Reference Address Description Tree Type Tree Number Species Easting Northing Confirmed Date Current Status

Reference Address Description Tree Type Tree Number Species Easting Northing Confirmed Date Current Status

Reference Address Description Tree type Tree Number Species Easting Northing Confirmed Date Current status 48 High Street , Burniston, Scarborough, 00/00001/TPO North Yorkshire YO13 0HJ Protection of tree TREE 1 HORSECHESTNUT 501120 493129 15-Jun-00 CONFIRMED Raven House, Grange Close, Lebberston, Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO11 00/00002/TPO 3PD Protection of 3 trees TREE 1 SYCAMORE 507878 482569 14-Mar-00 CONFIRMED Raven House, Grange Close, Lebberston, Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO11 00/00002/TPO 3PD Protection of 3 trees TREE 2 SYCAMORE 507875 482563 14-Mar-00 CONFIRMED Raven House, Grange Close, Lebberston, Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO11 00/00002/TPO 3PD Protection of 3 trees TREE 3 SYCAMORE 507883 482555 14-Mar-00 CONFIRMED Land To Rear 111 Bridlington Street, Hunmanby, Filey , North Yorkshire YO14 00/00003/TPO 0LP Protection of tree TREE 1 ASH 509965 476793 25-Jul-00 CONFIRMED 39 Wykeham, Scarborough , NORTH 00/00004/TPO YORKSHIRE YO13 9QP Protection of tree TREE 1 COPPER BEECH 496468 483300 26-Sep-00 CONFIRMED 2 Station Lane, Cloughton, Scarborough, Two beech trees at 2 Station 00/00005/TPO North Yorkshire YO13 0AD Lane Cloughton TREE 2 BEECH 500952 494072 19-Sep-00 CONFIRMED 2 Station Lane, Cloughton, Scarborough, Two beech trees at 2 Station 00/00005/TPO North Yorkshire YO13 0AD Lane Cloughton TREE 1 BEECH 500959 494073 19-Sep-00 CONFIRMED 473 Scalby Road, Scalby , Scarborough, 00/00006/TPO North Yorkshire YO12 6UA Protection of tree TREE 1 BEECH 501470 490312 19-Oct-00 CONFIRMED Protection of 1 81 Bridlington Street , Hunmanby, Filey , HORSECHESTNUT Chestnut 01/00001/TPO North Yorkshire YO14 0LP tree TREE 1 HORSECHESTNUT 509819 477065 24-Apr-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 1 SYCAMORE 489075 511035 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 2 SYCAMORE 489070 511042 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 3 SYCAMORE 489064 511048 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 4 SYCAMORE 489061 511051 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 5 SYCAMORE 489059 511053 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 6 SYCAMORE 489056 511055 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 7 SYCAMORE 489051 511059 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 8 SYCAMORE 489045 511064 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 9 SYCAMORE 489042 511068 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 10 SYCAMORE 489038 511071 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 11 SYCAMORE 489034 511075 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 12 SYCAMORE 489031 511078 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 13 SYCAMORE 489023 511085 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 14 SYCAMORE 489018 511088 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 15 SYCAMORE 489014 511092 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 16 SYCAMORE 489013 511095 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 17 SYCAMORE 489011 511100 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 18 SYCAMORE 489009 511106 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 19 SYCAMORE 489008 511109 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 20 SYCAMORE 489007 511111 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED Land At Station Avenue/Southlands Avenue , Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 01/00002/TPO 3DY Protection of 21 trees TREE 21 SYCAMORE 489007 511112 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED 35 Scalby Beck Road, Scalby, 01/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0RE Protection of 1x Ash tree TREE 1 ASH 501235 490134 19-Jun-01 CONFIRMED 16 Lennox Close , Hunmanby , Filey , North 01/00004/TPO Yorkshire YO14 0PY Protection of tree TREE 1 SYCAMORE 510304 477689 17-Jul-01 CONFIRMED Prospect House , 20 Hungate Lane, Hunmanby , Filey, North Yorkshire YO14 01/00005/TPO 0NN Protection of tree TREE 1 COPPER BEECH 509793 477385 17-Jul-01 CONFIRMED 18 Westbourne Grove , Weaponness, Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO11 02/00001/TPO 2DL Protection of tree TREE 1 COPPER BEECH 503842 487501 30-Sep-02 CONFIRMED 59 Commercial Street , Falsgrave , SWEDISH 02/00002/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 5ER Protection of tree TREE 1 WHITEBEAM 503316 488180 30-Sep-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 1 HORSECHESTNUT 500915 493987 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 2 SYCAMORE 500945 494001 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 3 SYCAMORE 500969 493993 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 4 SYCAMORE 500972 493978 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 5 SYCAMORE 500936 493966 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 6 SYCAMORE 500918 493961 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 7 SYCAMORE 500914 493960 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED Crimple Green, Mill Lane , Cloughton, 02/00003/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO13 0AB Protection of 8 trees TREE 8 SYCAMORE 500914 493966 22-Oct-02 CONFIRMED 11 Throxenby Lane , Newby , 02/00004/TPO Scarborough , North Yorkshire YO12 5HN Protection of 5 trees TREE 1 OAK 501920 489239 16-Jan-03 CONFIRMED 12 Throxenby Lane , Newby , 02/00004/TPO Scarborough , North Yorkshire YO12 5HN Protection of 5 trees TREE 2 OAK 501889 489223 16-Jan-03 CONFIRMED 13 Throxenby Lane , Newby , 02/00004/TPO Scarborough , North Yorkshire YO12 5HN Protection of 5 trees TREE 3 LIME 501904 489210 16-Jan-03 CONFIRMED 14 Throxenby Lane , Newby , 02/00004/TPO Scarborough , North Yorkshire YO12 5HN Protection of 5 trees TREE 4 LIME 501911 489215 16-Jan-03 CONFIRMED 15 Throxenby Lane , Newby , 02/00004/TPO Scarborough , North Yorkshire YO12 5HN Protection of 5 trees TREE 5 Poplar 501889 489188 16-Jan-03 CONFIRMED 31 Throxenby Lane , Newby , 03/00001/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 5HN Preservation of 2 trees TREE 1 MONKEY PUZZLE 501760 489270 14-Mar-03 CONFIRMED 31 Throxenby Lane , Newby , 03/00001/TPO Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 5HN Preservation of 2 trees TREE 2 ASH 501746 489274 14-Mar-03 CONFIRMED 9 Fulford Road , Weaponness, Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO11 03/00002/TPO 2SH Preservation of 2 trees TREE 1 COPPER BEECH 503957 487445 30-Oct-03 CONFIRMED 9 Fulford Road , Weaponness, Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO11 03/00002/TPO 2SH Preservation of 2 trees TREE 2 COPPER BEECH 503959 487447 30-Oct-03 CONFIRMED 41 Red Scar Lane , Scalby, Scarborough , 03/00003/TPO North Yorkshire YO12 5RH Preservation of tree TREE 1 cedar 501087 489584 20-Jan-04 CONFIRMED 4 Ramshill Road , Weaponness, Scarborough, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO11 Protection of 1 03/00004/TPO 2QE SYCAMOREore tree TREE 1 SYCAMORE 504125 487919 22-Jun-04 CONFIRMED Ambulance Station, Waterstead Lane, 04/00001/TPO Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 1PX Protection of 7 trees TREE 1 BEECH 489491 510389 26-Apr-04 CONFIRMED Ambulance Station, Waterstead Lane, SWEDISH 04/00001/TPO Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 1PX Protection of 7 trees TREE 2 WHITEBEAM 489522 510402 26-Apr-04 CONFIRMED Ambulance Station, Waterstead Lane, 04/00001/TPO Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 1PX Protection of 7 trees TREE 3 MAPLE 489541 510400 26-Apr-04 CONFIRMED Ambulance Station, Waterstead Lane, 04/00001/TPO Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 1PX Protection of 7 trees TREE 4 PINE 489539 510407 26-Apr-04 CONFIRMED Ambulance Station, Waterstead Lane, 04/00001/TPO Whitby , North Yorkshire YO21 1PX Protection of 7 trees

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