MAITLAND CITY COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE NO 1 INVOCATION.............................................................................................. 1 2 APOLOGIES ............................................................................................... 1 3 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ......................................... 1 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING....................... 1 5 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES...................................................... 1 6 MAYORAL MINUTE.................................................................................... 1 7 PUBLIC ACCESS ....................................................................................... 1 8 WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS AND ACCEPTANCE OF LATE ITEMS OF BUSINESS .................................................................................................. 1 9 OFFICERS REPORTS ................................................................................ 1 9.1 GENERAL MANAGER................................................................. 2 9.1.1 DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN 2006/2009................................... 2 9.2 SERVICE PLANNING AND REGULATION............................... 32 9.2.1 06-782 SENIORS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT- 6 UNITS LOT B DP393118, 2 RONALD STREET, TENAMBIT RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL ........................................... 32 9.2.2 DA06-337 TEMPORARY USE - EQUESTRIAN EVENT LOT 332 DP 105437 AND LOT A DP 431719, 396 ANAMBAH ROAD, ANAMBAH. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL ........... 57 9.2.3 DA 00-1503 SECTION 96 MODIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – REARRANGEMENT OF HANGAR DESIGN AND CHANGE TO COMMUNITY OPERATIONAL UNDERTAKING LOTS 1 - 4 DP 1018518, 604 NEW ENGLAND HIGHWAY, RUTHERFORD RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL ........................................... 94 9.2.4 WALKA WATER WORKS, OAKHAMPTON ROAD, MAITLAND ................................................................................116 9.2.5 PROPOSED REZONING OF LAND AT CORNER OF RIVER ROAD AND NEW ENGLAND HIGHWAY, WINDELLA..............146 Page (i) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 9.2.6 AMENDMENT TO MAITLAND CITYWIDE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN - BOLWARRA/ LARGS................................176 9.2.7 REVIEW OF MAITLAND LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN.....183 9.2.8 INTEGRATED CHILD AND FAMILY CENTRE, WOODBERRY189 9.2.9 INDIAN MYNA TRAPPING INVESTIGATION ...........................199 9.2.10 OWNERSHIP OF LAND ASSOCIATED WITH EAST MAITLAND GASWORKS ..........................................................204 9.2.11 EAST MAITLAND SHOPPING PRECINCT...............................209 9.2.12 RENEWAL OF RETAIL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AGREEMENT (RESA)...............................................................229 9.2.13 PETITION - SPEEDING IN SCHANCK DRIVE, METFORD......234 9.3 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION..........................................249 9.3.1 MAKING OF RATES AND CHARGES ......................................249 10 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION....................................................................266 10.1 STATUS REPORT ON CONSTRUCTION WORKS .................267 10.2 COUNCILLOR MOTIONS.........................................................273 10.3 COUNCIL’S HOMEPAGE STATISTICS ...................................279 10.4 SHOWGROUND NOTIFICATION OF EVENTS........................280 11 NOTICE OF MOTION/RESCISSION........................................................284 11.1 REDUCTION OF SPEED ZONES ON THE NEW ENGLAND HIGHWAY FROM RUTHERFORD TO LOCHINVAR NOTICE OF MOTION SUBMITTED BY CLR RAY FAIRWEATHER .....284 11.2 WATER SHARING PROPOSAL FOR THE TIDAL POOL OF THE PATERSON AND HUNTER RIVERS NOTICE OF MOTION SUBMITTED BY CLR ARCH HUMPHERY ..............285 12 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ............................................................287 13 URGENT BUSINESS ...............................................................................287 14 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE................................................................288 14.1 CONSIDERATION OF TENDERS - PROVISION OF INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICES.....................................288 Page (ii) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 14.2 COMPULSORY PURCHASE OF CROWN LAND SEMPILL STREET MAITLAND FOR CAR PARKING..............................289 14.3 VACANT LAND - 12 FREWIN AVENUE WOODBERRY..........290 15 CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS FROM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ...291 16 CLOSURE................................................................................................291 Page (iii) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 PRESENT 1 INVOCATION 2 APOLOGIES 3 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING • The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held 23 May 2006 be confirmed. 5 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 6 MAYORAL MINUTE 7 PUBLIC ACCESS 8 WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS AND ACCEPTANCE OF LATE ITEMS OF BUSINESS 9 OFFICERS REPORTS Page 1 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 9.1 GENERAL MANAGER 9.1.1 DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN 2006/2009 File No: 35/33/12 Attachment Submissions Responsible Officer: David Evans General Manager Author: Leanne Harris Manager Strategic Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with the Council resolution of the 2nd May 2006, exhibition of the Draft Management Plan for 2006/2009 has been completed. This report discusses the results of the public consultation process and recommends Council proceed with the adoption of the Plan. The adoption of the Management Plan for 2006/2009 is a mandatory requirement for Council to meet its legal obligations under the Local Government Act, 1993 and to continue to provide services to the community for the year ahead. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION THAT: 1. In accordance with Section 406 of the Local Government Act (1993), the 2006/2009 Management Plan be adopted by Council. 2. Council adopt the Revenue Policy for 2006/07 as annexed to the Management Plan, which includes a general rate increase of 3.6% as approved by the Minister for Local Government together with an additional 6% if approved by the Department of Local Government. 3. Council approve the following borrowings: a) A loan of $630,000 for specific capital works, including road, bridge access and drainage works during 2006/07 b) An additional loan of $1,000,000 to assist with the construction of capital works identified in Council’s Long Term Asset Management Strategy c) Council authorise the affixing of the Council Seal to all documents relating to the loans. d) Hire Purchase Agreements up to $600,000 as required to replace two (2) garbage trucks. Page 2 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 Draft Management Plan 2006/2009 (Cont.) 4. Council adopt the Stormwater Management Charge as per the Draft Management Plan REPORT The purpose of this report is to present the final Draft Management Plan 2006/2009 to the Council for formal consideration and adoption, following the results of the public consultation and exhibition processes. Council is required, by Section 406 of the Local Government Act 1993, to formally prepare and adopt a Management Plan prior to June 30th each year for activities that are to be undertaken over the next three years and a revenue policy for the coming year. This process includes the adopting of budgets, voting of funds for expenditure and the setting of rates, fees and charges. As part of this process Council must consider any public submissions and in light of these can review and amend the exhibited Draft Plan where deemed necessary. This year’s draft Management Plan was compiled following a series of workshops and input from both Councillors and staff. One of the key principles of the draft Management Plan 2006/2009 is sustainable asset management in accordance with Council’s recently adopted Long term Asset Management Strategy and Policy. The draft Plan also recognises Council’s environmental obligations and the community’s increased environmental awareness and expectations. In recognition of the continued high levels of urban growth leading to increasing use of and demand for Council’s services coupled with a widening gap between asset renewal and maintenance requirements, Council has developed a Ten Year Financial Planning Model. The model is integrated with Council’s Section 94 planning processes and comprehensive asset management strategies with a view to achieving financial sustainability over the longer term. As a result of this process, the Draft 2006/2009 Management Plan proposes a Special Rate variation of an additional 6% above the maximum 3.6% approved by the Minister for Local Government, generating an additional $1,380,086 in rating income. PUBLIC CONSULTATION The Draft Plan was placed on public exhibition from Tuesday 9th May 2006 through until Tuesday 6th June 2006 inclusive. A public meeting was convened to explain the draft Plan and offer the community the opportunity to provide direct feedback to the Councillors and staff. The Draft Plan was also available from Council’s Customer Service Centre, all of the City’s libraries and on the Council’s web page. In addition to the above, details of the supporting material and the application to the Minister for Local Government for a Special Rate Variation for an additional 6% increase in the general rate, which is a key element of the Draft Plan, was the subject of specific notification processes including coverage in Maitland Matters, a letterbox drop and presentations to the business community. Page 3 ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 13 JUNE, 2006 Draft Management Plan 2006/2009
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