Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Volume 19 Article 14 Issue 3 November Fall 1928 Bibliography Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/jclc Part of the Criminal Law Commons, Criminology Commons, and the Criminology and Criminal Justice Commons Recommended Citation Bibliography, 19 Am. Inst. Crim. L. & Criminology 456 (1928-1929) This Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by Northwestern University School of Law Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology by an authorized editor of Northwestern University School of Law Scholarly Commons. BIBLIOGRAPHY* I. General, nos. 1-91. VIII. Administration of Criminal II. Criminal Statistics, nos. 92- Justice, nos. 1306-1341. 163. IX. Penal Treatment, nos. 1342- III. The Causation of Crime, 1388. nos. 164-362. X. Non - institutional Penal Treatment, nos. 1389-1484. IV. Criminal Law, nos. 363-702. XI. Institutional Penal Treat- V. Judicial Organization, nos. ment, nos. 1485-1657. 703-782. XII. Release from Penal Treat- VI. Police, nos. 783-1031. ment, nos. 1658-1684. VII. Criminal Procedure, n o s. XIII. Crime Prevention, nos. 1685- 1032-1305. 1733. I. GENERAL. A. The Problem of Crime. [See also No. 59.] 1. ANON., Chicago bullets. Nation 127:82-4, July 25.-2. ANON., Crime in Chicago. New Rep. 56:36-9, Aug. 29.-3. BABCOCK, F., Pineapple politics. Na- tion 126:480-1, Apr. 25.-4. BARBICAN, J.. The confessions of a rum runner. viii+310 pp. Ives Washburn, New York.-5. CHAMB LAIN, H. B., Figures show crime decrease in Chicago. Crim. Just. No. 55:3+, Feb.-6. CHICAGO CRiME COmmissION, Calls attention to record of crime. Crim. Just. No. 56: [1-2] May.-7. "Chicago stuff" in New York. Lit. Dig. 98:10, July 21.-8. Chi- cago's new use for gunmen. Lit. Dig. 97:9, June 16.-9. COHEN, J. H., New York uncovers sensational conditions. [Ambulance chasing.] Jour. Am. Judie. Soc. 12:36-9, Aug.-10. COLLINS, C. F., Crime-a critical analysis. North Amer. Rev. 226:27-36, July.-11. CowrsS, A., The Mafia dead, a new Sicily is born. N. Y. H-Ier.-Trib. Mag. Mar. 4.-12. Crime in California. Pol. Jour. [N. Y.] 16:26-7+, July.-13. Crime on increase, states police chief. [Toronto, Ont.] Pol. Jour. [N. Y.] 15:29, Mar.-14. DE MOTTE, W. H., The assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Jour. Ill. State Hist. Soc. 20:422-8, Oct. 1927.-15. Dx GREGORIO, J., Mussolini and the Mafia. Nation 126:263-5, Mar. 7.-16. DoLL, E. A., The control of crime. Sci. Monthly 26:551-6, June.-17. DONNEI.L, H. E., Our crime problem and how best to deal with it. Pp. 239-46 of No. 1370.-18. DUFFUS, R. L.. The gunman has an intercity murder trade. N. Y. Times, July 8. -19. -, Philadelphia bares a bootleg kingdom. N. Y. Times, Sept. 9.-20. GEHLKE, C. E., Crime. Am. Jour. of Soc. 34:157-71, July.-21. -ArGooI, P., and DONOVAN, M., Murdered Miners. Nation 126:293-4, March.-22. JOHNsoN, B., International traffic in women and children. Jour. of Soc. Hyg. 14:65-75, Feb.- 23. LOWDEN, C. S., Chicago, the nation's crime centre. Cur. Hist. 28:892-8, Sept. *The length of this installment of the bibliography has necessitated a revi- sion of the classification in order to make the contents more easily accessible. The plan worked out by the special research committee (Profs. A. F. Kuhlman, Justin Miller, and Raymond Moley) of the crime committee of the Social Sci- ence Research Council has been followed, in the main. The material listed has appeared in 1928 unless specially designated. In its collection, I have been, in part assisted by Mr. Willard Waller of the Department of Sociology, Univ. of Pennsylvania. T. S. BIBLIOGRAPHY 457 -24. McAnoo, W. G., The challenge. Liquor and lawlessness vs. constitutional government. xiii+305 pp. Century Co., New York.-25. PATTERSON, JR., R. C., Crime and criminals. 5 pp. mimeog. Assoc. of Grand Jurors, New York.-26. PEARSON, E. L., Five murders. 299 pp. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Garden City, N. Y.-27. PRISON CoMm., Ass. OF GRAND JURoRs OF N. Y. COUNTY, Criminal receivers in the United States. 165 pp. Putnam, New York; Also in Pol. Jour. [N. Y.] 16:13-14+, July (cont.). [Same as no. 26, May, 1927, bibl.]-28. REIN- HARDT, J. M., Juvenile delinquency in a town of 18,000. Dak. Law Rev. 2:233-40, June.-29. SELDEN, C., Crime-ridden Chicago fights the gang. N. Y. Times, Aug. 5.-30. [Symposium on crime.] Publ. Welf. [Ga.] 2:1-6, Apr. 15.-31. THOMP- SON, C. P., Britain bucks the gangster. N. Y. Her.-Trib. Mag., Mar. 11.-32. Trade routes of white slavers. Survey 59:486-8, Jan. 15.-33. Traffic in women and children. Advisory committee of the League of Nations. Jour. of Soc. Hyg. 14:293-9, May.-34. UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs for the year ended June 30, 1927. 30 pp. Gay. Print. Off., Washington.-35. V[otaw], A. H., [Judge Audenried on crime.] Pris. Jour. 8:23-5, Apr.-36. The War on the Colorado Miners. 12 pp. Amer. Civil Liberties Union, New York.-37. WOODHULL, C., Fashions in crime. Welf. Mag. 19:883-90, Sept. 38. [Bertrand, E.], La "criminaliti sexuelle." Rev. de dr. pen. et de crim. 8:74-5, Jan.-39. DONA, G., La delinquenza negli affari. 203 pp. Frat. Bocca, Turin.-40. GODWIN, G., Cain; or the future of crime. 108 pp. Kegan Paul & Co., London.-41. GRASSBERGER, R., Die Brandlegungskrimtinalitt. xii+253 pp. J. Springer, Vienna.-42. HEUPGEN, P., Brigandage XVIIe siacle. Rev. de dr. pen. et de crim. 8:84-7, Jan.-43. MAUS, I., L'enqute de la Soci~tj des Nations sur la traite des femines et des enfants. Rev. de dr. p6n. et de crim. 8:366-80, Apr.; 477-87, May.-44. MATTERN, Kindermisshandlungen. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 19:269-72, May.-45. PALosi, E., Budapest kriminalit6sa s Inora- litesa az 1909-1925 jvekben. [Crime and morals in B., 1909-25.] 108 pp. [Press of the Capital of Budapest], Budapest, 1927.-46. POYNTER, J. W., Forgotten crimes. 285 pp. Selwyn & Blount, London.-47. Ruiz-FUNEs, M., El suicidio y el homicidio en Espaita. Rev. int. de dr. p6n. 5:195-206; French transl., pp. 182- 205.--48. ScHwEizER, A., Das Zuhijitertum in der Stadt Ziirich. Monats. f. I<riminalpsych. 19:170-1, March.-49. VLUERs, E., Riddles of crime. 250 pp. W. Laurie, London.-50. WYNDHAM, H., Crime on the continent. 316 pp. T. Butterworth, London. B. Bibliography. [See also nos. 20, 71, 222 and 1696.] 51. American prisons. Welf. Mag. 19:859-60, June.-52. BERMINGHAM, M. T. de, Thomas William Salnrmon, M. D. A bibliography of his writings. Ment. Hyg. 12:114-18, Jan.-53. Bibliography of police departments and penal and cor- rectional institutions. Pp. 600-1 of Municipal Index, 1928. 719 pp. Am. City Mag. Corp., New York.-54. Criminality. Bibl. Eugenica 1:121-2,-144. Eug. News Suppl., March, June.--55. JENKINS, F. W., Delinquent and problem chil- dren. Bul. of the Russell Sage Found. Libr. no. 89:7-8, June.-56. - , Pro- bation-juvenile and adult. Bul. of the Russell Sage Found. Libr. no. 89:8-9, June.-57. LIRRARY OF CONGRESS, DIvISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY, Baumes laws: a bibliographical list. [4 pp.] Typewr. Washington, Feb. 1. [49 titles.]-58. REx, F., comp., Brief list of references to books and periodicals relating to the sterilization of criminal insane and other defectives. Jour. of Crim. Law and Crimin. 19:97-8, May [Pt. I].-59. SELLIN, T., Bibliography. Jour. of Crim. 458 BIBLIOGRAPHY Law and Crimin. 18:629-39, Feb.; 19:118-58, May [Pt. I]; 290-320, Aug. [Pt. I]. [1,697 titles of current criminological books and articles.]-60. Social workers' booklists. 4. Crime and its treatment. [4 pp.] Enoch Pratt Free Libr., Balti- more. [36 titles.]-61. [Stone, E. L., coinp.1, Recent references on convict labor. [5 pp.] mimeog. U. S. Dept. of Labor, Washington; Also in Mo. Lab. Rev. 26:199-203, May.-62. Students' dissertations of criminological interest. Jour. of Crim. Law and Crimin. 19:95-7, May [Pt. I]. 63. GRANDIN, A., Bibliographie ginirale des sciences juridiques, politiques, iconomiqnes et sociales de 1800 t 1925-1926. Premier supplgment: annes 1926 et 1927. 224 pp. Rec. Sirey, Paris.-64. SUTHERLAND, E. H., Neue amerikan- ische kriminalwissenschaftliche Literatur. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 19:228-36, Apr. C. Biography. [See also nos. 59, 222, 1564 and 1567.] 65. BANGS, G. A., Memorial address to Judge C. M. Cooley. Dak. Law Rev. 2:74-80, Feb.-66. CLOSE, 0. 1-., [Fred C. Nelles]. Pp. 209-11 of no. 1370.-67. HARD, A., "Get-the-evidence" Hoover. N. Y. Her.-Trib. Mag., Apr. 8.-68. HOLDSWORTH, W. S., Sir William Blackstone. Ore. Law Rev. 7:155-63, Feb.- 69. LYON, F. B., John L. Whitman-dreamer and doer. Pp. 204-8 of no. 1370. [Same as no. 17, Aug., 1927, bibl.]j-70. SEARS, L. M., The human side of Fran- cis Lieber. South Atl. Q. 27:42-61, Jan. 71. Biografia y bibliografia de Ladislao Th6t. Rev. de identif. y cienc. pen. 1:22-7, Nov.-Dec., 1927.-72. DAHL, F., tKarl von Lilienthal. Nord. Tids. f. Strafferet 16:212-14, Apr.-73. EAST, W. N., Sir Horatio Bryan Donkin, M. A., M. D. Oxon, F. R. C. P. Jour. of Ment. Sci. 74:1-12, Jan.-74.
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