November 19, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9031 Security and Medicare will begin to Edgell, Ms. Ashley Etienne, Ms. Lisa make my family part of the experience. feel the burden of the retiring baby Hallford, Ms. Gabrielle Hargrove, Ms. They have had to put up with a lot, boomers. And yet it seems that few are Victoria Johnson, Ms. Amber Moon, nights and days away, missed school willing to face the reality of this pend- Ms. Brenda Murphy, Mr. Dominic events and uncertain schedules. ing crisis. We still have too many with- Nguyen, Ms. Hava Rothman, Mr. J.J. b 1230 out adequate access to health care, Slater, Ms. Pat Strong, Mr. Andrew even though we have the very best Wallace, the Honorable Ed Watson, and All too often Tamra had to play the medical assets in the history of the Ms. Barbara Winters. role of both parents in my absence. I world. Of our former staff, Mr. Ron Allen, know it was not easy. I have had the honor of representing Mr. Stephen Brown, Ms. Rosemary I once heard Senator Sam Nunn of the world’s largest medical center, the Burkland, Mr. Lloyd Chinn, Ms. Georgia speak at the National Prayer Texas Medical Center, with some of the Rosaline Cohen, Mr. Mark Daley, Ms. Breakfast, and he said, when asked greatest researchers and institutions Audrey Duff, Ms. Natalya Estridge, Mr. what his greatest accomplishment was on the planet and yet, even with its Ruben Garcia, Ms. Jennifer Goodman, in all those years in the other body, dedicated staff and investment, within Ms. Meredith Grabois, Mr. Stephen that ‘‘I kept my family together.’’ He a mile of these fine people and institu- Hofmann, Mr. Jonathan Kaplan, Mr. was right. But I also know that Tamra, tions too many of our fellow citizens Lincoln Lobley, Thomas Mayo, Ms. Louise, Meredith, and I will miss this lack access to the benefits of their Sandy McManus, Mr. Gary Palmquist, place, and it will forever be etched care. Ms. Sonya Pastor, Ms. Diane Patter- upon our hearts. We still have too many Americans son, Mr. Isaac Pesin, Ms. Sheryl Mr. Speaker, 8 years ago I was given struggling to make ends meet, even Roppolo, Ms. Patricia Rojas, Ms. Susan the opportunity to serve my fellow though we have proven to have the Schieffer, Ms. Jessica Segal, Ms. Lisa citizens of Texas’ 25th Congressional most efficient and successful economic Sherrod, Mr. Whet Smith, Ms. District, my State, and my Nation. model. Samantha Smoot, Ms. Barbara Stalder, Few get that chance, not only to wit- We still face dangers and threats, Ms. Kathryn Tsuchida, Mr. Jeremy ness history, but to participate in its even though we have the strongest Warren, Mr. Vince Willmore, Ms. Jen- making, even if in a small way. I have military, by far. Our democracy and nifer Winans, Mr. Patrick Woehrle, and had that chance, and I have tried my way of life may well face threats if we Mr. Bobby Zafarnia. hardest every day to do the very best do not act, not merely to defend our- In addition, Katie Rosenberg who that I could. We did not win every bat- selves and our allies, but to eradicate served as a page, and 75, more than 75 tle, but I believe we finished ahead of poverty and tyranny throughout the interns who served in our offices in where we started. I am confident that world. The growing number of poor Washington and throughout the dis- our efforts have resulted in the better- throughout the world is immoral and trict. ment of people’s lives. should be unacceptable to a free and These individuals have, in many Most of all, I have had the chance to democratic society such as ours. Fail- ways, become an extension of our fam- serve my people, doing the same that ure to use our economic might and ily; and we will always be grateful. our forefathers did more than 200 years commitment to freedom and individual I also want to thank the professional ago in the founding of this Nation. The liberty can only result in a greater staff with whom I have had the privi- people of the 25th Congressional Dis- threat to our own freedoms. lege to work with here on the floor, the trict gave me this opportunity to be a The challenges are too great to ig- Parliamentarian, the Sergeant at part of history and the American nore, but I believe the people of this Arms, the Chaplain, the Clerk, and the democratic experiment, and for that I body possess the ability, if they muster Cloakroom and in committee. They, shall be eternally grateful. the will. As America continues to lead, too, are among the most dedicated f we must confront those issues before souls I have ever met. As some may they confront us. know, I, too, was once staff of this in- RECESS Mr. Speaker, mine has been a tre- stitution and I understand the burdens The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. mendous experience for which I am of their jobs and I leave with nothing THORNBERRY). Pursuant to clause 12 of truly grateful to my constituents. I but the highest respect. rule I, the Chair declares the House in have always tried my best to represent Mr. Speaker, let me thank my family recess until approximately 12:40 p.m. not just those who voted for me but for allowing me the opportunity to Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 31 those who voted for someone else and seek and undertake my position as a minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- those who did not vote at all. I have Member of the House. As every Member cess until approximately 12:40 p.m. had the benefit of serving alongside knows, this job, with all of its glory f some of the finest individuals I will and grandeur, can be grueling on our ever meet, from both parties and Inde- families. No Member is an exception to b 1254 pendents, and while their friendship this rule. But, at the same time, my AFTER RECESS will endure, more importantly, as I re- wonderful wife, Tamra, who is in the turn to private life, I am comforted in gallery today and our two beautiful The recess having expired, the House knowing that the leadership of the Na- daughters, Louise and Meredith, have was called to order by the Speaker pro tion remains in such competent and found a home and an extended family tempore (Mr. THORNBERRY) at 12 committed hands. in this body. o’clock and 54 minutes p.m. My tenure in the House would not I can still remember my first day on f have been at all successful had it not January 4, 1995, sitting just to the REQUESTING SENATE TO RETURN been for the excellent staff who tire- right of where I stand today with our OFFICIAL PAPERS ON S. 1843, EX- lessly served the people of the 25th dis- two girls, then just 2 and 4. It was a TENDING CERTAIN HYDRO- trict and our Nation. Often going unno- long day with a lot of speeches. The ELECTRIC LICENSES IN THE ticed, these individuals deserve the gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. STATE OF ALASKA credit for a job well done, as I know MALONEY), juggled Meredith, while Members would agree about their own Louise searched the floor for some- Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- staff. I would like to take a moment to thing else to do. mous consent that the Clerk of the read their names into the RECORD, be- Throughout the years, these two girls House of Representatives be directed to cause they deserve to be inscribed in have grown up in part on this floor, request the Senate to return the offi- the history of this body for the work playing in the cloakroom, wrestling cial papers on S. 1843, to extend certain they have done. and dozing off in chairs during late- hydroelectric licenses in the State of Mr. Speaker, if my colleagues permit night debates. They harassed the staff, Alaska. me, they are as follows: of my current created havoc, and always felt at home. The House is requesting the return of staff, Ms. Willie Belle Boone, Ms. Jes- I cannot thank the Members and the these official papers to correct an inad- sica de la Torre-Sauceda, Ms. Bradley staff enough for what you have done to vertent error that emerged during its VerDate 0ct 31 2002 23:24 Nov 19, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19NO7.009 H19PT1 H9032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 19, 2002 post-passage processing. We are hopeful could not have had more fun this sea- of my time to the gentle monkey from that the Senate will agree to this re- son. I attended a lot of Angels’ games, California. quest and allow the will of the House starting with their first home game f on this bill to be reflected. and going throughout the season, ulti- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there mately winding up with that excep- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED objection to the request of the gen- tional playoff series against the New By unanimous consent, permission to tleman from California? York Yankees, then against the Min- address the House, following the legis- There was no objection. nesota Twins, and finally against the lative program and any special orders f San Francisco Giants. heretofore entered, was granted to: I do not think that there is much in (The following Member (at the re- CONGRATULATING WORLD SERIES baseball that can compare to it, par- BASEBALL CHAMPIONS, THE quest of Mr.
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