largest student weekly newspaper in-Canada. v.... 2. ...... 25. ~-ry 9. 1970 -----------------------------------------!--- Layobl C..... llflll Sir Gearp William University. ______________, Carni Chairmen Fired as Queens P rotest Steve First, Chairman of Carn­ office for a long while with comp­ had gone back quite a while and, First feels that he got a raw "It's quite a shock," First went ival '70, and Don Lipman, Vice laints and when the Carnival while it was a shame to remove deal. "I still can't believe it on, "I've been working and plan­ Chairman, were both fired and Queen contestants went down to Steve only seven days before happened", he said. "I'm no ning for Carnival since August threatened with expulsion Tues­ the Dean of Students Office, well, Carnival began, it was a matter angel but I've done nothing out­ and six days before it opens I'm day after a number of Carnival that was the straw that broke the of ten people leaving or only side the normal, accepted chan­ fired". In reply to charges made Queen semi-finalists complained camel' back." Schwartz one. The whole thing wasn't run nels in Carnival. Perhaps some by the irate carni queen contest­ to the Dean of Students Office explained that "staff dissension properly" he concluded. of the activities have been poor­ ants, First admitted, "We were of poor judging methods. The ly organized and the girls had high alright but none of us was girls, in long discussions with · grounds for objecting but' I'm drunk. The reason that we decid­ the Dean of Students, Mag Flynn, being used as a scapegoat and I ed to have the Carnival execut­ complained about how they were don't like it." One of the would­ ive judge the final was becau e being judged in the final round be princesses who lodged a comp­ we were really the only ones who which narrowed the field down plaint concurred. "Steve was knew the girls; how hard they from twelve to the final six partly used as a scapegoat" , she worked, if they were sincere, contestants. They claimed that said. "Some people didn't like and things of that nature. I had judging was done on a basis other him so they used it as an eu:use heard that some of our sponsors than beauty or intelligence and to get rid of him. Schwartz just had propositioned some of the that the final judges were both tried to cover it up and keep girls ana there had even been drunk and 'high' during the Fri­ everything hush hush". Another instances of phone calls to their day night party where the judging Carnival Queen hopeful offered _ homes but there's really nothing was announced. that "Steve and Don weren't I ·can do about that. It's un- Jim Loukas replaces First as entir.ely to blame. The whole set the new chairman with Ian Mc­ up was wrong". con't pg 5 Marten becoming the Vice Chair­ man.· Loukas explained First's dismissal saying that there had been "a personality conflict bet­ AU CC Contests Censure ween Steve and the entire carnival staff. People were coming into by_ Gary Languay Bill Schwartz's (S.A. President) Multi - Media Kinks see page 9. The Association of Universi­ their association. In effect, it ties and Colleges of Canada an­ said that the C.A.U.T. guide­ nounced that it will back the lines were followed by Loyola, Spock On War,Youth,Obscenity administration of Loyola Col­ that the procedure was quite lege in its disagreement with clear, and that Loyola had been the C.A.U.T. over the Santha­ more than just in their deal­ "The biggest problem of my notariety as an anti-war spokes­ in its broad scepticism. They nam issue. In their press re­ ings with Dr. Santhanam. life bas been conscience. How man." are not all going to turn conser­ lease, A.U.C.C. stated, "We are They stated that Loyola had of the opinion that the recom­ do I cope with the problems and My main concern is how to vative at the age of 35. It's just given due notice to Dr. San­ mendation of the C.A.U.T. com­ injustices in the world? · While I end the war in Vietnam and by a matter of a few ruffled fea­ thanam and that the issue be­ mittee for binding arbitration realize a perfect world would be extension, American , imperial­ thers during ad~les.cence. I've came involved with "an inter­ should not be accepted, even boring it's not impossible. I ism. Issues such as the draft noticed a trend all across the' nal struggle going on at Loyola though we deplore the fact that still must strive to remove the remain peripheral to the main· United States. Young people are which has to do with Loyola's those who have encouraged Dr. worst injustices that occur". goal," he said. becoming more thoughtful, place in higher education with­ sceptical and ready to be radi­ Santhanam to seek a redress to in the province of Quebec and "The war won't end until Ni­ which he is not · entitled have with the adequacy of existing So said Dr. Benjamin Spock, xon is repudiated in '72. We need calized. They are the 'hope of America'." left him in doubly difficult cir­ and future governing struc­ noted child care specialist (his an obsolute promise from either cumstances." tures." book Baby and Child Care al­ a Democratic or Republican Spock went on to describe The A.U.C.C. first became The A. U. C. C. contests most outsells the Bible) and re­ candidate in '72 to end the war what some would term his more interested in the case when C.A.U.T.'s decision to censure cent anti-Vietnam war crusador within one week after they take conservative side. "Plays and Fr. Malone, on behalf of the Loyola on the grounds that there to a Friday afternoon press con­ office." Spock was confident exhibitions such as 'Oh Calcut­ administration -of Loyola, pro­ is no evidence that the handling ference at the Chateau Cham­ that Nixon would be tossed out ta' do not constitute freedom tested the intervention of the of appointments by the college plain and later in the evening to in the next elections. but rather are a brutalizing of C.A.U.T. in the matter. A com­ officers was either confusing a capacity crowd in the main au­ Spock, who has spoken at sexuality. Trying to knock down mittee consisting of Dr. Hugh or misleading. They also state ditorium of the University of o9er 110 universities since Sep­ sexual r~straints blindly is a Saunderson, Dr. Roger Gaudry, that the decision of the C.A.U.T. Montreal. tember 1968, from Maine to symptom of the downfall of ci­ Dr. Roger Guindon, Dr. G.C. would lead every professor Washington, Minnesota to Loui­ vilization. Civilization is creat­ Andrew, Monsignor Jacques whose position is not renewed "I was~ really surprised when sianna, had a few comments ed out of restraints on crude Garneau and Dr. W.J. Waines and who is not satisfied to seek I was indicted (for supposedly about American youth move­ impulses, . while I view most were requested by A.U.C.C. to binding arbitration. counseling kids to evade the ments. "There is a violent censorship as stupid and dishon­ hold a watching bri,ef on the In conclusion, they state that draft). Everything was done in reaction back. There aremins­ est the pendulum has swung a case. academic freedom was not innocent, little measures; there understandings on both sides little too· far and gone into ab­ After four months of observa­ involved and that it is not a were no large steps consciously but mainly with the older folks. surd limits. It is no longer a tion and studying documents the ·case of dismissal of a tenured taken by myse~f on the way to The strength of radicalism lies matter of simply having fun." committee presented a brief to con'tpg 3 THE JOHN BULL PUB SPEC IAL OPEN TO ALL LOYOLA AND SIR GEORGE WATCH FOR STUDENTS EVENING & DAY .: FEB. 17 &-l8 - J••..... •••• The John Bull Pu b Sunday to - ~ ..•.•... • + 1201 de Maisonneuve Do You r Thing Thursday Only ( between Stanley Buy one get one lree a nd Drummond 2 I THE PAPER February 9. 1970 Notices should be addressed :ri writing to Bulletin Boa;d. At Sir George · it's Room H-639 in. the Hall Building. For Loyola , 7308 Sherbrooke St. , W. , Room Two. Deadline for all BULLETIN BOARD submissions is Thursday euening prior to the Monday of pub­ lication. consultant, speaks on "Popular Yale on " Blow Up From Word Comm. Arts. Monday Night session sponsored by Loyola's Misconseptions about Statistical to Image" . Friday 8:30 pm in Talkie - only 75¢ . A reminder that 'Theology Dept. Thursday 4:30 - s• GEOIICE Designs" in N-408 at 10:30 am Rm H-651. tickets for the series are $5.00 6:00p.m. Wednesday. Winter Carnival: Ski day at available in Comm. Arts Dept. Drummond Aud: L.A.S.A. I.D. Cards: In order to write Theatre Arts: Presents the Bromont also with ski-dooing, 8:30p.m. double f~ature: "The Sergeant" any exams you must have your Eleventh Collection with " Riders sleigh rides, skating, broomball, Loyola Drama: will present and "The Loved One" - 75¢ with permanent I.D.
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