95 YEARS OF RESPONDING TO CHALLENGES THIS MONOGRAPH IS DEDICATED TO ALL THOSE WHOSE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ASPIRATIONS ARE WOVEN INTO THE 95-YEAR-LONG TRADITION. 2 GOŠA FOM a.d. is a well-known and reliable part- launched the production of metallurgical, coke and ner for the design, construction, assembly, commis- mining equipment. sioning and servicing of equipment and machinery in Cooperation was established with large interna- the fields of energy, metallurgy and mining. tional companies such as Takraf, Krupp, and Eickhoff. Since its foundation, GOŠA FOM has undergone The production of gearboxes in cooperation with various stages of development. German firm Eickhoff began in this period. The pro- It all began with the establishment of Jaseni- curement of new machinery and equipment marked ca Public Joint Stock Company in 1923, with Serbi- a major modernization of production. an and French capital, as a repair and construction The events of the 1990s, the break up of Yugosla- workshop for railway materials and iron and wood via, the dissolution of the USSR, wars and sanctions structures. contributed greatly to a decline in economic activity In 1930, a workshop for the production of steel in Serbia. structures, bridges, and other facilities was estab- Thanks to its personnel, GOŠA FOM managed to lished. In the period until 1950, a vast number of successfully overcome this period and independent- bridges and large quantities of structures for various ly research the markets of Russia and the former purposes were produced. republics of the USSR. The company worked on An important stage in the further development perfecting its old designs, using the latest solutions was the period until 1965, which saw the consolida- in the field of electrical equipment, hydraulics, and tion of the production of steel structures, bridges, computer technology. Complete products were de- and manufacturing facilities, as well as the beginning signed independently in design bureaus. of the production of cranes. Since the beginning of the 21st century, GOŠA A very important phase in the factory’s develop- FOM has mastered a large number of new products ment, structuring, and mastering the design and pro- in various fields. duction of equipment was the period from 1965 to In the segment of coke machines, the company 1977. In addition to the production of various bridges, has developed designs for a new generation of ma- GOŠA FOM mastered the manufacture and design chines with full automation for coke oven batteries. of hydromechanical equipment and developed its The portfolio of open-pit coal mining equipment range of cranes. is very important in this period. Conveyors for tailings The period from 1978 to 1990 is considered and coal transport, up to 2,000 mm wide, as well as very successful. GOŠA FOM became a major man- drive groups and steel structures for excavators and ufacturer of large-scale investment equipment, and spreaders, have been developed. 3 GOŠA FOM designs, manufactures and delivers At numeorus companies around the world, our various types of cranes. The company has designed equipment and machines represent a necessary pre- and put into operation many types of cranes which condition in the production process. have special purposes in addition to their general pur- In the upcoming period, GOŠA FOM plans fur- pose. Out of the gantry, GOŠA FOM has developed ther investments in personnel, because it is only with grab type reloader cranes for different purposes. high-quality staff that the company can seek to con- The privatization of GOŠA FOM was crucial for the tinue developing new products and survive on the company's future. The management and employees market. took upon themselves a great obligation and respon- GOŠA FOM’s objective is to become a powerful sibility and, in a consortium with Russian company company with highly-developed engineering, and to Koks Kemerovo, won a tender in 2005 to become the invest in new equipment and the modernization of majority owner of GOŠA FOM. Since then, about 12 existing machines in the forthcoming period. million euros has been invested in the modernization With its quality-oriented policy, GOŠA FOM aims of equipment and machines. to be a socially responsible company and to contin- Today, GOŠA FOM is a modern, market-oriented ue investing, as it has so far, in sports, culture and and world-renowned company which, thanks to its other areas of significance for the local community own engineering, design, technological, and man- and beyond. ufacturing know-how, meets the most stringent in- ternational criteria. The company possesses all the General Manager necessary certificates and licenses for conducting its GOŠA FOM a.d. business. Srdan Dimitrijević By channeling investments and personnel into continuous development aimed at mastering new products, and with great help and support from business partners, GOŠA FOM has shaped its current product portfolio. Our many years of experience, modern technolo- gies, and quality control at all stages of the produc- tion process serve to meet the needs and require- ments of customers and guarantee the quality and reliability of products. 4 Joint stock company Goša plants and dams in Serbia, Croatia, Equipment and Machinery Compa- Romania, Peru, Algeria, Tunisia, Iran, 4 ny - GOŠA FOM a.d. - is marking Iraq, Ethiopia, Burma, etc. 95 years, nearly a century, of exis- Coal is the third element that fea- tence, work and development. In its tures prominently in GOŠA FOM’s long and rich history, the company past and present. The scope of en- has built thousands of facilities, ma- gagement in this area is vast, both chines and pieces of equipment, so in the construction of open-pit and it wouldn’t be too much to say that underground coal mining equip- there is hardly any production area ment and the building of coal trans- in which GOŠA FOM has not in some portation and storage facilities for way left its mark, or that our prod- mines, thermal power plants and ucts are indirectly or directly con- coke plants. nected to the lives of each of you. A particular emphasis should be Hundreds of our bridges are crossed placed on complex coal coking ma- by millions of people, trains and cars chines. These machines are found at every day around the world. At sev- most coke plants in Russia, Ukraine, eral hundred industrial facilities that Kazakhstan, Brazil and other coun- we have built, millions of tons of tries around the world. We can iron, steel, aluminum, lead and zinc proudly say that GOŠA FOM has be- are produced, as well as thousands come a world-renowned manufac- of cars, engines, tractors and many turer of coke machines. products necessary for everyday It is apparent that GOŠA FOM life. Our gates regulate the flow of has a very wide range of products, water in numerous power plants, en- which has allowed it to adapt to re- abling the production of electricity, quirements and needs of the market and they also help irrigate land and and customers. It is precisely thanks supply drinking water to millions to this strategy of production and of people. A thousand cranes pro- development of factories that GOŠA duced at GOŠA FOM carry millions FOM has successfully weathered the of tons or pieces of various goods. most turbulent periods and econom- Hundreds of coke oven machines ic crises and became a well-known from GOŠA FOM churn out millions and reliable partner for the design, of tons of coke, as kilometers of belt construction, installation, commis- conveyors transfer coal to thermal sioning and servicing of equipment power plants and other consumers, and machinery in the fields of ener- and thousands of gearboxes man- gy, metallurgy and coke and chemi- ufactured at GOŠA FOM enable cal production and mining. high-quality performance of thou- This wide product range suc- sands of machines. And that's not cessfully survives on the global mar- all. ket thanks to the company’s high- Steel, water and coal are the ly-skilled staff who keep pace with three basic elements associated contemporary technical and techno- with the existence of GOŠA FOM. logical achievements. Today, GOŠA Steel is the basic material the FOM is a modern, market-orient- factory processes to produce very ed and world-renowned company complex products. which, thanks to its own engineer- GOŠA FOM has had a significant ing, design, technological and pro- share in the building and equipping duction know-how and skills, meets of dozens of metallurgical facilities the most rigorous global criteria. that produce iron and steel in Ser- Although the factory has changed bia, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, its ownership structure a number of BiH, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, times over the past 95 years - from China, Brazil, Burma, Italy, Germany a joint stock company to a state- and South Africa. owned and socially-owned enter- GOŠA FOM is connected with prise, to a joint stock company again water through bridges and equip- - it has operated successfully every ment for hydroelectric power plants year. Today, the company is majority and dams. In its 95-year history, it owned by 360 of its employees and has produced more than 300 bridg- former employees. es for roads and railroads of Serbia, This monograph is a kind of guide the former Yugoslavia and the world. to the history of the factory, explain- With its hydromechanical equip- ing how GOŠA FOM has survived all ment, penstocks and cranes, GOŠA these years. FOM has become a significant play- er in the construction of hydropower Јасеница а.д. 5 Joint stock company Jasenica Board decided to launch the compa- was founded in 1923, with the aim ny’s operations. On December 27, the of repairing and building all kinds of Commercial Court in Belgrade made railway materials and iron and wood the launch of operations official.
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