NET PitESS RUiN OF THE EVE^J^jfG HERALD for the month of Fcbmary, 1927. ^ 5 6 VOL. X U ., NO. 140. ClMsllled Advertising on Page 10 M^CHESTER, CpNN:, TOESDAV, MARCH 15, 1927. TAKES ICY BATH ONCE WAIF, SUES FOR MILLION HLASPHEMT CASE in^E D TO SAVE A DOG PLOT TO FREE Torontb, March’ 15.-—The first rim D WINS OPENING Manchester Boy Joins Hero blasphemy caab in Canada in HOSPITAL AID Ranks for Strange Pup in 1,200 CONVICTS which a'plea of not guilty was tendered was started here today Perilous Predicaipent. when Judge Coatswo'rth refused to take the trial of Ernest V. SKIRMISHES IN HIS FOR 1HIS YEAR People dive into water to- WITH_P0IS0N Sherry away from the jury, as rescue other people, but one’ requested by defense counsel. Manchester boy got all wet The judge said that In his opin­ last Saturday pulling a half- ion the crown should be forced $1,000,000 LAW SUIT Manchester Hit By Action of frozen terrier out of the Cen­ Arsenic Was to Have Been to present an exceptionally’ ter Springs pond. strong case. Stanley Mason, of Center State Legislature— Pres­ street was walking in the Pnt In Salt Cellars Used woods when he spied, far out BOLL BUKX s o u 'Tlea of Justification’’ Is Al* in the pond, a bedraggled dog ent Appropriation Enough, hanging by its front paws on By Guards— Leopold Is lowed— Gives Auto King to the fast rotting ice. The dog a iY OF WOHU 'TOlURiFOItlllUN Committee Reports. did not seem able to swim and Suspected. it was not strong enough to Wide Latitude In His De^^ climb to the ice and walk NOW IN HANDS Hartford, March 15.— Both ashore. Joliet, 111., March 15.— While the Houses of the State Legislature to­ Mason was just a minute de­ Transaction Involves $50,- fense on Libel Charge; ciding what to do. He search for Bernardo Roa, only miss­ day rejected bills which called for plunged into the pond, broke ing member of the Joliet jail break OF NATIONALS increases In the appropriations the ice in front of him until 000— Located at Main Five Women In First *(1 made by the state to hospitals in he got to the dog and took it gang, led Into Indiana and Michi­ -i l l gan, the authorities today , were twelve cities. The explanation tvas under his arm. Then he to question Nathan F. Leopold, Jr., and Ford Streets. Twelve CaUed For Jury made that the committees feel the swam ashore with the animal F oreip ers Leaving Nanking in tow. whom they believe might have been state’s expenditure of ?700,000 as Mason had to swim for it the “ brains” and financial backer Mrs. Martha Sheehan today sold Duty. aid to hospitals is very liberal. No because the ice at the pond Which May Fall Next; of a gigantic guard poisoning her business block at Main and Increases will be allowed but the had rotted so that It would no regular hospital budget allowances longer sustain the weight of a scheme and plot to liberate more Ford streets to Solomon A. Bend­ Federal Building, Detroit, March will be reported favorably. human being. than 1,200 convicts confined in the Americans Use Chinese er of IJartford: The transfer 15.— With justice smiling upon him The bills rejected called for ap- Joliet penitentiary. which Involves $50,000 Includes for the second time In as many Acting on confidential Informa­ airoprlations to Griffin hospital, Der- Warships to Esca|ie. ^ ^ the former Holl block which Mrs. days, Henry Ford won another Greenwich hospital. New Mil­ tion from habitues of Mexican pool­ AM. WOOLEN STOCK rooms, detectives were dispatched Sheehan bought from Edward J. round today In the $1,000,000 llbol ford hospital, Manchester Memorial suit brought against him by Aaron hospital, Danbury hospital, Norwalk to Detroit where Roa’s brother Holl In 1920. The’ papers were lives, in the belief the condemned Shanghai, March ’ 15,— The city made out by Attorney W. S. Hyde Sapiro, Chlcagp attorney. hospital, Stamford hospital, Water- and filed at noon today. The point was won when Federal' bury and St. Mary s hospitals, of murdered may seek refuge in Can­ of Wuhu today was reported to CRASHES ONXHANGE ada before trying to return to The property Is bounded on the Judge Fred S. Raymond Overruled Waterbury; Meriden City hospital, have fallen Into the hakds “ of so^e west 100 feet by Main street, on a motion by attorneys for Sapiro Park City, of Bridgeport; and the Mexico. Name Leopold. kind of a Kuomintang (National­ the north 113 feet -by the ^arr to eliminate Ford’s “ plea of justifi­ General Hospital Society of Connec­ property, on the east 100 feet by cation” on the ground It violated ticut, at New Haven. Half a dozen persons questioned ist) committee.” All the civil au­ a t Prices Drop to Lowest In individually today named Leopold the property of August Kirschefer, an'earlier court order. The appropriations committee .as the ringleader of the jail deliv­ He once was a street waif; hut now Aaron Sapiro is suing Henry thorities evacuated the city after and on the south 114 feet by Ford The decision gave Ford wide lat­ also reported unfavorably on four­ ery plot. Ford for a million dollars. Senator James A. Reed will be Ford’s mobs had entered the offices. street. itude in presenting his defense to teen armory repair bills asking for History of Company— To­ According to State’s Attorney attorney. ' The fall of Wuhu to the Na­ The prflient occupants of the the libel suit, which was based a total of ?134,000. The commit­ ■ Hjalmar Rehn vast quantities of tionalists would mean the cutting block are: The Manchester Gas upon a series of articles, published tee has cut this to ?100,000. Ar­ arsenic were to be smuggled into company, Juul’s Market, The Lad­ In the Dearborn Independent, at-* mories aifected are: West Hartford, of the line between Shanghai and tal Drop of 27 Points. the prison and into the hands of Nanking and would probably be the ies’ Shop, Bldwell and Williams tacking Sapiro’s activities in organ­ Middletown, Stamford, Meriden, convict cooks, with a view to poi­ candy store, Peter Peperltis, shoe­ izing farmers’ co-operative associa­ Hartford, New Haven cavalry, JUDGE IS PERTURBED ADMITS HE KEIED forerunner of the fall of Nanking. soning all guards next Saturday. The Nationalists apparently be­ maker, and Mrs. Sheehan’s own tions. ' r _ Branford, Torrington, Wallingford, New York, March 15.— The com­ wallpaper and paint store. The sale With the guards incapacitated, lieve that with the fall of Nanking PostiToncs Decision Bridgeport, Norwich, New Britain, mon and preferred stocks of the the 1,200 prisoners were to make Includes leases to the Manchester The court postponed a decision;, Danbury and Ansonla. OVER PEACHES YARN the Shantungitles would find Shan­ Gas company and to Bldwell and American Woolen company crashed the break for freedom. 16 YEAR OLD GIRL ghai untenable. on a motion by Sapiro’s counsel to The Senate today rejected the bill to the lowest prices in the history Cook as Poisoner. Williams.. eliminate jhe whole Ford plea. ,He calling for the adoption of a state Carlos Stepina, formerly one of Foreign Warships The property fs listed on the held that the plea .was defective in song, and bill which would author­ of the company in heavy trading on There are many foreign warships town’s tax books for $38,000. Mr. the New York Stock Exchange to­ Chicago’s most notorious bandits many Instances but that the trial ize railroad companies to pay wages and now a convict cook at Jolle at Nanking, Including British, Bender, the new owner, gave the could proceed without a final rul­ bi-weekly Instead of weekly. day. Since the publication of the Published Reports Said Real IB Year Old Boy Says Shoot­ Japanese and American, and land­ City Bank and Trust company,'; 1926 report, showing a deficit of penitentiary, was declared today by ing on the plea. Bills with the following provi­ high Chicago police officials to have ing parties may be landed to pro­ Hartford, a first mortgage for Ford’s “ plea of justification” was sions were reported unfavorably $7,700,000 the stock has been tect foreign interests. In 'anticipa­ $25000 and Mrs. Sheehan a second heavily sold, and the recent closing been the one named as the proposed Estate Man Won Victory ing Was Accidental— Po­ important to the auto king’s case and reiect,pd by the House today: poisoner. tion of fighting there has. already mortgage for $20,000. because his defense to the libel suit including Cedar ^nd West streets, of New England textile mills has in­ vited aggressive short selling of The arsenic. It yf&e said, was to been a general evacuation of for­ will be limited to that set forth la Seymour, in the trunk line highway both classes of stock. have been placed in salt cellars used In Famous Snit. lice Say Jealousy. eign residents. There are some 500 the"'plea. system; repealing the state snares Heavy Drop. by guards and officials. Americans in Nanking and the WILL NOT GIVE PEN The case went to trial at once, and snaring law; regulating fishing Leo Delgoda of Chicago, paroled The preferred stock declined to American consuls ar,e reported to with the selection of a jury. in Moosup and Cranberry ponds; from the penitentiary last Decem­ 59 for a new loss of about six points WhiterPlainsj^.N.
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