16 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. Aug. 18, 1986 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright MANCHESTER FOCUS I HOMES SPORTS HELP WANTED FOR SALE Mall rule appeal career Opportunity - for New Colonial. Spacious 6 BUSINiSS & SiRVICE DIRiiCf ORY i| Christian women Seaver helping the following positions; room home on North Elm I WARNED YoO t TK shlpplng/recelvlng, preci­ Street! I'/Ybaths,.1st floor aim a NOT 16 ^ was no surprise sion tool repair,, gouge laundry, fireplace, cen­ io -rK e , lunch with clown block calibration. EOE. u m / Red Sox cause tral hall and thermopane lO M JIC M i MIXIN6C ^ou)L ( Will train. Inquire at Holts windows! $120's. "W e ... page 8 ... p a g e 9 Inc. 78 Batson Drive Mon- Guarantee our Houses" ... page 12 chester Ct Call 643-5157. Blanchard & Rosetto Real LIctnted Day Cora In my -flame veur own price— Fodbrty Jlrothiirs — Bo- Estate 646-2482.D Manchester home, two Father and son. Rost, thrdom remodeling; in- Medical Asslstont/ecre- years'and up, full time. dependable service. stollatton'water hooters, torv to work full time with Brand New Listing! Uni­ Call 646-ISM. Fainting, Faperhanging gorboge dlsposals;-10ucet O & p Londscoptno. voco- Internist In Manchester. que 7 room Chalet, 3 & Removal. Colt t» « a 7 .. repairs. «4MS3», Vlsa/M - tton cutttngs, hedge trim ­ Coll 646-7810. bedrooms, 2 full baths, Licensed Family Doy osterCord occepted. ming, FrunIngB, flowdr A Care. Full time, starting shrub ptontlhw. n ee estf- kitchen appliances, 2 House PointTnatnterlor, Top wages paid, for li­ stone fireplaces, 1 car September, Ages ^Va * 5 . ihdles. Coll 6M-24M o ffir censed burner technician, Newer home off brood exterior, references, 5:30pm. garage. Built In 1969. very reasonable, tree estl- send resume to Boland Hebron-Bolton Line. Street, fenced In area. Brother's Inc. 51 BIssell $144,900. Jackson 8, Jack- Call 646-7473. motes, 15 years expe­ A. Henry Persondllted Street, Manchester, Ct. son Real Estate. 647-8400 rience. Mock Bcrrleou, LoWn Cote-Comptet* 06040. or 646-8646.G coll 649-SMS. Also window lown core and londdMo- lian rteB trr ic M re m iY / cleoning. Odd lobs. Ptfnttng, eiin- Ing. Free estimates, fuHv Full and part-time sales You'll fall In love..with iKM OOEUra dow cteonlno, hedM d ip - Insured, oil work guwon- Manchester — A City ol Village Charm and cashier positions this gracious .9 room Co­ plne, onythlngl Coll M ark teed, senior cititens dls- cir available tor mature re­ lonial home. Enormous '6 4 9 # R I ' tounts. 647-1349,- sponsible people, nights Carpentry and remodel­ 1st floor family room, ing services — Cpmplele and weekends necessary. front to back living room, Apply In person to- Fa­ home repairs oncf remo­ iRfcmiciy. OlMbyNEA. me. Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1986 1st floor laundry, new deling. Quolltv work. Ref­ shion Bug, k-mart Plaza, kitchen with window 25 Cents 207 Spencer Street, Man­ erences, licensed and In­ Dwnos Ctectrlc— Hovlpa greenhouse. Many sured. Coll 64641165. hdiiling; deahMo, point- "«•♦••• Insured. 6434004. chester, Ct. charming features. eiectrlcol Froblemsf ■^MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TV $154,000. Jackson & Jack- Need 0 large or « small E i J FORf SALE BUY/TRADE Hardware Clerk. Respon­ Smart shoppers shop Repair? We Specloltw In RSsMentlalousIness. F o r. son Real Estate. 647-8400 Classified! They find Resld^lol Work. 4oseph the IWhest duality at the fvwdifTSpIvstox. Panel sibilities Include selling, or 646-8646.n GNP growth displaying stocking. ■ * that's a good way to tight OumM. Fully Lloensed.. loweM prices coll, John ^1*® »®!ld, stone, Spa shells- factory se­ Good starting pay and the high cost of living. Free estim ates. 646<52S3. .64344353, gravel. Coll 6434MRM. conds or damaged In Brand New Listing! Ele­ transportation. $2(X) to benefits. Apply at Cony­ gant 8 plus room Contem­ ers Hardware, 63 Tolland $800 as Is. Call evenings or Buying old furniture, old gets mall porary Cape In gorgeous Turnpike, Manchester. weekends. 742-6469. glass and china and Je­ South Windsor neighbor­ welry and anything old. 646-5707. hood. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 slowest since Poy cosh money. Please baths, spectacular view of 2- 6’ X 9' area rugs - 1 Bickford's pancakes and I^ H O M E S APARTMENTS APARTMENTS nqvllo jtyle with browns, coll evenings 646-8496. bond plan Hartford. Beautiful lands­ family restaurant has op­ caping. Offered at | £ U fdr s ale FDR RENT FOR RENT FURNITURE beiges, black, gray, rust; enings tor the following $209,000. Jackson & Jack- I 1 black, white, gray CARS positions: waitress M # , braided shag 100 per cent Bv John F. Kirch son Real Estate. 647-8400 AM real estate advertised DO A TWO-WAY favor ... e30 Locust St. 2nd floor, 4 Water bed, king size, good FOR SALE hotess M # , cook and or 646-8646.n wool, $50 each. 633-2468. I ’82 recession Herald Reporter In the Manchester Herald get extra cosh for yourself room, heated apartment. shape, asking $200. Call dishwasher. Will train No appliances. Security. right Individuals top Is sublect to the federal. and make If possible for 646-2139. 19" Sony Trinitron color Fair Housing Act of 1968, $520 monthly plus utilities. The Economic Development wages, benefits.avallable. someone else to enloy TV, works fine, 3 years 1981 Toyota Tercel tiotch- By M artin Crutsinger annual rate of 2.2 percent, far Commission this morning as­ Lovely Cape. Manches­ which makes It Illegal to those golf clubs you never Call 646-2426. Weekdays 9 old. $125 or best offer. bock, 5 speed, 39 k miles, Contact the manager In ter. $109,900. 3 good sized to 5. The Associated Press below the Reagan administra­ signed a four-member subcommit­ person. 415 Hartford advertise any preference, use. Sell them with a want 633-2468. excellent condition, $3200. bedrooms, fireplaced liv­ limitation or discrimina­ ad. Coll 643-7776. tion’s original prediction of 4 tee to begin reviewing a tax- Turnpike (route 30) Ver­ ing room, dining room Manchester- 2 bedrooms. WASHINGTON — The economy, percent growth for all of 1986. increment financing proposal that non. EOE. tion based on race, color, Qak 24" Bar stools, swl- and nicely decorated fin­ religion, sex or national 2nd floor, heat and ap- val, brass rails and per­ held back by a worsening trade Earlier this month, the adminis­ would be used to pay for public ished family room on origin, or an Intention to Manchester. 5 room town- pllonces. No pets. Secur­ 1976 Chevy. Most see. performance, grew at a barely Receptlonisttnsurance house, 2 bedrooms, nice fect condition, original Excellent condition, gar­ tration trimmed its forecast for improvements surrounding the lower level. 2 full baths, moke any such prefer­ ity. $575 month.Call 646- over $100 each; $89 or best perceptible annual rate of 0.6 this year to show growth of just 3.2 proposed Buckland Hills Mall. clerk for Manchester doc­ yard, no pets, 1 child 3979. Brand new tfospital bed age door opener Included. large private backyard ence, limitation or dis­ offer. 633-2468. and wheel chair for sale. percent frorn April through June, percent while saying the slower The subcommittee consists of tor's office. Mature, de­ with screened - In porch crimination. The Herald preferred. $525 plus utili­ $1350. 649-9758. pendable person, plea­ ties. Call Rose 647-84(X) or Manchester - 2 bedroom, $1000. Call 647-7646 after the weakest advance since the last growth would contribute to giving EDC Chairman Alfred Werbner sant personality a must. and patio. 1 car garage. will not knowingly accept 6pm. D.W. Fish. Realty 643-1591 any advertisement which 646-8646. second floor, no pets, recession, the government re­ the government a record budget and commission members Joseph Morning of afternoon 1976 Mercury Capri II, ported today. deficit of $230.2 billion. Hachey. Philip Harrison and John or 871-1400.P Is In violation of the low. stove and refrigerator. Used . kitchen cabinets, runs and looks good, new shift. Coll 646-5153, leave Manchester 4 bedroom, $475 0 month plus utilities. The Commerce Department said But even to achieve the adminis­ DeQualtro and has scheduled its message with service. near park, fenced yard, 2 odlustable brass look light wood. Call 647-9255, exhaust, new paint. $500 the rate of growth in the gross Large 2 family. Living For Sale By Owners - 80 646-1379. 9am to 5pm. or best offer. Call 647-7794 tration’s scaled-back growth esti­ first meeting for 9 a m. Thursday. room, d|,nlng room, kit­ available Immediately. floor lamps, 1 tent style, 1 national product, the broadest LPN Mfed Nurse - Imme­ Larabee St, East Hart­ after 6pm. mate, the economy will have to It will review a contract proposed chen and 2 bedrooms pn ford, 3 family house, on lot $650- plus utilities. Coll 3 bedrooms I'/z baths, shell style $20each, pine 15 diate opening for LPN 633-6975. Avon - free product to first measure of economic health, was expand at a 4.2 percent annual rate by the Homarl Development Corp. the first floor. Living 100 X 300. Coll 649-9535 duplex. Appliances, no piece stereo TV, book the smallest since GNP had falien who Is able to work from pets, $725, plus utilities. shelf or whatever wall 25 to loin Avon now. On 35 1961 Chevy Bebcagne, 2 in the final six months of the year, a of Chicago, one of Ihe mall's room, kitchen and 3 bed­ before lOqm or after 4. to 50 for $5.00 Investment. door, hard top, good run­ at a 3.2 percent rate in the developers, for Ihe financing of Ihe 3pm-9pm, 4 evenings per rooms on 2nd story.
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