BANGLADESH NGO FOUNDATION List of Partner Organizations (Partner NGOs) Rajshahi Division District: Rajshahi Sl. No. NGO’s Name & Address Code Grants CEO’s Name & Working Area Program Comments (Amounts) & Contact info Cheque Receiving Date 01. Lady’s Organization for 854 1st Installment Begum Shahanaz Paba & Boalia 1. Enrolment of Social Welfare Tk. 1,00,000/- Parvin UZ. dropout children in Vill : Sultanabad ( Natun Date: 24/04/06 Executive Director primary schools. Para ) 01711-587830, P.O : Ghoramara- 6100 2nd Installment 01819-015794 2. Training on P.S : Boalia Tk. 1,00,000/- tailoring. Rajshahi Date: 02/06/07 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 19/08/08 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 07/10/09 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 24/01/11 6th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 13/10/11 7th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date:08/10/12 02. Rajshahi Social 67 1st Installment Mr. Mr. Jahangir UP: Doroil & Awareness creation Development Program Tk. 1,50,000/- Salim Bakshimoil on use of sanitary (SDP) Date: 05/07/07 Executive Director Upazila: latrine and Vill: Bidirpur, P.O: 01556324480 Mohanpur distribution of Basantakedar 2nd Installment 01711-819388 sanitary latrine Upozila: Mohanpur, Tk. 1,50,000/- E-mail: (ring-slab). District: Rajshahi Date: 19/08/08 [email protected] 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 11/05/10 Goat rearing. 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 11/08/11 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 10/12/12 03 Shapla Gram Unnayan 3172 1st Installment Mr. Mohsin Ali Upazila Awareness creation Sangstha Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Mohanpur on use of sanitary Vill+P.O: Keshorhat Date: 27/08/07 Phone: 01712- latrine and District: Rajshahi 772446 distribution of 2nd Installment sanitary latrine Tk-1,00,000/= (ring-slab). 10/11/2008 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 20/04/10 Watsan 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 11/08/11 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 02/01/13 04. Samata Nari Kallayan 3178 1st Installment Mr. Md. Nazrul UP: Monigram Empowerment of cieZ©x wKw¯— Sangstha Tk. 1,50,000/- Islam UZ: Bhaga Women ¯’wMZ House # 25, Sector # Date: 20/09/07 Executive Director 03, Uposahar 01714-049469 2nd Installment Rajshahi – 6280. 0721-810548 Tk. 1,50,000/- Date: 25/06/09 3rd Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 01/02/11 05. Ujjibon Samaj Seba 3123 1st Installment Mr. Md. Azhar Ali Paba UZ. Free medical Sangstha Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director facilities for the Vill-253, Bosh para, Date: 27/09/07 01714-603472 distressed men and P.O-Ghoramara E-mail- women. 2nd Installment Thana-Boalia [email protected] Tk-1,00,000/= Reproductive Dist- Rajshahi-6100 Date: 02/12/08 .bd Healthcare 3rd Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 05/10/10 4th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 18/06/12 06. Participatory 0038 1st Installment A.K.M Enamul Paba UZ. Rehabilitation of 2nd Round Development . Tk-100,000/= Haque Disabled. Organization (PDO) 27/03/2008 Executive Director Naohata, UZ: Poba, 2nd Installment Phone: 01711- Rajshahi. Tk-100,000/= 318662,01721- 10/11/2008 800190. 3rd Installment Tk. 2,49,284/- Date: 07/10/09 4th Installment Tk. 2,49,284/- Date: 27/06/11 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date:08/10/12 07. Horirampur Dustha 581. First Mir Showkat Ali Bagha Upazilla. Awareness creation cieZ©x wKw¯— Mohila Bohumukhi Installment Tk- Chief Co-ordinator on use of sanitary ¯’wMZ Sangstha 100,000/= Phone: 01715- latrine and Horirampur, 02/06/08 040371, distribution of Post: Mirganj, 01830-058835, sanitary latrine Bagha, Rajshahi. 01712-278220 (ring-slab). 08. Kakan Bahumukhi 68 1st Installment Mr. Modusudon Godagari UZ. Awareness creation Unnayan Sangstha Tk. 1,00,000/- Maitra on use of sanitary Vill & P.O: Kakanhat Date: 15/06/08 Executive Director latrine and U.Z: Godagari 01711-962086 distribution of Dist: Rajshahi 2nd Installment sanitary latrine Tk. 1,00,000/- (ring-slab) Date: 12/11/09 3rd Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 25/05/11 4th Installment Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 18/06/12 09. Protibondhi 0585 1st Installment Mr. Md. Saiful Paba Uz. Rehabilitation of 2nd Round Sechchhasebi Society Tk. 1,50,000/- Islam disabled. 75, Uttar Nawdapara 29/06/08 Executive Director (Aam Chattar) Phone: 01718- P.O: Sapura 2nd Installment 674779 Thana: Shahmakhdum Tk-1,50,000/= District: Rajshahi 23/06/2009 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 11/05/10 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 15/06/11 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 15/11/12 10. Grameen Sheba 1400 1st Installment Md. Ismail Hossain Charghat Health care, cieZ©x wKw¯— Sangstha . Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Upazilla. Sanitation and ¯’wMZ Village and Post: 02/06/08 Phone: 01716- training for Nandangachhi, 509825. indigenous Charghat, Rajshahi. people. 11 Jana kallayan Sangstha 1701 1st Installment Mr. Rustom Ali Bagha UZ Rrproductive cieZ©x wKw¯— Vill: Baniapara Tk. 1,00,000/- Executive Director Healthcare. ¯’wMZ P.O: Bagha 30/01/2008 01729-938301 Dist: Rajshahi. 2nd Installment Tk-1,00,000/= 19/04/2009 3rd Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 18/08/10 4th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 13/10/11 12 Laxmipur Dustha 999 1st Installment Mrs. Sufia Islam Rajshahi- Women 2nd Round Mohila Silpa Sangstha Tk. 1,00,000/- Chairman Shahmokhdum Empowerment (LDMSS) Date: 10/11/08 Phone: 0721- House- 28 860585 & Income Nowdapara 2nd Installment Cell: 01717- Generation. Village: Raypara Tk. 1,00,000/- Post: Sapura - 6203 Date: 25/05/10 516205 Thana:Shahmokhdum District: Rajshahi 3rd Installment Goat rearing. Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 16/04/12 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 06/05/13 13 ASSEDO (Agriculture 1073 1st Installment Md. Rabiul Alam Rajshahi- Integrated 2nd Round Sustanable and Socio Tk. 1,50,000/- Executive Director Tanore UZ Agriculture. Economic Development Date:05/02/09 Ph: 0721-761392 Organization.) Cell: 01711- House- 575 2nd Installment 016076 Road-1, Padma Tk. 1,00,000/- Residencial Area. Date: 20/04/10 Post: Motihar - 6204 rd Thana:Rajshahi Sadar 3 Installment District: Rajshahi Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 20/04/11 th 4 Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 09/05/12 5th Installment Integrated Tk-2,50,000/- Tanore UZ Date: 27/06/13 Agriculture. 14. Nikunja Basti Unnayan 2031 1st Installment Md.Zakir Paba UZ Training on 2nd Round Tk. 1,50,000/- Sangstha (NIBUS) Hossain Alupatti 19/04/2009 goat rearing. Village: Boalia Thana Chief Executive Moar 2nd Installment Phone: P.O.: Ghoramara - 6100 Tk. 1,50,000/- Cell: Thana: Boalia Date: 17/08/10 01712118503 District: Rajshahi 3rd Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 30/01/12 4th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 28/03/13 15. Nahrin Dustha Mahila 1984 1st Installment Hena Rahman Rajshahi-Boalia: Training on sewing 2nd Round Sangstha (NDMS) Tk. 1,50,000/- President and Tailoring. Asam Colony 28/07/2009 Phone: Village: Asam Colony Cell: 01711-280681 P.O.: Sopura 2nd Installment Fax: Thana: Boalia Tk. 1,50,000/- Email: District: Rajshahi Date: 24/01/11 3rd Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date:18/04/12 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 24/07/13 District: Naogaon Sl. No. NGO’s Name & Code Grants CEO’s Name & Working Area Program Comments Address (Amounts) Contact info 01. Udayan Samiti 70 1st Installment Mr. Md. Fazlul Upazila: Training on goat rearing Mahish Bathan Tk. 1,00,000/- Haque Molla Mahadebpur and distribution of goat. Bazar Date: 23/11/05 Executive Mahadebpur- 6530 Director Naogaon 2nd Installment 01713-702523 Tk. 1,00,000/- 01711-450968 Date: 23/12/06 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 03/06/08 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 03/01/10 5th Installment Mahadebpur & Tk. 2,00,000/- Patnitola UP. Date: 20/04/11 6th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 09/05/12 7th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 31/07/13 02. Bahumukhi Palli 71 1st Installment Mr. Md. Jasim Upazila: Creation of awareness on Unnayan Sangstha Tk. 1,00,000/- Uddin Mahadebpur use of sanitary latrine and Mahadebpur , Bazar Date: 10/04/06 Executive safe drinking water Road Director Mahadebpur – 6530 2nd Installment 01717-270962 WATSAN Naogaon Tk. 1,00,000/- Date: 02/06/07 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 05/02/09 4th Installment Tk.2,50,000/- Date: 28/03/10 5th Installment Tk-2,00,000/- Date: 18/04/12 6th Installment Tk. 2,75,000/- Date: 12/06/13 03. Palli Paribesh O 210 1st Installment Mr.Abdul UP: Kashimpur Awareness creation on Samaj Unnayan Tk. 1,00,000/- Mannan Upazila: use of sanitary latrine and Sangha. Date: 10/04/06 Executive Raninagar distribution of sanitary Tri- Mohani bazar Director latrine (ring-slab). Raninagar – 6591 2nd Installment 01712-166430 Naogaon Tk. 1,00,000/- Date:02/06/07 3rd Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 28/07/09 4th Installment Tk. 2,50,000/- Date: 22/12/10 5th Installment Tk. 2,00,000/- Date: 18/06/12 04. Association For 601 1st Installment Mr. Md. Akther UP: Awareness creation on cieZ©x wKw¯— Social Tk. 1,00,000/- Hossain Mothurapara, use of sanitary latrine and ¯’wMZ Organization in Date: 20/02/07 Executive Mithapur & distribution of sanitary Paharpur (ASOP) Director Paharpur latrine (ring-slab). Vill: Ranahar, P.O: 2nd Installment 01715-453060, Upazila: 2. Training on goat Oitri Paharpur Tk. 1,00,000/- 8155393 Badargachhi rearing. Upazila: Date:03/01/10 E-mail: Badalgachhi asopakhter1@gm District: Naogaon 3rd Installment ail.com Tk.
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