Sixteen-page wedding tabloid Special Section Inside This Issue Serious accidents .......... Pg. 2 CC Prison for meth maker ... Pg. 3 COUNTY J OURNAL Senior citizen scam........ Pg. 5 JJ Serving Randolph, Perry And Jackson Counties Since 1980 Ameren wants gas hike .. Pg. 13 Sparta Home Show ...... Pg. 15 S’ville graduation ......... Pg. 24 © Copyright 2013, County Journal Volume 34 Number 5 40 Pages Your Local News Leader Thursday, January 31, 2013 60¢ Retired coal miners make trip Co-owner of Riess to St. Louis for Patriot hearing Ford killed in wreck It was an active day for orga- joined with Patriot. They fear A Marissa businessman, Jef- nized labor Tuesday as the bank- that they will lose their insur- frey Riess, 50, was killed in a ruptcy hearing for Patriot Coal Retirees fear ance because they are now in- one-vehicle crash in Belleville moved from New York City to St. sured through Patriot and that Saturday, January 26. Louis. loss of health the Patriot executives were once Illinois State Police said the ac- The close proximity of the hear- with Peabody and Arch. cident occurred at about 6 p.m. ing allowed six bus loads of re- insurance if “We never worked a day for Pa- on Route 15 in the eastbound tired coal miners to make a trip triot,” said Rieckenberg. lanes just west of Green Mount to St. Louis to protest. They have bankruptcy Peabody, in a letter to the edi- Road. not been able to attend the hear- tor running in the County Jour- Police said Riess was driving ings in New York that were held is granted nal this week, states that the his small SUV at a high rate of beginning in July and continued matter is between the UMWA speed on the four-lane highway through December. A federal Six busses in all took about 500 and Patriot, which is an indepen- when the vehicle went out of con- judge allowed the change to St. retired miners from throughout dent company. Peabody agrees trol, ran off the side of the road, Louis, and Tuesday was the first southern Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, that the retirees all worked for went into a ditch and rolled sev- hearing in that city. Kentucky, Alabama and West companies that are now part of eral times before coming to rest The retired miners are asking Virginia to the city, and they re- Patriot. on the driver’ side. Peabody and Arch coal compa- mained outside the federal Rieckenberg, who has been fol- Riess was taken to St. Elizabeth nies to keep their word on the courthouse on 10th Street. Mem- lowing the Patriot bankruptcy Jeff Riess Hospital in Belleville where he labor contracts they signed with bers of other trade unions were closely, said about 17,000 retir- was pronounced dead. vives. the union years ago, calling for there, as well. ees or their widows would be af- Riess was co-owner and opera- He lived in Belleville, and the fu- lifetime health insurance ben- Police made several arrests, as fected in the outcome of the tor of Riess Ford in Marissa, a neral arrangements are under the efits for miners. some protestors sat down in the bankruptcy matter. He also family owned business that was auspices of Moll Funeral Home in The UMWA says Arch and street. Those arrested included noted that coal miners are cov- started almost 50 years ago by Mascoutah. The funeral is Thurs- Peabody are connected to Pa- UMWA International President ered in a 1946 federal law, stat- his parents, Don Riess, deceased, day morning at St. John United triot, and if Patriot’s bankruptcy Cecil Roberts. He and the others ing that coal mine retirees are and his mother Jean, who sur- Church of Christ in Mascoutah. goes through, their retiree con- were reportedly charged with to have health insurance benefits tracts, and their health insur- civil disobedience. all their lives, and that law is still ance benefits will be voided. The UMWA says Patriot is con- on the books. Roger Rieckenberg of Willis- nected to both Peabody and Meanwhile, the UMWA has Tuesday storm damage ville was one of an estimated 110 Arch. They say Peabody formed filed lawsuits against Peabody local coal mine retirees who Patriot. Arch, they say, formed and Arch in connection with the The storm that blew through In Percy, a large tree was blown made the bus trip to St. Louis. Magnum Coal, which then Patriot bankruptcy case. the area Tuesday night did cause onto a house in the southeast part some damage. of town. Ben Feazel said he was at Two semi-truck trailers on the work when the storm hit but northeast edge of Steeleville were found the extensive damage when blown over. A carport roof was he arrived home. Baldwin arsonist sentenced to prison also blown off a house in Steele- New Athens pastor called as Cole character witness ville. Continued on Page 5__________ By Greg Myers Rieckenberg also called proba- cause of these fires,” said A Marissa man, formerly of tion officer Heather Steele to the Gremmels. “This is strictly a prop- Baldwin, was sentenced January stand to testify. erty damage case. He needs treat- 25 to four years in prison after “When asked to talk about his ment for his alcohol problem, and previously admitting to two crimes, Andrew Cole became ex- he will not get that while incar- counts of arson. cited like he was enjoying talk- cerated. He needs to be out work- Andrew Cole, 22, pleaded guilty ing about the incidents,” testified ing, so he can start paying these November 27 to starting the Au- Steele. “He showed no remorse for victims back. I ask the court for a gust 29 fires in Baldwin. They were his actions.” sentence of probation, along with at Erwin Koenig’s shed and at a va- Cole’s defense counsel Jordan treatment plus restitution.” cant house owned by then mayor Gremmels countered Steele’s tes- Brown handed down the sen- Steve Bunte. A third count for set- timony by calling St. Paul tence of four years in prison, ting a fire at the Evangelical Pres- Lutheran Church of New Athens along with two years of supervised byterian Church was dismissed with Pastor John Lukomski to the release, the payment of court costs the right to be filed again. stand. and a $1,000 fee each to the state Since new State’s Attorney Jer- “I have known Andrew for seven fire marshal, the Randolph County emy Walker was Cole’s defense years, and he has never caused Sheriff’s Department and the Bald- attorney earlier, the Illinois Attor- any trouble,” said Lukomski. “Af- win fire district. ney General’s office prosecuted ter this incident, Andrew ex- Cole was also ordered to pay $495 the case at no cost to the county. pressed remorse for his actions to in restitution to Koenig for items Eric Rieckenberg of the attorney me. He said he was drunk and in his shed that were destroyed. general’s staff asked Circuit didn’t know why he did what he “This sentence is necessary to The Ben Feazel home in Percy Judge Richard Brown to hand did. Obviously, he has an alcohol deter others,” said Brown. “While down the maximum sentence of problem.” Andrew Cole has no history of seven years. Gremmels also argued that his criminal activity and no one was “Cole’s conduct threatened seri- client would be better served by physically harmed, this could Simon’s taskforce will ous harm to residents of getting probation instead of time have been a terrible disaster. Citi- Baldwin,” said Rieckenberg. “A in prison. zens of Randolph County don’t strong sentence is needed to de- “Andrew Cole has no prior con- have to put up with people burn- hold one shoot in Sparta ter this type of conduct.” victions, and no one was hurt be- ing down their buildings.” Earlier this month, Congress- man Bill Enyart announced the formation of a taskforce to study Dr. Gary Benedict named Marissa gun violence and what would be Another Illinois the best way to stop it. Shortly after the Sandy Hook group will study chamber’s most valuable person School shooting, Vice President Joe Biden put together a federal gun violence Margaritaville was the theme of task force to talk about gun vio- the Marissa Chamber of Com- lence. merce’s annual dinner meeting Now Illinois Lt. Governor Sheila cealed carry. The law was declared held last Saturday. About 150 Simon has jumped on the band- unconstitutional in December by people attended, and many wagon by announcing the forma- a three-member panel of the 7th dressed in Jimmy Buffet or beach tion of yet another group to talk U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and attire. about firearm violence. Her mis- the state was ordered to pass a law The highlight of the evening sion will include one gun safety allowing concealed carry within was the naming of Marissa’s most session held at the World Shoot- 180 days. valuable person. The honor this ing and Recreational Complex in Attorney General Madigan has year, as announced by attorney Sparta. asked the full 7th Circuit Court for Bill Norton, went to Dr. Gary Members of Simon’s group is review, but lawmakers are work- Benedict. The award goes to an in- comprised of Illinois lawmakers, ing on legislation in response to dividual who has shown signifi- predominately from Springfield the court order and other high- cant contribution to the better- north.
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