LFSP—APN in Zimbabwe Newsletter Agriculture Productivity and Nutrition (APN) component of LFSP is managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations January, 2015 - June, 2015 Welcome to LFSP – APN entire four-year programme In this issue that is being implemented through three main compo- LFSP launched, a four year nents namely: journey begins An Agricultural Productivity ENTERPRIZE project highlights and Nutrition (APN) compo- EXTRA project brief nent being managed by the FAO is funded to the tune of INSPIRE project highlights US$48 million with the ob- Rural Finance rolls out jective of raising smallhold- er farm productivity by in- M&E Strategy workshop en- troducing improved and climate smart Welcome to the first issue of the hances common understand- agricultural practices, access to fi- Livelihood Food and Security Pro- ing of LFSP nance and markets and promote pro- gramme – Agriculture Productivity duction and consumption of safer and and Nutrition (LFSP-APN) newsletter Extension and Advisory Services, more nutritious foods. which will be published by FAO Rural Finance, Strategic Partners and twice a year. The newsletter is one of A Market Development (MD) com- Government counterparts. In addition the various platforms through which ponent being managed by GRM with the product will be enriched through the programme will share information the objective of linking smallholder close collaboration with GRM and and developments. farmers to profitable commercial Coffey, the other LFSP management markets as well as to stimulate de- organisations and their partners. This first issue comes at a very oppor- mand and supply of affordable nutri- tune time, when the LFSP-APN has We trust this newsletter will contrib- tious foods. made significant strides by way of ute to the development and nurturing setting up the programme structures The Monitoring, Reporting and Eval- of relationships within different com- and systems . I would like to thank uation activities being managed by ponents of the programme in all the DFID, our funding partner for the Coffey to facilitate internal lesson targeted areas. support that will enable us to reach learning throughout the programme’s Thank you all more than 126 965 farming families lifetime. Ali Said in the eight districts. The biannual newsletter is a product This has been made possible through of the LFSP-APN family which in- Chief Technical Advisor – LFSP- the availing of US$72 million for the cludes implementing partners of the APN 1 LFSP-APN COMPONENTS IN BRIEF The LFSP- APN component is an- development and market linkages, enterprise diversification, productivity chored on three strategic sub compo- strengthening of farmer groups/ -enhancing technologies and non-farm nents to deliver the programme goals organizations, and access to communi- economic activities and livelihood and these are: ty-based microfinance. The component strategies contributing to food securi- will be implemented in partnership ty. This will be achieved by both en- Extension and Advisory Services with three NGO consortiums led by hancing the capacity of communal (EAS) subcomponent that will apply Goal, World Vision International and farmers to save while ensuring that the innovative strategies for extension and Welthungerhilfe and comprising a farmers are indeed able to access fi- advisory services that particularly em- combination of 12 international and nancial services. phasize the principles of participation, national NGOs and a CG centre to im- pluralism, client orientation, environ- Knowledge Management and Evi- plement field level activities for the ment friendly and gender mainstream- dence Generation (KEG) subcompo- programme. ing. The extension and advisory ser- nent focusing on overall programme vices (EAS) span beyond the confines Rural Finance (RF) sub component coordination, monitoring and evalua- of agronomic and animal husbandry that will mobilize resources to enable tion, evidence generation, knowledge advice to include nutrition, business smallholder farmers to invest in farm management and communication. Extension & Advisory Services Project Summaries ENTERPRIZE INSPIRE EXTRA The Ensuring Nutrition, Trans- The INSPIRE (Increased Nutri- The Extension and Training for forming and Empowering Rural tion, Sustainable Production for Rural Agriculture (EXTRA) pro- Farmers and Promoting Resilience Increased Resilience and Econom- ject is being implemented by a con- in Zimbabwe (ENTERPRIZE) ic Growth) consortium is made up sortium of 5 NGOs - Welthun- project is being implemented by a of GOAL, Practical Action, Sus- gerhilfe (Lead), Community Tech- consortium led by World Vision tainable Agriculture Technology nology Development Organisation Zimbabwe and consisting of Inter- (SAT) and Technoserve (TNS). (CTDO), Heifer Project Interna- national Crop Research Institute The project is being implemented tional (HPI) and ICRISAT. EX- for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), in Mutare, Makoni and Mutasa TRA is being implemented in the Mercy Corps, and Farmer Associa- districts of Manicaland Province Midlands Province in the following tion of Community Self-Help In- districts:- Gokwe South, Kwekwe vestment Group (FACHIG). and Shurugwi. LFSP-APN EAS Family 2 LSFP Launched a four year journey begins Officials at the LFSP launch Ambassador Catriona Laing delivering her speech at the launch The United Kingdom’s Department the Minister for Agriculture, Mecha- est people in Zimbabwe”. for International Development (DFID) nization and Irrigation Development FAO Subregional Coordinator for on March 19 2015 officially launched during the national launch ceremony, Southern Africa and Representative a USD $72 million four-year pro- Honourable Paddy Zhanda, the Depu- for Zimbabwe, Chimimba David Phiri gramme which aims to increase agri- ty Minister Responsible for Livestock speaking at the launch said: “FAO is cultural productivity, increase in- said, “My Ministry leads the Food excited to be a major partner in imple- comes, improve food and nutrition Security and Nutrition cluster of the menting this programme. It presents a security, and reduce poverty in rural Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable unique opportunity to roll out innova- Zimbabwe. The Food and Agricul- Socio Economic Transformation tive approaches that respond to the ture Organization of the United Na- (ZIMASSET) and it is in this frame- needs of the majority of Zimbabweans tions (FAO) and GRM International work that I commend and welcome that depend on a productive agricul- are responsible for managing the initiatives such as the Livelihoods and tural sector to survive and thrive”. Livelihoods and Food Security Pro- Food Security Programme (LFSP) gramme (LFSP) with Coffey provid- that offer an opportunity to a wide Speaking at the launch, GRM Interna- ing the overall monitoring , reporting range of stakeholders to contribute to tional Programme Director Jorgen and evaluation for the programme. the attainment of household and na- Hansen underlined importance of tional food security and nutrition markets saying: “Smallholder farmers LFSP seeks to improve the lives of goals”. need to actively participate in local smallholder farmers in eight rural dis- and regional market driven food sys- tricts across Zimbabwe in Makoni, Head of DFID Zimbabwe, Annabel tems, creating food security, stronger Mutare and Mutasa Districts of Mani- Gerry said, “DFID believes in ending linkage to markets and increased in- caland province, Kwekwe, Gokwe aid dependency through job creation. come generation.” South and Shurugwi districts in Mid- This programme will enable rural lands province and two districts, communities to become self- Following the national launch provin- Guruve and Mt Darwin in Mashona- sufficient, growing their own food, cial launches of the three cluster pro- land Central province. The pro- and providing an income. In partner- grammes were held. In Midlands gramme will target 126 975 small- ship with FAO, GRM and Coffey we province, the Extension and Training holder farming households in these believe the programme will make a for Rural Agriculture (EXTRA) pro- areas. In a speech read on behalf of huge difference for some of the poor- ject lead by Welthungerhilfe was 3 LSFP Launched a four year journey begins (ZFU)) and key LFSP-APN in line with the Government of Zimba- Partners (FAO, GRM Inter- bwe’s commitment to move away national, EXTRA Consorti- from humanitarian interventions that um). In Manicaland prov- only address the immediate needs of ince, the Increased Nutri- the communities and focus on longer- tion, Sustainable Production term resilience, which is driven by the for Increased Resilience and local context. Consortium partners, Economic Growth district and provincial heads of various (INSPIRE) project lead by Government departments, the local GOAL was officially and provincial political and traditional launched on 24 April 2015 leadership as well as representatives Delegates follow a sketch by Sabhuku Vharazipi during the launch at Dope High School in ward from the private sector attended the launched, on 16 April. The launch was 23 of Makoni district by the Minister provincial launch. In Mashonaland officiated by a representative of the for Provincial Affairs; Honourable central province, the consortium led by Resident Minister’s Office and attend- Mandi Chimene. Honourable Chimene World Vision International held a pro- ed by representatives from Govern- pledged full support for the project to vincial inception workshop
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