COURT DIRECTORY.] ESSEX. HCR 507 Horncastle William George, WaIlers- HowardMiss,TheNook;IngatestoneR.S.O Hughes Thomas, Berkshire villa, Queen's cote, Upminster, Romford Howard Mrs. 98 Baddow road, Chlmsford road, Buckhurst Hill Horne Frederick James, St. Kits,Anerley Howard Mrs. 51 Bergholt road, Mile Hughes Wilfred Clark, Southland house.. road, West cliff, Southend end, Colchester Margaretting, Ingatestone R.8.0 Horne John Charles, Belcham's farm, Howard Mrs. 21 CuIver street, Colchester Hughes William, 15 Hastings rd. Southnd Hawkwell, Hockley S.O HowardMrs.Florence vI.Statn.rd.Chngfrd Hughes 'Villiam, Rose mount, Palmer- Horne-Payne Robert Montgomery, The HowardMrs.Hereford ho.16Park ter.Sthnd ston road, Buckhurst Hill Hermitage, Brentwood Howard Mrs. The Goldings, Goldings hill, Hughes William S. The Common, Ret- Horner George, Fernleigh, Queen's road, High road, Loughton S.O tendon, Chelmsford Springfield, Chelmsford Howard Mrs. The Willows, Princes road, Hull A. 144 Elgin 00. Seven Kings, Ilford Hornor Lewis J.P. The Howe, Halstead Buckhurst Hill Hull Miss, 44 GoldIay rd, Chelmsford Hornor Mrs. The Howe, Halstead Howard Mrs. Wivenhoe, Colchester HullMiss,9Mt.Pleasant rd.Saffron Walden Horrell Ernest Charles, Elmhurst, New Howard P. G. 17 Dangan road, Wanstead HullT.R.Jericho,Blackmore,Ingtstn.R.S.O London road, Chelmsford Howard Samuel,2 Cromer road, Southend Hulme Mrs. 28 Park road, Chelmsford Horrobin Thos. l\fildmay rd.Brnhm.S.O Howard Thomas William, 1 Seaford viIs. Hulse Harry R. 56 Eastern road, Romford HorsleyC. 23 Burdett av.West cliff, Sthnd Harold road, Olacton-on-Sea R.S.O Hulton Rev. Canon Hy. Edwd.M.A.Vicar­ Horsley Chas.W. 26 St. John's road,Sthnd Howard WaIter, 2 Mansfield road, Ilford age, Great Waltham, Chelmsford Horsley Mrs. 7 Honiton road, Southend HowardF.W.Tyle hall,Latchington,Maldn Hume Miss, Barrington cottage, Hat­ HorsleyWm.Hy.4Hermitage rd.Southend Howard-Vyse Lieut.-General Edward J.P. field, Harlow Horsman Mrs. 38 Belle Vue rd. Colchester The Lawn, Witham RummJ.W.Gordon ho. Vange, Pitsea S.O Horsman T. O'H. Billericay R.S.O HowarthEdwd.Lucas,62Western rd.Rmfd Hummerstone William, 1 Nightingale Horsnell Miss, Waterlow cottage, Hemp- Howe Chas.H. 120 Maldon rd. Colchester villas, Brentwood road, Romford stead, Saffron Walden Howe H. Queen's rd. Earls ColneR.S.O Rummerton James W. 9Richmnd.rd.Ilfrd Horton Rev. Matthew Stoker, 22 Saville Howe Harry, 14 Cleveland 00. Sth.Wdfrd Rumphrey Miss, New house, Steeple street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Howe John, 75 Crouch street, Colchester Bumpstead, Haverhill (Suffolk) Horton George, 70 Hamlet road, Southend Howe Miss, 3 Carlton cots.WoodfordGrn HumphreyMiss,'Vestbry.Lexdn.rd.ClchstJ.­ Horton George Charles Dunbar, The Col- Howe Miss, 17 l\'Ianor street, Braintree HumphreyW.G.Mount vl.Cliff rd.Lgh.S.O lege,Hall la.Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Howe Robert, 67 Military road, Colchester Humphreys Absalom James, 9 Kingswood Horton H. H. B.A. Bancroft's school, Howe Thomas, Kirn, King's Place road, road, Seven Kings, Ilford Woodford Wells Buckhurst Hill Humphreys C.J.Bungalow,Shalfrd.Brntre Horton J.H. J.p.Mascalls,S.Weald,Brntwd HoweThos.7Marlborough rd.Bth.Woodfrd Hunphreys In. 32 Sprathall road, Wnstd Horton Miss, 5 Fairfield road, Chelmsford Howe Thos. Hy.25Grosvenor road, Ilford Humphreys Mrs. Bolton,Princes rd.Rmfrd Horwood J. TheRookery,Aldboro' rd.Ilfrd Howe WaIter, 63 High street, Walton-on- Humphreys Mrs. 21 Sunnyside rd. Ilford Horwood Misses, 1 & 2 Park villas, High the-Naze R.S.O Humphreys Mrs. Button lodge, Theydon road, Loughton S.O Howell C.Comus vIs.Manor road,Romford Bois, Epping HorwoodW.Doubleho.Aldboro'Hateh,Ilfd Howell Miss, 29 Saville street, Walton-on- Humphreys Mrs. The Poplars, Plack- Horwood Wm. 75 Grosvenor road, Ilford the-Naze R.S.O more, Ingatestone R.S.O HoseL.V.5WeIIwood rd.Bvn.Kings, Ilford HoweII Misses, 39 Pleasant road,Southend Humphreys Thos. 66 Grosvenor rd. Ilford Hose R. A. 803 Romford road, ManorPark Howell Mrs. 8 Retreat rd. West cliff, Sthnd HumphriesA.F.4Manor I'd. Woodford Gm Hose Robert John, Holmbury, Charteris Howell Mrs. Wentworth house, George HunnableT.Causewaycot.Bocking,Brntre road, Woodford Green • lane, Wanstead Hunns H.E.Fairview,Gordon rd.S.Wdfrd Hoskin Alex. Broomfield road, Chelmsford Howell O. A. Oakleigh, Leigh road,Sthnd HunsdonJ.12Retreat I'd.West cliff,Sthnd Hossack William Taylor, Roslin,Finchley Howell Wm. Clifford,38London rd.Sthnd Hunt Rev. Alfred Leedes M.A. Rectory,. road, West cliff, Southend Howgego WaIter, 50 Park avenue,Barking East Mersea, Colchester Hosty 'Villiam, 40 Albert road, Ilford Howie George Innes, Bonnygate, Queen's Hunt Albert, Nore view, Southchurch Hotham Rev. Chas. Geo. Beaumont M.A. Park road, Loughton S.O beach, 80uthchurch, Southend Theydonpriory,TheydonGarnon,Eppng Howis Rev. Charles WilIiam, Vicarage, Hunt Aubrey, 11 Trinity av. Westcliff,. Houblon Lieut..Col. George Bramston Pleshey, Chelmsford Southend Archer J.P. & Lady Alice F. Halling- Howitt John F.778RomfoOOrd.1tfanor Prk Hunt B. B.Vavedand, Up.Pk.Loughton S bury pI.Gt.Hallingbury, Bishop's. Strtd Howland Horace M.58Chaucer rd.Wanstd HuntC.Holmwood,Glengall rd.Wdfrd.Grn Houehin Rev. E.M. Felstead, Chelmsford Howland 'Villiam Henry, Elmbank, Hunt E. A. Crouched :Friars, 107 Crouch Houchin Rev. J.W. StaIllbournc,Halstead Blackmore, Ingatcstone R.S.O street, Colchester HouchinE.K.Ravenswth.Cranbrk.rd.Ilfrd Howlett Samuel,33Empress aven. Ilford RuntE.Harcombe vl.'Vrittle,Chelmsford Houchin Misses, Milton house, Ingate. Howling Mrs. Wivenhoe, Colchester Hunt George, 1 Oakhall road, Wanstead stone R.S.O Howson Wm. Cotton, 2 MorlandOO. Ilford Hunt Geo. St. Hilda's, Grove hI.S.\Vdfrd Hough Robert, Monkchester, Goldings Hoy John, Eastbourne villa, 224 Victoria Hunt H. 12 Woodhouse gro. East Ham hill, High road, Loughton 8.0 road, Romford Hunt Herbert, 5 Mansfielrl road, Wansteali Hough Robert, The Hollies, Whitehall Hoysted Rev. J. D. B.A. Billericay R.S.O Hunt James, 96 Thorold road, Ilford lane, Buckhurst Hill Hubault Mareel, OakJeigh, Claremont gro. HuntMrs.Milton ho.Fredericka rd.Chngfrd HoughS.B.136Elgin rd.SevenKings,Ilford 'Voodford Green Hunt Mrs. Romford hall, South st.Rmfrd HoughS.G.D.Palmerston rd.Buckhrst.Hill Hubbard C. Hautville, Avenuerd.Southnd Hunt Mrs. The Warrens, Feering,Kelve­ Houghton A. G. 2 Belgrave road, Ilford Hubbard Fredk.W. 8Papillon OO.Colchestr don R.S.O Houghton Miss, 72 Hamlet road, Southsea Hubbard John, no Norfolk road, Ilford Hunt Mrs. J. Rose cot.Earls ColneR.S.0' HoughtonMrs.Ezel, Russell rd.Bckhst.Hll HubbardWalt.Hy.108Norfolk road, Ilford HuntN.D.Bancroft,7Maltese rd.Chlmsfrd Houghton Murtaugh James, 1 Mansfield Huckson A. 43 Low. Railway st. Braintree Hunt P. Chas. 23 Lansdowne rd.S.Wdfrd gardens, York road, Ilford Hudson Rev. Herbert Kynaston M.A. The Hunt R,.J.p. Tillwicks, Earls Colne R.S.O Houghton William, Pine lodge, Whitehall Vicarage, Berden, Stansted R.S.O Hunt T. Old Vicarage, Newport 8.0 road, Woodford Wells Hudson J. J. 26 St.Vincent rd. Southend HuntT.A.M.9Shakspeare. vls.Highst.Grys HouldsworthW.T.R.Orsettho.Orsett,Grys HudsonLionel,9Argyle rd.We. cliff,Sthnd Hunt; Z. Berecrofts, }~arls Colne R.S.O How Geo. Wm. 50 Thorold road, Ilford Hudson Mrs. 249 Browning rd.ManorPk Hunter Rev.W.R. The Manse,Newprt.S.O Howard Lady Alice, The Grange, Wood- HudsonMrs.Clifforde,TheCliffs, Southend Hunter Arch.Bobbingworth, Ongar 8.0 ham MortiIller, Maldon Hudson Mrs. 1 Knighton villas, High HunterC.53Eastwood rd.Svn.KingA,Ilfor& Howard Colonel, 'Vash farm, Great road, Buckhurst Hill Hunter Ernest, 41 Warriorsquarc,Southnd Clacton, Colchester Hudson Ralph, 41 Ingleby road, IHord HunterG.24Kingswood rd.SvnKings,Ilfrd Howard Col. William J.P. Kingeswode Hudson William J.P. Braeside, Palmer. HunterGeo.Jsph.6IKensington gdns.Jlfrd. Hoe, Sussex road, Colchester ston road, Buckhurst Hill Hurdle Thomas,Devon lodge, Thorough- Howard Captain D. Parkeston, Harwich Hue .JohnMillington,12Norfolk rd. Ilford good road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Howard Rev. John B.A. Rectory, Beau- Hugh-Jones George Dempster, Knutsford, Hurley Elisha M. InnisfalIen, Fourth av. champ Roothing, Ongar S.O Fronks road, Dovercourt Frinton-on-Sea, Colchester HowardA.42Argyle rd.West cliff, Southnd Rughes Rev. Albert M.A. Rectory, High HurleyH. J. L. 10 Chaucer rd.Wanstead HowardA.Burnt ho.Pudding la.Chgwll.Rw road, South Woodford Hurlpy Miss, 6 St. Kilda's villas, Queen's HowardB.A.B.A.Bancroft's sch.'Vdfd.'Vlls Hughes Rev. J. F. 7 Addisonrd. Wanstead road, Buckhurst Hill Howard David D.L., Devon house, High Hughes Alfred, 34 Courtland aven. Ilford Hurley :Mrs. A. 49 Selborne road, IIford road, Buckhurst Hill Hughes Chas. A. Queen's rd. Brentwood Hurman B. S. Denbigh, York road, Sthnd Roward D. L. Little Friday hill, Chingford Hughes Charles Wylde, CooIllbe cottage, Hurnard S. F. J.p.Hill ho.Lexden,Clchstr Roward Edwd. 92 Courtland av. I1ford Great Warley, Brentwood Hurndall C.6Preston rd.·West cliff.Sthnd Howard Eliot D.L., J.P. Ardmore, High Hughes Enos, 5 Victoria road, Colchester Hurndall:\frs.Chandpore,Clarmt.rd.Sthnd road, Buckhurst Hill Hughes F. E. 48 Mansfield road, Ilford Hurrell E. A. Peurhyn, Cross rd. Maldon Howard E. 58St.Helen's rd.We.cliff,Sthnd Hughes George, Redcliffc, Thorough. Hurrell Gcorge, 123 High street, Maldon Roward Harold, 35 Leigh road, Southend good road, Clacton-on-Sea R.8.0 Hurrell Mrs. 80 Baddow I'd. ChlIllsford Howard Harry, South Benfleet S.O Hughes Herbt.64Debden rd.SaffronWaldn Hurrell Robert George, Hurlingham viIs. Howard James Hy. 18 Grove road, 'Vnstd HughesJ.The Cottage,Junction rd.Rmfrd Station road, Clacton-on-Sea R.8.0 Howard John, 49 Dangan road, Wanstead Hughes John, 2 Runwell ter. Southend Hurse J. F. H. Oakfield road, Ilford RowardJ.TheLaurels,Hadleigh,Rylgh.S.O Hughes Robt. L. Sudbury road, Halstead Hurrell William, Fern cottage.
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