HOW BIG IS BIG BILL! GRID4TEB BRISBANI] LAMB/iSTS U]«I¥C]BS1T¥ TEIVNIS CLVB The 1957 meeting of the Greater Brisbane Hard­ court Tennis Association saw a University club placed in the unique position of facing a meeting which was not merely patently hostile towards the University, hut hostile for no other reason than that it had been told to be hostile. HOW DH) THIS SITUATION ARISE? Mr. Edwards, In a Bcene University men Jones, The biggest name in Qu(>ensland tennis is that quite tuiprccedented lu a llalllgnn and K>1»i of Mr. C. A. ("Biff BiU") Edwards, a staunch up­ public meeting, aru!k> in wore lUrcady on. holder of Labor ideals, blessed with political con­ the chair, nnd i^tutcd that • Fallini!; to hrowlH'at tacts and £ s. d. — and a desire to havo his own two largo clubs hii<l acted University Into Htili- in collusion tn uuKcat the mlsslcn, ho threatens way. His taste in shirts mdicates a certain lack vjcp-prc»idents of the pre­ KeV Malyn hi sucjj THE NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND of dress sense, but that is about all he does lack. vious year, and that they severe terms that STUDENTS' UNION The other protaganist is Mr. Clem Jones, presi- Maljii decides not to should not vote for Mr. nominate. Vol. XXVII. No. 3. Thursday, 14th March, 1057 went of the U.Q.T.C., and also a man of many Clem Jones, but they parts, political contacts, and £ s. d. As befits the WIIV? true University man, however, he is fashion con­ scious. Wliat made Ed­ Parliamentary' To begin at the begin­ be elected and decided at wards take this ning: G.B.n.T.A. Ims an a meeting to support him. altitude? Executive consisting of ENTER "BIG BILL" the President, sj-nonym- • Was it juflt Patter otis with C. A. Edwards, Edwards now went into pique because any and fourteen committee action. At a private meet­ ono nmn or chili The University of Queensland Polilical Science Club was enter­ meml)crs, elected at » ing he informed Clem dared defy his tained on Tuesday, 5lh March, by the spectacle of a practising polilician meeting cf Club delegates. Jones that U.Q.T.C. had to dictation? settling down seriously to tackle a problem in polilical theory. Mr. Ken Tlio Vice-p residents, withdraw its support from Morris, M.L.A., Leader of the State Liberal Parly, attempted to look with Messrs. Sherry and Bar­ Malyn. Lurid details • Was it fear rett, are ardent SUJJ- were given of what was that tho loss of unjaundiced eye upon the question, "Is the Australian Liberal Prr'y 'H*^ porterrt of "nig Bill" and to happen to Malyn, in­ his men would gUibositive force in Australian Polilics ?" but despite his introduciory re- Ills policies. Mr. Sherry cluding action which 1)0 serious bc- becamo decidedly "per­ would completely ruin his ctiu.se too many ^'marks, fay which he showed that he recognized the problem was a little sona non grata" with the difficult for a politician to answer, he nevertheless excelled himself in career in tennis adminis­ people were be­ University Club when he tration. • By the time he ginning to ask using it as a spring-board for comparing the Liberal Party and the Labour failed to present trophies was flnished, he said, questions? What Party with all the vigour of a front-bench Opposition member in Parlia­ after promising to do so, Malyn would wish he had did lie have, to ho ment. and attended a football never, been in tennis, scarcHl nbout? match rather thiui be pre­ Jones was told to Instruct Mr. Morris commenced by disparaging the sent at the opening of the The Labour Party, on his delegates to vote for STINKS ncmrowness of vision of sorr":! people, who "tend the other hand, was work­ new Tennis Pavilion. Sherry and Jones, not for to judge a political party a the extent to which ing for "the socialization University had always Malyn, Jones said it was Quite frankly, of industry, production, supported Mr. Sherry for a decision of the executive tho whole se!-up it, in Government, taxes ont beer or cigarettes, and he could not do that. or how vociferous its parlian. «ary representa­ distribution, and ex­ his vice-presidency, but stinks. Not only change," and so a short this year withdrew its sup­ has pressure tives ore when in opposition.'" He then went description of the methods port in favour ot Clem Edwards then demanded been applied to further, and attacked the definition of "positive" used and progress gained Jones. Annerlcy Recrea­ that he call lui cotccutlvc an outside body, by tiie Labour Party were tion Club, another big meeting and have the de­ but voting In as expounded by Augustus Compte, who said cision to support Malyn that it was absolute materialism. Thus for, the in order. This was then club, decided to nominate elections has been contrasted with the "in­ Mr. Kcv. Malyn for a vice- wltlidrawn.. Jones sold he stacked. could not do It since Exe­ discourse was upon reasonably theoretical and dividualism" plank of the presidency. University "Semper" Sleuth at distinguished lines, and the alternative definition felt that Mr. Malyn should cutive had mode Its de­ and the conduct of such Liberal platform, and it cision after very careful aB.ILT.A. mccUng that Mr. Morris put forth was that a party was would Bcem that the argu­ meetings unconstitutional. price control versus a free consideration and nothing There is evidently, more positive if, by successfully pursuing the basic ment" thereafter rested hod been said to Justify market . these were should vote for Messrs. to tliis thiui meets thu ideals on which il is founded, it will bring solely upon this difference any such action, because between the two parties arguments of positivism Sherry and Barrett. eye — "yes-men" servo he respected their decision some purpose, Wc should greater progress to this country and ils people, —the one plugging indi­ versus reaction. personally, quite apart Mr. Ilnillgan, of Uni­ Mr. Morris gave us a like to linow what that g^fhereupon, we were regaled by a discussion of vidualism, the other the from his club position, und versity, protested that this purpose is. very interesting insight was unfair. Mr. Edwards ^fihe ideals of the Liberal Party .... "to create a submergence of indivi- hod no Intention of trying —P.H. ^'new political movement free from the twin stig­ dulism in the socialist into the philosophies of to tell University students didn't seem to think so', state—"the dead hand of ono trend of thought with­ what to do after they had said nothing, and grunted. mas of negativism and conservatism," and to socialism." Private enter­ in the Liberal Party, and mado up their minds In a Mr. Jones was not elected, work for "the full development of the individual prise versus government it is a reason for con­ proper manner. citizen." dabbling in commerce, gratulating the Political BLOCK VOTE Union Council Science Club, for having STUDENTS enabled a small body of Nominations were eallcil students to observe the Tlicn followed com­ for 11 executive posit ions political mind in the ments by Edwards on Uni­ Mr. Poon's name wns call­ meets till throes of sti;h a problem versity students generally ed out first, shortly fol­ It should be noted, how­ and their thinking ability. lowed by the names of ever, that there Is another This attaclt was couched others of the University line of thought open, and in typical antl-Unlvcrslty- nominations that were not 2.25 a.m. .student Jargon. written down. Twelve that, of course, is that . Tcnsd debate over the Liborn! Party is not names appeared on the board with miraculous removal of Union Coun­ the party of positivism, Edwards then luUd that fluency, certainly not in the but is the party of con­ If this was tho case Ite'd cil oiliccs (o St. Lucia, order in which they were move now inunincnt. servatism (within reason­ fix Jones as well as Malyn called. University delegates able limits), and that "all Ivc said about Malyn were amongst those in the Herston, Turbot St., and Liberals should glory in goes for you, too, boy" and second column and were YeerongpiUy vote against then "you wait till Wed­ that fact. This, obviously, not elected, thus the nam^ move. Engineers in Is not good politics, but it nesday night and hear of Clem .Tones and Brian favour.' should possibly have been wlwt I've got to say and Halligan disappeared from mentioned, either In the you'll bo sorry, boy." These tho executive, and the were his hnal remarlis. .. Deadlock over Vic. speech, or in tho questions Ciub which had preferred Park iniprovcmchfs. In­ that came later. It cer­ to play tennis rather than tainly is tho idea of some Jones said he was sorry, tennis Politics was forced vestigation and action political philosophers that but if that was the way off tho executive. At this shelved again. SI. Lucia an excess of regulation Edwards felt there was stage the University dele­ Rcfcc. improvements still •legislative activity is a nothing he could do. He gates lost interest and it on the way. sign of positivism, that Is, was noticed that Mr. Ed­ knew Bill's strength but wards had devised a tecli- . Rudeness of coun­ of working towards one's had no intention of trying self-appointed goal. nique of moving a motion, cillor dctrncls from dig­ whereby those in favour to dictate to his exocotivc nity and respect of Union.
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