Distribution Fair today, bright aotf tamr* nm with a thtace it tfemder- Today •howtn Ute tomorrow. Hlfh both day*, M. Low tonifht, N. See page 2. 13,975 An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership mf Since 1878 BT CARRIER Issued Dally, Monday through Friday, entered as Second Class Matter 7c PER COPY ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 219 at the Post Office at Red Bank. Nf. J,, under the Act or March 3. 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1960 Extension Sought rees On Water Cut-off To Postpone Trip; RARITAN TOWNSHIP — A joint meeting of the Union Beach Borough Council and the local Township Committee has been Strikes In scheduled for tonight to discuss an extension of the Union Beach Both Blame Reds water franchise termination date. The meeting has been called 2 Defense by Committeeman Philip J. MANILA (AP) — President Eisenhower today agreed to postpone Blanda, Jr., chairman of the pub- his visit to Japan because of leftist rioting in Tokyo. lic utilities committee, and Union Beach Mayor Harvey C. Units End White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty told a news con- Eriksen. ference that although the President "would have liked to fulfill his long- Union Beach Councilman John But Thor, Atlas Mclnnes and Mayor Eriksen told held ambition" to visit Japan, "he fully respects the decision of the Jap- The Register yesterday that the anese authorities" that he should postpone his trip. governing body there will ex- Work Stoppage tend the termination date "pro- The President blamed postponement of his visit vided the' Raritan Township Com- mittee shows us that it is work- Still Threatens on a small, organized minority "led by professional ing in good faith to resolve this ommunist agitators." problem as soon as possible." LOS ANGELES (AP)—A big Costly Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi had said the same Mr. Mclnnes said that at the strike and a small but crucial RIOTING JAPANESE STUDENTS watch as flames consume police cars in front of thing in announcing to newsmen his government's session tonight, Union Beach one ended early today in the "will be willing to negotiate a turmoil-wracked missiles and Tokyo's parliament building, The students set the cars afire during a bloody battle decision to ask the President not to come. financial settlement regarding airplane industry. with police yesterday. (AP Photo by radio from Tokyo! Defeat Hagerty said Eisenhower was confident that the disposal of water mains which At midnight more than 17,- "deliberate challenges to law and order" in Japan will we own in Raritan, or some 000 Douglas workers began to other suitable type of arrange- return to work at the firm's Today In not and cannot wreck Japanese-American relations. ment with the West Keansburg Long Beach, Calif., plant. For U.S. Reading a prepared statement, Hagerty said the Water Companny." Washington Oceanport Tax Unit Earlier—at midnight in Flor- SENATE By John M. Hightower President wanted to make Nero to Attend ida—300 Convair machinists set- Considers 40 billion dollar de- Mr. Blanda said that Michael WASHINGTON (AP) — The ;nown his "full and sym- tled a nine-day-old strike at fense money bill. Nero, official of the West Keans- United States suffered a humil Cape Canaveral, The IAM said Labor Committee considers Lists Major Goals pathetic understanding of burg Water Company, has been that action, however, was con- iating and costly defeat today in U.S. Prestige most co-operative in attempting migratory labor and education he collapse of President Eisen he decision taken by the tingent on company withdrawal OCEANPORT - A Taxpayers again June 28. About 60 persons to resolve this problem," and bills. hower's scheduled visit to Tokyo. Japanese government." of a clause to permit layoffs re- Association—whose main goal is attended the session. that Mr. Nero will be at the Commerce Committee hears The Soviet-Chinese Communist Hurt, Says gardless of seniority. "equalization of assessments"— Members heard two Monmauth The statement went on meeting tonight. witnesses on bill to ban alcoho- bloc won a victory of menacing 10,009 Out lic beverages on commercial and has been formed here. Beach Taxpayers Association of- proportions. .o say: Some 67 Raritan water users, Still out are 10,000 Lockheed The group had its first meet- ficials tell how they started, and Fulbright most of them in the Union Park military aircraft. "He (Eisenhower) would workers at missiles plants in Foreign Relations Committee ing Tuesday night in the Com- offered advice to the new organ- It was the second time in WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. J. section, are involved in the California—including the firm's munity Center and will meet ization. exactly a month that a great William Fulbright (D-Ark.) said ike also to express his re- case. A few of the consumers are discusses proposed report on Sunnyvale Missile and Space Speaking were Nicholas Colino, international event has gone today that cancellation of Presi- located on Rt. 36. summit conference and spy plane gret that a small, organized Headquarters, where violence president of the Monmouth Beach against the wishes of Eisen- dent Eisenhower's trip to Japan Union Beach, which has been incidents, minority led by professional erupted yesterday soon after a group, and Jack LaPree, who hower and along lines charted 'hurts our prestige" and "per- servicing the area for about 15 HOUSE Strikers Get Communist agitators . has strike started. discussed the evaluation program by the international Commun- haps we should have exercised years, decided this year not to Considers foreign aid appro- ist leadership. At Pnrls May been able by resorts to force Still negotiating are 26,000 Con- priations bill. in his borough. a little more foresight." and violence to prevent his good- renew its franchise, because of vair workers in two unions. In addition to assessments, the 16, Soviet Premier Nlkita S. a water shortage within the bor- Education and Labor Commit- New Offer But the Senate Foreign Re- will visit and to mar the cele- Threatening to strike are an- local group said it will work to Khrushchev killed the Big ough. tee votes on minimum wage bill. Four summit conference in Its lations Committee chairman said bration of this centennial in Jap- other 18,000 Douglas workers at Post Office Committee consid- "promote efficiency and economy the collapse of the President's anese-American relations." The franchise expired Jan. 30, two other Southern California workers at the Architectural Til- in government." first meeting, leaving Eisen- ers postal rate increase. hower and his British and plans should not be allowed to Blame Reds but the two municipalities agreed planls. ing Co. will be able to return to At the same time, it wants to on a termination date of June their jobs Monday if the union French allies to survey the interfere with U.S. ratification o Altogether 70,000 workers o get more residents interested in the new security treaty with Ja TOKYO (AP)-Prime Minister 30, to provide time to resolve accepts a new company offer wreckage of their hopes for Nobusuke Kishi today asked the International Association of the operation of local govern pan. the questions of pipe ownership Subdivision made yesterday, ATCO officials ment as well as the activities some improvement In East- President Eisenhower to post- and franchise transfer to the Machinists and the United Auto said last night, West relations. Riotous demonstrations b; Workers are on strike, threaten- of the Board of Education. pone his visit to Japan because West Keansburg Water Company. Some 230 members nf Local Communists and others opposed ing to strike, or are just return Today's debacle in Tokyo i of Icftwing rioting against the Set New Date For Catholic 20581. Federal Labor Union, Acting Chairman to the new pact forced Japanese ing to work. potentially more damaging to tin Prime Minister Nobosuke Kish U.S.-.Iapan military alliance. Ki- One of the matters to be dis- struck the plant—one of the old- Warren Mewes is serving as shi charged the Communists had The Douglas settlement does- acting chairman of the associ- United States and its allies, an to withdraw his bid to EisenhoW' cussed tonight will be the ques est and largest of its type in the in the long run poses a greate; fomented the violence. tion of how much more time the n't brighten the defense picture School OK'd country—on June 1. ation. er, but Fulbright said the visil appreciably, however. threat to the balance of U.S and its cancellation had "noth The Prime Minister said the franchise transfer will require, RARITAN TOWNSHIP - This The company offer made yes- These committees were named Soviet relations and therefore t violent demonstrations by "a The Long Beach plant primar- and will swing into operation. ing to do with the merits of th and the setting of a new termina- township's first parochial school terday provides for a series of world peace, than did the break very small group of people" had tion date. ily builds DC8 jet transports They include: treaty." came one step closer to reality four pay raises on a two-year down in Paris. destroyed any hope of the Japa- The Lockheed strike cripples the School budget—A. Ditlow, Jerry He said the riots were dircctei Mr. Blanda described as "per- as the Planning Board last night contract basis, as follows: nese people giving the President Polaris submarine missile pro- Regan and Daniel Herring. The immediate problem befor at the Kishi government and fectly assinine" a published recommended approval for a Four cents an hour immediate- a warm welcome.
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