HOOD COLLEGE BRAND STANDARDS 1 BRAND STANDARDS HOOD COLLEGE 10-21-2020 PRIMARY LOGO The official Hood College logo is a LOGO VARIATIONS representation of both our history and our vision for the future. The Hood College logo may be used full color (as seen on the left), reversed It is a graphic identity that is repre- out to white as below, or in solid black sentative of our deeply rooted tradi- as needed (see below): tions and our longstanding heritage of excellence. At the same time, its stylish nature lends a contemporary, forward-moving feel. The shield symbol is incorporated into a distinctive, customized arrangement of Electra typography to form the complete logo. The Hood College name is presented To ensure the identity’s strongest in a contemporary, sophisticated style impact, do not modify or distort the befitting our goal of delivering an ex- logo. The uses shown in the section cellent, relevant, values-based educa- “Logo Misuse” are all unacceptable tional experience for our students. The Hood College logo can be used treatments to the logo. Most questions with or without “Frederick, Maryland” about logo usage will be answered by The official logo and guidelines for its as a part of the logotype. reviewing these improper examples on use provide a touchstone of continuity page 8. for all our communications. 2 BRAND STANDARDS HOOD COLLEGE 10-21-2020 PRIMARY LOGO | CLEAR SPACE RULES AND MINIMUM SIZE REQUIREMENT When the logo is used in marketing materials together with photography, illustration or other typography, a minimum amount of clear space must surround the logotype. This space is equivalent to one-half the width of the graphic mark, as illustrated. To ensure legibility, the primary logo may not be reproduced smaller than one and one-half inches in width for the horizontal logo and one inch in width for the vertical logo. 1.5” 1” 3 BRAND STANDARDS HOOD COLLEGE 10-21-2020 COLOR PALETTE: PRIMARY COLORS Color usage is a very important part of maintaining Hood’s visual identity and brand. Two specific colors, Pantone® 647C and Pantone® Warm Gray 6 have been chosen to repre- sent the Hood College identity. 647C Warm Gray 6 Screens or tints (percentages of color) of the primary colors may be PRINT USE ONLY used to achieve a desired effect. However, the primary use on the page should be maintained at 100 percent. Never use unapproved colors or create a new color palette. CMYK CMYK 70, 35, 0, 40 11, 16, 18, 32 Pantone® Matching System (PMS) is a color-matching tool used by the print industry for reproducing colors consistently across various printing mediums.Typically, Pantone® is used for specialty printing. To ensure the consistency of our RGB RGB visual identity, specifications for 48, 96, 139 164, 154, 148 each color are provided for both ONLINE/SCREEN USE ONLY ® print and digital use. Pantone col- HEX HEX ors and CMYK values are provided # 30608b # a39994 for color printing applications. In order to best match the Pantone® colors, use the conversion ratios provided for CMYK, RGB and HEX (web colors). 4 BRAND STANDARDS HOOD COLLEGE 10-21-2020 COLOR PALETTE: SECONDARY COLORS CORAL BRIGHT YELLOW BRIGHT BLUE NAVY The colors of the secondary palette complement the primary colors. Screens or tints of the secondary colors may be used to achieve a desired effect. However, screening PRINT USE ONLY the coral and bright blue shades should be avoided altogether. CMYK CMYK CMYK CMYK 0, 71, 59, 0 0, 20, 90, 0 80, 0, 5, 10 100, 56, 19, 73 RGB RGB RGB RGB 243, 111, 97 255, 204, 50 0, 169, 211 0, 35, 65 ONLINE/SCREEN USE ONLY HEX HEX HEX HEX # f36f61 # ffcc32 # 00a9d3 # f36f61 TYPOGRAPHY PRIMARY TYPEFACE: Electra LH SECONDARY TYPEFACE: Helvetica Neue LT Std. Electra LH, Regular These font families were carefully chosen to reflect Hood College’s Helvetica Neue LT Std. Font Family brand identity. In the case that these fonts are not available, you may use the closest available match such as Helvetica and Minion. Do not use Times New Roman or Calibri. 5 BRAND STANDARDS HOOD COLLEGE 10-21-2020 SCHOOL, COLLEGE & DIVISION LEVEL HOOD COLLEGE STUDENT GOVERMENT ASSOCIATION Education, Career Center • Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies • Center for the Humanities SCHOOL, COLLEGE & DIVISION LEVEL SCHOOL, COLLEGE & DIVISION LEVEL • Office of Academic Affairs, academic affairs office • Office of Alumni Relations, alumni relations office • Office of the Dean of the Chapel, chapel dean’s office • Office of Financial Aid, financial aid office • Office of the Graduate School, Graduate School office • Office of Institutional Advancement, institutional advancement office HOODHOOD COLLEGECOLLEGE • Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, institutional research and DEPARTMENT AND OFFICE LEVEL assessment office, OIRA STUDENT GOVERMENT ASSOCIATION Education, Career Center STUDENT GOVERMENT ASSOCIATION •Education, Office Career of Marketing Center and Communications, marketing and communications office • Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies •• OfficeCenter of for the Coastal President, and Watershedpresident’s Studies office •• • OfficeCenterCenter of for the for the Provost,the Humanities Humanities provost’s office •• • OfficeOfficeOffice ofof theofAcademic Academic Registrar, Affairs, Affairs,registrar’s academic academic office affairs affairs office office SUB BRANDS | PRIMARY LOGO LOCKUPS •• • OfficeOfficeOffice ofof StudyofAlumni Alumni Abroad, Relations, Relations, study alumni alumniabroad relations relations office office office •• • ShirleyOfficeOffice ofConner ofthe the Dean Hardinge Dean of theof the CenterChapel, Chapel, for chapel Global chapel dean’s and dean’s officeInternational office Studies HOOD COLLEGE • • OfficeOffice of ofFinancial Financial Aid, Aid, financial financial aid aidoffice office INCLUDING DEPARTMENTS, OFFICES, SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, CENTERS, DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS • • OfficeOffice of ofthe the Graduate Graduate School, School, Graduate Graduate School School office office Field Hockey • • OfficeOffice of ofInstitutional Institutional Advancement, Advancement, institutional institutional advancement advancement office office INSTITUTES, COMMITTEES AND UNITS • • OfficeOffice of ofInstitutional Institutional Research Research and and Assessment, Assessment, institutional institutional research research and and DEPARTMENT ANDAND OFFICE OFFICE LEVEL LEVEL assessmentassessment office, office, OIRA OIRA • • OfficeOffice of ofMarketing Marketing and and Communications, Communications, marketing marketing and andcommunications communications office office • • OfficeOffice of ofthe the President, President, president’s president’s office office • • OfficeOffice of ofthe the Provost, Provost, provost’s provost’s office office • • OfficeOffice of ofthe the Registrar, Registrar, registrar’s registrar’s office office • • OfficeOffice of ofStudy Study Abroad, Abroad, study study abroad abroad office office HOODHOOD COLLEGECOLLEGE • • ShirleyShirley Conner Conner Hardinge Hardinge Center Center for forGlobal Global and and International International Studies Studies DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT OF OF ATHLETICS ATHLETICS HOODFieldField Hockey Hockey COLLEGE OFFICE OF ADMISSION Hood College sub-brand signatures Especially in the case that a com- Do not attempt to typeset or EXAMPLE OF LOGO LOCKUPS provide a simple way to have con- munication tool is intended to target recreate the Hood logo, shield, SCHOOL, COLLEGE & DIVISION LEVEL sistent visual identity and brand for off-campus constituents, a logo wordmark or any of its elements. HOOD COLLEGE HOODOFFICEHOOD OF ADMISSION COLLEGECOLLEGE all entities across campus. All Hood . AdmissionsOFFICE OF ADMISSIONCounseling lockup must be used Do not add to the Hood College OFFICEHOOD OF ADMISSION COLLEGE College departments, offices, schools, logo or any of its elements. Instead, STUDENT GOVERMENT ASSOCIATION Education, Career Center • Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies • Center for the Humanities colleges, centers, institutes, commit- use the college-created digital logo • Office of Academic Affairs, academic affairs office • Office of Alumni Relations, alumni relations office tees and units have their own official A lockup is a formal combination of all lockup file.When distributed, wheth- HOOD COLLEGE • Office of the Dean of the Chapel, chapel dean’s office OFFICEHOOD OF ADMISSION COLLEGE • Office of Financial Aid, financial aid office official college logo elements together AdmissionsOFFICE OF Counseling ADMISSION • Office of the Graduate School, Graduate School office signature aligned with the Hood er in print or online/digitally, outside Admissions Counseling • Office of Institutional Advancement, institutional advancement office in a set position created by the Office of • Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, institutional research and College logo created by the marketing of the campus, NO OTHER LOGOS, DEPARTMENT AND OFFICE LEVEL assessment office, OIRA Marketing and Communications within • Office of Marketing and Communications, marketing and communications office • Office of the President, president’s office department. brand standards of Hood College. SYMBOLS OR TYPE TREATMENTS • Office of the Provost, provost’s office • Office of the Registrar, registrar’s office • Office of Study Abroad, study abroad office should be developed or used by HOOD COLLEGE • Shirley Conner Hardinge Center for Global and International Studies DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS Departments, offices, schools and Logo lockups are created for you by departments, offices, schools, Field
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