THE FIFTH NATIONAL REPORT OF INDONESIA TO THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY OF INDONESIA 2014 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY OF INDONESIA Published by : Deputy Minister of Environmental Degradation Control and Climate Change Ministry of Environment and Forestry Building A, 6th Floor Jalan D.I. Panjaitan Kav.24, Jakarta Timur Tel: +62-21-85904923 Fax: +62-21-85904923 THE FIFTH NATIONAL REPORT TO THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Steering Committee: Ir. Arief Yuwono, MA (Deputy Minister of Environmental Degradation Control and Climate Change, as the National Focal Point for the Convention on Biological Diversity) Coordinator: Ir. Antung Deddy Radiansyah, MP (Assistant Deputy for Biodiversity Conservation and Land Degradation Control) Team: DR. Suseno Amien, Dra. Vidya Sari Nalang, M.Sc, Lu’lu’ Agustina, SP., M.Si. Translator: Dr. Teguh Triono Reviewer: Lijie Cai Contributors: Bambang Nooryanto, SP (KLH), Titi Astuti, SAP (KLH), Enu Wahyu, S.Sos., MM (KLH), Prof. Dr. Yohanes Purwanto (Program MAB Indonesia), Dr. Risna Rosniati (Kebun Raya), Dr. Titiek Setyawati (Puskonser, Kemhut), Ir. Tiur Sudiaty Silitonga, MS (BB Biogen), Bambang (P2O LIPI), Ria Saryanthi (Burung Indonesia), Retno Setyaningrum (WWF), Warsidi (PVT, Kementan), Renata Puji Sumedi (Yayasan Kehati), Basuki Rahmat (Yayasan Kehati), Mangara Silalahi (Hutan Harapan Management Unit), Dr. Rahman Kurniawan (UNHAS). Cover Design: Nararya Gunadharma, S. Hut. Funding Support: Global Environment Facility (GEF)/ United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) ii The Fifth National Report of Indonesia to the Convention on Biological Diversity Reporting Party Reporting Party ContractingContracting Party Party NATIONALNATIONA LFOCAL FOCA LPOINT POINT FullFull name name of the of the MinistryMinistry of o fEnviroment Environme nandt a nForestryd Forestry institutioninstitution AriefArief Yuwono Yuwono NameName and andtitle oftitle of Deputy Minister for Environmental Degradation Control and contractcontact officer officer Deputy Minister for Environmental Degradation Control and ClimateClimate Change Change 6th6th Floor, Floor Building, Buildin gA, A, MailingMailing address address Jl.Jl .DI. DI .Panjaitan Panjaitan Kav. Kav 24. 2 4Kebon Kebo Nanas,n Nana Jakartas Jakart Timura Timu 13410r 13410 IndonesiaIndonesia 62-21-85904923 TelephoneTelephone 62-21-85904923 62-21-85904923 FaxFax 62-21-85904923 E-mailE-mail [email protected]@gmail.com CONTACTCONTACT OFFICER OFFICER FOR FOR NATIONAL NATIONAL REPORT REPORT (IF (IF DIFFERENT DIFFEREN TFROM FROM ABOVE) ABOVE) FullFull name name of the of the MinistryMinistr yof o fEnvironment Environmen andt an dForestry Forestry institutioninstitution NameName and andtitle oftitle of AntungAntung Deddy Dedd Radiansyahy Radiansyah contractcontact officer officer AssistantAssistan tDeputy Deput yfor fo Biodiversityr Biodiversit yand an dLand Lan dDegradation Degradatio Controln Control 4th4th Floor, Floor Building, Buildin gB, B MailingMailing address address Jl.J l.DI. D IPanjaitan. Panjaitan Kav. Kav 24. 2 4Kebon Kebo Nanas,n Nana Jakartas Jakart Timura Tim u13410r 13410 IndonesiaIndonesia 62-21-85905770 TelephoneTelephone 62-21-85905770 62-21-85905770 FaxFax 62-21-85905770 E-mailE-mail [email protected]@yahoo.co.id SUBMISSIONSUBMISSION SignatureSignature of officerof officer responsibleresponsible for for submittingsubmitting national national reportreport DateDate of ofsubmission submission FebruaryFebruar y2015 2015 iii iii MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY OF INDONESIA iv The Fifth National Report of Indonesia to the Convention on Biological Diversity TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Content v List of Tables vii List of Figures viii List of Appendices viii List of Abbreviations ix Executive Summary xiii CHAPTER I REVIEW OF STATUS, TRENDS, THREATS, AND CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY 1 I. Introduction 1 1.1. Status and trends of biodiversity 2 1.2. Biodiversity of Marine Ecosystem in Indonesia 3 1.3. Important Ecosystems in Indonesia 7 1.3.1 Karst 7 1.3.2 Mangrove 8 1.3.3 Wetlands 9 Swamp 10 Peat 10 Lake Ecosystem 12 1.3.4 Forest Coverage Area 13 1.4. The Main Threats to Biodiversity 14 1.4.1 Habitat Change 14 1.4.2 Influx of Invasive Alien Species 15 1.4.3 Pollution 16 1.4.4 Over Exploitation 17 1.4.5 Climate Change 17 1.5. Impact of Changes on Biodiversity for Human Well-being 18 v MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY OF INDONESIA CHAPTER II IBSAP, IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINSTREAMING OF BIODIVERSITY IN INDONESIA 19 2.1. Overview of IBSAP Updating 19 2.2. Implementation of IBSAP 21 2.2.1 Conservation Area 21 2.2.2 Species and Genetic Conservation 29 2.2.3 Forest and Land Rehabilitation 31 2.2.4 Community Based Biodiversity Management 35 2.2.5 Biodiversity Information System 36 2.3. Mainstreaming Biodiversity 37 2.3.1 Biodiversity Management Policy 38 2.3.2 Direction for Biodiversity Management Policy 38 2.3.3 Biodiversity Management Strategy 39 CHAPTER III PROGRESS IN ACHIEVEMENTOF“AICHI BIODIVERSITY TARGETS”AND CONTRIBUTION TO RELEVANT TARGETS OF MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 41 3.1 Progress in Achieving “Aichi Biodiversity Targets” 41 3.2 Contribution of Indonesia Towards Achievement of Millennium Development Goals 58 3.3. Important Effortsfor Accelerating MDGsGoalsAchievement 59 vi The Fifth National Report of Indonesia to the Convention on Biological Diversity LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page 1. Number of Accessions, Species and Collector Institutions of the Genetic Resources in Food and Agriculture sector 2 2. Number of Species and Accessions in Animal Husbandry sector 3 3. Number of location and conditionof coral reef in Indonesia based on area 2008-2013 4 4. Number of marine fauna found in Indonesia Marine Area 5 5. Number of algae and marine flora discovered in Indonesia waters 6 6. Comparison of Environmental Conditions outside and inside the Cave 7 7. Actual Implementation Recapitulation of RHL from 2010-2013 and the 2014 Plan 8 8. Location of Mangrove Forests for wildlife protection in Indonesia 9 9. Total Number and area of Lakes in Indonesia 10 10. The Distribution Area of PeatLands in Indonesia 11 11. Condition/Status of Several Lake Ecosystems of in Indonesia 13 12. Valuable Microbe Population in Several Forest Ecosystem Changes 15 13. Climate Projection to 2020 based on output of Climate Model IPCC-AR4 18 14. New Forest Area Based on Ministry of Forestry Decree (2010-2012) 22 15. Activity Plan of Directorate Conservationof Area and Fish Species 2015 – 2019 23 16. Marine Conservation area in Indonesia 2013 24 17. Name, Province, Area and Theme of Botanical Garden in Indonesia 26 18. Mangrove Forest and Ecosystem Conservation for each Province in Indonesia 2012 27 19. Progress of the development of forest area plan to 2012 28 20. Orangutan Rehabilitation Center 2011-2013 29 21. Elephant Training Center 2013 29 22. Development of Community Nursery in 2010-2013 31 23. Progress on Reforestation Activities in 2009-2013 32 24. Mangrove Peat Swamp Forest Rehabilitation in 2009-2013 34 25. Indonesia’s contribution to progress towards Global Biodiversity Targets. 42 26. Indonesia’s contribution towards achievement of Millennium Development Goals, specifically, Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability 58 vii MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY OF INDONESIA LIST OF FIGURES Number Title Page 1 Map of Peat land in Indonesia 11 2 Lake Tondano and Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes), North Sulawesi 15 3 Marine Conservation Areas in Indonesia over the last 10 years 23 4 Stages in Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Indonesia 38 5 Biodiversity Management Strategy in Indonesia 40 LIST OF BOX Number Title Page 1 Man & the Biosphere Program (MAB) Indonesia 25 2 Development Ecosystem Restoration Concession in Indonesia through Hutan Harapan Initiative 33 3 Green Belt Mangrove in Northern Coast of Java 35 4 Indonesia’s Contribution to Achieve Aichi Target 16th 41 LIST OF APPENDICES Number Title Page 1 Development process of the 5th National Biodiversity Report 60 2 Source of Information for the 5th National Biodiversity Report 61 3 Similarity Matrix of GSPC Targets and Aichi Targets 79 4 Indonesia’s Achievement of GSPC Targets 80 viii The Fifth National Report of Indonesia to the Convention on Biological Diversity LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AMAN : Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago AMDAL : Environmental Impact Assessment ASEAN : The Association of Southeast Asia Nations BAPI : Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia BAPPENAS : National Planning and Development Agency BMKG : National Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency BPOM : Drug and Food Monitoring Agency BPS : Statistics Indonesia BT : East Longitude BUMN : State Owned Enterprise CBD : Convention on Biological Diversity CH : Rainwater level CHM : Clearing house mechanism CI : Conservation International COP : Conference of the Parties CSR : Corporate Social Responsibilities DAS : Watershed Dephut : Ministry of Forestry Dihidros-TNI AL : Indonesian Navy Hydrological Division DJF : December January February (west monsoon) DKK : et al. DKP : Ministry of Marine and Fisheries DPRD : Local/provincial parliament ESDM : Energy and Mineral resources FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization FFI : Fauna and Flora International GEF : Global Environment Facility IBA : Important Bird Area IBSAP : Indonesian Biodiversity Strategic and Action Plan IPCC : International Panel on Climate Change IPCC-AR4 : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report 4 IPTEK : Knowledge/Science and technology
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