RETAIL NURSERY AVAILABILITY LIST & Plant Locator: Updated 9/24/21 Here at Annie’s we grow thousands of different plant species right on site. We grow from seeds, cuttings and plugs and offer all plants in 4” containers. Plants available in our retail nursery will differ than those we offer online, and we generally have many more varieties available at retail. If a plant is listed here and not available online, it is not ready to ship or in some cases we are unable to ship certain plants. PLEASE NOTE: This list is updated every Friday and is the best source of information about what is in stock. However, some plants are only grown in small quantities and thus may sell quickly and not be available on the day you arrive at our nursery. The location codes indicate the section and row where the plant is located in the nursery. If you have questions or can’t find a plant, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our nursery staff. We are happy to help you find it. 9/24/2021 ww S ITEM NAME LOCATION Abutilon 'David's Red' 25-L Abutilon striatum "Redvein Indian Mallow" 21-E Abutilon 'Talini's Pink' 21-D Abutilon 'Victor Reiter' 24-H Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt' 28-D Achillea millefolium 'Little Moonshine' 35-B ww S Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' 3-E ww S Aeonium decorum 'Sunburst' 11-E ww S Aeonium 'Jack Catlin' 12-E ww S Aeonium nobile 12-E Agapanthus 'Elaine' 30-C Agapetes serpens 24-G ww S Agastache aurantiaca 'Coronado' 16-A ww S Agastache 'Black Adder' 16-A Agastache 'Blue Boa' 16-A ww S Agastache mexicana 'Sangria' 16-A Agastache rugosa 'Heronswood Mist' 14-A ww S Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light' 8-E ww S Agave bracteosa 3-E ww S Agave ovatifolia 'Vanzie' 7-E ww S Agave parryi var. truncata 10-E ww S Agave polyacantha 8-E ww S Agave vilmoriniana "Octopus Agave" 10-E Ageratum corymbosum 24-H Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Horizon' 8-B Agrostemma 'Milas' 5-B Agrostemma 'Ocean Pearls' 2-B Ajuga genevensis "Carpet Bugle" 15-D Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' 16-D Alchemilla sericata 'Gold Strike' 8-B ww S Aloe cooperi "Grass Aloe" 2-E ww S Aloe petricola 6-E ww S Aloe 'Safari Rose' 4-E ww S Aloe speciosa "Tilt-head Aloe" 5-E ww S Aloe striata "Coral Aloe" 8-E ww S Aloe thraskii 10-E Alonsoa meridionalis 'Apricot' "Mask Flower" 8-D Alonsoa meridionalis 'Red' "Mask Flower" 7-D ww Alstroemeria aurea 'Red' 15-B ww S Alstroemeria 'The Third Harmonic' 14-A Alyogyne huegelii 30-F ww S Anchusa azurea "Alkanet" 28-F Anchusa capensis 'Blue Angel' 6-A S Anisodontea sp. 'Strybing Beauty' 28-E Anthemis sancti-johannis 15-B ww=Water Wise S=Drought Tolerant can't find a plant? please ask us! Page 1 highlighted in grey are catalog plants 9/24/2021 ww S ITEM NAME LOCATION Antirrhinum majus 'Chantilly Bronze' 3-B Antirrhinum majus 'Chantilly Peach' 2-B Antirrhinum majus 'Double Azalea Bronze' 3-A Aquilegia caerulea "Rocky Mountain Columbine" 17-A Aquilegia caerulea 'Krystal' 13-A Aquilegia caerulea 'Rose Queen' 17-A ww Aquilegia chrysantha 'Flore Pleno' 15-A Aquilegia chrysantha 'Yellow Queen' 17-A Aquilegia eximia "Serpentine Columbine" 35-A ww S Aquilegia vulgaris 'Blue Barlow' 13-A Aralia cordata 'Sun King' 13-C Arbutus unedo "Strawberry Tree" 24-E Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Big Sur' 23-B ww S Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' 23-B Arctotis 'Large Marge' 26-F Arctotis 'Pink Sugar' 26-C Arctotis 'Ultra Violet' 29-C ww S Aristea inaequalis 30-C ww S Aristea major 30-C ww Artemisia absinthium "Wormwood" 27-C ww S Artemisia californica "California Sagebrush" 25-B Artemisia californica 'Canyon Grey' 24-B ww S Arthropodium cirratum "Renga Lily" 17-B Asarina erubescens "Creeping Gloxinia" 11-D Asarina scandens 'Joan Lorraine' 13-D ww Asclepias curassavica 29-C ww Asclepias fascicularis 28-B Asclepias glaucescens 28-C Asclepias linaria 30-C ww Asclepias physocarpa "Family Jewels Tree" 29-F ww Asclepias speciosa "Showy Milkweed" 27-A/27-B ww S Asclepias syriaca "Virginia Silk" 28-D Asclepias verticillata 28-E Aster chilensis (syn. Symphyotrichum chilense) 'Purple Haze' 24-B Aster novae-angliae 'Harrington's Pink' 14-D Aster novae-angliae 'Skyscraper' 13-C Astilbe chinensis var. taquetii 10-D Azara dentata 13-C Begonia boliviensis 'Santa Cruz Sunset' 21-G Begonia 'Gene Daniels' 25-J Begonia 'Illumination Apricot' 24-K Begonia 'Illumination Salmon Pink' 24-N Begonia 'Illumination Scarlet' 24-N Begonia 'Torsa' 24-K ww S Beschorneria yuccoides ‘Flamingo Glow’ 12-E ww=Water Wise S=Drought Tolerant can't find a plant? please ask us! Page 2 highlighted in grey are catalog plants 9/24/2021 ww S ITEM NAME LOCATION Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank' 8-C ww S Buddleja davidii 'Ellen's Blue' 28-C ww S Buddleja davidii 'White Profusion' 29-F Buddleja globosa 28-C Buddleja lindleyana 27-C ww S Calandrinia spectabilis 7-E Calceolaria integrifolia 'Kentish Hero' 13-D Calceolaria x herbeohybrida 'Fascination Mix' 14-B Calceolaria x herbeohybrida 'Sunset Orange Bicolour' 12-C Callistemon 'Cane's Hybrid' 13-B Callistemon violaceus 15-B Calotropis procera 14-D Calycanthus chinensis "Chinese Sweet Shrub" 9-B Calycanthus floridus "Carolina Allspice" 9-B Calycanthus occidentalis 25-B Campanula celsii subsp. celsii 8-C Campanula glomerata 'Superba' 7-C Campanula incurva 8-C Campanula latifolia 'Brantwood' 8-C Campanula medium 'Deep Blue' "Canterbury Bells" 7-B Campanula persicifolia 'Telham Beauty' 7-C ww S Cantua buxifolia "Sacred Flowers of the Andes" 15-D Cantua buxifolia 'Hot Pants' 16-D Cantua buxifolia 'Tricolor' 15-D ww Carex divulsa 17-B Carex elata 'Aurea' 17-C Carex testacea "Orange New Zealand Sedge" 17-D Carpenteria californica 'Elizabeth' 29-B ww S Cassia didymobotrya "Popcorn Cassia" 24-C/24-D/24-E ww S Catananche caerulea "Cupid's Dart" 30-F Ceanothus 'Blue Jeans' 33-A Ceanothus hearstiorum 30.5-B Ceanothus maritimus 'Valley Violet' 31-A ww S Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' 22-B Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' 30.5-B ww Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. griseus 'Yankee Point' 23-B Ceanothus 'Wheeler Canyon' 30.5-B ww S Ceanothus x impressus 'Dark Star' 30-B ww S Ceanothus x pallidus 'Marie Simon' 27-D ww Ceanothus x delileanus ‘Gloire de Versailles’ 31-A Cenolophium denudatum 13-D Centaurea cyanus 'Black Gem' 5-A Centaurea cyanus 'Blue Diadem' 5-B Centradenia floribunda "Spanish Shawl" 16-C ww S Cerinthe major purpurascens "Blue Honeywort" 4-A ww=Water Wise S=Drought Tolerant can't find a plant? please ask us! Page 3 highlighted in grey are catalog plants 9/24/2021 ww S ITEM NAME LOCATION Chaenorhinum origanifolium 'Blue Eyes' 29-F Chrysocephalum apiculatum 'Silver Sunburst' 28-F Cistus 'Victor Reiter' 27-F Clematis 'Arabella' 12-D Clematis 'Etoile Violette' 11-E Clematis 'H.F. Young' 10-C Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbons' 11-D Clematis 'Madame Julia Correvon' 12-D Clematis paniculata 11-E Clematis 'Polish Spirit' 11-E Clematis 'Rooguchi' 11-D Clerodendrum ugandense 14-D Clianthus puniceus "Parrot's Bill" 16-D Clianthus puniceus 'Pink Flamingo' 16-D Cobaea scandens "Cup & Saucer Vine" 11-D Coleus 'Festive Dance' 6-B Coleus 'Wizard Sunset' 7-A Colutea x media 9-B Convolvulus sabatius 7-D Coreopsis 'Cosmic Eye' 9-C Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunfire' 10-C Corydalis flexuosa 'Porcelain Blue' 13-D Cotula leptinella 'Platt's Black' 7-D Cotyledon tomentosa "Bears Paw" 6-E Craspedia globosa "Billy Buttons" 28-C ww S Crassula capitella "Red Pagoda" 2-E ww S Crassula erosula 'Campfire' 3-E ww S Cuphea aff. aequipetala 21-G Cuphea hybrid 'Starfire' (C. ignea x C. angustifolia) 15-A Cuphea micropetala 10-A ww Cynoglossum amabile 'Blue Showers' 5-A Dahlia coccinea 'Mixed Colors' 2-C Dahlia hybridum 'Bishop's Children' 2-C Dahlia hybridum 'Dark Side of the Sun' 1-C Dahlia merckii 1-D Dahlia 'Softie' 1-C Darmera peltata "Umbrella Plant" 25-B ww S Datura wrightii "Sacred Datura" 25-B Daucus carota 'Dara' 6-A Delosperma ashtonii 'Blut' 8-E Delosperma 'Hot Pink Wonder' 5-E ww Delosperma nubigenum "Hardy Yellow Iceplant" 2-E Delosperma 'Peridot' 5-E Delosperma 'Red Mountain Flame' 3-E Delphinium elatum "True Wild Form" 2-D ww=Water Wise S=Drought Tolerant can't find a plant? please ask us! Page 4 highlighted in grey are catalog plants 9/24/2021 ww S ITEM NAME LOCATION Delphinium elatum 'Black Eyed Angels' 4-D Delphinium elatum 'Blue Lace' 3-C Delphinium elatum 'Cobalt Dreams' 3-D Delphinium elatum 'Dusky Maidens' 4-D Delphinium elatum 'Morning Lights' 3-C Delphinium elatum 'Purple Passion' 4-C Delphinium elatum 'Sunny Skies' 4-D Delphinium mirabile 3-C Dendroseris litoralis "Robinson Crusoe Cabbage Tree" 9-B/24-H Deschampsia flexuosa "Crinkled Hairgrass" 17-C ww S Dianella ensifolia 30-C ww S Dianella intermedia "Turutu" 30-C Dianthus 'Bumbleberry Pie' 2-D Dianthus 'Georgia Peach Pie' 3-D Dianthus 'Pinball Wizard' 2-D ww S Dianthus plumarius 'Hercules' 1-D ww Dianthus plumarius 'Rose de Mai' 4-D Dianthus plumarius 'Thea Mary' 1-D Dianthus 'Raspberry Swirl' 1-D Dianthus 'Ruby's Tuesday' 1-D Dianthus 'Scent First Coconut Surprise' 1-D ww Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls' 6-D Dichroa febrifuga 16-C ww S Dicliptera suberecta "Uruguayan Firecracker Plant" 29-D Digitalis hybrida 'Candy Mountain' 15-A Digitalis obscura "Sunset Foxglove" 15-A Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Lavender' 16-A Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Rose' 16-B Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmatian Peach' 15-B Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmatian White' 16-A Digitalis purpurea 'Monstrosa' 15-D Digitalis purpurea 'Pam's Choice' 15-A Digitalis purpurea 'Sugar Plum' 15-A Dipogon lignosus "Cape Sweet Pea" 12-D ww Dombeya burgessiae 'Pink Form' 15-B ww S Doryanthes excelsa "Gymea Lily" 27-D ww S Doryanthes palmeri "Spear Lily" 28-E ww S Drosanthemum micans 13-E ww S Dudleya caespitosa
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