Making Better Cities Together January 2011 BULLETINBULLETIN funded by Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) MuSPP SHARES EXPERIENCE ON PARTICIPATORY PLANNING THROUGH LECTURE AND CONFERENCE “Envisioning as a Participatory Planning Tool” was the lead topic of experience on participatory planning by giving concrete examples the conference organized by UN-HABITAT’s Municipal Spatial Plan- from three towns in Turkey. Successful experiences from MuSPP ning Support Programme (MuSPP) and Ministry of Environment municipalities of Junik, Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic and Mitro- and Spatial Planning (MESP), supported by other partners involved vica were presented by municipal officers, Ms. FerdoneTofaj, Mr. in envisioning processes in MuSPP Municipalities: Friedrich Ebert Durim Dernjani and Ms. Shyhrete Peci, respectively. Stiftung (FES) and Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB). Over Presentations were also made by Ms. Suzana Goranci, Head of the the last four years envisioning workshops, organized as inclusive Municipal Planning Section in the Department of Spatial Planning planning activities with active participation of local government of the MESP, Mr. Ilir Gjinolli, professor at the Faculty of Architec- officials and civil society organizations, took place in nine munici- ture of Prishtina University and Mr. Luan Shllaku, Director of KFOS, palities. and Ms. Elvida Pallaska of the Institute of Spatial Planning. This conference brought together 150 planning professionals from The participants of the conference contributed by raising numer- all over Kosovo to discuss and share their experiences on partici- ous valuable questions, issues and debate through experience patory and strategic planning in Kosovo and abroad. The partici- sharing and professional reflections. Planners cited that the par- pants had the opportunity to benefit from presentations by three ticipation of the decision makers in the planning process was em- planning experts from Sweden, Turkey and Albania. Comprized phasized as an important issue, because in many cases the deci- of four sessions, the conference offered a very good opportunity sions taken by the politicians do not comply with the visions of for experience sharing amongst planning professionals in Kosovo. the citizens, civil society and other stakeholders. It was evident Proceedings started with the opening remarks of the Minister of through this generated dialogue that in Kosovo understanding of Environment and Spatial Planning, Mr. Mahir Yagcilar, in which and participation in the planning process is still relatively weak, he pointed out that “now the results of the capacities built in this however is seen as a factor relating to the transition of the the local and central level with the support and expertise of UN- planning system in Kosovo. On a positive note the success within HABITAT have started to be visible, where we have the Junik MDP Kosovo municipalities that has been seen so far through the par- drafted with internal municipal capacities and Hani i Elezit/General ticipatory approach suggests improvement will continue and the Jankovic/General Jankovic and Mamusha are following the same added value this approach affords will increase in the future. method”. In her opening remarks, the Head of UN-HABITAT Koso- Prior to the conference, on the night of 8th of November, MuSPP vo office, Mrs. Krystyna Galezia, stressed the role of UN-HABITAT and other partners organized a public lecture “Sustainable Urban and its cooperation with municipalities for promotion of the par- and Rural Development” in the National Library of Kosovo. The ticipatory planning approach and strategic planning methods. lecture was opened by the Minister of Environment and Spatial The first presentation of the conference was made by the MuSPP Planning, Mr. Yagcilar and the Minister on Agriculture and Rural officials respectively Ms. Arijeta Himaduna and Mr. Ishaku Mai- Development, Mr. Blerand Stavileci. The seats of the amphithe- tumbi who described the whole process of the envisioning as well atre on the library were filled with students and planners as well as the background of the project which led to the organising the as other representatives of the Kosovo municipalities working on conference. planning issues. The lecture was led by international planning ex- The conference won from the presence of: Mr. Steve Johnson, perts, and was followed by an active discussion by the participants Head of the Department for Sustainable Community Planning and and questions to lecturers who presented sustainability from three Development in the Municipality of Borlange in Sweden; Mr. Fl- different angles and experiences based on their expertise and amur Kuçi, advisor to the Prime-Minister of Albania who brought working origin. the experience from Albania; and Mrs. Nuran Zelen Gulersoy, Rudina Qerimi lecturer at Istanbul Technical University who brought the Turkish UN-HABITAT/MuSPP 2 MuSPP BULLETIN • January 2011 EditorialURBAN MOBILITY IN KOSOVO - A BIG CHALLENGEganised by MuSPP in cooperation with municipalities. With the plans forming the Ministry of Environment and Spatial a basis for selected capital projects, citi- Planning (MESP), Cultural Heritage with- zens’ engagement is also important in out Boarders (CHwB) and Friedrich Eb- this case. Examples of public participa- ert Stiftung (FES) . The participation of tion in capital investment projects in Hani guest speakers from Sweden, Turkey and I Elezit/General Jankovic and in Mitrovica Albania gave an opportunity for shar- are reported as examples of inclusive CIP ing international experience on these planning. subjects. Post-conference materials are under preparation and will be available The establishment of the Council for on MuSPP website. Spatial Planning as an advisory and con- sultative body testifies to the importance Announced is the Memorandum of Un- which the Governemnt of Kosovo at- derstanding with the municipality of taches to spatial and urban planning in Mamusha which gives grounds for co- creating future development in Kosovo. operation with this municipality in de- Also the establishment of a professional veloping a Municipal Development Plan. Association of Kosovo Planners marks a Dear Readers In the meantime Memoranda of Under- new step in crating a forum for profes- The current issue of the MuSPP bulletin standing were also signed with Graca- sional debate on spatial development. carries information about the recent ac- nica and Partesh, two new municipalities The bulletin carries more detailed infor- tivities of the Programme at the central established under the decentralisation mation on the roles and aspirations of and local level, developments in the part- process. The MOU with Gracanica led the two organisations. ner municipalitie as well as important to the organisation of a visioning work- initiatives initiated in Kosovo and aimed shop which is one of the first steps in the The bulletin also carries a feature article at the promotion of participatory spatial planning process and allows for the con- by MuSPP staff on the situation in Hani and urban planning. solidation of engagement of civil society. I Elezit/General Jankovic, and new in this The workshop was supported by the edition you will the find media corner The bulletin carries a report from a MESP, CHwB and FES. The participation with extracted fragments from articles MuSPP staff member, Sami Stavoga, of experts from the International Civilian on MuSPP activities, from the printed who participated in a Summer School for Office dealing with Special Protection media. young urban professionals organised by Zones was of key importance for this the UN-HABITAT Office in Warsaw and municipality which has many sites under We hope that you will find the bulletin the Association of European Schools of protection. interesting. We invite government and Planning (AESOP) in cooperation with municipal officials, professionals as well the International Society of City and The opening of public reviews in Junik as citizens, men and women, boys and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) and the and Hani I Elezit/ General Jankovic for girls to write to us about their ideas for European Urban Research Association the discussion of Municipal Develop- the development of Kosovo cities, towns (EURA). ment Plans brings back the importance and villages. Interesting letters will be of public participation throughout the printed in our bulletin. Attention is given to the Lecture on planning process. A large number of citi- Sustainable Urban and Rural Develop- zens who attended the ceremony proves Krystyna Galezia, ment and the Conference on Envisioning of the increased awareness of citizens of CTA/ Head of UN-HABITAT Kosovo Office which gathered Kosovo professionals for their right to express opinions concern- two days of debates. The event was or- ing future spatial development of their draft- MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF JUNIK 2010 - 2023 + funded by: Komuna e Junikut MMPH Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme FOR MORE: WWW.UNHABITAT-KOSOVO.ORG MuSPP BULLETIN • January 2011 3 EUROPEAN URBAN SUMMER SCHOOL the future. Urban regeneration itself is a very complex process that our country is facing and will face in the future. New urban forms are also present through town and city enlargements in Kosovo and through the creating of new urban centres as a process of decentralization. It is highly important that this experience and the concepts developed are widely shared during the “in house“ drafting of
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