S8602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 21, 2005 I will be checking very carefully on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- how he carries out his responsibilities sufficient second? TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR if in fact he wins the vote. I don’t even There is a sufficient second. 2006—Resumed know if that is a foregone conclusion. I The question is, Will the Senate ad- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The assume it is, if all of the other party vise and consent to the nomination of clerk will report the pending business. vote to confirm. I don’t know. But if he Thomas C. Dorr, of Iowa, to be Under The legislative clerk read as follows: does take this position, I can assure Secretary of Agriculture for Rural De- A bill (S. 1042) to authorize appropriations you we will be carefully looking at how velopment. for fiscal year 2006 for military activities of he carries out his responsibilities at The clerk will call the roll. the Department of Defense, for military con- the Department of Agriculture. We The assistant legislative clerk called struction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe per- may still want to take a look at those the roll. earlier records. sonnel strengths for such fiscal year for the The result was announced—yeas 62, I want to make it clear, I still do not Armed Forces, and for other purposes. nays 38, as follows: think Mr. Dorr meets the standards, Pending: the highest standards, as Secretary [Rollcall Vote No. 198 Ex.] Warner Amendment No. 1314, to increase Veneman said, for this position, but at YEAS—62 amounts available for the procurement of wheeled vehicles for the Army and the Ma- least with this admission that what he Akaka Dole McConnell did was wrong, that he has apologized Alexander Domenici Murkowski rine Corps and for armor for such vehicles. for the statements he made on diver- Allard Ensign Nelson (NE) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Allen Enzi Pryor pending question is the Warner amend- sity, I believe that is at least enough Bennett Frist Roberts ment. for us to get past the cloture vote and Bond Graham Salazar to move to an up-or-down vote on this Brownback Grassley Santorum Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I see Bunning Gregg Sessions the distinguished majority leader. My nominee. Burns Hagel Shelby With that, again, in the spirit of Burr Hatch understanding is he wishes to lay down Smith comity and trying to move this ball Chafee Hutchison an amendment, for which I am grate- Chambliss Inhofe Snowe ful. We would be happy to lay aside the ahead, we will do that. I thank Chair- Specter Coburn Inouye pending amendment. man CHAMBLISS for all of his work and Cochran Isakson Stevens his efforts in this regard. Coleman Kyl Sununu I yield the floor. I will yield the floor. Collins Lieberman Talent The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Thomas The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Cornyn Lincoln jority leader. Craig Lott Thune Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask ator from Minnesota. Crapo Lugar Vitter Mr. DAYTON. Mr. President, I ex- DeMint Martinez Voinovich unanimous consent that the pending press my admiration to the Senator DeWine McCain Warner amendment be laid aside. from Iowa for his willingness to make The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without NAYS—38 objection, it is so ordered. this accommodation. Those watching, Baucus Dorgan Levin AMENDMENT NO. 1342 who wonder whether we do act in the Bayh Durbin Mikulski spirit of bipartisan cooperation, can Biden Feingold Murray Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I send an note this as one of those instances. I Bingaman Feinstein Nelson (FL) amendment to the desk. Also, I send to Boxer Harkin Obama the desk a list of cosponsors of the share, however, the concern of the Sen- Byrd Jeffords Reed amendment, and I ask unanimous con- ator about the timing of this admission Cantwell Johnson Reid by Mr. Dorr. Carper Kennedy Rockefeller sent they be added as such. Clinton Kerry Sarbanes The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The first hearing of the Senate Agri- Conrad Kohl Schumer objection, it is so ordered. The clerk culture Committee on the original Corzine Landrieu Stabenow Dayton Lautenberg will report the amendment. nomination was, I believe, in March of Wyden 2002. That is over 3 years ago. If Mr. Dodd Leahy The legislative clerk read as follows: Dorr had made this kind of acknowl- The nomination was confirmed. The Senator from Tennessee [Mr. FRIST], edgment in this letter back then, this for himself, and others, proposes an amend- Mr. WARNER. I move to reconsider ment numbered 1342. matter would have been resolved some the vote, and I move to lay that mo- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask time ago. Instead, the committee tion on the table. records will show during that time, and unanimous consent that reading of the The motion to lay on the table was amendment be dispensed with. I believe at the subsequent hearing— agreed to. which I did not attend but I believe the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without record shows happened earlier this objection, it is so ordered. f The amendment is as follows: year—he said exactly the opposite. He denied any culpability, he denied doing (Purpose: To support certain youth organiza- NOMINATION OF THOMAS C. DORR tions, including the Boy Scouts of America anything wrong, he denied any respon- TO BE A MEMBER OF THE and Girl Scouts of America, and for other sibility for anything that might have BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE purposes) occurred inadvertently. This is a direct COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORA- At the end of subtitle G of title X, insert contradiction of that and it does occur, TION the following: as the Senator noted, at the very last SEC. 1073. SUPPORT FOR YOUTH ORGANIZA- instant before this matter was going to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The TIONS. be voted for cloture—and I think it is question is, Will the Senate advise and (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as seriously in doubt whether cloture consent to the nomination of Thomas the ‘‘Support Our Scouts Act of 2005’’. would have been invoked, in which case C. Dorr, of Iowa, to be a Member of the (b) SUPPORT FOR YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS.— Board of Directors of the Commodity (1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection— that nomination would have been in (A) the term ‘‘Federal agency’’ means each limbo as it was previously, which led to Credit Corporation? department, agency, instrumentality, or a recess appointment. The nomination was confirmed. other entity of the United States Govern- I also, with reluctance but out of ne- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. EN- ment; and cessity, will vote against this nominee. SIGN). Under the previous order, the (B) the term ‘‘youth organization’’— Again, I commend the Senator from President will be immediately notified (i) means any organization that is des- Iowa, but I think in this matter this is of the Senate’s action. ignated by the President as an organization a highly suspect maneuver at the very that is primarily intended to— last instant. (I) serve individuals under the age of 21 f years; I yield the floor. (II) provide training in citizenship, leader- The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time LEGISLATIVE SESSION ship, physical fitness, service to community, is yielded back. and teamwork; and Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask for the yeas The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- (III) promote the development of character and nays. ate will resume legislative session. and ethical and moral values; and VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:52 Jan 08, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\S21JY5.REC S21JY5 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 21, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8603 (ii) shall include— Scout Jamboree as was provided under this The Scouts are a youth organization (I) the Boy Scouts of America; section for the preceding national or world that is committed to developing quali- (II) the Girl Scouts of the United States of Boy Scout Jamboree. ties, such as patriotism, integrity, loy- America; ‘‘(2) The Secretary of Defense may waive (III) the Boys Clubs of America; paragraph (1), if the Secretary— alty, honesty, and other values, in our (IV) the Girls Clubs of America; ‘‘(A) determines that providing the support Nation’s boys and young men. Part of (V) the Young Men’s Christian Association; subject to paragraph (1) would be detri- that development is asking them to ac- (VI) the Young Women’s Christian Associa- mental to the national security of the knowledge a higher authority regard- tion; United States; and less of denomination. (VII) the Civil Air Patrol; ‘‘(B) reports such a determination to the We do this every day in the Senate (VIII) the United States Olympic Com- Congress in a timely manner, and before when we open the Senate floor each mittee; such support is not provided.’’. morning, when we take our oaths of of- (IX) the Special Olympics; (d) EQUAL ACCESS FOR YOUTH ORGANIZA- fice, when our young men and women (X) Campfire USA; TIONS.—Section 109 of the Housing and Com- (XI) the Young Marines; munity Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. enlist in the Armed Forces—and the (XII) the Naval Sea Cadets Corps; 5309) is amended— list goes on. Such acknowledgement (XIII) 4-H Clubs; (1) in the first sentence of subsection (b) by and respect is an integral part of our (XIV) the Police Athletic League; inserting ‘‘or (e)’’ after ‘‘subsection (a)’’; and culture, our values, and our traditions. (XV) Big Brothers—Big Sisters of America; (2) by adding at the end the following: A decision was recently reached in and ‘‘(e) EQUAL ACCESS.— this case.
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