-76. MSS. V, XVI, XIX, XXVIII, XXXIV, XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL, XLII, XLV, XLVIII, LIII, LIV, LV, LVI, LVII, LVIII, LIX, LXI, LXII, LXV. V. LEGAL, LEXICAL, GRAMMATICAL, pp. 177-82. Legal, MS. vii; Lexical, MSS. vii, xxxviii, LXV ; Grammatical, MSS. 1, VI, VII, LVII, LVIII. VI. MAXIMS, TRIADS, PROVERBS, pp. 183-93. Maxims (Sayings, Instructions), MSS. i, ii, vii, XLII, LVII ; Triads, MSS. I, VII, XLII; Proverbs, MSS. LXII, LXV. VII. GAELIC VERSIONS OF CLASSICAL EPICS, pp. 194-202. MSS. VIII, XV, xix, XLvi. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS, pp. 203-16. MSS. V, XIX, XXXVI, XXXVIII, xxxix, XLVIII, LV, LVII, LVIII, LXII, LXIII, LXV. IX. SPECIAL ACCOUNT OF THREE MSS., pp. 217-46. MSS. XXXII, XXXV, XXXVII. viii CATALOaUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS B—APPENDIX I, pp. 247-82, and pp. 327-8. I. MSS. Lxvi-civ, pp. 247-66 :— (1) Dictionaries and Vocabularies: MSS. LXVI-LXXVI, LXXXI, xci- xcviii, c, ci. (2) Transcripts : MSS. LXXVII-LXXXI, LXXXIII-LXXXVI, LXXXIX, XC, CIV. (3) Analysis of Gaelic MSS. : MS. LXXXII. (4) Heroic Verse : MSS. LXXXVII, LXXXVIII, CII. (5) Translations : ISIS, xcix, cm. II. MSS. IN BOXES, pp. 267-81 :— (1) The Skene Box—(a) Life of St. Patrick ; (6) Grant's MS. (Ossianic Ballads) ; (c) two MSS. in Scots ; (d) Translations and Extracts in English and Welsh ; (e) fugitive papers. (2) Box 2—Sundries : Portion of large medical MS. ; Ossianic collec- tions of Pope, Fletcher, Macdonald of Stafifa, Campbell, Portree ; Turner (?) MS. ; Tale of the Big Fool; Vocabulary ; D. C. Macpher- son's Texts from the Dean of Lismore; papers on the Ossianic Controversy ; stray ballads. (3) Box 3—Dr. Macdonald's Collection ; specimens of Ewen Maclach- lan's Translations from the Iliad ; papers on the Ossianic Contro- versy ; individual ballads and poems. (4) Box 4—Fragmentary vocabularies ; papers on the Ossianic Controversy and the Highland Society's Dictionary ; a few poems and ballads. ' III. MR. J. F. CAMPBELL'S MSS., pp. 281-2. APPENDIX II, pp. 283-312. MSS. IN OTHER LIBRARIES I. MSS. IN EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY :— (1) Beaton Medical MS., pp. 283-6. (2) Jerome Stone's MSS., pp. 286-90. (3) Portion of a Gaelic Grammar, p. 290. (4) Dr. Irvine's Collection, p. 291. (5) MSS. of Rev. Thomas Innes and Rev. Robert Kirke, pp. 291-2. (6) Collection of Irish Poems and Songs, pp. 292-4. (7) Volume of Translation by Rev. D. Maclnnes, p. 294. TABLE OF CONTENTS ix II. MSS. IN H. M. REGISTER HOUSE, Edinburgh :— (1) The Islay Charter, p. 295. (2) Contract of Fosterage, p. 296. (3) Elegy on Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurchy, p. 297. III. MS. IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES of SCOTLAND:— A Gaelic Version of the Lilnim Aledicinae, pp. 298-301. /i$,z*7G> IV. JNISS. IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW :— (1) The Maelagan Collection, 302-10. (2) The Fernaig MS. (described pp. 267-271). (2) Papers, etc., of the Rev. Dr. Cameron, pp. 310-12. (4) MS. of Dr. Macbain's Etymological Dictionary, p. 312. APPENDIX III, pp. 313-22. MSS. IN PRIVATE POSSESSION I. MSS. IN THE WRITER'S POSSESSION :— (1) An Imperfect Copy of the Treatise on Materia Medica, p. 313. (2) Portion of Commentary on Aristotle's De Anima, pp. 313-4. (3) Portion of Ricardus's Treatise on Medicine, pp. 314-5. (4) Two volumes compiled by Rev. John Smith. Contents miscellane- ous, pp. 315-8. II. DR. HENDERSON'S MSS.:— (1) A Ratisbon MS., pp. 318-9. (2) The M'Nicol Collection, 319-20. III. DR. HEW MORRISON'S MS.:— . A MS. copy of Rob Donn's Poems, p. 321. ' rK/.i'««' vv.rrr^ / IV. REV. JOHN W. MACINTYRE'S MSS. ;— nJ^y (1) The Second Transcript, by Mr. Ewen Maclachlan, of the Dean of Lismore's MS., p. 321. (2) An English-Gaelic Dictionary, p. 321. (3) A copy of Macdiarmid's Collection of Gaelic Proverbs, p. 321. V. CAPTAIN MATHESON'S COLLECTION OF POEMS AND SONGS :— Three Small Volumes, pp. 321-2. I CATALOGUE OF GAELIC MANUSCRIPTS APPENDIX IV, pp. 323-6. MSS. LOST OR MISSING :— (1) The Kecords of the Isles, p. 325. (2) Translation of the Old Testament, p. 325. (3) Farquharson's Collection, p. 326. [Note on MSS. of Scottish origin on the Continent, in England, and in Canada, pp. 323-4] ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, pp. 327-8. INDEX:— I. Authors and principal Persons, pp. 329-39. II. Principal Subjects and Treatises, pp. 339-45. III. Other MSS. quoted or referred to, pp. 345-6. IV. Books and Periodicals quoted or referred to, pp. 346-8. ABBREVIATIONS ^rcfe.-Brit. = Archaeologia Britannica, by Edward Lhuyd. Oxford. 1707. Arch. fiir. Celt. Lexik. = Archiv fiir Celtische Lexikographie. ^(fc. = Passions and Homilies from Leabhar Breac, by Professor Atkinson . Dublin. 1887. B.B. = Book of Ballymote, published in photograph, by the Royal Irish Academy. B.L.=Bo6k of Lismore, a MS.
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