, X FRIDAY, OCn^BER 11, 1968 / / PAGE EIGHTEEN Your United Fund Gift Helps American Red Cross - See Page/12 /. fllanrbffilpr lEwftting Hfralb Newcomers Club The Covenant’ Women’s Ghxild of Polish Women’s AUiance, Group SiMrwiii-Williaiiis The Weather Trinity Covenant Church wll spon­ 518, will sppnsor the showing of a To Meet Tuesday 'inwiBge Dailr Net Prcai Ran ForeoMt #f U. a. Weather BureM About Town sor a rummage sale tomorrow Polish film Sunday at 6 p.m. At For «M Week Boded from 9 a.m. to noon at the Teen Lithuanian Hall, 24 Golway St. Paints Oetoiwr 8, 1968 gunny, breezy and eool thle Ander*on-Shea Post. VFVv. MU Center at the former technical Tickets will be available at the New resident* of MaachMter attomoon. Wear and cooler to- host "fish night" at the post home, door. The public is invited. are Invltwl to attend the meeting school. School St. Miss EUen John­ W. H. ENGLAND tdfM . Son day oonthmed auimy SOB B. Center St„ tonight from 6 son of 31 Oak Grove St. is chair­ o f tihe Newcomers Club TUeeday 13,799 to 10 and every Friday hereoftci. man of the sale. The Rev. Carlton Daley, former at 7:45 pjn. at Mott# Community LUMBER CO . and not aa cool. rha menu for tonight wUl include pastor of United Methodist Center, 587 B. Middle TY>ke. TWwnIn# e< the AadN Bm'eoii eg Otoeolollon Shrimp cocktaU, clam chowoer and ■Members and friends of Man­ Church, Bolton, will speak Mon­ m addition to the regular “ At the Green"—649-8*01 Manehe»ier-— A City o f Village Charm steamers. The event is open to pest chester Grange wishing to donate day at 8 p.m. at a meeting of the monthly meetings, members have members and their guests. to a rummage sale are reminded to North Methodist Men at North foimd interests in common and (ClaaaUled Adverttalng en Paga 9) bring articles to Orange Hall Mon­ Methodist Church. His topic will have formed side groups to pursue MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1968 Loyal Circle, Kings Daughters, VOL. T.TTTm, KO. 11 (T w e l v e p a g e s — t v s e c t io n — s u b u r b i a t o d a y ) day from 6:30 to 9 p.m. For pickup be "Beyom}, Ourselves.” The Rev. their Interests and hobbles. will meet in Fellowship Hall of service contact Mrs. Nonnie Hild- Mr. Daley left Bolton last June to The most papular of the groups Center Congregational Church accept a pastorate in Mystic. are the brk^e players. Two Monday at 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Robert Ing, 313 Charter Oak St., or Mrs. James O. Baker, 146 High St. ment# of this group now exist. The RUMMAGE McNeill and Mrs. Minnie McComb The Rev. Felix M. Davis, pas­ first i# comprised o f 24 women and wUl be the hostesses. tor of Second Congregational the second of 16 couples, hudbands Mi.ss Suzanne Hubbard, daugh­ State News Church, will serve as chaplain and wives. ^ SALE Members of the American L e­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. next week at Manchester Me­ The couples’ group will start its Hubbard, 41 Summer St., will Sponsored Hy gion Auxiliary are reminded that morial Hospital. season with poUuck at the home serve as runner chairman for MANCHESTER GRANGE there wlU be a meeting Monday at of Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, Roundup U.S. Convoy Let Through, 8 p.m. at the Legion Home instead Marcus White Hall when the res­ ident students of Central Connec­ The executive board of the lie Pitkin St., on Oct. 19. o< the third Monday as usually Women's Auxiliary of Manchester TUESDAY, OCT. 15 scheduled. Mrs. Leon Bradley will ticut State College, New Britain, Memorial Hospital will meet Mon­ 9:80 A M . (X )P Unit Backs head a hoepitaJity committee of hold their traditional open house Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. day at 1 p.m. In the board room officers of the organization. at the ho-spital.. Masterpieces ORANGE HALL Redistrict Stand The \rFW Auxiliary will spon­ Miss Carol Arm MacNeU, daugh­ Mrs. Olive Wood of 21 Strong sor a card party tonight at 8 at in Miniature 72 E. CENTER ST. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Mac- St. is reported In good condition Nell, 4 Clyde Rd., has been elected the Post Home. The ways and HARTFORD (AP)-^A Re­ Ending Threat of Tension means committee of the auxiliary at Rutland (Vt.1 Hospital after publican Council Committee treasurer of the freshman class at .suffering a fractured dislocation l_0 lAwrence and Memorial Hospitals, will meet tonight at 8 at the Post today supported the OOP’s Home with a post committee. of her right ankle in a fall Satur­ LITTUI AmSTOCRAT* New London. She U a 1962 grad- day in Shelburne, Vt., while allght- present position on reappor­ tiate of Manchester High School. Plans will be formulated for a so­ HiNiA-nimi eHoeoLATis cial Oct. 26 at the Poet Home. injr from a ski chair at Killington tionment of the General As­ Ski area. She will return home Assorted Milk and U.S. Arm y The Rotary Club of Manchester Sunday. sembly and congressional re­ U.S. Aides will hold an open meeting Tues­ Douglas Johnson, 144 Birch St.; Dark Chocolate districting. Robert Doyle, 91 Fairfield St.; and day at 6:30 p.m. at the Manenes- The Rev. Kenneth Gustafson, Hie committee on legtalatire re- ter Country Club. Final detallr for Clifton Martin. 285 Cooper Kill St., apportionment headed by Mhi. Gets W ay recently enlisted In the United pastor of Calvary Church, As­ Feel Delay the Rodeo, which will take place semblies of God, will be in charge Edith Valet Cook of New Haven, on Oct. 20, will be made. The meet­ States Marine Corps and aie im- in essence, supported jden# a|>- dergoing ten weeks of recruit train­ of radio broadcasts .sponsored by ing will be under the direction of the Manchester Ministerial As­ proved by the RepUbUoanmoon- John Baminl, vice president of the ing at the Marine Corps Recruit trolled House toi recent ■esBtons'og On Count Depot, Parris Island. S. C. sociation on station WTNF Sun­ Was Error organization. day at 7:35 p.m. and daily next the leglidaiture#.. Reduction of the atoe at the week at 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. By LEWIS GULIOK BERLIN / AP )—The Soviet House to one member per town, r»- Union backed down today and dUrtrietlng of the Btato Seiiato, WASHINGTON (A P )—A Soviet Pfc. George (fi. Magnuson Jr., opened the way into West Ber­ wm. son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. and the ellmiRaition o f the office ot blocked U.S. convoy was allowed Magnuson Sr. of 95 St. John St., DOUBLE congresoman-at-Iarge and the cre­ to proceed into Berlin today and' lin for a U.S. Army convoy ation o f six oongressional dtstrtets jMirticipated In extensive amphib­ WORLD GREEN U.S. officials tended to dismiss blocked for two days by one PERO ious operations with the Second (Instead of five) bnve been ad­ of the lesser — though the delay as a case of misunder­ Battalion. Seventh Marine Regi­ vocated by the RepUUIoans. The IsBUes, however, have been standing — rather than deliberate scratchy— issues of the Fiast- ment, First Marine ^Division re controversial In the state for mengr Kremlin piressure. West cold war. THIS WEEKEND WE’LL FEATURE . cently off the coast of Southern STAMPS The 61-man convoy, delayed for California. Called "Exercise Merit years. Virtually 48 hours to the minute Suits to toros redietrlcHng of 14 hours, as it entered Communist after the Russians imposed their • APPLES Badge,” the maneuvers were de­ miotCi East Germany en route to Berlin, 901 81A£N ST.— M l 8-88*1 ALL WEEK th* General Assenihty are now blockade, they rolled bark their Maos, Cortlands, Greenings and Red Dellcloua signed to provide training in am­ PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY pending in Federal Court. was held up for another day at armored cars at the Babelsberg they’re ail the cream of the crop! phibious landings, replenish at Dried Arrangements Offered at South Methodist Fair Babelsbetg checkpoint on the out­ .. snd Dcpmanent flower arrang H m RepUbUcaa OounoU is now checkpoint and permitted the con­ sea exercises, shore bombard­ Mrs Kenneth Strum le f t . ^ d Mre. Robert Frost oomplete dried and permanent flw e r a r r a n g engaged la a detailed Mudy of all skirts of Berlin. ”Hl-Ho Dome to the Fair,” the annual fair sponsored by M e ^ o d ^ O h u ^ . -^ e voy to continue the final I 'j miles • PUMPKINS OB^ULOWEEN ,.. ment, reconnaissance and Marine party operations in an effort to But the Army in Berlin said to its station in this isolated city. Mmm Russian obstacles were removed maneuvers ashore. event will be held Saturday, Dot. 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Susann^ W esl^ Hall. revttaNM the petty UaeV. The U.S. Army had won its today and the troops were cleared FRESH CIDER G OOD. max a week of acti-vrltlea-in Manchester In celebration of the town s 140th an^versary. B ^ id ^ a ReoonmieadatioiMi made by oo«m- point. The whole issue - which into Berlin in accordance with The Couples Club of Center Con­ variety of booths the ^ n ’s Club of the church will be In charge of outdoor rides, movlw and g a i ^ oU oornmlttees win be oeneMeved raised a storm of protest from gregational Church will have a ^ H tTou^ x snack bar.
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