Active in Faith December 2020 Faith Lutheran Church “Live In His Love . Share His Joy!” 4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 639-6309 · [email protected] Church office hours- 9am to 1pm Monday - Friday Pastor - Rev. Dana Alan Narring, MDiv [email protected] Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I pray God’s richest blessings on you and your loved-ones as we begin this new church year and enter It Could Have Been an into the season of Advent. It is also a time when we change our Sunday Divine Service worship set- ting. This helps us to regularly enjoy the variety of liturgies that our hymnal has to offer. Sometimes people have asked, “Why do we use the liturgy out of our Lutheran Service Book (LSB) most Sunday’s?” Well, for one thing, the liturgy is a framework that summarizes the whole history of salvation. It is a story that we all need to hear and be reminded of often! We all know and understand the story of the Babe of Bethlehem – who grew up to live a perfect life and to: teach, heal, suffer, die, rise from the dead, ascend into heaven, and who sent His Holy Spirit to create faith and sustain His church. We have learned this story in worship services, in Bible classes, and in our confirmation classes. In addition, beginning in Advent, we experience the entire Church Year. In it, we are able to review our complete spiritual history (as we follow the outline of what God, in Christ Jesus, has done for us). Moreover, as you look at the various parts of the liturgy, please view the inclusion of the numerous Scripture references found throughout the LSB. All of these help to provide us a framework though which God shares His gifts . and by which we are invited (through the liturgy in The Order of each Divine Service) to respond to His great love. Yet, there is another reason to celebrate the liturgy regularly. The Order of Divine Service is itself, kind of a mini-church year. I invite you to open your hymnal and follow along to examine the various seasons of the church year as reflected in each Divine Service. Starting in Advent, we’ll begin on p.184 of our LSB – Divine Setting Three – the setting we will use until Lent in 2021. ADVENT This first season of the year is a time of preparation as we anxiously await the arrival of our Savior. “Prepare Ye, Get Ready.” As more of the advent wreath candles are lit each week, the anticipation grows. Likewise, in the confession and absolution (pp.184-185) we prepare ourselves to meet the Sav- ior who is about to enter into our midst through Word and Sacrament. CHRISTMAS We gather with the shepherds at the manger to welcome Jesus, the Bread of Life. The overwhelming nature of this greatest Gift is underscored by the announcement which was given to the shepherds by “a multitude of the heavenly host” (Luke 2:13) who were singing praises to God. We are privileged to join with the angels and welcome our Savior by singing. “Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (p.187). (continued on page 2) 1 EPIPHANY During Advent, we anticipate the gift of the Savior. At Christmas, we receive this gift. Then, during the season of Epiphany, we open this gift and examine what the Savior came to do and teach. In Epiphany, we see that the gift of the Savior is for the whole world (just as the Magi learned), that He came to take our place under the law (as He claimed at His baptism), and that the Father is well pleased with Him (please reference the baptism and Transfiguration accounts). We learn about the Savior through the Scripture read- ings and sermon, highlighted by the Gospel reading (which recounts His exact words to His disciples). We also summarize all of His teachings as we confess our Christian faith with the creed (pp. 190-192). LENT We have always understood Lent as a penitential season – a time in which we prepare ourselves to recall the suffering and death of our Savior. We are also reminded that it was our sin that led Jesus to the cross. We pray that God would forgive our sins and help us to lead more God-fearing lives. Psalm 51, one of the great penitential Psalms, is the text of the Offertory (pp.192-193). As penitent believers, we ask God to provide His Spirit to uphold and renew us. HOLY WEEK Lent concludes with Holy Week, a time set-aside for us to focus on a number of separate events in the last week of our Lord’s earthly life. Specifically, we remember the following: PALM SUNDAY The crowd in Jerusalem greeted the coming King with, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 21:9). We join their song of welcome in the Sanctus (p.195). MAUNDY THURSDAY It was on this night, in the upper room, that Jesus gave His church the Sacrament of the Altar. This story is recounted as the pastor speaks the Words of Institution (p.197) which also gives to us the gift of Jesus’ body and blood. GOOD FRIDAY On the cross, Christ earned the forgiveness of sins for the entire world. We’re reminded of this as we sing to “Christ, the Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world” (p.198). EASTER The risen Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to the two disciples walking to Emmaus. Then, he appeared to the disciples who were gathered in the Upper Room. What were His first words to the fully assembled group? “Peace be with you” (p.197). PENTECOST In this season, the focus is upon the church and the gifts that God gives to (and through) the Church to help us fulfill the Great Commission. In the Benediction (p.202) we once again hear our Lord’s promise to go with us. As we leave His house and go into the world to proclaim the Gospel, He blesses us, He keeps us, and He gives us His peace to share with everyone we meet. So it is, in our weekly worship, we have the entire story of our salvation presented to us. And, through the help of our LSB liturgy, we are blessed to receive all the gifts Jesus’ words bring. May God continue to richly bless you during this season of Advent as we prepare our hearts (and our lives) to greet our Savior, Lord, and King – Jesus! To God Be The Glory! In Christ, Pastor 2 WEDNESDAY during ADVENT… Sing with us as we prepare for Christmas Arrive a little early as Phillip Eyrich will lead us in your favorite Christmas hymns before the service. 1 Mid-Week /2 hour Worship @ 6pm Wednesday, 12/2 Are You Ready For Christmas? Matthew 25:1-13 Wednesday, 12/9 How Uncomfortable Are You? Isaiah 40:1-5 Wednesday, 12/16 Words (and actions) Matter! Luke 1:31-33 Pre-Christmas Worship Sat, Dec 19th - 5pm Favorite Songs/Contemporary Music/Lessons and Carols Worship w/communion Sun Dec 20th - 9:30am Favorite Traditional Hymns/Music/Lessons and Carols Worship w/communion Christmas Eve/Christmas Day Worship Thurs, Dec 24th, 7pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service Come announce our Saviors’ birth! Friday, Dec 25th, 10am Christmas Day Communion Service We celebrate our Saviors’ birth! 3 Visit The Angel Tree To Support Our Missionary! Once again this year we have our Angel Tree in the Narthex. We invite you to join us in supporting our missionary to St. Petersburg, Russia, Rev. Jerry Lawson and his family. Take an envelope and return it with your gift in the offering plate or to the church office. You may also go online to send your gift directly to Rev. Lawson and family by visiting www.LCMS.org/Lawson. Thank you for your continued support! Board of Missions 4 WE ARE OPEN for Worship! We ask you to observe social distancing and if you cannot, please wear a mask. If you are ill, please stay home. Saturday 5:00pm Praise and Worship Service Sunday 9:30am Traditional Worship Service We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sun and previous Sat Or, if you cannot attend worship . Join us on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/FaithLutheranPG You Don’t need to be “on Facebook” or have a Facebook account to access the above link—simply put it into your browser. We had a wonderful time of fel- lowship and fun as we decorated God’s house on Sat. Dec., 5th. Many hands made the work-load light. Thanks especially to Cindy Young and to all who helped! To God be the Glory! Before After 5 6 CAN WE COUNT ON YOU? We are still seeking volunteers to help count our offerings. If you are able to help-out on a bi-weekly basis please contact our office. We so appreciate you sharing your time & talents! Bob Falce - Chairperson— Board of Stewardship Salvation Army Food Drive Throughout the year, we encourage donation of food for the Salvation Army every fourth Sunday. This year, in light of COVID-19, instead of our usual Advent soup sup- pers, we will be collecting additional food for the Salvation Army! We will have a bin in the church Narthex for you to drop off non-perishable foods. Currently the food pantry is in need of the following items: --Canned meat, chicken or tuna --Canned peas (they have green beans and corn) --Canned or cups of fruit --Spaghetti sauce --Breakfast foods, cereal, oatmeal The Board of Missions extends a heartfelt thank you to Joyce Metz for her tireless work in transporting the donated food items to the Salvation Army every month.
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