Early Days Subject Index Volumes 1-13 Additions from Vols 10-13 are in blue Early Day's General Subject Index Subject Volume, Part and Page A Abandonment of the Colony 3.2.27; 3.5.12 Abbett, W.W. 3.6.35 ABBOTT Capt. 3.1.11 Mary 1.3.9 Mr., Northern Territory 3.2.48 V. 4.2.53,55 Abby Family 10.49 A.B.C. Offices 3.8.27-8; 7.7.IFC; 9.4.71-3 Abcott, Capt. 1.9.69 Abdullah, Mr. 9.1.67 ABERDEEN House, Albany 5.4.40,45,47 Dr. K. McK. 7.1.74 ABORIGINAL PEOPLE AND TOPICS 9.4.57 A group of Swan River Natives (Sketch) 13.591 Act of 1905 10.87; 10.85; 11.460 Affairs Dept 11.459 Albany 2.19.19,40 Albert 8.4.11 and legal system 13.317 and Swan River 13.372,375 Armstrong, with 2.19.27 Arrival in the Kimberley 13.53-58 Attacks 10.30; 11.596 Axes 3.5.34-5 Baby Stones 3.5.38 Bardoc Tribesmen 2.13.32 Barrabong 2.19.39 Battle of Pinjarra 1.1.24-37; 1.5.17-9; 2.19.27; 3.5.14; 5.8.11; 13.592 Bibbulmun 1.1.24 Biljagoro, Salvado's friend 3.9.27-8,34 Boab nut carving 12.697-715 Bolya 3.9.30-2 Boomerangs 3.5.35 Boongaree 2.19.2 Brass Band 3.9.34; 5.8.64 Bunbury 1.1.48,52; 3.3.27; 8.1.60 Page 1 of 476 Subject Volume, Part and Page Calyoot 1.8.72 Cannibals 5.8.21-3 Carlunga 4.1.46 Carnac Prison 2.19.18; 3.5.14 Charlie 2.19,45; 3.9.21 Children 11.189-90; 11.387-88 Christmas Island 5.4.15 Clothing 2.19.7; 9.6.34 Commissions of Inquiry 2.17.13; 2.19.42-5 Convicted, 1862-92 6.5.81 Cooking 10.324-28 Corroborees 1.1.7; 1.8.10; 1.9.16-7,70; 1.10.11; 2.19.20,24,29-32; 3.1.13; 3.9.30- 110.599 Coyle, Wiluna 4.2.55-7 Cricket Team 3.6.19; 3.9.34; 12.431 Cultural Foundation 13.686 Customs 1.7.51; 3.9.30 Dampier's contact with 3.2.9-10; 3.5.35; 9.4.56 Dangabba 10.27,37 Department 1.9.16; 5.1.38 Desert inhabitants 3.2.46-8; 3.10.18-20; 10.66 Diseases, introduced 2.19.31; 3.10.7-8 Divers 1.3.26; 2.19.40-2; 3.1.13; 3.9.37-40; 3.10.43-4; 5.8.15-6,23; 11.671 Dobbin 2.12.30 Dogs 3.10.7 Dommera (Nyoongar Man) 13.589-90 Doujuix 2.19.21 Doodjeep 2.19.39 Doorda Mia 3.1.48 Dower 2.12.42; 3.1.11,14; 8.4.43,54-5 Drawings 11.599 Drinking 2,19.15,31,40; 8.1.82 Drovers 1.3.28 Dugal 1.4.46 Dwergan 3.9.31 Early Land rights Bill 13.590-2 Education of 12.161; 13.317 Eenmar 3.10.36 Escort 1.9.13-4 Eucla 3.7.43,51; 7.7.28 Eyre Expedition 10.194-200 Page 2 of 476 Subject Volume, Part and Page Fairbairn’s Report 11.449 Fair Haired 3.1.38; 5.5.37 Family Life 10.328-32 Fear of Heights 2.20.47 Fires 10.318-19, 329 Fire carrying 2.15.20 Firing the Bush 1.4.17; 2.15.20; 8.2.31-4 Firing the Crops 2.19.20 First Contacts with 1.1.24; 1.7.54; 3.5.34-43 Food 3.10.43; 9.6.39-41; 10.317-26,443 Foraging Methods 10.319-25 Forrest D’s Report 11.448-49 Forrest J’s Report 11.448 Fremantle 1.1.19,23; 2.11.1-2 Friday 7.3.40 Geographe Bay 3.5.36-7,42 Goggalee 2. 12.31 Goodyak 1.1.32 Gribble’s Report 11.448-49 Guides 2.20,6,8; 7.4.19 Gulpilil 9.4.66 Gunny Bags 8.1.21 Heegan 2.19.23 History & culture 12.697-715 Horse tailers 3.10.40-2 Hostility 11.672 Hunting 10.324-28 Imprisonment on islands 12.638-39 Individuals 10.328-32.384 Infanticide 3.7.51 Institution 10.331 Jimmie 7.3.47 Jungun 3.1.38 Jurabalan people 11.449 Kalamaia settlement 12.418 Karadjeri Tribe 8.4.44 Kibra 1.2.21 Kidnapping 11.449 Kimberley 8.4.9-12; 10.26-28,85-95 King George's Sound 3.5.34,36,38-41; 5.7.65-82 Kookitas 3.7.43 Page 3 of 476 Subject Volume, Part and Page Kowitch 3.1.49-58; 3.4.22-3,35-7; 3.9.20 Legends and Folk Lore 2.15.30-1; 3.9.29-30 Looma Settlement 10.27 Maggie 3.5.49,50,52 Mail Carriers 3.4.27,29; 3.7.42; 3.8.50 Makina 5.7.73-4,78-9 Manyat 2.19.11; 5.7.40 Mary Durack and 13.684-7 Mass destruction 2.18.43; 3.10.38; 8.4.11 Measles 3.7.51; 8.1.83 Melak 1.3.29 Mendick 2.19.34-5 Miago (Nyoongar Man) 13.592 Midgegooroo 1.1.2; 2.19.13,19-22; 3.5.14; 4.2.27;,41-3; 9.4.78 Migo Naive Tracker 1.9.16; 9.5.49 Minon people 6.6.77 Missions 2.19.36-7,40 Mission Huts 1.7.23-4; 3.1.44-5; 3.5.35-6,40-1; 3.6.41; 3.10.19 Mokkare 2.19.12,13; 3.5.38-41; 5.7.65,75-8; 13.240-241 Monang 1.9.16 Moore River Settlement 2.19.40 Mooro tribe 12.60-61 Mourning 1.9.66 Mt. Eliza Institution 2.19.27; 3.5.15 Mowanjum Community 12.697-715 Mulline Paddy 7.6.13 Munday 1.8,25; 2.19.21; 5.7.33,41-5 Mungup 3.1.52-4 Murarg people 3.9.29-35; 5.8.67 Music 10.238 Nakina 5.7.73-5 Nannup 8.2.52-6; 10.80 Narryer 3.9.18-9,34 National Park first 11.672 Native Title 12.315-324,326-331 New Norcia 1.2.38-48; 3.9.27-36; 5.8.66-8 Ningina (Nyoongar Man) 13.589-90 Nipper 3.4.28,31,34 Nogolgot 3.9.27,33 North West 8.2.20-21 Numbers 2.19.10,16,46; 3.5.13 Page 4 of 476 Subject Volume, Part and Page Nyckino People 10.26 Nyoongar/Nyungar 12.60-62, 231-32 Nyoongar Culture 13.590-2 Pallotine Training Centre 7.6.33 Pearling industry 1.3.26; 2.19.40-2,44; 10.23-24; 13.247-257 Pelsart’s description 3.5.34 Perth 1.1.7,8; 3.5.29; 5.7.39 Philip 3.5.47; 7.F.15 Pierre 2.12.42; 2.19.45; 3.1.11,14,19; 3.4.46; 3.9.9; 4.2.80; 8.4.43-56 Pigeon 8.4.10-11 Place Names 4.2.83 Plum, record diver 3.9.40 Police 1.2.16; 2.19.15,34-5; 3.9.34 Postmistresses and Telegraphists 3.9.36 Prince Regent River 3.5.41 Prisoners 1.4.3-4; 5.3.8; 9.5.32 Protection Act 8.6.64,67; 11.450-51 Protection Board 2.19.44; 7.1.33; 8.3.79; 9.5.32; 9.6.21; 11.447,451-58,715; 13.492 Protection Instructions 2.19.11,26,28 Protection Society 5.7.47; 11.195 Protectors 2.19.33; 3.10.7; 11.459-60; 12.459-60 Quarantine 10.63 Queejup 4.3.66 Quinbean 2.19.38 Rations 2.19.16,27 Relations with European settlers 13.5-6,157-70,240-1,310-1,317-8,483-92,518,589-92 Relations with Police 10.92-95 Relations with Settlers and Explorers 1.2.15,25-6; 1.4.6-15,23,26-8,36,45•50,79; 1.5.17-9; 1.7.24-5,36,55- 6; 1.8.10-2,15; 1.9.67,70-1; 1.10.8-11,46; 2.11.1-2; 2.12.4,7,10,43,45; 2.13.27,33; 2.13.19,23,27-8; 2.17,27; 2.18.17-8; 2.19.4,7,10-46; 3.1.14,29,35; 3.2.46-7; 3.3.12-4; 3.5.10,13-5; 3.6.40- 1; 3.7.21,23; 3.9.40; 4.3.66; 5.8.11; 9.5.69; 10.18,66,75-77,92,94; 11.435-43,599; 12.551-53,605-607 Reserves 3.9.34; 5.8.67-8; 7.1.33 Rock Art 13.pt 1 cover ill, 13.55-9 Rottnest 2.19.30,35 Sales, d. 8.3.77 School general 10.316,331 At Albany 1.7.2; 2.19.40; 3.5.21; 4.6.83 Annesfield 3.4.34 Page 5 of 476 Subject Volume, Part and Page Fremantle 2.11.2; 2.19.37; 3.5.21 Guildford 1.2.17 Middle Swan 1.2.16 New Norcia 1.2.45; 3.9.33 Perth 2.13.13; 2.19.36; 3.5.32 Wanneroo 1.9.10; 2.13.13; 2.19.37 York 2.13-4; 2.19.37 Section 70 11.450-59 Shark's Bay 3.5.35,38-40; 5.5.37-8 Shearers 3.9.33,40; 11.225 Shenton's Mill raid 1.8.71-2; 2.19.24 Shepherds 3.7.21; 3.9.40 Smoke Signals 3.10.18 Shooting of 11.458-59 Souper 3.9.18-9 South coast 10.414-15 Spearing prowess 2.11.18; 2.19.19; 10.86 Stockmen 2.13.19; 3.10.44 Stone arrangements 3.5.36,40 Swan Mission 2.19.40 Talaindji People 6.7.16 Tampin’s trial 11.438 Tasman's description 3.5.34 Teamsters 3.8.52-3; 3.9.40 Tobacco addiction 3.10.44 Tommy, Giles' companion 3.9.21 Tommy, Kowitch's friend 3.1.54 Tommy, York 8.3.27,41 Toobey 3.5.52; 3.8.29; 3.9.23 Toodyay 1.1.57 Trackers 2.19.27; 2.20.17; 3.2.50-2; 3.5.13; 7.3.40; 8.4.11 Trade with Macassans 13.244 Tree Burial 3.10.19 Tribal killings 1.5.17-18 spearings 1.9.55,66 Tribes 8.3.79 Use of fire 12.177-191 Village 3.1.45 Vocabulary 3.9.29 Waiter 5.7.78-9 Wanneroo mission 2.11.2; 2.13.13 Page 6 of 476 Subject Volume, Part and Page Waterholes 8.5.IBC.
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