Issue 05 / no 01 / 2019 / ISSN 2357 - 9056 FINANCED BY MAGAZINE PANTANALTHE EUROPEAN UNION SCIENCE PECCARY PRESENCE INDICATES HEALTHY FORESTS PG 12 CONTROLLED PARAGUAYAN CAIMAN BURNINGS PANTANAL MANAGEMENT REDUCE PRACTICE FAVORS FIRE PARTICIPATORY CONSERVATION IMPACTS ZONING IN BOLIVIA PG 20 PG 36 PG 42 ISSUE 05 | 2019 PANTANAL SCIENCE 1 COLLABORATION BEYOND BORDERS New proposals for tax incen- Of course, by living and experi- tives, wildlife management, fire encing the Pantanal reality while control, participatory zoning and taking care of farms, attending to tourism itineraries are of interest tourists, unexpectedly encoun- to all Pantanal residents. Along tering fauna, and fighting fires or with maintaining traditions that the drought and flood extremes, teach and educate, these actions the pantaneiros already hold pre- ease isolation and act as resources cious knowledge about their sur- for indigenous resistance. These roundings. However, the experts are some of the topics covered in technical eye can add another this fifth issue of the Pantanal Sci- kind of knowledge, including in- ence magazine, along with enter- formation about distant locations taining and little-known informa- on the same Pantanal or good tion about white-lipped peccaries, initiatives and innovations that discussions about the importance are worth replicating. of determining macrohabitats and Integrating traditional and sci- understanding the infrastructure entific knowledge is important for projects serial impacts that can achieving the intended balance interrupt natural water flow. among different society sectors Since its creation, in 2014, and to turn ideas and ideals into the Pantanal Science magazine reality. Above all, this balance is has been publishing studies and needed to change two major glob- contributions from scientists to al trends that greatly impact na- broaden knowledge about the ture and people: the increase in Pantanal biome, both for Pan- emissions contributing to climate tanal natives, workers and farm- change and the biodiversity loss ers (the pantaneiros) and visitors. on the planet. Together and with 2 PANTANAL SCIENCE ISSUE 05 | 2019 qualified information, every- it, non-partisan, non-govern- and political stability through a one can contribute to reversing mental Brazilian organization. fair transition to a low-impact such worrying global trends by Created in 1996, it operates economy by adding efficiency, doing their part to change their throughout Brazil and is part knowledge and technology to daily routines and investing in of the WWF (World Wildlife the natural resources use, and environmental and economic Fund) Network, which is pres- promoting inclusion, greater sustainability for this unique re- ent in over 100 countries. We transparency and social partic- gion that is the Pantanal. work in defense of life, with ipation. As this biome is not only the purpose to change the so- Since 2015, WWF-Brazil has Brazilian and extends across cial and environmental deg- supported the Pantanal Obser- the territories of Bolivia and radation current trajectory. vatory, which today comprises Paraguay, this magazine edi- Controlling and reversing the 27 civil society organizations tion produced by WWF-Brazil rising emissions trend, for ex- active in the Upper Paraguay presents a collaboration of re- ample, depends on replacing River Basin of Bolivia, Brazil searchers, the pantaneiros and the current “business as usu- and Paraguay. For this network indigenous peoples from both al” models. Deforestation, na- members, the Pantanal resourc- countries. All together they tive vegetation conversion to es conservation and sustainable provide traditional knowledge crops, pollution and burning oil use must be a common concern and experiences from the Pan- should be replaced by environ- for society, governments and tanal beyond our borders. For mentally friendly technologies. private initiatives to ensure the example, the wild caiman sus- Also, the habitat and biodiver- biome survival and integrity. tainable economic use carried sity accelerated loss leading to The Pantanal Science mag- out in the San Matías Integrat- mass extinctions needs to be azine also supports this idea, ed Management Natural Area halted and reversed. which is why we include such in Bolivia, with support from Changing these two trends - a diversity of authors and com- WWF-Bolivia. Also, the par- emissions and biodiversity loss munity members in our pages, ticipatory zoning underway - is the WWF-Brazil primary who are united by their willing- in the Paraguayan Pantanal to concern and purpose. For us, the ness to understand the Pantanal plan the Bahía Negra District. Pantanal is a place of the pos- and look for ways towards a Furthermore, from the Para- sible, where tradition and sus- sustainable, diverse and collab- guayan Pantanal, come reports tainable development can align orative future. This is a true col- of the Yshir Chamacoco people to promote these necessary and laboration across borders. who are resisting the Paraguay- urgent changes. We believe in an bureaucracy and defending the possibility of building a MAURÍCIO VOIVODIC their ancestral lands. new development vision, with Executive Director WWF-Brazil is a non-prof- a return to economic prosperity WWF-Brasil ISSUE 05 | 2019 PANTANAL SCIENCE 3 CONTENTS SUGGESTIONS, 08 TOURISM CONTRIBUTIONS & QUESTIONS Food Safaris present the Marcos Piovesan [email protected] Pantanal gastronomic culture CONTACT INFORMATION WWF-Brasil – Programa Cerrado Pantanal Rua Tabelião Murilo Rolim, 189 12 WHITE-LIPPED PECCARIES Campo Grande, MS – CEP: 79021-400 These forest hippies are environmental Tel: +55 (67) 3025 1112 bioindicators PRINTING 1.000 copies 20 MANAGEMENT Controlled burning helps fight fires EDITORIAL BOARD Júlio César Sampaio WWF-Brazil Cerrado Pantanal Program Director 28 DAMS Alexine Keuroghlian Infrastructure works have cumulative Pantanal Science Magazine impacts Founder & General Coordinator Donald P. Eaton Pantanal Science Magazine Manager & Scientific Coordinator Gabriela Yamaguchi 34 COMMUNICATION WWF-Brazil Engagement Director Even with internet, Pantanal Leonardo Duarte Avelino residents still faithfully listen to the radio Pantanal Science Magazine Legal Advisor Liana John Pantanal Science Magazine Executive Editor 36 PARAGUAYAN PANTANAL TECHNICAL BOARD Participatory zoning promises a more Fabio de Oliveira Roque – UFMS sustainable future Andrea Cardoso Araujo – UFMS Cyntia Cavalcante Santos–UFMS Donald P. Eaton – WWF-Brasil Daniela Venturato Giori – Planurb 42 CAIMAN Walfrido M. Tomas – Embrapa Pantanal Economic use encourages conservation Alexine Keuroghlian – Projeto Queixada EDITORIAL COORDINATORS Alexine Keuroghlian , Donald P. Eaton 48 CULTURE TECHNICAL SUPPORT Mythical creatures teach people Marcos Piovesan to respect nature WWF-Brazil Engagement Analyst EXECUTIVE EDITOR Liana John (Responsible Journalist MTb 12.092) 54 RESEARCH Macrohabitats favor the COVER PHOTOS Pantanal proper use Queixadas – Ana Luzia Souza Cunha Fogo – Sean Keuroghlian-Eaton Paraguai – Latitud25/WWF Paraguay Jacarés – WWF-Bolívia 60 ECOLOGICAL ICMS For more comprehensive and equitable GRAPHIC DESIGN & PRODUCTION environmental tax compensation Matheus Fortunato 64 GUARDIANS The Yshir nation is a symbol of resistance in Paraguay DIGITAL MAGAZINE: ACCESS THE QR CODE 4 PANTANAL SCIENCE ISSUE 05 | 2019 Photo: Paulo Robson de Souza ISSUE 05 | 2019 PANTANAL SCIENCE 5 AUTHORS Alberto Esquivel Álvaro Banducci Júnior Cyntia Cavalcante Santos Sustainable Development - Social Anthropology - Mato Grosso do Wetlands International WWF-Paraguay Sul Federal University Blue Corridor Program/Women in [email protected] [email protected] Action in the Pantanal (MUPAN) Alexandre de Matos Martins Pereira Andrea Garay [email protected] Ecosystems Ecology & Fire Geographic Information Systems - Management - Brazilian WWF- Paraguay – [email protected] Danilo Bandini Ribeiro Institute for the Environment Biological Sciences - Mato Grosso do & Renewable Áurea da Silva Garcia Sul Federal University Natural Resources Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University [email protected] (IBAMA) (UFMS) & Wetlands International Blue [email protected] Corridor Program/Women in Action in Donald Parsons Eaton the Pantanal (MUPAN) Aquatic Ecosystems - WWF-Brasil Alexandre do Nascimento Silva [email protected] [email protected] Biological Sciences - Grande Dourados Federal University Bárbara Ferragini Eliana Paixão [email protected] Environmental Communication - Wetland Ecology - Science & Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul Technology in Wetlands Alexine Keuroghlian Private Areas Network National Institute Ecology, Evolution & Biology for the [email protected] (INCT/INAU), Peccary Project Mato Grosso Federal [email protected] Bruno Henrique dos Santos Ferreira [email protected] Ecology & Conservation - Mato Grosso Alfonso Llobet Querejazu do Sul Federal University Erica Cezarine de Arruda Planning, Monitoring [email protected] Wetland Ecology - Science & & Evaluation - WWF-Bolivia Technology in Wetlands [email protected] Cátia Nunes da Cunha National Institute (INCT/INAU), Wetland Ecology - Science & Mato Grosso Federal Aline Alves Lopes Technology in Wetlands University Ecology, Conservation National Institute (INCT/INAU), [email protected] & Wildlife Management – Mato Grosso Federal Minas Gerais Federal University University Erich Fischer [email protected]’
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