THE NATIONAL REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF OROMIA OROMIA ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHNAGE AUTHORITY Oromia National Regional State Forested Landscape Program (Project ID P156475) Project Implementation Manual Final Draft (2017-2022) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia April 25, 2017 i Abbreviations and Acronyms A/R Afforestation/Reforestation AD Activity Data AF Additional Finance AGP Agricultural Growth Program AWP&B Annual Work Plan and Budget BioCF BioCarbon Fund BMERP Bale Mountains Eco-region REDD+ Project BoANR Bureau of Agriculture and Natural Resource BoFEC Bureaus of Finance and Economic Cooperation BoLFD Bureau of Livetsock and Fishery Development BoRLAU Bureau of Rural Land Adminsitration and Use BoWME Bureau of Water, Minerals and Energy BSM Benefit Sharing Mechanism CBO Community Based Organization CPO Cooperative Promotion Office CQS Selection Based Consultants’ Qualifications CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy DA Development Agent EIO Ethiopian Institute of Ombudsman EMA Ethiopian Mapping Agency ER Emissions Reductions ERPA Emissions Reductions Purchase Agreement ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework FA Force Account FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FREL Forest Reference Emission Level FRL Forest Reference Level GHG Greenhouse GIS Geographic Information System GoE Government of Ethiopia GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism ii GTP Growth and Transformation Plan IBRD International Bank of Reconstruction and Development ICB International Competitive Bidding ICS Improved Cook Stoves IDA International Development Association IFB Invitation for Bid IFR Interim Financial Report ILUP Integrated Land Use Plan INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contribution ISFL Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes ITB Instructions to Bidder JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LCS Least Cost Selection LDC Least Developed Country LED Low Emissions Development LIB Limited International Bidding LICB Limited International Competitive Bidding LIFT Land Investment for Transformation LULC Land use and Land Cover LUPT Land-use Planning Team M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change MIS Management Information System MA&D Market Analysis and Development MoANR Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resource MoFEC Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation MoWIE Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity MRV Monitoring, Reporting and Verification MWLUPT Micro-watershed land use planning NBE National Bank of Ethiopia NCB National Competitive Bidding NFI National Forest Inventory iii NGO Non-Governmental Organization NICSP National Improved Cook Stoves Program NRM Natural Resource Management NTFP Non Timber Forest Products OEFCCA Oromia Environment, Forest and climate Chnage Authority OFLP Oromia National Regional State Forested Landscape Program OFWE Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise OP Operational Policy ORCU Oromia REDD+ Coordination Unit ORSC Oromia REDD+ Steering Committee ORTWG Oromia REDD+ Technical Working Group PAD Program Appraisal Document PDO Program Development Objective PES Payments for Ecosystem Services PFM Participatory Forest Management PFRA Participatory Forest Resource Assessment PIM Program Implementation Manual PM&E Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation PMT Program Management Team MoFEC Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation PP Procurement Plan PSNP Productive Safety Net Program QBS Quality Based Selection QCBS Quality and Cost Based Selection RAP Resettlement Action Plan RE Recipient Executed REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, Plus the role of conservation, sustainable forest management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks REI Request for Expression of Interest REL Reference Emissions Level RFP Request for Proposal iv RPF Resettlement Policy Framework PMR Procurement Mangement Report R-PIN REDD+ Program Idea Note R-PP Readiness Preparation Proposal SA Social Assessment SBD Standard Bidding Document SCC Special Conditions of Contract SDP Social Development Plan SESA Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment SFB Selection under a Fixed Budget SLM Sustainable Land Management SLMP Sustainable Land Management Program SLMP-2 Sustainable Land Management Project Phase 2 SOE Statements of Expenditure SPN Special Procurement Notice SR Schedule of Requirement SRV Stores receipt Voucher SSS Single Source Selection TA Technical Assistance ToRs Terms of References ToT Training of the Trainer UIFRs Unaudited Interim Financial Report UNBD United Nations Business Development UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WB World Bank WB World Bank Group WLUPU Woreda Land-Use Planning Unit WoANR Woreda Office of Agriculture and Natural Resource WoRLEP Woreda Office of Rural Land Adminsitration and Use WoWME Woreda Office of Water, Minerals and Energy VMG Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups v Table of Contents Abbreviations and Acronyms .......................................................................................................ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................xii List of Figures ..............................................................................................................................xii List of Annexes ........................................................................................................................... xiii 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objectives and structure of the PIM .................................................................................... 2 2 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES AND RESULTS INDICATORS ......................................... 3 2.1 Higher Level Objectives to which the Program Contributes ............................................... 3 2.2 Program Development Objectives ....................................................................................... 3 2.3 Program Beneficiaries ......................................................................................................... 4 3 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 4 3.1 Program Overview ............................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Program Components .......................................................................................................... 9 3.2.1 Component 1: Enabling Investments ............................................................................ 9 3.2.2 Component 2: Enabling Environment ........................................................................... 9 3.2.3 Component 3: Emissions Reduction (ER) Payments .................................................... 9 3.3 Project Cost and Financing Plan .......................................................................................... 9 4 INSTITUTIONAL AND IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS .......................... 11 4.1 Overall Institutional Arrangement ..................................................................................... 11 4.2 Federal Level ..................................................................................................................... 12 4.2.1 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Chnage ............................................... 12 4.2.2 The National REDD+ Secretariat ................................................................................ 13 4.2.3 Ethipian Wildlife Conservation Authority .................................................................. 13 4.3 Regional State Level .......................................................................................................... 13 4.3.1 Executive Oromia Regional State (Vice President’s Office) ...................................... 13 4.3.2 Oromia REDD+ Steering Committee ......................................................................... 13 4.3.3 Oromia Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authority .................................... 14 4.3.4 Oromia REDD+ Coordination Unit ............................................................................ 14 4.3.5 Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise ....................................................................... 15 4.3.6 Concerned regional bureaus ........................................................................................ 16 4.3.7 The Oromia REDD+ Technical Working Group: ....................................................... 16 vi 4.4 Zonelevel ........................................................................................................................... 17 4.4.1 Zonal OEFCA Office .................................................................................................. 17 4.4.2 Zone administrations ................................................................................................... 17 4.4.3 OFLP leadfacilitators .................................................................................................. 17 4.4.4 OFLP safeguards coordinators .................................................................................... 18 4.5 Local level (woreda, kebele) .............................................................................................
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