Pull-out section on leadership in World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery uncertain times See centre pages Journal of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation g5.75 Vol 22 No 4 May 2014 Executive Council 2014-16 pages 6-7 Tony O’Brien interview pages 26-28 Alcohol in diabetes page 59 Worldwide influence Nurses and midwives play major role around the globe Contents NEWS & VIEWS 49 Library The INMO library team suggests some useful resources and 5 Editorial INMO workshops on diabetes care The INMO will mark both the International Day of the Midwife and International Nurses Day during the ADC this month, 53 Midwifery matters writes INMO general secretary, Liam Doran The International Day of the Midwife provides an opportunity to refocus on the Millennium Development Goals 6 News Executive Council 2014-2016 elected… Haddington Road roll 55 Letter out continues… Revised pay rates redress some imbalances… Sr Consilio of Cuan Mhuire on the facility as a place to work Public consultation on UHI… Transfer of Cork eye theatre 57 Student focus Plus: Section news, page 20, and Branch news, page 56 Update from student and new graduate officer Dean Flanagan 22 International news on dispute developments and some legal procedures A month that celebrates the nursing and midwifery professions 65 Update 51 From the President Round-up of news items INMO President Claire Mahon rounds up news from the Executive Council and beyond CLINICAL 59 Brain disease FEATURES This month’s focus is on the impact of alcohol consumption on people with diabetes 24 Questions and answers Bulletin board for industrial relations queries HEALTH & LIVING 25 Quality and safety Integrated guidance on discharge and transfer from hospital 63 Book review In My Room contains 15 real stories heard by consultant 26 Interview psychiatrist Prof Jim Lucey while working with patients In a wide-ranging interview, HSE director general Tony O’Brien Plus: Monthly crossword competition says he does not believe staff numbers can be cut much further 64 Finance 30 Conference report Ivan Ahern provides a guide to new sick pay entitlements Report from the Adelaide Society’s conference on careful nursing 43 Research focus JOBS & TRAINING Focus on the Irish Research Nurses Network 32 Professional Development 44 Management focus Courses run by the INMO Professional Development Centre Hospitals worldwide are using ‘Lean’ management principles to streamline processes, reduce costs and improve services 66 Diary Listing of meetings and events around the country 47 Focus The implementation of the EU sharps directive in Ireland has 67 Recruitment & Training been less than satisfactory, writes MEP Emer Costello Latest jobs and training opportunities WIN – World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, is distributed by controlled circulation to over 36,000 members of the INMO. It is published monthly (10 issues a year) and is registered at the GPO as a periodical. Its contents in full are Copyright© of MedMedia Ltd. No articles may be reproduced either in full or in part without the prior, written permission of the publishers. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the INMO. Annual Subscription: e145 incl. postage paid. Editorial Statement: WIN is produced by professional medical journalists working closely with individual nurses and officers on behalf of the INMO. Acceptance of an advertisement or article does not imply endorsement by the publishers or the Organisation. WIN May 2014 Vol 22 Iss 4 3 Editorial Celebrating our professions ON MAY 5 the world will celebrate the Inter- an educated nursing workforce alongside national Day of the Midwife and one week a positive, enabling work environment later the International Council of Nurses will leads to high quality healthcare. lead celebrations for International Nurses All of this is predicated on the need for Day on May 12. The INMO will mark both of governments to understand that equita- these pivotal dates during our ADC which ble access to high quality health services takes place on May 7, 8 and 9. cannot be achieved without an adequate The International Confederation of number of appropriately educated, Midwives (ICM) has determined that the empowered and autonomous nurses. The theme for the 2014 International Day of nurse is, without doubt, the health profes- the Midwife should be ‘Midwives: changing sional closest to the population they serve. the world – one family at a time’. This is a In providing a 24/7 service, nurses very relevant message as, across the globe, carry a heavy responsibility to improve these issues by ICM and ICN and we are midwives, regardless of race, creed, culture the health of the society that they serve. proud to be the only organisation in Ire- or tradition, deliver babies, into this world, This can only be achieved when all nurses land to be a member of these bodies. every minute of every day. Whether it is a combine, through their professional rep- Coinciding with the celebration of Inter- hospitalised model of care or in the moth- resentative organisations, to articulate national Midwives and Nurses Days, the er’s home, or indeed any place, it is the key policies, initiatives and models of care INMO’s new Executive Council, follow- midwife who, using her professional knowl- that reflect the needs of the population. ing the recent election, will take up office edge, skill and expertise, provides priceless In Ireland, therefore, our focus must be immediately on the closure of our forth- help and assurance to the mother at a time to constantly highlight the positive force coming ADC. The new Executive Council of great joy but also anxiety. for high quality and safe care that results has a difficult and challenging agenda for The International Day of the Midwife from maintaining the required number the next two years, with a particular focus celebrates the excellence of midwifery of registered nurses in the clinical area. In on campaigns for midwife-to-births and care across the globe and we must use it recent weeks RN4CAST, the Europe-wide nurse-to-patient ratios to be introduced as as a catalyst to ensure midwives are piv- survey, reinforced this fact and our task quickly as possible. Safe staffing, in all areas, otal in shaping all maternity services. must be to bring that message to govern- is absolutely paramount at this time and The theme of International Nurses ment and policy makers. the ADC will focus on this issue . Day ‘Nurses: A force for Change – A vital Between May 5-12 nurses and midwives May I take this opportunity to thank, resource for Health’ is designed to focus across the globe will celebrate their respec- most sincerely, every member of the attention on the need for health systems tive excellence, their tradition of service out-going Executive Council for their com- to show greater awareness of the posi- to their patients, while uniting to insist mitment and to wish every success to the tive role nursing can play in shaping and that health systems evolve to provide a in-coming Executive as it takes up office. delivering healthcare. The theme under- greater role for their professions. The INMO Liam Doran, pins the simple, but vital, message that acknowledges the leadership provided on General Secretary, INMO EDITORIAL Editor: Alison Moore Assistant Editor: Gillian Tsoi Production Editor: Kennas Fitzsimons Sub-Editor: Sharon Murphy Designer: Paula Quigley Editor-in-Chief: Liam Doran ADVERTISING MANAGER Leon Ellison INMO Editorial Board: (ISSN: 2009-4264) Claire Mahon, president; Geraldine Talty, first Volume 22 Number 4 PUBLISHER Geraldine Meagan vice-president; James Geoghegan, second May 2014 vice president; Ann Burke; Eileen Kelly; Martin WIN – World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, McCullough; David O’Brien, Allison O’Connell EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: is published in conjunction with the WIN, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation by INMO Journal Co-ordinator: Ann Keating, MedMedia Publications, MedMedia Group, Specialists in Healthcare Email: [email protected] 25 Adelaide Street, Publishing & Design. INMO correspondence to: Dun Laoghaire, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, Co Dublin. Whitworth Building, Tel: 01-280 3967 North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7. Fax: 01-280 7076 Tel: 01-664 0600 Email: [email protected] Fax: 01-661 0466 Website: www.medmedia.ie Email: [email protected] Website: www.inmo.ie WIN May 2014 Vol 22 Iss 4 5 News EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2014 - 2016 Management • Helen Butler, Director of Nursing, St Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny • Margaret Frahill, CNM3, Mercy University Hospital, Cork • Claire Mahon, CNM3, Waterford Regional Hospital, Co Waterford Clinical • Anne Burke, CNM2, University Hospital, Galway • Ailish Byrne, Staff Nurse, Muiriosa Foundation, Monasterevin, Co Kildare • Moira Craig, Staff Nurse, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9 • Theresa Dixon, CNM2, Naas General Hospital, Co Kildare • Karen Eccles, Staff Nurse, Cavan General Hospital, Co Cavan • James Geoghegan, Staff Nurse, University Hospital, Galway • Eileen Kelly, Staff Nurse, Sacred Heart Hospital, Roscommon • Eileen Lawrence, Staff Nurse, Baltinglass District Hospital, Co Wicklow • Mary Leahy, Public Health Nurse, Doughiska Primary Care, Galway • Martin McCullough, Staff Nurse, Sligo General Hospital, Co Sligo • Deirdre Munro, Staff Midwife, University Hospital, Galway • David O’Brien, Staff Nurse, South Infirmary-Victoria Hospital, Cork • Bridget O’Donnell, Staff Nurse, University Hospital, Limerick • Catherine Sheridan, Staff Nurse, Paediatrics, University Hospital, Galway • Geraldine
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