EVALUATIVE REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES 1. Name of the Department : Department of Islamic Studies 2. Year of Establishment: 1975 3. Is the Department part of a Faculty: Yes (Faculty of Humanities & Languages) 4. Name of Programmes/Courses offered: (Undergraduate, Post-Graduate and Ph. D Regular) S. No. Name of the Programme Type of the Programme Annual Intake 1 B.A (Hons.) Semester (Regular ) 60 2 M.A Semester Semester (Regular) 30 3 Ph. D Regular 5. Interdisciplinary courses and department involved: Department is teaching two compulsory papers (1) Islamiat (2) Indian Religion and Culture to First and Second Semester Undergraduate students of Faculties of Humanities and languages, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. Similarly Islamic Studies is being taught as subsidiary paper to the students of B.A first, second, third and fourth semesters. 6. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc: Nil 7. Details of Programmes/courses discontinued: Nil 8. Annual/Semester Choice Based Credit system: Yes At master level and from the academic session of 2012-13 at undergraduate level. S. No. Name of the Course Annual/Semester 1 B.A (Hons.) Ist Semester 2 B.A (Hons.) IInd Year Semester/Annual 3 B.A (Hons.) IIIrd Year Semester/Annual 4 M.A Semester-I & II Semester 5 M.A Semester-III & IV Semester 6 Ph. D 9. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Yes, Undergraduate students of the department opt various courses of other departments as subsidiary papers. Similarly under Choice Based Credit system Post-Graduate students may also opt courses of other departments. S. No. Course 1 History, 2 Political Science 3 Arabic 4 Persian 5 Geography Page 1 of 29 EVALUATIVE REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES 6 Hindi 7 Mass Media Hindi 10. Professor 3, Associate Professor 2, Assistant Professor 4 Post: Sanctioned Filled Actual Professor * 01 01 03 Associate Professors** 01 -- 02 Asst. Professors*** 08 08 04 * One Professor is on leave **The open post of Associate professor is lying vacant. *** Four Assistant Professors are promoted through CAS two Associate Professors and Two Professors 11. Faculty Profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization (D.Sc/D.Litt. /Ph.D/M.Phil., etc.) Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of No. of PhD in years of Ph.D Progress Experienc students e guided for the last 5 years Akhtarul M.A Islamic Professor Islam and 36 Years 13 00 Wasey* Studies Muslims (Master of Societies in the Theology) Contemporary World Razi Ahmad M.A Ph.D Professor Tasawwuf 26 years 04 00 Kamal** and Head Iqtidar M.A B.Ed. Professor Islam in the 24 years 02 08 Mohd Khan Adv. Diploma Modern World Ph.D Mohd M.A Ph.D, Professor Islam in 22 years 05 06 Ishaque Diploma in Medieval India Archival Studies Farida M.A English, Associate Sufism 20 years 03 06 Khanam M.A Islamic Professor studies, Ph.D Page 2 of 29 EVALUATIVE REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES Syed Shahid M.A Ph.D Associate Quranic 20 years 02 06 Ali Professor Morality Juniad Haris M.A Urdu Assistant Islamic 12 years. 00 00 M.A Islamic Professor Thoughts/ Permanent Studies Major World 2 yrs M.Phil (Urdu) Religions Guest Teacher Mohd M.A, Ph.D Assistant Modern 6 years As 00 04 Arshad Professor Islamic World Guest Teacher,3 year Asst. Professor Mohammad M.A Ph.D Assistant Islam in India, 03 year, 00 04 Mushtak Fazil Professor Sufism Asst. Deoband Professor Guest Teacher 4 yrs Mohd. M.A Ph.D Assistant Islamic 8 Years 00 03 Khalid Fazil Jamia Professor Religious As Guest Khan Darussalam Sciences Teacher, Omarabad, Six TN Months Asst. Professor * Professor Akhtarul Wasey was appointed National Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities (Govt. of India) in April 2014 ** Professor Razi Ahmad Kamal retired in November 2013 12-List of Visiting Fellows, faculty, adjunct faculty, emeritus Professors: Nil 13- Percentage of Classes taken by temporary faculty: 12 periods per week S. No Program Name of Temporary Remarks 1 B.A (Hons.) Mohd Umar Farooque (Guest Teacher) 2 B.A Zubair Zafar Khan (Guest Teacher) 3 B.A Khursheed Afaq (Guest Teacher) 4 B.A Abida Quansar (Guest Teacher) 14- Programme –wise student teacher Ratio: Name of Course Total Student Total Teachers Ratio B.A(Hons.) and M.A 150 12 12.5 Page 3 of 29 EVALUATIVE REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES 15-Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled: 2 (One Clerk & One Peon) S. No Post Sanctioned Filled Actual 1 LDC 01 01 01 (UDC) 2 Peon 01 01 01 16-Research thrust areas recognized by funding agencies: None 17-Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a National /International formally agencies and c) Total grants received the names of the funding agencies and grants received projects-wise: None 18- Inter-institutional collaboration projects and grants received: None a) All India collaboration b) International 19-Department projects funded by DST-FIST, UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE, DBT, CSSR etc. total grants received: Nil 20-Research facility/ centre with .State recognition: N/A .National recognition: N/A .International recognition: N/A 21- Special research laboratories sponsored/created by industry or corpora bodies: N/A 22- Publications: S. Item Total Numbers No. 1 Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals 43 (National/International) 2 Number of papers published in conferences 3 Monographs 4 Chapters in Books 19 5 Edited Books 14 6 Laboratory Manuals 7 Articles in Magazines 26 8 Editorials 9 Books with ISBN with details of publications 52 with ISBN & 21 Without ISBN or as course material Annexure Page 4 of 29 EVALUATIVE REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES ERD I – Publications 10 Number listed in International Database ( For e.g. Web of Science, Scoups Humanities International Complete, Dare Database-International Social Science Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) 11 Citation Index-range/average 12 SNIP 13 SJR 14 Impact Factor-range/average 15 h-index See the annexure-I for more details 23-Details of patents and income generated: N/A 24-Areas of consultancy and income generated: N/A 25- Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laborites in India and abroad: N/A 26-Faculty serving in a) National Committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) Any other (Please specify ) Name of Faculty member National International Editorial Boards Other Committees Committee Prof. Akhtarul wasey 17 01 04 34 Prof. Iqtidar Mohd Khan 01 Prof. Razi Ahmad Kamal 01 -- -- -- Dr. Farida Khanam 04 01 --- Dr. Syed Shahid Ali 02 --- -- -- Mr. Junaid Haris 03 --- --- -- Prof. Akhtarul Wasey: National 1- Member, Anjumna (Court), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 2- Member, Academic Council, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 3- Member of Board of Studies (Islamic Studies) Directorate of Distance Education, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad. 4- Member (Trustee) Sufi Foundation India, Chandigarh (Punjab) Page 5 of 29 EVALUATIVE REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES 5- Member, Board of Research Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and social Science, Hamdard University, New Delhi 6- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 7- Member, Board of Research Studies of Social Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 8- Member, Board of Studies in Persian, Urdu and Arabic, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab 9- Member, Advisory Board Foundation for Amity and National Solidarity, New Delhi 10- Trustee, Foundation for Inter-Community Relations (FICR), New Delhi 11- Trustee, Yasmeen Foundation, New Delhi Editorial Boards: 12- Member, Editorial Board, Jihan-e-Tib and Unani Chikitsa aur Swasth (Quarterly journals of Urdu and Hindi respectively published by Central Council of Research in Unani medicine, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India) 13- Member, Editorial Board, Rampur Raza Library Journal 14- Member, Editorial Board, Insight Islamicus, Shah-i-Hamadan institute of Islamic Studies, University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006 15- Member, of the Board of Editor/Board of Reviewers, Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, Peshawar university, Peshawar, Pakistan Membership of Various Committees of Government of India: 1- Chairman, Sub-Committee on Promotion of Urdu Language and enhance compatibility amongst minorities through knowledge of English, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi-110001 2- Member, National Monitoring Committee for Minorities’ Education, Government of India, Ministry of human Resource Development, New Delhi 3- Member, Assessment and Monitoring Authority, Planning Commission, Government of India, Yojana Bhavan, Parliament Street, New Delhi 4- Member, Steering Committee for Elementary Education and Literacy, Planning Commission, Government of India, Yojana Bhavan, Parliament Street, New Delhi 5- Member, Working Group on Empowerment of the Minorities for formulation of the 12th Five year Plan, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi 6- Member, Executive Board of the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi Positions Held Previously by Prof. Akhtarul Wasey: National: 1- Chairman of Sub-Group on Adult Education and Non-Official Member, Consultative Group on Elementary Education, Secondary Education and Literacy for the Mid-Term Appraisal of XI Five-Year Plan, Planning Commission, Government of India, Yojana Bhavan, New Delhi- 110001 2- Non-Official Member, Consultative Group on the ‘Empowerment of Minorities, Planning Commission Government of India, Yojana Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 Page 6 of 29 EVALUATIVE REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES 3- Member, Governing Council and Programme Committee, National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi 4- Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas Shimla-171005, from 26.7.2010 to 25.8.2011. 5- Delivered a lecture on 23.7.2011 at the Bihar Legislative Council, Patna , in connection with the centenary celebrations of the Legislative Council.
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